IEEE Photonics Technology Letters

(The TQCC of IEEE Photonics Technology Letters is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters publication information48
Variable Operating Frequencies Spoof SPP Filter Based on Double-Layers Structure46
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FSI Combined With Heterodyne Interferometer for Non-Cooperative Targets Distance Measurement39
Suppression of Artifacts Caused by Phase Errors and Noises in X-Ray Phase Computed Tomography39
A Quantum Cascade Detector With Enhanced Extraction Efficiency Utilizing Localized Electric Field36
Spatial Differential Metasurface With Wavelength-Multiplexing35
Temperature-Insensitive Fiber-Optic Refractometer Based on Immobilization of Polydimethilsiloxane Film33
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All-in-One SPAD Ranging Sensor With Real-Time Xtalk Calibration and Integrated Biasing32
New Scheme of Microlens Fiber Array for High Coupling Efficiency in Si-Photonics Module31
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Ellipticity Enhancement of a Terahertz Wave Circular Polarizer Made of 3D Chiral Metamaterial28
Multi-Period Fast Rotating Optical Delay Line With 228.47 ps Delay Time27
Fabry-Perot Interferometer Curvature Sensor Based on Microwave Photonic Filter Technique26
Interferometric Temperature Fiber Sensor Based on Hilbert Transform26
SOP Monitoring Using Time-Frequency Feature Extraction of the Polarization Tributary Powers25
An orthogonal multilevel chaos index modulation-aided ACO-OFDM system25
Massive Random Access Control for VLC: A Reinforcement Learning Driven Approach25
Optical Prediction Based on Less Selectively-Labeled Samples and Cross-Semi-Supervised Learning25
A large FoV UV LED array transmitter enabling optical wireless communication over 1.1km25
Temperature-Insensitive Tunable Optical Filter Based on a Microsphere-Coupled Off-Core Spliced Fiber24
Estimation of Distance and Rotation With an Optical Correlator24
Analysis and Optimization of Order Overlap in Echelle Imaging Spectrometers24
WSe₂ and MoS₂ Nanocomposite-Based Efficient Broadband Photodetector23
Enhanced Heat Dissipation of WLEDs Packaged Using 3D Substrate With Geopolymer/BN Paste23
Particles Transport and Sorting Based on Light Field Regulation in Tunable Graphene Metasurface23
High-Performance PbS NCs-Graphene Phototransistor With Memory Function22
Multi-Symbol Reservoir Computing-Based Equalization for PAM-4 IM/DD Transmission22
Highly Birefringent Microfiber Hybrid Interferometer Sensor21
Arm Locking Using a Transfer Oscillator21
An Ultraviolet Photon Counting Imaging System Based on a SiC SPAD Array21
High Sensitivity Fiber Optic Temperature Sensor Based on Tunable Laser Vernier Sampling21
Deep Subwavelength Anti-Slot Photonic Crystals Fabricated in Monolithic Silicon Photonics Technology20
High Power Distributed Bragg Reflector Lasers at 689.45 nm for Quantum Technology Applications20
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Fabrication of Integrated Single Frequency DBR Fiber Laser Directly on YDF by Femtosecond Laser20
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Traceable Measurement of High Polarization Extinction Ratio Based on Machine Vision19
A New LED Response Model and its Application to Pre-Equalization in VLC Systems19
Reflective High-Sensitivity Humidity Sensor Based on Single Mode-No Core-Seven Core Fiber Structure19
Incoherent Rayleigh Scattering Noise Depression for Single Laser Stable Radio Frequency Transmission18
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters publication information18
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Design of a High-Efficiency Reconfigurable Anomalous Transmission Metasurface Using Sb2Se317
Special Issue on IEEE Photonics Conference 2020 (IPC2020)17
High-Efficiency Unidirectional Dual-Wavelength-Band Grating Coupler With 1D Subwavelength Structure17
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IEEE Photonics Technology Letters publication information17
Mode-Coupling and Propagation in a Deeply-Tapered Few-Period Long-Period Fiber Grating16
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters Information for Authors16
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters publication information16
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Frequency Synchronization and Coherent Combining of Two Fiber Ring Cavities16
Multimode Optical Fiber Sensor Modified With Gold Nanorod Arrays16
Widely Tunable Y-Junction Lasers at 2.34–2.39 μm Wavelength for Trace-Gas Sensing Applications16
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IEEE Photonics Technology Letters publication information16
Nondestructive Evaluation of Detuned Wavelength for As-Grown VCSEL Epi-Wafer15
