Optometry and Vision Science

(The TQCC of Optometry and Vision Science is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Letter to the Editor: Investigation of factors that may affect the foveal avascular zone: An optical coherence tomography angiography study43
Book review: Clinical Cases in Medical Retina: A Diagnostic Approach35
Effect of different artificial tears on tear film parameters in dry eye disease28
Low Vision and Dry Eye: Does One Diagnosis Overshadow the Other?28
Case Report: Downbeat Nystagmus Due to Epidural Puncture during Labor with Undiagnosed Arnold-Chiari Malformation25
Topical Review: Perceptual-cognitive Skills, Methods, and Skill-based Comparisons in Interceptive Sports22
Feature Issue: Advances in Ocular Surface Research21
The Effects of Daily Digital Device Use on the Ocular Surface in Healthy Children20
The Impact of Incubation Conditions on In Vitro Phosphatidylcholine Deposition on Contact Lens Materials19
A Novel Stimulus to Improve Perimetric Sampling within the Macula in Patients with Glaucoma19
Vision-related quality of life, photoaversion, and optical rehabilitation in achromatopsia17
Case Series: Presumed Choroidal Melanoma Diagnosis Expedited by Documented Growth on Serial Optical Coherence Tomography17
Association between Refractive Errors and Ocular Biometry in an Elderly Population16
Fitting of Orthokeratology in the United States: A Survey of the Current State of Orthokeratology15
Prevalence Trend of Myopia during the Post–COVID-19 Epidemic Period among Preschoolers: A Prospective School-based Study15
Topical Review: Methodological Variables in Clinical and Laboratory Measurements of Fixation Disparity14
Case Series: West African Crystalline Maculopathy13
Intereye Differences in the Clinical Assessment of Intraocular Pressure and Ocular Biomechanics13
A century's worth of optometry in India: Growth, present status, and the future13
Case Report: Multimodal Imaging Features of an ABCA4 Cone Dystrophy13
Scoping review: Mobility aids for people with sight loss across the ICF domains of functions, activities, and participation12
Diurnal Variation in Accommodation, Binocular Vergence, and Pupil Size12
Clinical Procedures in Primary Eye Care12
Pilot study of a pedestrian collision detection test for a multisite trial of field expansion devices for hemianopia12
Effects of Morning or Evening Narrow-band Blue Light on the Compensation to Lens-induced Hyperopic Defocus in Chicks12
Book Review: Optics of the Human Eye, 2nd ed.11
Are rehabilitation professionals familiar with visual impairments? A survey of professional orders in Quebec, Canada11
Comparative effectiveness between two types of head-mounted magnification modes using a smartphone-based virtual display11
Review: Vision and On-field Performance: A Critical Review of Visual Assessment and Training Studies with Athletes11
Case Report: Vision Loss in a Child Caused by Streptococcus constellatus11
The Invisibility of Scotomas I: The Carving Hypothesis11
Using big data to understand interest in myopia10
Effect of Laser-assisted Subepithelial Keratectomy with Mitomycin C on Corneal Optical Density Measured with Confocal Microscopy10
Validity and Reliability of the Student Refractive Error and Eyeglasses Questionnaire—Revised Version in Myopic Children10
Feature issue: Advances in ocular surface research10
Case Report: Multimodal, Longitudinal Assessment of Retinal Structure and Function following Laser Retinal Injury10
Refractive Index Measurement of the Crystalline Lens in Vivo10
Case Report: Steroid-induced Ocular Hypertension in a 6-year-old Boy10
Blue-light–blocking Lenses in Eyeglasses: A Question of Timing10
High- and Low-contrast Letter Acuity during Image Motion in Normal Observers and Observers with Infantile Nystagmus Syndrome9
Letter to the Editor: Accuracy of Referrals to Canadian Pediatric Ophthalmology Services9
The 2021 National Eye Institute Strategic Plan: Fostering Collaboration in Vision Research and Clinical Care9
