Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources

(The median citation count of Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-08-01 to 2024-08-01.)
A meta‐review of 10 years of green human resource management: is Green HRM headed towards a roadblock or a revitalisation?96
Sustainable human resource management: six defining characteristics50
Human resources management and open innovation: the role of open innovation mindset35
Human resource management in China: what are the key issues confronting organizations and how can research help?29
Work, life and COVID‐19: a rapid review and practical recommendations for the post‐pandemic workplace29
Employee voice in the Asia Pacific23
Employee perceptions of individual green HRM practices and voluntary green work behaviour: a signalling theory perspective23
Promoting green performance through green human resource practices and green servant leadership22
Overwork, job embeddedness and turnover intention among Chinese knowledge workers20
Supervisor‐subordinate guanxi and employee thriving at work: the key role of relation‐generated resources18
Optimizing the relationship between job autonomy and knowledge workers’ satisfaction: The roles of crafting and value congruence17
Detrimental effects of work overload on knowledge hiding in competitive organisational climates15
Artificial intelligence in health‐care: implications for the job design of healthcare professionals15
Impact of artificial intelligence in human resource management: a qualitative study in the Malaysian context14
Analyzing the impact of artificial intelligence on employee productivity: the mediating effect of knowledge sharing and well‐being14
Workplace strategy: a new workplace model14
Tracking employee voice: developing the concept of voice pathways13
Celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources: what has been achieved and what more can be done13
The impact of ability‐, motivation‐ and opportunity‐enhancing strategic human resource management on performance: the mediating roles of emotional capability and intellectual capital13
Promoting pro‐environmental behavior through organizational identity and green organizational climate12
Working from home vs working from office in terms of job performance during the COVID‐19 pandemic crisis: evidence from China12
HRM and the smart and dark side of technology11
Inclusive leadership, matured age HRM practices and older worker wellbeing11
How HR systems are implemented matters: high‐performance work systems and employees’ thriving at work10
Job insecurity, work‐induced mental health deprivation, and timely completion of work tasks10
Fostering the high‐involvement model of human resource management: what have we learnt and what challenges do we face?10
Workplace performance: a sustainable approach10
The experience of work‐life balance for women doctors and nurses in Malaysia10
Gender (in)equality in Australia: good intentions and unintended consequences10
Workplace cyberbullying and interpersonal deviance: roles of depletion and perceived supervisor support9
Capabilities and competencies for digitised human resource management: perspectives from Australian HR professionals9
Does gender matter? The trickle‐down effect of voluntary green behavior in organizations9
How the organizational ethical climate accounts for employee voice behavior: a multilevel analysis9
HRM system strength and employee well‐being: the role of internal process and open systems9
Modeling the job quality of ‘work relationships’ in China’s gig economy9
Role modeling effects: how leader's job involvement affects follower creativity8
Be happy to be successful: a mediational model of PERMA variables8
Complementary effects of high‐performance work systems and temporal leadership on employee creativity: a social embeddedness perspective of thriving8
International and comparative human resource management: an Asia‐Pacific perspective8
Promoting employee career growth: the benefits of sustainable human resource management8
Victim or master of HRM implementation: the frontline manager conundrum7
Pivoting after almost 50 years of SHRM research: toward a stakeholder view7
To engage or not? Antecedents of employee engagement in Sri Lanka6
Redefining Chinese talent management in a new context: a talent value theory perspective6
Adoption of high‐performance work systems in small and medium‐sized enterprises6
Towards a broader understanding of workplace inequality and exclusion in China: a review of discrimination based on social class, gender and physical ability6
Employment status and counterproductive work behaviour: a chain mediating effect in the Chinese context6
In what ways are HR Analytics and Artificial Intelligence transforming the healthcare sector?5
Impact of flexibility stigma on outcomes: role of flexible work practices usage5
Employee assistance programmes in China: a state‐of‐the‐art review and future research agenda5
The trickle‐down effect of managers' belief in the importance of human resource management practices on employee performance: evidence from China4
Green human resource management and sustainable development performance: organizational ambidexterity and the role of responsible leadership4
Decent work and proactive behaviors: a moderated chain mediation model4
Public healthcare in Pakistan: a people management solution?4
Does competitive climate at work lead to problems at home? Examination of mediating pathways4
Meeting customer needs through ethical leadership and training: examining Australian bank employees3
Autism in the Australian workplace: the employer perspective3
Developing the capacity for a proactively self‐managed career: an analysis of aspiring new‐generation employees in Japan3
Performance appraisal quality and employee performance: the boundary conditions of human resource strength and religiosity3
Linking organizational emotional capability to innovation performance in high‐tech innovating firms3
Subjective well‐being, COVID‐19 and financial strain following job loss: stretching the role of human resource management to focus on human sustainability beyond the workplace3
The double‐edged sword effect of high‐performance work systems: investigating when and why high‐performance work systems promote versus inhibit employee organizational citizenship behaviors3
Rational or emotional? Prohibitive voice of outsourced employees in a time trajectory perspective3
High‐performance human resource practices and employee well‐being: the role of networking and proactive personality3
The complexities of employee voice within a multiculturally diverse aged care workforce setting3
Could the 4‐day week work? A scoping review3
Exploring the context and interface of corporate social responsibility and HRM3
Workplace reform: a new social contract for Australia2
The effects of congruence between digital HRM systems and previous non‐digital HRM systems on firms' data‐driven insights2
A meta‐analysis of the antecedents of employee willingness to expatriate2
Between market and mayor: talent management in Chinese private firms and the role of local governments2
New Frontiers in HR Practices and HR Processes: evidence from Asia2
Traditional, transitional and new performance management practices in Australian organisations: incidence, coverage and perceived effectiveness2
Improving employee outcomes in the remote working context: a time‐lagged study on digital‐oriented training, work‐to‐family conflict and empowering leadership2
Introduction to the symposium ‘Transforming our future: a new social contract at work’?2
Managing human resources in information technology and business process offshoring firms operating in Asia: a literature review toward theoretically and contextually grounded research2
Smartdevice use in a COVID‐19 world: Exploring work–family conflict and turnover intentions2
Doing the right thing: HRM in the performing arts2
How does supervisor developmental feedback make employees sense the meaning of work?2
What do New Zealanders value at work and is it changing?1
Japanese self‐initiated expatriates' adjustment to Indian assignments: the role of traditional values1
How does social media use affect thriving at work? The roles of knowledge sharing and locus of control1
Research on job insecurity and well‐being in the workplace from triple perspectives of HRM, leader and coworker1
Subsidiary staffing strategy and innovation performance in Chinese multinational enterprises: the moderating effect of institutional distance1
Wellness programs and employee outcomes: the role of HR attributions1
Promoting expatriates’ acculturation: the three‐way interactive effect between cross‐cultural training, repatriation practice and leadership consideration1
Factors and key interactions influencing successful employment outcomes for people with disabilities1
Fragmentation of employment relationships, fragmentation of working time: the nature of work and employment of platform takeaway riders and implications for decent work in China1
Examining the need for HR analytics to better manage and mitigate incidents of violence against nurses and personal care assistants in aged care1
Effect of conflict‐outcomes: moderating role of psychosocial mentoring and emotional intelligence1
COVID in Australia: HR managers' challenges and opportunities1
Using smart technology to enhance the employee well‐being of paramedics1