Scalable Photonic Crystal Waveguides With 2 dB Component Loss15
Harmonic Dissipative Soliton Resonance in a Large-Normal-Dispersion Erbium-Doped Fiber Laser15
Introducing IEEE Collabratec15
Machine Learning Methods for Discriminating Strain and Temperature Effects on FBG-Based Sensors15
Electrically Tuning Characteristics of LC Selectively Infiltrated PCF Sagnac Interferometer15
Technical Improvements in the Structure of Low-Loss High-Power Signal Combiner15
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Low Threshold and High Power Fiber Laser Passively Mode-Locked Based on PbSe Quantum Dots15
Time-Resolved Optical Spectrum Measurement of Multi-Mode Fabry-Perot Laser Diodes15
8×40 Gbps WDM Amplification in a Monolithically Integrated Al2O3:Er3+-Si3N4 Waveguide Amplifier15
Design and Fabrication of Double-Layer Curved Compound Eye via Two-Photon Polymerization14
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters publication information14
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters information for authors14
Microwave Frequency Division Based on Optically Injected DFB-LD With an OEO Loop14
High SBS Threshold Fiber Laser With Spectral Management Using Binarized Multi-Tone Signal Modulation14
816 nm All-Fiber Mode-Locked Tm-Doped Laser in Noise-Like Pulse Regime14
Broadband and High Conversion Efficiency Mode Converters Based on Sinusoidal Tapers14
Introducing IEEE Collabratec14
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A Linear LiNbO₃ Optical Electric Field Sensor by Twisting the Polarization Maintaining Fiber14
High-Energy Q-Switched 1645-nm Er:YAG Laser With a Co2+:MgAl2O4 Saturable Absorber14
Gain-Coupled High-Power Low-RIN 1.55 μm Single-Mode DFB Lasers With Wide Ridge Waveguide14
Polarization Misalignment Between Signal and Crosstalk in Direct Detection WC-MCF Systems14
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters information for authors14
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters publication information14
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters information for authors14
Ultra-Narrow-Bandwidth Single-Frequency Self-Sweeping Ytterbium-Doped Fiber Laser14
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IEEE Photonics Technology Letters publication information13
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A Probabilistic Shaping Approach for Optical Region-of-Interest Signaling13
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IEEE Photonics Technology Letters publication information13
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Progress Toward Spatially-Entangled Photon-Pair Generation in a Few-Mode Fiber13
The Influence of Pyroelectric Effect on the Stability of Optical Parameters in Ti:LiNbO3 Modulators13
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A Pulsed Ultraviolet Laser Positioning System Based on 4H-SiC Four-Quadrant Photodetectors12
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High-Speed Active Quench and Reset Circuit for SPAD in a Standard 65 nm CMOS Technology12
Alignment-Free Coupling in Whispering Gallery Mode Resonator Based on a Tapered Capillary12
High-Repetition-Rate Real-Time Automatic Mode-Locked Fibre Laser Enabled by a Pre-Stretch Technique12
A Corrugated Diaphragm-Based Fabry-Perot Ultrasonic Sensor by Two-Photon 3D Printing12
Reliability-Based Design Method for Phase Mask With Periodic Array of Tapered Slits12
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Time- and Wavelength-Division Multiplexed Heterodyne Detection Applied to FBG Interrogation12
Sensitivity-Enhanced Fully Distributed LCFBG Sensor Based on Microwave–Photonic Interferometry12
Low Distortion Inline SOA Amplifier With Optimized Holding Beam for Single-Channel 16/64QAM Signals12
Thermal Gradient Driven Variable Optical Attenuator With On-Chip CNT Absorber12
Tilted Fiber Bragg Grating-Based Few-Mode Fabry-Perot Filter for Mode Conversion12
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters Information for Authors12
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Optical Coupling Technique Based on Fiber Side-Polishing Without Service Interruption12
Polarization Manipulations of Mid-Infrared Thermal Emission Enabled by Plasmonic Metasurfaces12
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters publication information12
Free-Space Optical Communication Link With Liquid Crystal Beam-Steering11
High-Speed 645-nm VCSELs for Low-Scattering-Loss Gb/s Underwater Wireless Optical Communications11
Asia Communications and Photonics COnference (ACP) and International Conference on Information Photonics and Optical cCOmmunications (IPOC) 202211
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Data Communication Using Blue GaN-on-Si Micro-LEDs Reported on a 200-mm Silicon Substrate11