Patient barriers and facilitators for making environmental and behavioral modifications for dry eye in the United States9
Solution-related in Vitro Dewetting Behavior of Various Daily Disposable Contact Lenses9
Assessment and Correlation of Corneal Endothelial Cell Changes in Different Stages of Keratoconus in Non–contact Lens Wearers9
Vergence and Accommodation Deficits in Children and Adolescents with Vestibular Disorders9
Ethnic Disparities in Risk Factors for Myopia among Han and Minority Schoolchildren in Shawan, Xinjiang, China9
Case Report: Use of Multimodal Imaging to Document a Rare Complication of Torpedo Maculopathy9
Correction of Presbyopia Alone Does Not Adequately Protect against Digital Eye Strain from Handheld Devices9
Review: Sport Performance and the Two-visual-system Hypothesis of Vision: Two Pathways but Still Many Questions9
A Comprehensive Review of State Vision Screening Mandates for Schoolchildren in the United States8
Authors' Response8
Digital Imaging and Communication Standards8
Visual Cognition and Experience Mediate the Relation between Age and Decision Making in Youth Volleyball Players8
A Call for Standardized Outcome Measures8
Topical Review: Teaching Serious News Delivery in Eye Care8
Quantitative Assessment of Retinal and Choroidal Microvasculature in Asymptomatic Patients with Carotid Artery Stenosis8
Evaluation of a Portable Wavefront Aberrometer for Community Screening Refraction in the Elderly8
Impact of Low Humidity on Damage-associated Molecular Patterns at the Ocular Surface during Dry Eye Disease8
How Is Jump Performance Affected in Male Athletes when Completed with a Visual Impairment?7
Clinical Trial: Diurnal IOP Fluctuations in Glaucoma Using Latanoprost and Timolol with Self-Tonometry7
Clinical Report: Midday Removal and Reinsertion of Soft Contact Lens Cannot Prevent Post-lens Tear-film Hyperosmolarity7
Success of Masking 5% Povidone-Iodine Treatment: The Reducing Adenoviral Patient Infected Days Study7
Topical Review: Pilocarpine-induced Miosis as Help for Early Presbyopes?7
Telerehabilitation Training to Facilitate Improved Reading Ability with New Magnification Devices for Low Vision7
Environmental and Behavioral Factors with Refractive Error in Israeli Boys7
Impact of Peripheral and Corneal Neuropathy on Markers of Ocular Surface Discomfort in Diabetic Chronic Kidney Disease7
Effect of Cognitive Mental Load on Attended and Nonattended Visual Stimuli6
Case Report: Pentosan Polysulfate Sodium Maculopathy Originally Diagnosed as Pattern Macular Dystrophy6
Effect of Vergence Facility Testing on Horizontal Fusional Reserves6
Letter to the Editor: 20-20-20 Rule: Are These Numbers Justified?6
A Comparison between Automated Subjective Refraction and Traditional Subjective Refraction in Keratoconus Patients6
Myopia Control Dose Delivered to Treated Eyes by a Dual Focus Myopia Control Contact Lens6
Myopia control: Seeing beyond efficacy6
Case Report: Management of Refractory Filamentary Keratitis with N-acetylcysteine6
Head-mounted Visual Assistive Technology–related Quality of Life Changes after Telerehabilitation6
Asymmetric Peripheral Refraction Profile in Myopes along the Horizontal Meridian6
Case Report: Topical Netarsudil in the Treatment of a Neurotrophic Corneal Ulcer6
Case Report: Bilateral Cecocentral Visual Field Defect Secondary to Congenital Optic Disc Pit6
Silicone hydrogel versus hydrogel soft contact lenses for differences in patient-reported eye comfort and safety: A Cochrane systematic review summary5
Feature issue editors5
Baseline factors associated with myopia progression and axial elongation over 30 months in children 5 to 12 years of age5
Defining Daily Disposable Contact Lens Wear in a Clinical Study5
Ordering Eyeglasses Using 3D Head Scan Technology versus Established Online and Storefront Clinic Methods5
The Effect of Lens Design on Corneal Power Distribution in Orthokeratology. Optom Vis Sci 2022;99:363–71.5
Book review: Kanski's Clinical Ophthalmology: A Systematic Approach, 10th ed.5
