Asian Studies Review

(The median citation count of Asian Studies Review is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Assessing the South Korean Model of Emergency Management during the COVID-19 Pandemic37
Gentle yet Manly: Xiao xian rou, Male Cosmetic Surgery and Neoliberal Consumer Culture in China24
Resisting Foreign Hostility in China’s English-language News Media during the COVID-19 Crisis18
Social Media and Elections in Southeast Asia: The Emergence of Subversive, Underground Campaigning16
Explaining the Evolution of China’s Government–Environmental NGO Relations since the 1990s: A Conceptual Framework and Case Study11
Fan Conflicts and State Power in China: Internalised Heteronormativity, Censorship Sensibilities, and Fandom Police11
Transnational Familyhood and Migration Strategies among Parachute Kids-turned-Parents from Hong Kong8
Contesting China-funded Projects in Cambodia: The Case of Stung Chhay Areng Hydropower7
The Duty to Transform: Properly Refining the Body and (Re)defining Oneself in Thailand7
The Emergence of Populist Nationalism and ‘Illiberal’ Peacebuilding in Sri Lanka7
The Art of Performing Affectation: Manufacturing and Branding an Enterprising Self by Chinese E-Commerce Traders7
The Polemical Rhetoric of Jack Neo’s Ah Boys to Men and Repertoires of Filmic Masculinity as Sacrifice in Singapore7
Unmasking the Middle Class in the Philippines: Aspirations, Lifestyles and Prospects for Sustainable Consumption7
Your Bodies are Our Future: Vietnamese Men’s Engagement with Korean Television Dramas as a Technology of the Self6
Going Solo: An Analysis of China’s ‘Single Economy’ through the Date-renting Industry6
Women’s Political Participation in Post-conflict Settings: The Case of Timor-Leste6
Demobilising and Reorienting Online Emotions: China’s Emotional Governance during the COVID-19 Outbreak6
Can Civil Society Safeguard Rights in Asia?5
Brand Nohomonationalism: Guofeng (‘National Style’) Framings of Boys’ Love Television Series in China5
Singapore Comes to Terms with its Malay Past: The Politics of Crafting a National History5
Body Modification in East Asia: History and Debates5
The Paradoxes of “Vernacularised” Liberalism in Southeast Asia5
A Double-edged Sword: Gender and Intersectionality of Korean American Ethnic Return Migration5
Who will be Asia’s Next Unicorn? Comparing Marriage Equality in Taiwan with Hong Kong, Japan and South Korea4
The “Savage–Victim–Saviour” Story Grammar of the North Korean Human Rights Industry4
Cinematic Representations of the Gwangju Uprising: Visualising the “New” South Korea inA Taxi Driver4
Friends and Foes: Human Rights, the Philippine Left and Duterte, 2016–20174
The Art of Monument Politics: The North Korean State, Juche and International Politics4
Engaging with Labour Migrants: Emigration Policy in Tajikistan4
The Myth of Non-interference: Chinese Foreign Policy in Cambodia4
Leftover or Individualised? Representations of Chinese Single Womanhood in Western English-language News Media4
Liberalism in Indonesia: Between Authoritarian Statism and Islamism4
Whose Suffering? National Identity and the Contest to Define Victimhood in Indonesia’s Genocide3
The New Chinese Individual: Confronting the Divided Self inNe Zha: Birth of the Demon Child3
Locating Liberalisms in Southeast Asia: An Introductory Essay3
Dynamics of Trust and Mistrust in the Afghanistan–Pakistan Relationship3
Homes, Home Lives and Precarious Privilege: Older Western Residents and Differing Lifestyle Mobilities in Ubud, Bali3
Nikah Express: Malay Polygyny and Marriage-making at the Malaysian–Thai Border3
Towards a History of Conservative Liberalism in Thailand after the 1932 Siamese Revolution: An Ideological Analysis3
Negotiating and Contesting Confucian Workplace Culture in South Korea3
Rights Consciousness in Malaysia: How an Electoral Reform Movement Fostered a Sense of Political Efficacy amongst Citizens3
Love, Affection and Intimacy in Marriage of Young People in Vietnam2
Disciplining Statelessness: Fragmentary Outcomes of the Tibetan Rehabilitation Policy in India2
China’s Push for Greater Influence in the Popular Culture Arena: The Ip Man Saga2
Transwar Continuities of Colonial Intimacy: Korean–Japanese Relationships in Korean Cinema, 1940s–1960s2
“Mandarin Fever” and Chinese Language-learning in Brunei’s Middle Schools: Discrepant Discourses, Multifaceted Realities and Institutional Barriers2
Brokerage in the Cross-border Labour Market: Recruitment and Training of Vietnamese IT Workers by Japanese Temporary Staffing Firms2
