International Journal of Disability Development and Education

(The TQCC of International Journal of Disability Development and Education is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Exploring Self-Determination and Recreational Sports Participation for Adolescents with Disabilities: A Preliminary Report20
Humour Comprehension of Chinese Adolescents with and without Dyslexia18
Positive Youth Development Program for Adolescents with Disabilities: A Pragmatic Trial15
Caregiving Challenges, Service Needs, Impact and Future Care for Autism in Uganda14
Emirati Student Attitudes Toward People with Intellectual Disabilities11
Is Physical Activity Good Medicine for Children and Youth with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder? Which Aspects Could Influence Outcomes? an Umbrella Review11
Bibliometric and Content Analyses of Articles Related to Science Education for Special Education Students10
The Coping Strategies After a Resilience Intervention Programme: A Randomised Controlled Trial Among Adolescent Students with Hearing Loss9
Classroom Climate, Teacher Support and Self-Agency: Perceptions of Students with and without Disabilities9
Social Competence and Mental Health Among Students with Disabilities in Ethiopian Universities: The Mediating Role of Social Support9
Understanding the Experiences of Families of Autistic Children When Participating in Relationship Development Intervention8
Storylines and Positions Theory As a Tool to Identify How Young People Conceptualise Their Positions of Living with ADHD8
Understanding How Self-Determination Affects the Quality of Life of Young People with Intellectual Disability7
Bridging the Digital Divide Affecting Persons with Disabilities in Malaysia7
Gender– Based Parenting of Children with Disabilities in Emirati Families: Exploring the Experiences of Mothers7
The Impact of the COVID-19 Related School Closure on the Mental Health and Well-Being of Children with SEN and Their Parents in Algeria6
Strategies to Facilitate Social Interaction with Adults with Congenital Deafblindness: Communication Partner’s Perceptions6
Inclusion and d/Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students: A Qualitative Meta-Analysis6
How Children with and without Hearing Loss Describe Audiovisual Content6
Persons with Disabilities Living in Rural Areas of Bangladesh: An Exploration of Their Mental Health and Experiences in Accessing Support During the COVID-19 Pandemic6
Profiles of Teaching Assistants’ Role Performance in Chinese Elementary Schools: A Person-Centred Approach5
Improving Social-Emotional and Life Skills of Young People with Complex Additional Needs Through ‘Outward Bound’ Residential Trips5
Social Media Use Training for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities: A Pilot Study5
Construction and Content Validity Evidences of Coping Inventory for Brazilian Paralympic Athletes in Competition Situations5
Echolalia in Autism: A Scoping Review5
Mastery Motivation from Early Childhood to Young Adulthood in a Sample of Individuals with Down Syndrome Using Parental Report5
The Importance of School Leadership Support when Working with Students with Smith-Magenis Syndrome – A Q Methodology Study5
Profiles of Teachers’ Work Engagement in Special Education: The Impact of Burnout and Job Satisfaction5
Access and Use of Digital Information Resources by Students with Vision Impairment: Challenges, Prospects and Expected Role of Libraries5
Adapted Physical Education Teaching Online During COVID-19: Experiences from the South of the United States5
Creating Inclusive Classroom Environments: A Practitioner-Friendly Typology of Regular Classroom Teachers’ Responses to the Call5
Examining Acculturative Stress and Copings Among Korean Immigrant Parents of Children with Developmental Disabilities4
Sensory Enhanced Interactive Storytelling Technique (SEIS-T): Supporting Active Communication Through Short, Multimodal Narratives4
The Challenges and Factors Facilitating the Inclusive Education Policy Implementation in Ghana: Policy Stakeholders’ Perspectives4
Measuring Environmental Factors and School Participation for Children with Disabilities4
Identifying Key Concepts in Ambassador Interventions for Students with Disabilities in Higher Education: A Scoping Review4
Caregivers of Children with Autism Are Better, Despite Their Poorer Memory, Completing Tasks of Daily Living4
Flourishing Intervention: Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction in Hard-Of-Hearing Adolescents4
Primary School Teachers’ Approach to Problem Behaviour in Inclusive Classrooms in Turkey4
South African Teachers’ Attitudes Towards Working with Learners with Severe Intellectual Disabilities4
Education of Children with Disabilities in Rural Indian Government Schools: A Long Road to Inclusion4
Piano Lessons: Fostering Theory of Mind in ASD Through Imitation4
Developmental Trajectories of Reading Ability in Adolescents with Intellectual Disabilities4
Physician Assistant Autism Training: A Qualitative Study4
Teachers’ Perceptions and Practices Towards Inclusive Education for Children with ADHD in Scotland: A Qualitative Investigation4
