Journal of Computing in Higher Education

(The median citation count of Journal of Computing in Higher Education is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
The COVID-19 pandemic and E-learning: challenges and opportunities from the perspective of students and instructors337
Using chatbots to support student goal setting and social presence in fully online activities: learner engagement and perceptions53
Designing supports for promoting self-regulated learning in the flipped classroom44
Digital literacy: a review in the South Pacific43
Gamification in education: a mixed-methods study of gender on computer science students’ academic performance and identity development34
Exploring the acceptance for e-learning among higher education students in India: combining technology acceptance model with external variables33
A scoping review of computational thinking assessments in higher education31
A novel automated essay scoring approach for reliable higher educational assessments27
The relationship among motivation, self-monitoring, self-management, and learning strategies of MOOC learners25
Examining key factors of beginner’s continuance intention in blended learning in higher education25
Effects of technology enhanced peer, teacher and self-feedback on students’ collaborative writing, critical thinking tendency and engagement in learning21
Gaining insight from survey data: an analysis of the community of inquiry survey using Rasch measurement techniques19
The effects of the regulated learning-supported flipped classroom on student performance19
A differentiated learning environment in domain model for learning disabled learners19
Remote labs in higher engineering education: engaging students with active learning pedagogy17
Improve teaching with modalities and collaborative groups in an LMS: an analysis of monitoring using visualisation techniques16
Improving prediction of students’ performance in intelligent tutoring systems using attribute selection and ensembles of different multimodal data sources16
The use and application of learning theory in learning analytics: a scoping review15
An exploratory study on fade-in versus fade-out scaffolding for novice programmers in online collaborative programming settings15
IoT text analytics in smart education and beyond14
Fuzzy-based active learning for predicting student academic performance using autoML: a step-wise approach14
Data science for analyzing and improving educational processes14
Learning analytics in support of inclusiveness and disabled students: a systematic review13
An analysis of learning analytics in personalised learning13
Providing students with agency to self-scaffold in a computational science and engineering course12
Instructors’ conceptualization and implementation of scaffolding in online higher education courses12
Flipped classroom: motivational affordances of spherical video-based immersive virtual reality in support of pre-lecture individual learning in pre-service teacher education11
Examining the effect of a genetic algorithm-enabled grouping method on collaborative performances, processes, and perceptions11
Multilayered-quality education ecosystem (MQEE): an intelligent education modal for sustainable quality education11
Understanding Chinese teachers’ informal online learning continuance in a mobile learning community: an intrinsic–extrinsic motivation perspective11
Using learning analytics to explore the multifaceted engagement in collaborative learning11
Partial versus full captioning mode to improve L2 vocabulary acquisition in a mobile-assisted language learning setting: words pronunciation domain10
The effect of learning analytics assisted recommendations and guidance feedback on students’ metacognitive awareness and academic achievements10
Leveraging learning experience design: digital media approaches to influence motivational traits that support student learning behaviors in undergraduate online courses9
Does one size fit all? Investigating the effect of group size and gamification on learners’ behaviors in higher education9
Post-secondary online learning in the U.S.: an integrative review of the literature on undergraduate student characteristics9
A multimodal analysis of college students’ collaborative problem solving in virtual experimentation activities: a perspective of cognitive load9
Personalized training model for organizing blended and lifelong distance learning courses and its effectiveness in Higher Education9
A synthesis of surveys examining the impacts of COVID-19 and emergency remote learning on students in Canada9
Design and effects of the teacher-student interaction model in the online learning spaces8
Personalisation in STE(A)M education: a review of literature from 2011 to 20208
Improving the portability of predicting students’ performance models by using ontologies8
Scaffolding problem solving with learners’ own self explanations of subgoals8
The impact of interactive synchronous HyFlex model on student academic performance in a large active learning introductory college design course8
Extending social presence theory: social presence divergence and interaction integration in online distance learning8
Adopting distributed pair programming as an effective team learning activity: a systematic review7
Learning analytics as data ecology: a tentative proposal7
The effect of mobile phone usage policy on college students’ learning7
Online learning and blended learning: new practices derived from the pandemic-driven disruption7
Exploring the cohesion of classroom community from the perspectives of social presence and social capital7
Online group projects in higher education: persistent challenges and implications for practice6
Digital technology adaptation and initiatives: a systematic review of teaching and learning during COVID-196
Lessons learned from designing a curriculum analytics tool for improving student learning and program quality6
ICT efficacy and response to different needs in university classrooms: effects on attitudes and active behaviour towards technology6
Exploring the effects of corpus-based business English writing instruction on EFL learners’ writing proficiency and perception5
The role of service quality in fostering different types of perceived value for student blended learning satisfaction5
Exploring collaborative problem solving in virtual laboratories: a perspective of socially shared metacognition5
Online laboratories and virtual experimentation in higher education from a sociotechnical-pedagogical design perspective5
Virtual clinical assessment in medical education: an investigation of online conference technology5
An investigation of under-represented MOOC populations: motivation, self-regulation and grit among 2-year college students in Korea4
Effectiveness of H5P in improving student learning outcomes in an online tertiary education setting4
Adjusting sails for changing winds: exploring Reddit use for professional purposes in higher education4
Peer assessment using soft computing techniques4
Using social media as e-Portfolios to support learning in higher education: a literature analysis4
Fostering autonomous motivation: a deeper evaluation of gamified learning4
Online learners’ self-regulated learning skills regarding LMS interactions: a profiling study4
Exploring the relationships between students’ network characteristics, discussion topics and learning outcomes in a course discussion forum4
What should learning designers learn?4
Adopting a framework to support the process of critical reflection and understanding of online engagement4
Automated text detection from big data scene videos in higher education: a practical approach for MOOCs case study4
Non-traditional students’ preferences for learning technologies and impacts on academic self-efficacy3
An investigation of self-regulated learning in a novel MOOC platform3
Investigating learning processes through analysis of navigation behavior using log files3
A measurement of faculty views on the meaning and value of student privacy3
The design and development of an open educational resources intervention in a college course that manifests in open educational practices: a design-based research study3
Using networked learning to improve learning analytics implementation3
Enhancing students’ beliefs regarding programming self-efficacy and intrinsic value of an online distributed Programming Environment3
Do graphic and textual interactive content organizers have the same impact on hypertext processing and learning outcome?3
Fostering non-aviation undergraduates’ aviation literacy in an online aviation laboratory: effects on students’ perceptions, motivation, industry optimism3
Instructors’ educational ICT use in higher education in developing countries: evidence from three Ethiopian Universities3
Enhancing learning from online video lectures: the impact of embedded learning prompts in an undergraduate physics lesson3
Analyzing the effects of instructional strategies on students’ on-task status from aspects of their learning behaviors and cognitive factors3