Packaging, Persuasion and Propaganda: Popular Preaching and Islamic Counter-publics in Indonesia2
Chinese Nationalism through the Prism of the Sino–Japanese Dispute over the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands2
A Research Agenda for the Study of Southeast Asian Liberalisms2
Singaporean Women Living in China: The Uneven Burdens of Middle-class Transnational Caregiving2
Digital Payments on the Agenda: How Supply-side Actors Framed Cash and Digital Payments during the COVID-19 Pandemic in India2
Disabling Lee Kuan Yew and the Singapore Story: The Problematic Logics of Inclusion in Contemporary Singapore2
Staging Images of Everyday Life in Late Colonial Korea: Colonial Visuality and the Proliferation of Amateur Photography2
Visualising Korea: Critical Moments in History, Society and Politics2
Bordering Ladakh, Again: From Ecological Flows to Cartographic Competition2
The Discourse of Self-learning: An Analysis of Japan’s EPA Programme for Healthcare Workers from Southeast Asia2
The Chineseness of Urban Cultural Policy in Taiwan1
Ten Years as Boundary Object: The Search for Identity and Belonging as ‘Hongkongers’1
Towards a new paradigm for English language teaching: English for specific purposes in Asia and beyond1
The Shadow Economy and Social Change in North Korea1
Accessories Make the Elephant: Buddhist Thais Worship Ganesha, Indian-style1
A Critical Discourse Analysis of Resistance to Climate Change in China’s English-Language News Media1
Informality, Paradiplomacy, and Cross-Border Cooperation: The Development of Tourism on Bintan Island, Indonesia1
An Arab Indonesian Singing Preacher, an Islamic Mass Concert, and the Historic Capture of a Public Space in Malaysia1
Visualising Korea: The Politics of the Statue of Peace1
The Global Imperative: Chinese Cross-Border E-Commerce and its Political-Economic Implications in a Deglobalising World1
Co-Constructing a Gender–State Entanglement in Canonical Three Kingdoms Fandom: A Discourse-Historical Approach1
Gendered Moralities and Cinematic Representations of Indonesian Muslims and their Arab Others1
The Politics of Toys: What Potential for Inter-Korean Reconciliation?1
Liberalism in Cambodia: Broken Lineages1
A Transmedia ‘Third’ Space: The Counterculture of Chinese Boys’ Love Audio Dramas1
Is ‘Easy Japanese’ a Language Option? Local Responses to the Increasing Foreign Resident Population from Southeast Asia1
How Propaganda Affects Public Opinion in China: Evidence from the First Phase of the COVID-19 Pandemic1
Semiotics of rape: sexual subjectivity and violation in rural India Semiotics of rape: sexual subjectivity and violation in rural India , by Rupal Oza, Duke University P1
The BJP Government and the Kashmiri Pandits: Managing the Politics of Displacement in India1
Collective Memory and Everyday Politics in North Korea: A Qualitative Text Analysis of New Year Statements, 1946–20191
Body Modification in East Asia: An Introduction1
Language, Mobility and Employability among Southeast Asian Migrant Workers in Japan1
Markets and the Development of Social Trust in the Everyday Politics of North Korea: Chinese Entrepreneurs’ Perspectives1
The Emergence of Transcultural Humanistic Buddhism through the Lens of Religious Entrepreneurship1
Nationhood in the Cloud: Cyber Sovereignty in Thailand1
Negotiating Identities in Cross-Cultural Contexts: A Case Study of Xinjiangban Students in China1
Korea’s “Pushing Hands”: The Story behind the Global Cultural Expansion of Korean Martial Arts1
Contested Memories, Precarious Apology: The Vietnam War in Contemporary Korean Art1
Democratic Regression and Environmental Politics in Indonesia1
Why Are You Learning Japanese? Vietnamese University Students’ Perspectives on Work and Life between Vietnam and Japan1
Cinematic Testimony to the Repatriation of Zainichi Koreans to North Korea in Yang Yonghi’s Autobiographical Films1
Securing Taiwan: Separating the Two Sides of the Taiwan Strait in Japan’s China Policy1
Authoritarianism at School: Indoctrination Education, Political Socialisation, and Citizenship in North Korea1
Sharia Cooperatives and Mosque Ecosystems: The Devolution of Halal Entrepreneurship in Indonesia1
The End of Compromise: Political Meanings of Thailand’s First National Day Celebrations on 24 June 19391
The Weakening of Social Control in North Korea since the Arduous March: The Case of Physical Education1
Female Labour Force Participation and the Reduction in Son Preference in China1
Global Concepts, Local Meanings: How Civil Society Interprets and Uses Human Rights in Asia1