Teaching Requesting Skills to Children with Visual Impairment and Intellectual Disability by Using Picture Exchange Communication System Combined with Tangible Symbols4
Barriers to Physical Activity for Australian Students with Vision Impairment4
Challenges as Motivation for Growth in First-Year Students Living with Disability4
The Effect of Peer Mentoring on Mentors Themselves: A Case Study of College Students3
Global Research Evidence on Anxiety and Intellectual Disability: A Bibliometric Analysis3
Developmental Outcomes of Children From an Urban Middle-Income South African Setting3
The Role of Teacher Agency in Promoting Inclusion in a Chinese Primary School3
Examining the Practices of Preschool Teachers for the Engagement of Children with Autism3
Positive Messages And Traditional Therapy For Three Children With Persistent Stuttering3
From Caregivers to Right Defenders: Experiences of Chinese Parents Accompanying Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Inclusive Kindergartens3
Social Robots for Joint Attention Development in Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Review3
Applying a Dance Pad and Proximity Switch Combined with Positive Reinforcement to Excite Children with Intellectual Disability to Jump in Situ: A Preliminary Study3
Classroom Inclusion of Saudi Arabian Students with Speech, Language, and Communication Needs Through Enhanced Communication3
Effects of Dialogic Reading on the Vocabulary Knowledge of Preschoolers with Autism Spectrum Disorder3
Development and Validation of Self-Acceptance Scale for People with Physical Disabilities in Malaysia3
Association between Motor and Language Skills Development in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Scoping Review3
Co-Designing Digital Assistive Technologies for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Using Qualitative Approaches3
Developmental outcomes of deaf preschool-aged children with cochlear implants3
Sensory Processing Abnormalities in School-Age Children With Neurodevelopmental Disorders Are Associated With the Range of Learning Difficulties3
Physical Disabilities and Subjective Wellbeing: A Comparison of Children Based on Boarding and Home Residency in South Africa3
Doing and Talking: People with Intellectual Disabilities’ Handling of Challenges of Remote Communication3
Improving Resilience of a Child with ADHD: A Context Specific Intervention Program through Dialogic and Guided Reading2
Preservice Teachers’ Attitudes, Knowledge, and Self-Efficacy of Inclusive Teaching Practices2
Combining Social Stories and Video Modelling for Teaching Mealtime Skills to Children with Intellectual Disability2
Can I Afford to Be on Campus? Do College Students with Disabilities Understand COVID-19 Vaccination Costs?2
Instrument Validation: Chinese Version of Multidimensional Attitudes toward Preschool Inclusive Education Scale (MATPIES-C)2
Teachers’ Self-Assessment Regarding the Teaching of Students with a Developmental Language Disorder2
Voices of Community-Based Program Volunteers for Korean Americans with Severe Disabilities2
The Effect of Chinese Special Education Teachers’ Competence on Their Occupational Well-Being: The Mediating Effect of Resilience2
Development of the Goal-Setting Challenge App: Engaging Users to Promote Self-Determination2
Effects on Function and Enjoyment of Aquatic Therapy in Children with Cerebral Palsy: A Pilot Study in a Special Education School2
Curriculum Decision-Making for Students with Severe Intellectual Disabilities or Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties2
Investigation of the Effectiveness of a Relation Based Early Intervention Program on Parent Outputs2
Identifying Learning Concepts in Art Activities: Teaching Strategies for Inclusive Group Learning2
What Defines Inclusion in Higher Education Institutions? Validation of an Instrument Based on the ‘Index for Inclusion’2
Special Education Directors and Special Education Teachers’ Self-Efficacy for Serving Students with English Learner and Special Education Needs2
A Study on the Translatability of the Developmental Assessment Report into the Individualized Education Plan in the Philippines2
An Investigation into Pre-Service Teachers’ Disability Governing Frameworks: An Attempt to Theoretically Predict the Implementation of Inclusive Education2
A Cross-Cultural Examination of Young Children’s Attitudes Towards Peers with Disabilities in South Korea and the United States2
Perceptions of Parents and Caregivers in New Zealand: Educational Experiences of their Children with Tourette Syndrome2
Syrian Youth with Disabilities Accessing Higher Education in Turkey: Routes and Barriers2
Impact of Social Distancing in the Lives of Individuals with Vision Impairments2
Involvement, Readiness for Primary Caregiving, Loneliness, and Self-Efficacy: A Comparison between Adult Sisters and Brothers of Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities2
Agency for Inclusion: A Case Study of Special Educational Needs Coordinators (SENCos)2
Self-Esteem, Life Satisfaction, and Quality of Life Among Audiology Students2
Preschool and Primary School Teachers’ Understanding and Awareness of Identifying and Supporting Children with Special Educational Needs in Singapore2
Inclusive Teaching Online: Lessons Learned2