Advances in Life Course Research

(The median citation count of Advances in Life Course Research is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2019-11-01 to 2023-11-01.)
Understanding the effects of Covid-19 through a life course lens153
An overview of mixture modelling for latent evolutions in longitudinal data: Modelling approaches, fit statistics and software93
The impact of job uncertainty on first-birth postponement35
Is the effect of job uncertainty on fertility intentions channeled by subjective well-being?26
Grandparenthood in China and Western Europe: An analysis of CHARLS and SHARE24
The inseparability of human agency and linked lives20
Influence of social connections on smoking behavior across the life course19
Intergenerational social mobility and health in Russia: Mind over matter?16
Different degrees of career success: social origin and graduates’ education and labour market trajectories15
Unemployment delays first birth but not for all. Life stage and educational differences in the effects of employment uncertainty on first births14
Who makes the decision to have children? Couples’ childbearing intentions and actual childbearing14
Trajectories of violent victimization over the life course: Implications for mental and physical health13
The impact of economic uncertainty, precarious employment, and risk attitudes on the transition to parenthood13
Identification of developmental trajectory classes: Comparing three latent class methods using simulated and real data13
Family formation trajectories across borders: A sequence analysis approach to Senegalese migrants in Europe12
Trends in singlehood in young adulthood in Europe12
Understanding lone mothers’ high poverty in Germany: Disentangling composition effects and effects of lone motherhood9
The role of the changing social background composition for changes in inequality of educational opportunity: An analysis of the process of educational expansion in Germany 1950–20108
Self-employment as a work-and-family reconciliation strategy? Evidence from Poland8
Family demographic processes and in-work poverty: A systematic review8
Short-term reciprocity between adult children and parents: A within-person investigation of longitudinal data8
Is perception of inability to procreate a temporal phenomenon?8
Is the problem mine, yours, or ours? The impact of unemployment on couples’ life satisfaction and specific domain satisfaction8
Linked lives, linked retirement? Relative income differences within couples and gendered retirement decisions in Europe8
The de-standardisation of the life course in Portugal. A cross-cohort analysis using entropy analysis8
Gendered employment trajectories and individual wealth at older ages in Eastern and Western Germany7
Migration, social stratification and dynamic effects on subjective well being7
The subjective life course framework: Integrating life course sociology with gerontological perspectives on subjective aging7
Multiple social roles in early adulthood and later mental health in different labour market contexts7
Mechanisms of family formation: an application of Hidden Markov Models to a life course process7
Distance and acceptance: Identity formation in young adults with chronic health conditions7
The effects of unemployment on fertility6
“Juntos pero no revueltos”: Family residential dependence and care vulnerabilities along the life course6
A lifespan developmental science perspective on trauma experiences in refugee situations6
Differentiated routes to vulnerability: Marital status, children, gender and poverty6
Work-family trajectories and health: A systematic review6
Cumulative disadvantage during employment careers – The link between employment histories and stressful working conditions6
Joint social contact and network overlap of spouses facing later adulthood household transitions in Switzerland6
Mental health problems in adolescence, first births, and union formation: Evidence from the Young HUNT Study6
Girls’ transition to adulthood and their later life socioeconomic attainment: Findings from the English longitudinal study of ageing5
Positive and negative risk-taking: Age patterns and relations to domain-specific risk-taking5
Employment trajectories until midlife associate with early social role investments and current work-related well-being5
Lifetime parenthood in the context of single- and multiple-partner fertility5
Social differentials in the effect of formal childcare on the transition to parenthood?5
A closer look at labour market status and crime among a general population sample of young men and women5
Better together: Advancing life course research through multi-cohort analytic approaches5
First union formation among the children of immigrants: A population-wide study in Norway5
Parent-child relationships and interracial first union formation in the United States5
The diversity of pathways to childlessness in the Czech Republic: The union histories of childless men and women5
How do reproduction, parenting, and health cluster together? Exploring diverging destinies, life histories and weathering in two UK cohort studies4
Sibling influence on family formation: A study of social interaction effects on fertility, marriage, and divorce4
The association between unemployment trajectories and alcohol consumption patterns. Evidence from a large prospective cohort in The Netherlands4
Citizenship and education trajectories among children of immigrants: A transition-oriented sequence analysis4
Childhood socioeconomic circumstances, social status, and health in older age: Are they related in China?4
School performance and mortality: The mediating role of educational attainment and work and family trajectories across the life course4
Linking social class inequalities, labor market status, and fertility: An empirical investigation of second births4
Work-family life courses and psychological distress: Evidence from three British birth cohort studies4
Do socially isolated children become socially isolated adults?4
'Birds of a feather' - forever? Homogeneity in adult friendship networks through the life course4
Gender differences in high-school dropout: Vulnerability and adolescent fertility in Chile3
Palestinian widows in Israel: Between the Hammer and the Anvil3
Chronic conditions, couple-level factors and union dissolution3
Resources, aspirations and first births during the Great Recession3
The life course cube, reconsidered3
A new perspective on the generational structures of families – Generational placements over the life course3
Women’s changing work arrangements, career paths, and marital fertility in Japan3
Parity-specific motherhood penalties: Long-term impacts of childbirth on women’s earnings in Japan3
Looking homeward with the life course: Early origins of adult dwelling satisfaction?3
Brick-by-brick inequality. Homeownership in Italy, employment instability and wealth transmission3
Crisis, recession and social resilience: A biographical life course analysis3
Destandardization in later age spans in Western Germany3
Low income dynamics and depression over the life course in South Korea3
Socioeconomic gradients in child development: Evidence from a Chilean longitudinal study 2010–20173
Linked lives and convoys of social relations3
Fading family lines- women and men without children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren in 19th, 20th and 21st Century Northern Sweden3
Multilevel networks and status attainment2
Limited detraditionalization of intimacy: Growing socioeconomic differences in contraceptive use at first intercourse in Italy2
Long-term changes in sense of coherence and mortality among middle-aged men: A population -based follow-up study2
Women’s greater late-life depression: Traumatic experiences or GxE?2
Not all the same: Swedish teenage mothers’ and fathers’ selection into early family formation trajectories2
Family formation patterns of children who experienced parental imprisonment2
Transition milestones and life satisfaction at ages 25/26 among cohorts born in 1970 and 1989–902
The wage penalty for informal caregivers from a life course perspective2
Make up or break up? Partnership transitions among young adults in England and Wales2
Early retirement as a privilege for the rich? A comparative analysis of Germany and Switzerland2
Participation in training at older ages: A European perspective on path dependency in life course trajectories2
Adolescent reproductive attitudes and knowledge effects on early adult unintended and nonmarital fertility across gender2
Facets of parent–child relations in adulthood and their role in transmitting economic deprivation across generations2