Economics of Innovation and New Technology

(The median citation count of Economics of Innovation and New Technology is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Does blockchain technology democratize entrepreneurial finance? An empirical comparison of ICOs, venture capital, and REITs48
Economic complexity and jobs: an empirical analysis40
Non-fungible token (NFT) markets on the Ethereum blockchain: temporal development, cointegration and interrelations40
The impact of ICTs and digitalization on productivity and labor share: evidence from French firms32
Effective regulations of FinTech innovations: the case of China27
Artificial intelligence: neither Utopian nor apocalyptic impacts soon24
Innovation in women-led firms: an empirical analysis20
Government support to renewable energy R&D: drivers and strategic interactions among EU Member States19
Skills-displacing technological change and its impact on jobs: challenging technological alarmism?17
Automation, labor share, and productivity: plant-level evidence from U.S. manufacturing17
Firm age and loan financing with patents as collateral of Chinese startups: the roles of innovations and experience13
The nonlinear impact of FinTech on the real economic growth: evidence from China13
Local knowledge spillovers and innovation persistence of firms13
The role of gender in linking external sources of knowledge and R&D intensity12
Non-standard work and innovation: evidence from European industries11
Institutional quality and innovation: evidence from Emilia-Romagna11
New evidence toward solving the puzzle of innovation and inequality. The role of institutions10
Eco-innovation and exports in heterogeneous firms: pollution haven effect and Porter hypothesis as competing theories10
Open innovation knowledge management in transition to market economy: integrating dynamic capability and institutional theory10
Does urban agglomeration affect innovation convergence: evidence from China10
Does workforce diversity matter on corporate venturing?9
Labour-augmenting technical change data for alternative elasticities of substitution: growth, slowdown, and distribution dynamics8
Institutional investors and the moral hazards of technology investment: Evidence from China8
Network externalities, product compatibility and process innovation7
Robotisation race in Europe: the robotisation chain approach7
Effect of innovation on corporate social responsibility: does ownership matter? Evidence from Indian manufacturing firms7
Robust measurement of innovation performances in Europe with a hierarchy of interacting composite indicators7
What determines initial coin offering success: a cross-country study7
The impact of automation on employment and its social implications: evidence from Chile7
Political failure: a missing piece in innovation policy analysis7
Does information quality matter in corporate innovation? Evidence from the Korean market7
The success of crowdfunding projects: technology, globalization, and geographic distance6
Entrepreneurial universities and innovative behavior: the impact of gender diversity5
The antecedents of 4.0 technologies: an analysis of European patent data5
Mission-oriented R&D and growth of Japan 1988–2016: a comparison with private and public R&D5
The value of Indian patents: an empirical analysis using citation lags approach5
Heterogeneity in the demand-growth relationship at the firm level: the role of demand sources and innovation/knowledge characteristics5
Beyond productivity, does the adoption of agricultural technologies improve food consumption and reduce poverty? Empirical evidence from Benin5
Are Robots stealing jobs? Empirical evidence from 10 developing countries5
Reputational impact on startup accelerator’s information disclosure and performance4
The role of socio-historic factors and income inequality in global innovation4
A gender study of principal investigator lead public R&D centres and funding4
Complementarities in the sourcing, use and exploitation of managerial and technological innovations4
Types of R&D investment and firm productivity: UK evidence on heterogeneity and complementarity in rates of return4
Growth effects of economic conditions at birth: the role of public funding for technology-based start-ups4
Measuring urban and rural establishment innovation in the United States4
Cooperative and non-cooperative R&D with spillovers under consumer-friendly firms4
Is learning by exporting technology specific? Evidence from Chinese firms4
Robots and labor regulation: a cross-country/cross-industry analysis4
4.0 Technological transformations: heterogeneous effects on regional growth4
Automation, automatic capital returns, and the functional income distribution4
The historical evolution of the Brazilian aeronautical sector: a combined approach based on mission-oriented innovation policy (MOIP) and sectoral innovation system (SIS)4
Patents, family, and size: evidence from Italian manufacturing firms4
Cross-ownership on R&D and social welfare in mixed oligopoly4
Can the development of digital finance stimulate enterprise innovation? Empirical evidence from China3
Determinants of innovation novelty: evidence from Australian administrative data3
Adopting sustainable irrigation technologies in Italy: a study on the determinants of inter- and intra-farm diffusion3