Myopia and Its Association with Near Work, Outdoor Time, and Housing Type among Schoolchildren in South India5
Objective and subjective assessment of accommodative insufficiency5
Corneal hypersensitivity to cold stimuli in symptomatic computer users5
Psychometric properties and diagnostic performance of three dry eye questionnaires in Italian: OSDI, OSDI-6, and SPEED5
Feasibility of Implementing Recommendations to Reduce Fall Risk in Older People: A Delphi Study5
Assessment of Low Vision Referrals before and after Establishment of a Low Vision Program at an Academic Medical Center5
Red flags in submissions to Optometry and Vision Science5
Exploration before Exploitation can Drive Research Training Success5
2024 AAO Select Meeting Papers and Posters5
Extended release of ciprofloxacin from commercial silicone-hydrogel and conventional hydrogel contact lenses containing vitamin E diffusion barriers5
Enhanced Depth-of-focus Intraocular Lenses: Latest Wavefront-shaped Optics versus Diffractive Optics5
Comparison of proximal and minus lens autorefraction techniques to measure monocular accommodative amplitude5
Moderate-severe peripheral neuropathy in diabetes associated with an increased risk of dry eye disease5
Long-term Effect of Dual-focus Contact Lenses on Myopia Progression in Children: A 6-year Multicenter Clinical Trial5
The Unique Properties of Tear Film Break-up Process in Patients with Nasal Unilateral Pterygium5
Lynn MH, Luo G, Tomasi M, et al. Measuring Virtual Reality Headset Resolution and Field of View: Implications for Vision Care Applications. Optom Vis Sci 2020;97:573–82.5
Interpreting Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Reflectance Defects Based on Presence of Retinal Nerve Fiber Bundles5
Vision corrections used by presbyopic orienteers5
Predicting the onset of myopia in children by age, sex, and ethnicity: Results from the CLEERE Study5
Visual Performance as a Function of Clear Central Aperture Diameter with a Defocused Myopic Periphery4
Vision, Driving Exposure, and Collisions in Bioptic Drivers4
Relationship of Low-luminance Visual Acuity with Ocular Aberrations in Older Participants4
The Effect of the Addition of Electrolyte Solutions on the Ferning Patterns of Tears Collected from Normal Eye Subjects4
Accommodation Is Decreased in Eyes with Acute Central Serous Chorioretinopathy4
Book review: Atlas of Retinal OCT: Optical Coherence Tomography, 2nd ed4
Normative Data for Nonstrabismic Binocular Vision Parameters in African Schoolchildren4
Optometry and Vision Science: 2021 Journal Performance4
Case Report: An Isolated Abducens Palsy Secondary to Lyme Disease4
Ocular Anatomical and Functional Characteristics in Anisometropic Chinese Children4
The Uses of Vision Data in Selecting Players for the Major League Baseball Draft4
Case Report: Choriocapillaris Flow Voids in Acute Syphilitic Posterior Placoid Chorioretinitis4
Corneal Biomechanical Changes Caused by Acute Elevation of IOP in Eyes with and without Glaucoma4
A 3-year plan for Optometry and Vision Science4
Optometrists need to incorporate their understanding of the impact of dry eye disease in their patient management4
Comparison of Myopia Progression among Myopic Children with Intermittent Exotropia and No Strabismus4
Life space limitations in visually impaired older adults4
Photographic Depiction of the Field of View with Spectacles-mounted Low Vision Aids4
Digital Reading with Low Vision: Principles for Selecting Display Size4
Case Report: Remote Scleral Lens Fitting for High Toric Scleras in a Keratoconus Patient4
Advances in vision impairment research4
Measurement and Analysis of Whole-surface Power Distribution in Single Tilted Spectacle Lenses4
An editorial on myopia control, mainly written by ChatGPT4
Case Report: Role of Anterior Segment Optical Coherence Tomography in Late-onset Capsular Block Syndrome4
Case Series: Underdiagnosis of Ocular and Oculocutaneous Rosacea in an African American Pediatric Population4