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters Information for Authors11
Monolithically Integrated 940 nm Half VCSELs on Bulk Ge Substrates11
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Implementation of a Hybrid FiWi System Using FSO, VLC and mm-Waves Toward 6G Applications11
A Temperature-Aware Large-Signal SPICE Model for Depletion-Type Silicon Ring Modulators11
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IEEE Photonics Technology Letters publication information11
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Exploring High-Performance Slow Light Grating Waveguides By Means of Deep Learning11
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IEEE Photonics Technology Letters information for authors11
Introducing IEEE Collabratec11
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Mitigation of Mode Partition Noise in VCSEL-MMF Links by Optimizing Launch Conditions10
Monolithic Multiwavelength VCSEL Array Using Cavity Patterning10
Fast Wavelength Thermal Tuning of DFB Lasers for Ultra Dense WDM-PONs10
Impact of Diffusion Profile on the Modulation Response of Single-Mode Disorder-Defined VCSELs10
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters publication information10
Front Cover10
CMOS-Compatible and Temperature Insensitive C-Band Wavelength (De-)multiplexer10
Frequency Control in a Non-Hermitian Time-Floquet Resonator With Backscattering10
Adjustment-Free Long-Distributed-Cavity Laser Using Small Glass Ball Cat-Eye Retroreflector10
Label-Free Biosensor Based on Coreless-Fiber-Coupled Microcavity for Protein Detection10
Wide Optical Beam Steering LCOS Device for Solid-State LiDAR Applications10
Wide-Range Displacement Sensor Based on Common-Path FPI for High Temperature Application10
Switchable Dual-Wavelength Tm-Doped All-Fiber Laser Integrating a Fiber Tip Modal Interferometer10
User Localization and Upstream Signaling for Beam-Steered Infrared Light Communication System10
All-Silica Fiber Ultra-Flat 2-3 μm Supercontinuum Source Based on Highly Nonlinear Silica Fiber10
Front Cover10
3D-Printed Dual-Color Optogenetic Neural Stimulator10
Thermal Lensing Effect Reduction on High-Power Multi-Mode Diode Lasers10
Timing Recovery for Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access With Asynchronous Clocks10
Fiber Radio Frequency Transfer Using Bidirectional Frequency Division Multiplexing Dissemination10
A Scalable 26 GHz RoF Relay System Using Optoelectronic Extender10
Multiwavelength Fiber Laser Covering far L and U Bands in a Dual Cavity Configuration10
Vernier Effect in a Compact Strain Sensor Based on Fiber Loop Mirrors Using a 3 × 3 Coupler10
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Sensitivity Enhancement of Ta₂O₅ Coated PCF Based Plasmonic Sensor for Glucose Sensing Application10
RNN-Based Demodulation Framework for Spectrum Narrowing in Ultra-Dense WDM Networks10
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Corrections to “2.45-μm 1280 × 1024 InGaAs Focal Plane Array With 15-μm Pitch for Extended SWIR Imaging” [Feb 15 2022 231-234]10
Assessing Plasma-Etched InP Laser Facet Quality10
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324-fs Pulses From a SESAM Modelocked Backside-Cooled 2-μm VECSEL10
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters information for authors10
Mode Group Division Multiplexing in 5 Mode-Group FMF Enabling MIMO-Free Solutions10
Initial Structure Construction for Multi-Frequency Nanophotonic Devices Based on TR-PCA Method9
High Peak Power Ultrashort Pulsed Passively Q-Switched Mode-Locked Bragg Laser Diode9
High-Power VCSEL-Pumped Slab Laser With Temperature Fluctuation Adaptability9
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Intra-Cavity Adaptive Correction of a Unidirectional Nd:YAG Slab Unstable Travelling-Wave Resonator9
Wide Field-of-View Reception and Beam Direction Estimation Based on Liquid-Filled Optical Receiver9
Deep-Ultraviolet LEDs With All-Inorganic and Hermetic Packaging by 3D Ceramic Substrate9
Top-Gated HfO₂-Capped InP Nanowire Photodetector With Low Noise and High Detectivity9
High Power (~10 kW) Yb:YAG Ceramic Slab Laser Operating at 1030 nm9
Amplification of Nanosecond Pulses in a Single- Mode Erbium-Doped Fluoride Fibre Amplifier9
30-Gbps Directly Modulated Semiconductor Lasers Based on Surface High-Order Gratings9
A Resonant Pulley Rotary Actuator for Scanning Capsule Endoscopy9
Front Cover9
Experimental Demonstration of Rate-Adaptive Concatenated Codes for Flexible Optical Networks9
Design of Coding Metasurface Units Based on a New Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient Algorithm9
Bidirectional Bias Response Ultraviolet Phototransistors With 4H-SiC NPN Multi-Layer Structure9
