Journal of Computing in Higher Education

(The TQCC of Journal of Computing in Higher Education is 8. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Using text mining and machine learning to predict reasoning activities from think-aloud transcripts in computer assisted learning355
Effects of technology enhanced peer, teacher and self-feedback on students’ collaborative writing, critical thinking tendency and engagement in learning59
Wild brooms and learning analytics44
The modality and redundancy principles revisited: do they apply in a controlled multimedia lesson?43
Precursors of online teaching practices: innovative behavior and personal accountability of faculty in higher education34
Learning analytics as data ecology: a tentative proposal34
The effect of learning analytics assisted recommendations and guidance feedback on students’ metacognitive awareness and academic achievements33
How does task complexity affect group processes and dynamics in computer-supported collaborative learning? An analysis of structural relationships between perceived task complexity, group atmosphere, 31
Do graphic and textual interactive content organizers have the same impact on hypertext processing and learning outcome?28
Testing and exploring the predictors of faculty motivation to use learning analytics to enhance teaching effectiveness27
A differentiated learning environment in domain model for learning disabled learners21
Personalisation in STE(A)M education: a review of literature from 2011 to 202019
Peer assessment using soft computing techniques19
Digital literacy: a review in the South Pacific18
Partial versus full captioning mode to improve L2 vocabulary acquisition in a mobile-assisted language learning setting: words pronunciation domain17
Extending social presence theory: social presence divergence and interaction integration in online distance learning16
From awareness to empowerment: self-determination theory-informed learning analytics dashboards to enhance student engagement in asynchronous online courses16
Review of research on the outcomes of embodied and collaborative learning in STEM in higher education with immersive technologies16
An evaluation of a first-of-its-kind hybrid law degree program15
A framework to capture the dependency between prerequisite and advanced courses in higher education14
Design of peer assessment rubrics for ICT topics14
Changing student privacy responsibilities and governance needs: Views from faculty, instructional designers, and academic librarians13
A story-driven gamified education on USB-based attack13
A measurement of faculty views on the meaning and value of student privacy12
Automated text detection from big data scene videos in higher education: a practical approach for MOOCs case study11
Analyzing the effects of instructional strategies on students’ on-task status from aspects of their learning behaviors and cognitive factors11
Exploring the relationship between students’ information problem solving patterns and epistemic beliefs: a mixed methods sequential analysis study11
Correction: Fostering non-aviation undergraduates’ aviation literacy in an online aviation laboratory: efects on students’ perceptions, motivation, industry optimism11
Exploring expert instructors’ conceptualization and teaching practices in asynchronous online discussions during case-based learning: a multiple case study11
Perceptions of psychological safety in healthcare professionals’ online learner-learner interactions11
Connecting affordances of physical and virtual laboratory modes to engineering epistemic practices11
Correction to: An investigation of self-regulated learning in a novel MOOC platform10
The effect of social anxiety on student interactions in asynchronous online discussion forums as mediated by social presence and moderated by anonymity9
Using digital technologies to support active and self-directed learning9
Exploring the cohesion of classroom community from the perspectives of social presence and social capital9
Personalized games for computer science education in higher education: the effect of personalization feature on students’ engagement and flow state9
Understanding Chinese teachers’ informal online learning continuance in a mobile learning community: an intrinsic–extrinsic motivation perspective9
Enhancing students’ beliefs regarding programming self-efficacy and intrinsic value of an online distributed Programming Environment9
Examining the role of computing identity in the computing experiences of women and racially minoritized undergraduates: a literature review8
Enhancing learning from online video lectures: the impact of embedded learning prompts in an undergraduate physics lesson8
Academic Communities of Engagement: exploring the impact of online and in-person support communities on the academic engagement of online learners8
Investigating learning processes through analysis of navigation behavior using log files8
An examination of preservice classroom teachers’ perceived importance, self-efficacy beliefs, practices, and conceptions related to new literacies: a mixed design study8