Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources

(The H4-Index of Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources is 13. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
A meta‐review of 10 years of green human resource management: is Green HRM headed towards a roadblock or a revitalisation?100
Sustainable human resource management: six defining characteristics57
Human resources management and open innovation: the role of open innovation mindset36
Work, life and COVID‐19: a rapid review and practical recommendations for the post‐pandemic workplace31
Human resource management in China: what are the key issues confronting organizations and how can research help?30
Employee perceptions of individual green HRM practices and voluntary green work behaviour: a signalling theory perspective26
Promoting green performance through green human resource practices and green servant leadership22
Artificial intelligence in health‐care: implications for the job design of healthcare professionals20
Detrimental effects of work overload on knowledge hiding in competitive organisational climates18
Workplace strategy: a new workplace model15
Analyzing the impact of artificial intelligence on employee productivity: the mediating effect of knowledge sharing and well‐being15
Impact of artificial intelligence in human resource management: a qualitative study in the Malaysian context14
Promoting pro‐environmental behavior through organizational identity and green organizational climate14
Working from home vs working from office in terms of job performance during the COVID‐19 pandemic crisis: evidence from China13
Celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources: what has been achieved and what more can be done13
The impact of ability‐, motivation‐ and opportunity‐enhancing strategic human resource management on performance: the mediating roles of emotional capability and intellectual capital13