High-Q Silicon-Based Metasurface Perfect Absorber via Geometrical Perturbation Assisted Resonances9
Novel Wavelengths Watt-Level Pr3+:LiYF4 Orange Lasers9
Trapezoidal Angled Fiber Coupler for Microsphere Resonator With Enhancement of Fano Resonance9
Chirped Pulsed Four-Wave-Mixing Spectrogram Retrieval From Multiple Shot-to-Shot Spectral Measurements9
Linearly-Polarized Mode-locked Yb3+-doped Phosphate Fiber Ring-Cavity Laser at 976 nm9
Engineering Oxygen Vacancies in CeO2 for High-Performance UV-Vis Photodetector9
High-Resolution Random Laser Dynamic-Strain Sensor Based on Two-Cavity FBG-FP Interferometer9
Contrail Polarization Scattering Characteristics Simulation Based on Jet Flow Field9
Dark Count Analysis in 4H-SiC Based UV Avalanche Photodiodes With Effective After-Pulse Suppression9
A 3.2-μm Wavelength Integrated Path Differential Absorption Lidar for Probing Open-Path Benzene Gas9
All-Polarization-Maintaining, Ultra-Compact Tm-Doped Fiber Laser Designed for Mid-Infrared Comb9
Integrated Waveguide Grating Vortex Laser Generator Directly Written in Nd:YAG Crystal9
Realization of Optically Stimulated Synaptic Memristor Devices Using MoO38
Increasing Mode Instability Threshold by Mitigating Driver Noise in High Power Fiber Amplifiers8
Modeling of Laser Beam Shaping With a Single Abrupt Tapered Fiber8
Vacuum-Deposited Perovskite LED by Interface Defect Passivation With Better Color Stability8
Frequency Chirp Characterization of Silicon Ring Resonator Modulators8
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Long-Wavelength InAs/GaSb Superlattice Detectors With Low Dark Current Density Grown by MOCVD8
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters publication information8
Design of Dual Narrow-Band Optical Filter Based on Plasmonic Split-Ring Dimer Metasurface8
Front Cover8
Polarization-Independent Reconfigurable WDM-MDM Hybrid Multiplexer on Silicon Photonics Platform8
Enhancing Power Budget and Spectral Efficiency in Amplifier-Less Coherent Optical Links8
Ga₂O₃/GaN-Based Planar Heterojunction Phototransistor for Ultraviolet Photodetection8
Wavelength-Tunable OTDR for DWDM-PON Based on Optimized Wavelet Denoising8
A 224 Gb/s EML Sub-Assembly With Electro Optical Bandwidth of 60 GHz for 800GbE Applications8
100 Gbit/s/λ DMT-PON System Based on Intensity Modulation and Heterodyne Coherent Detection8
GNSS-Over-Fiber Sensing System for High Precision 3D Nodal Displacement and Vibration Detection8
Pipeline Leaks Early Warning Based on Distributed Optical Fiber Sensing Technology8
Quasi-BIC Based Low-Voltage Phase Modulation on Lithium Niobite Metasurface8
Nonlinear-Compensation High-Uniformity Pulsed Bessel Beam in the Transparent Material8
Performance Evaluation of ZCC and OZCZ Code Set in an Integrated VLCP-CDMA System8
High-Accuracy Optical Vector Analysis Based on Dual-Polarization MZM and Polarization Control8
Sensitivity Enhanced Strain Sensor Based on Two-Arm Vernier Effect8
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters Information for Authors8
Accurate Regional Localization Method for Φ-OTDR Based on Overlapping Phases Cross-Correlation8
High-Performance 8 × 8 4H-SiC-Based MISIM Photodetector Arrays for UV Imaging8
Forward-Dropping Contradirectional Coupler-Based Add-Drop Filter With Antisymmetric Photonic Crystal8
High-Temperature Operation of a Quantum Cascade Laser With Definite Parity of the Wave Functions8
Novel Dispersion and Timing Estimation for Weakly-Coupled OAM Fiber Transmission Systems8
Wavelength Dependent Odd Frequency Multiplication Based on a Superstructure FBG8
Sidelobe-Suppressed Silicon Waveguide Gratings Through Asymmetrically-Apodized Corrugations8
A 4 × 56-Gbaud PAM-4 Optical Receiver Integrated With SiGe-BiCMOS TIA8
Curvature and Temperature Sensor Based on Anti-Resonant Effect Combined With Multimode Interference8
Achieving High Stability of Dual-Wavelength U-Shaped Laser in the C-Band Using Optical Feedback8
Silver Sulfide Nanoparticles as Saturable Absorber for Q-Switching and Refractive Index Sensor8
CMOS Integrated 32 A/W and 1.6 GHz Avalanche Photodiode Based on Electric Field-Line Crowding8
300-Gb/s/λ IM/DD Transmission Using Integrated SiP OTDM Transmitter8
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters Information for Authors8
Coupling-Controlled Multiport Thermo-Optic Switch Using Polymer Waveguide Array8
Fast Response Fiber Optic Temperature Sensors Based on Venturi Tube8
Opto-Thermally Tunable Axicon-Like Device Based on PDMS-Au Bilayers8
2-Photon Polymerized IP-Dip 3D Photonic Crystals for Mid IR Spectroscopic Applications8
Orbital Angular Momentum Multiplexing Holography for Data Storage8
Dynamics of Free Carrier Absorption and Refractive Index Dispersion in Si and Si/PolySi Microrings8
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