Academy Leadership Summit and Strategic Plans4
Correlation of Adenoviral Titers with Severity of Adenoviral Conjunctivitis and Time to Viral Clearance over 21 Days4
Evidence-based Reviews: Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses4
Effect of Time Outdoors and Near-viewing Time on Myopia Progression in 9- to 11-year-old Children in Chongqing4
Case Report: Indirect Traumatic Optic Neuropathy from Subconcussive Soccer Headers in a 62-year-old Athlete3
Refractive Error of Students (15- to 18-year-olds) in Northwest Mexico3
Parent strategies for improving compliance with eyeglass wear in young children3
An Eye on COVID-19: A Meta-analysis of Positive Conjunctival Reverse Transcriptase–Polymerase Chain Reaction and SARS-CoV-2 Conjunctivitis Prevalence3
Evaluation of a Pilot Protocol for Detecting Infant Hyperopia3
Case Report: Two Genetically Distinct Choroidal Melanomas in the Same Eye Treated with Endolaser Therapy3
Comparison of Three Different Devices for the Evaluation of Axial Length, Refractive Error, and Keratometry3
The Value of Eccentric Infrared Photorefraction in Evaluating Keratoconus3
Athletes Demonstrate Superior Dynamic Visual Acuity3
2020 Charles F. Prentice Lecture: I Can See Clearly Now3
Facial Asymmetry in Unilateral Congenital Superior Oblique Muscle Palsy3
Individual Differences and Transfer of Visual Anticipation in Expert Female Field Hockey Goalkeepers3
Will New Leadership for the National Eye Institute Bring New Research Priorities?3
Letter to the Editor: A Report of the First American Academy of Optometry Think Tank: October 20193
Insights Regarding Optometric Findings of CHARGE Syndrome in a Pediatric Low Vision Clinic3
Bulbar Redness and Dry Eye Disease: Comparison of a Validated Subjective Grading Scale and an Objective Automated Method3
The Impact of Axial Eye Growth on Foveal Avascular Zone Measurements in Children3
A Qualitative Assessment of the Experiences with Eye Health and Barriers to Eyeglasses among U.S. Youth3
Evaluation of Lamina Cribrosa by Using Enhanced Depth Imaging Optical Coherence Tomography in Ocular Sarcoidosis during Quiescent Phase3
Prevalence of Corneal Topographic Patterns in Ectatic Corneal Diseases3
Case Report: Asymmetric Changes of Ophthalmic Findings in Bilateral Solar Eclipse Maculopathy3
Case Report: Pediatric Ocular Ischemia and Neovascular Glaucoma in Neurofibromatosis Type 13
Visual and Ocular Conditions among a Homeless Adult Population of Boston3
OVS Feature Issue: Aging, the Eye and Vision System3
Does using a bioptic telescope improve visual recognition of the on-road environment?3
The Developmental Eye Movement Test Does Not Detect Oculomotor Problems: Evidence from Children with Nystagmus3
Case Report: Atypical Presentation of Neuroretinitis in a Middle-aged Woman with Pre-existing Maculopathy3
Cross-cultural Validation of the Full Range Test of Visual Motor Integration Used with Children in Four Arab Countries3
Epidemiology and Burden of Astigmatism: A Systematic Literature Review3
A Historic Milestone for Optometry and Vision Science3
Letter to the editor: Myopia management is now “standard of care”3
The Value of Static Perimetry in the Diagnosis and Follow-up of Negative Dysphotopsia3
Topical Review: Understanding Vision Impairment and Sports Performance through a Look at Paralympic Classification3
Topical Review: Contact Lens Eye Health and Safety Considerations in Government Policy Development3
Photometric and Colorimetric Evaluation of Phototherapy Instruments for Syntonic Treatment of Visual Anomalies3
Effectiveness of Topical ρ-Kinase Inhibitors in Veterans with Severe Glaucoma on Maximally Tolerated Medical Therapy3
Case Report: Papilledema Secondary to Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis after Severe COVID-19 Infection3
Acceptance of a Pre-visit Intervention to Engage African American Glaucoma Patients during Visits3
Case Report: Corneal Inlay Removal after Myofibroblast Detection under in Vivo Confocal Microscopy3