Retrospective Witnessing: Paintings of Grievous Deaths in the Korean War1
I am a Real Korean: The Effect of Government Support on Multicultural Youth’s National Identity1
Freedom from Consumption: The Reformist Critique of Consumptive Islam in Indonesia1
Active Waiting and Hope in Transnational Adoptions: Nepali Birth Families and their Children1
An Anatomy of Satirical Cartoons in Contemporary Vietnam: Political Communication and Representations of Systemic Corruption in a One-party State1
Federalism in Myanmar Federalism in Myanmar , by Pau Sian Lian, Rowman & Littlefield, 2023, 157 pp., US$95.00 (hardback)0
The discursive construction of hierarchy in Japanese society: an ethnographic study of secondary school clubs0
The Chinese Communist Party: a century in ten lives0
The rise and fall of imperial China: the social origins of state development The rise and fall of imperial China: the social origins of state development , by Yuhua Wang0
Mumbai taximen: autobiographies and automobilities in India0
Deifying Communist Soldiers: The Coastal Defence Culture and the Continuation of Apotheosis in Contemporary China0
The handbook of Asian Englishes0
Japan’s Role and Presence in the Changing Geopolitics of the Pacific Islands Region0
SOUTH ASIA Curing madness? A social and cultural history of insanity in colonial North India, 1800–1950s0
‘I Didn’t Realise There Are So Many of Them’: Ethnic Chinese Women in Civic Life in Australia0
Bureaucrats on Douyin: The Official Appropriation of Egao in Promoting Tourism on Chinese Social Media0
Post-Covid Asia: deglobalization, fourth Industrial Revolution, and sustainable development Post-Covid Asia: deglobalization, fourth Industrial Revolution, and sustainable development0
Haruki Murakami – storytelling and productive distance0
Strategies of authoritarian survival and dissensus in Southeast Asia: weak men versus strongmen0
Chinese Settler-Colonialism and the Borderless National Imagination in Lü Sheng’sA Madman’s Dream0
BOOK REVIEW Xi Jinping’s China: the personal and the political , by Stig Stenslie & Marte Kjær Galtung, Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2023, 179 pp., US$95.00 (hardback)0
Cross-border traders in northern Laos: mastering smallness0
ASIAN HISTORY Mr. Smith goes to China: three Scots in the making of Britain’s global empire0
Two Outstanding Articles Share Wang Gungwu Prize for 20230
Christianity and the Chinese in Indonesia: ethnicity, education, and enterprise0
A sense of Viidu: the (re)creation of home by the Sri Lankan Tamil diaspora in Australia0
The dean of Shandong: confessions of a minor bureaucrat at a Chinese university The dean of Shandong: confessions of a minor bureaucrat at a Chinese university , by Dani0
I am the people: reflections on popular sovereignty today0
The Process of Marketisation and Economic Realities in the DPRK0
Muslim Migration to East Pakistan, 1947–1964: Rehabilitation, Politics, and Language0
International terrorist organization ‘Islamic State’: history, modernity0
Education and social justice in Japan0
NORTH ASIA A half of one-sixth of Pyongyang0
Traumatic pasts in Asia: history, psychiatry, and trauma from the 1930s to the present0
Business Leaders and Nationalism in Japan’s Oil Diplomacy in the Middle East0
Flâneur, Popular Culture and Urban Modernity: An Intellectual History of New Order Jakarta0
The constitution of Myanmar: a contextual analysis0
Hegemonic mimicry: Korean popular culture of the twenty-first century0
A history of Chinese studies in Australia and New Zealand (Ao Xin hanxue yanjiushi 澳新汉学研究史)0
Historical Continuities and Changes in the Ethnic Politics of Hmong-Miao Millenarianism0
The deer and the dragon: Southeast Asia and China in the 21stcentury0
Chinese culture in the 21st century and its global dimensions0
Cadre country: how China became the Chinese Communist Party Cadre country: how China became the Chinese Communist Party , by John Fitzgerald, University of New South Wal0
Kingship and polity on the Himalayan borderland: Rajput identity during the early colonial encounter0
Mobilizing for elections – patronage and political machines in Southeast Asia0
Swimming with the Whales: Inflection Points in Mongolia’s ‘Third Neighbour’ Foreign Policy0
Silencing Shanghai: language and identity in urban China Silencing Shanghai: language and identity in urban China , by Fang Xu, Lanham, Lexington Books, 2021, US$105.00 0
Wu Xun, Song Jingshi and Lin Zexu: Cinema and Historiography in Mao’s China (1949-1966)0