Firm patenting and types of innovation. An empirical investigation on patenting determinants in developing countries3
Complementarity between product and process innovation in small and micro-enterprises in Johannesburg, South Africa3
Assessing the impact of digital technology diffusion policies. Evidence from Italy3
Innovative behavior of minorities, women, and Immigrants3
Innovation, competition, and incomplete adoption of a superior technology3
R&D incentives to cooperate and invest with licensing3
How do local government fiscal revenue targets affect green technology innovation in China?3
Is technological change really skills-biased? Firm-level evidence of the complementarities between ICT and workers' education3
Gender differences among innovators: a patent analysis of stars3
Change in sales, managerial overconfidence and persistence of firm R&D investment: evidence from China3
The use of intellectual property protection mechanisms by publicly supported firms3
Previous intrapreneurship experience as a determinant of entrepreneurial activity and performance3
Effects of co-patenting across national boundaries on patent quality. An exploration in pharmaceuticals3
Innovative competences, the financial crisis and firm-level productivity in Denmark and Finland3
Do government-funded patents have higher quality than privately-funded patents?3
Technological novelty and key enabling technologies: evidence from European regions3
How firm’s perception of economic policy uncertainty influences innovation quality2
The ICT strategy of Italian museums: institutional, supply and demand side drivers2
The impact of ultra-fast broadband on labor income: an event study approach2
The unequal implications of Industry 4.0 adoption: evidence on productivity growth and convergence across Europe2
Evidence on an endogenous growth model with public R&D2
The increase in the elasticity of substitution between capital and labour: a repeated cross-country investigation2
Firm performance and R&D cooperation: what matters?2
When Matthew met Matilda: the Argentinean gender gap in the allocation of science and technology public grants2
Growth and innovation in the presence of knowledge and R&D accumulation dynamics2
Information asymmetry, risk aversion and R&D subsidies: effect-size heterogeneity and policy conundrums2
The impact of biomedical innovation on the disability of elderly Medicare recipients, 2013–20192
Independent and major equity market and commodity return sources around the time of hydraulic fracking and horizontal drilling revolution: a differences-in-decompositions approach2
Differential effects of training on innovation2
Business model experimentation in SMEs: the application of a dual scaling technique2
The economics of metrology: an exploratory study of the impact of measurement science on U.S. productivity2
Two faces of failure in innovation: a multinomial logit approach2
A Schumpeterian approach to entry barrier and firm profitability: cycle time of technology1
Impact of the combination intensity and balance of patent policy on firm patent quality1
Agglomeration, recombinant innovation and the role of market reforms in a transitioning China1
Is more diverse always the better? External knowledge source clusters and innovation performance in Germany1
Are temporary hires good or bad for innovation? The Italian evidence1
Firm survival and innovation: direct and indirect effects of knowledge for SMEs1
Licensing a product innovation in a duopoly1
Optimizing effects of firms’ technological and non-technological processes on export-led innovation1
How localised are knowledge spillovers? Evidence from microgeographic data on UK patent citations1
Explaining differences in the returns to R&D in Argentina: the role of contextual factors1
Are Robots, Software, ICT and physical capital related to productivity? A panel quantile approach1
The diffusion of renewable energy production in European countries: the role of incentives1
The Oscar goes to … robots or humans? Competition in a directed technical change model with monetary policy1
Cross-ownership on R&D and welfare in a mixed oligopoly: revisiting with convex cost1
The impact of market integration on the technological innovation of new energy vehicle enterprises1
Effectiveness and efficiency of state aid for new broadband networks: evidence from OECD member states1
Taxation and innovation: evidence from Colombia1
The U-shaped relationship between patent age and patent value: evidence from assigned patents in China1
A lasting connection: colonial ties and scientific capabilities in sub-Saharan Africa1
Is a firm’s productivity level affected by its number and types of innovation cooperation partners?1
The upheaval years: a literature review on firms’ digitalization new era1
Cobb–Douglas R&D production function, appropriability and opportunity: effects on R&D, technological progress and knowledge sharing1
Evolutionary game analysis on the diffusion of general purpose technologies with government multiple supports1
The role of information technology and workplace organization in firm productivity: evidence from Spanish firms1
The impact of domestic and foreign public green R&D on domestic green innovation1
Input additionality of R&D tax reliefs: results from a panel LP-IV approach1
Innovation and employment growth in developing countries: the role of market structure1
The effect of external innovation on firm employment1