Envisaging East Asia: Korean Daily Newspapers’ Interpretations of Sun Yatsen’s Pan-Asianism Speech0
Ethnocentrism of Victimhood: Tracing the Discourses of Khmer Ethnicity in Precolonial and Colonial Cambodia0
Musicophilia in Mumbai: performing subjects & the metropolitan unconscious0
Japanese Authorities, the ‘Comfort Project’, and Tacit Contracts under Militaristic Rule during the Pacific War0
Future Forward: the rise and fall of a Thai political party0
Brand new India: capitalist dreams and nationalist designs in twenty-first century India0
Dirty hearts – the history of Shindo Renmei0
A Path not Taken: Wei Yung, ‘Multi-System Nations’, and Cross-Strait Relations in the 1980s0
The Modern Boy as the New Body of Modernity? Contesting the Meaning of Masculinity in Early 20th-century Japan0
Situated Knowledge: The Pro-China Trend in China Studies in Cold War Japan0
Making meaningful lives: tales from an aging Japan0
Employment Disadvantages among Asian NESB Skilled Migrants in Australia: The Case of Japanese Independent Professionals0
Ishtyle: accenting gay Indian nightlife0
How Legislators Frame Contentious Megaprojects: Insights from Parliamentary Debates on Letpadaung Mines and Myitsone Dam in Myanmar0
Multilingual education in South Asia: at the intersection of policy and practice Multilingual education in South Asia: at the intersection of policy and practice , edite0
Constitutional bricolage: Thailand’s sacred monarchy vs. the rule of law Constitutional bricolage: Thailand’s sacred monarchy vs. the rule of law , by Eugénie Mérieau, H0
‘The Rat Sh*t Chilli’: Historical Memories and Chinese Power in Upland Far-North Laos0
Memory making in folk epics of China: the intimate and the local in Chinese regional culture0
Televising Chineseness: gender, nation, and subjectivity0
Sensing China: modern transformations of sensory culture Sensing China: modern transformations of sensory culture , edited by Shengqing Wu & Xuelei Huang, Routledge,0
Sound of the border: music and identity of Korean minority in China0
Legitimation and Perversity: A Comparison of the Politics of Minimum Wage Reforms in Japan and South Korea0
Article about Sun Yatsen’s Pan-Asianism Speech Wins Wang Gungwu Prize for 20220
Article about Male Cosmetic Surgery in China Wins Wang Gungwu Prize for 20210
China’s asymmetric statecraft: alignments, competitors, and regional diplomacy0
Language teacher recognition: narratives of Filipino English teachers in Japan0
Voyage to Innumerable Star Worlds: A Forgotten 19th-century Japanese Political Scientific Novel with a Radical Message0
Empire and righteous nation0
Living on the Line: Gendered Invisibilities among Queer Women and Transmen in Indonesia0
The culture of language in Ming China: sound, script, and the redefinition of boundaries of knowledge The culture of language in Ming China: sound, script, and the redefinition of bound0
A catalog of such stuff as dreams are made on A catalog of such stuff as dreams are made on , by Dung Kai-Cheung, translated by Bonnie S. McDougall & Anders Hansson,0
Global Middle East: into the twenty-first century0
The opium business: a history of crime and capitalism in maritime China0
Asia’s regional architecture: alliances and institutions in the Pacific century0
Making sense of Indian democracy0
The cornucopian stage: performing commerce in early modern China The cornucopian stage: performing commerce in early modern China , by Ariel Fox, Harvard University Asia0
The Invention of Iran: From ‘Iranianness’ to ‘Persianness’0
Article on Tibet in Meiji Japan and Qing China Wins 2020 Wang Gungwu Prize0
Korea: a history0
Deliberative democracy in Asia0
Rethinking education in the context of post-pandemic South Asia: challenges and possibilities Rethinking education in the context of post-pandemic South Asia: challenges and possibiliti0
Rivers of iron: railroads and Chinese power in Southeast Asia0
Buying the Tokyo Dream! Working Women’s Metropolitan Romance in Japanese Television Drama0
Children affected by armed conflict in the borderlands of Thailand0
A region of regimes: prosperity and plunder in the Asia–Pacific0
The political economy of North Korea: domestic, regional, and global dynamics The political economy of North Korea: domestic, regional, and global dynamics , edited by M0
Crime and control in China: the myth of harmony0
Stories about Somewhere Else: Mobility and ‘Spatial Others’ in Hong Kong Cinema0
No Royal Road: Urban Transportation, Capitalist Development, and Monarchy in Thailand0
Driving toward modernity: cars and the lives of the middle class in contemporary China0
Chinese grammatology: script revolution and literary modernity, 1916–19580
Gendering and Sexualising Opium Consumption in Manchukuo, 1932–19450
Carving status at Kŭmgangsan: elite graffiti in premodern Korea0
Gods of Mount Tai: familiarity and the material culture of North China, 1000–20000
Social capital in Singapore: the power of network diversity Social capital in Singapore: the power of network diversity , by Vincent Chua, Gillian Koh, Tan Ern Ser, &0
The promise and peril of things: literature and material culture in late imperial China0
Snake sisters and ghost daughters: feminist adaptations of traditional tales in Chinese fantasy Snake sisters and ghost daughters: feminist adaptations of traditional tales in Chinese f0
Rationality and Relationality: A Socio-Cultural Perspective on Japan’s Strategy for Infrastructure Investment0
The Metabolist imagination: visions of the city in postwar Japanese architecture and science fiction0
Facilitating the Market with a Gift: The Politics of the ECFA between China and Taiwan (2008–2016)0
Researching China in Southeast Asia0
Making peace with nature: ecological encounters along the Korean DMZ0
Beyond the Middle Classes, Beyond New Media: The Politics of Islamic Consumerism in Indonesia0
Chinese English: names, norms and narratives Chinese English: names, norms and narratives , by Zhichang Xu, Routledge, 2023, xvi, 283 pp., £145.00 (hardback)0
Madness in the family: women, care, and illness in Japan0
Caravan Modernity: The Strategic Revitalisation of China’s Dynastic Transportation System during the Second Sino–Japanese War0
Spaces of solidarity: Karen activism in the Thailand–Burma borderlands0
Where great powers meet: America and China in Southeast Asia0
Becoming one: religion, development and environmentalism in a Japanese NGO in Myanmar0
Performing the arts of Indonesia: Malay identity and politics in the music, dance, and theatre of the Riau Islands0
Borderland infrastructures: trade, development, and control in Western China0
Recasting the Body: Self-production of Japanese Disabled Veterans’ Image0
English as a Lingua Franca in Japan: towards multilingual practices0
Contemporary Bali, contested space and governance0
Japanese role-playing games: genre, representation, and liminality in the JRPG0
Constructing ‘Responsive’ Publics: The Politics of Public Engagement under India’s ‘Decade of Innovation’ Framework0
Systemic silencing: activism, memory, and sexual violence in Indonesia Systemic silencing: activism, memory, and sexual violence in Indonesia , by Katharine E. McGregor,0
Rising China and new Chinese migrants in Southeast Asia Rising China and new Chinese migrants in Southeast Asia , edited by Leo Suryadinata & Benjamin Loh, ISEAS-Yus0
Objectification, Bodily Revenge, and National Identity: Refashioning ‘Comfort Women’ in Chinese Cinema0
Happy together: bridging the Australia–China divide0
Higher Education as an Instrument of Decolonisation: The Community Service Programme in Indonesia, 1950–19690
Inside the circle: queer culture and activism in northwest China0
Visualising Nuclear Futurism and Narrating Queer Futurity in Yanobe Kenji’s The Sun Child and Tawada Yōko’s The Emissary0
The Intimate Other: Screening North Korean Defectors in Multicultural South Korea0
In the shadow of the palms: more than human becomings in West Papua In the shadow of the palms: more than human becomings in West Papua , by Sophie Chao, Duke University0
Beijing from below: stories of marginal lives in the capital’s centre0
The politics of Muslim identities in Asia0
Sovereignty, space and civil war in Sri Lanka: porous nation0
The Bloomsbury handbook of modern Chinese literature in translation The Bloomsbury handbook of modern Chinese literature in translation , edited by Cosima Bruno, Lucas K0
Emerging from the horizon of history: modern Chinese women’s literature, 1917–1949 Emerging from the horizon of history: modern Chinese women’s literature, 1917–1949 , b0
The theory of guanxi and Chinese society0
Interpreting modernism in Korean art: fluidity and fragmentation0
Making women pay: microfinance in urban India Making women pay: microfinance in urban India , by Smitha Radhakrishnan, Duke University Press, 2022, 272 pp., US$27.95 (pa0
Political warfare: strategies for combating China’s plan to ‘win without fighting’0
Cross-Border Religiosity and the Revival of Theravada Buddhism in Xishuangbanna, Southwest China0
From social visibility to political invisibility: the school in Nationalist Taiwan as fulcrum for an evolving world ethos0