Investment Analysts Journal

(The median citation count of Investment Analysts Journal is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Is a sentiment-based trading strategy profitable?19
Volatility spillover and connectedness among REITs, NFTs, cryptocurrencies and other assets: Portfolio implications18
The asymmetric effect of COVID-19 government interventions on global stock markets: New evidence from QARDL and threshold regression approaches17
ESG performance and firm value in the Chinese market15
Information sharing and fund performance: Evidence from the US mutual fund family11
Financial constraints and the financial distress puzzle: Evidence from a frontier market before and during the Covid-19 pandemic11
Heterogeneous investor attention to climate risk: Evidence from a unique dataset10
International investor sentiment and stock returns: Evidence from China10
Predicting corporate defaults using machine learning with geometric-lag variables7
Portfolio diversification with cryptocurrencies – Evidence from Middle Eastern stock markets7
The role of oil price in determining the relationship between cryptocurrencies and non-fungible assets5
Investor sentiment and market dynamics: Evidence from index futures markets5
Multi-asset allocation of exchange traded funds: Application of Black–Litterman model4
Statistical arbitrage on the JSE based on partial co-integration4
Measuring the asymmetry level around quarterly reports in the Dow Jones, Nasdaq, and Standard & Poor’s: Before and during the COVID-19 pandemic4
Measuring corporate failure risk: Does long short-term memory perform better in all markets?4
The pricing of skewness: Evidence from the Johannesburg Stock Exchange3
Is the rand a commodity currency? A volatility spillover analysis3
Time–frequency analysis of cryptocurrency attention3
Do changes in star selection criteria affect analyst behaviour?3
If the equal weighted portfolio is so great, why isn’t it working in South Africa?3
Pandemic impact on the co-movement and hedging effectiveness of the global futures markets2
Analysts’ stock ratings and the predictive value of news and Twitter sentiment2
Does board diversity influence idiosyncratic risk: Empirical evidence from Chinese listed firms2
Improvements in forecasting insurance stock excess returns: Comparing the investor sentiment endurance index with the CAPM and Fama-French models2
Firm quality and stock returns: Evidence from India2
Rating to economic profit: Valuation properties, implementation issues, and the justification of target prices2
Performance of factor models in explaining anomalous return patterns: Evidence from Pakistan2
Stock price prediction using multiple valuation methods based on artificial neural networks for KOSDAQ IPO companies2
The MAX puzzle in a frontier market before and during the Covid-19 pandemic2
Central bank policy rate announcements and high-frequency intra-day benchmark stock returns reaction dynamics: Evidence from South Africa2
The asymmetric relationship between volatility index and volatility-of-volatility index1
Higher moments and industry momentum returns1
Dynamic behaviour of institutional ownership and firm life cycle: Evidence from Taiwan1
The impact of algorithmic trading on market quality: Evidence from the Johannesburg Stock Exchange1
Quantile dependencies across BRICS currency markets in time of crisis: Analysis of the Russia–Ukraine war1
Impacts of analyst coverage initiation on market quality1
Pairs trading in cryptocurrency markets: A comparative study of statistical methods1
The sustainable lifestyle level: How real salary increases affect adequate retirement provision1
Wednesdays obtain herd immunity? Examining the effect of the day of the week on the NSE sectoral market during COVID-191
The effects of economic policy uncertainty on the US REITs ETFs: A quantile analysis1
Examining swap butterfly risk premia in South Africa1
The impact of conventional energy markets on connectedness dynamics among eco-friendly assets1
Bayesian forecasting of stock returns on the JSE using simultaneous graphical dynamic linear models*1
Early evidence on the performance of hedged exchange traded funds0
How does (C)CAPM digest anomalies?0
Performance of Green vis-à-vis Red EU securities0
Employing behavioural portfolio theory for sustainable investment: Examining drawdown risks and ESG factors0
The cumulative prospect theory and fund flows in emerging markets0
The time-frequency-quantile causal impact of Cable News-based Economic Policy Uncertainty on major assets returns0
Tactical asset allocation using the Kalman filter0
Fundamental analysis, low accruals, and the accrual anomaly: Korean evidence0
What is the optimal offshore allocation for South African investors?0
The information content of bond rating changes and insider trading in Korea0
A multiscale analysis of returns and volatility spillovers in cryptocurrency markets: A post-COVID perspective0
Equity issuance and share price performance on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange0
Forecasting oil futures markets using machine learning and seasonal trend decomposition0
The spillover and leverage effects and trading volume of FinTech Exchange-Traded Funds0
Momentum trading: How it differs among investor segments0
Subjective perception of economic policy uncertainty and ESG performance: Evidence from China0
Tracking error volatility and relative risk budgets0
The interconnectedness and spillover effects among economic uncertainty, energy-related risks and sovereign risk in BRICS economies0
The influence of crises on the financial position of multinationals in emerging markets0
Opinion divergence, investor sentiment, and stock liquidity: Evidence from social media0
Leveraging defence into offence: enhancing absolute and risk-adjusted equity returns with tail risk management overlays0
Risk spillovers among global oil & gas firms0
Investor sentiments and performance of selected ESG indices in BRICS markets during bull and bear conditions0
An empirical investigation of return spillover and volatility dynamics of Indian sectoral indices0
Sector exposures in factor portfolios: Why neutralise when you can optimise?0
A modified Shiller's cyclically adjusted price-to-earnings (CAPE) ratio for stock market index valuation in a zero-interest rate environment0
Does the elderly’s private pension ownership intensify aggregate equity demand? Empirical evidence in the US0
Research on the influence of fiscal policy uncertainty on corporate strategic investment – Evidence from China0
Quantile dependencies between exchange rate volatility and sectoral stock returns in South Africa0
CEO-related announcements, trading activity, and calendar effects0
The highest-lowest price range and the cross-sectional returns predictability0
Return and volatility connectedness across stock markets: A global perspective0
Editorial: 50th anniversary collection edition of the Investment Analysts Journal0
Earnings informativeness in the Brazilian market: the influence of dividends and financial constraints0
Integration among the BRICS stock markets: Filtering out global factors0
Adapting Altman Z-score models for early warning signals: Evidence from delisted mining stocks on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange0
Volatility and return spillovers between private equity buyout, venture capital and major financial markets0
Price discovery or overreaction? A study on the reaction of Asia Pacific country ETFs to the US stock market0
An analysis of stock market prices by using extended Kalman filter: The US and China cases0
Nonlinear dependencies in the Fama and French three-factor model0
Institutional determinants of dividend policy of African listed firms0
The impact of news on South African sovereign bond yields0
Do financial analysts publish long-term forecasts in response to firms’ overinvestments?0
CFOs versus CEOs: Risk-taking incentives and decisions of corporate policies0
A quantile-based analysis of risk-return dynamics in the South African equity market0
The low-volatility effect in African frontier equity markets0
Under- or -overreaction: Investors’ response to black swan events0
Does stock market liberalisation reduce earnings management? Evidence from China0
Economic policy uncertainty and industry portfolio returns in the United States0
Which shrinkage is better? Portfolio selection with a cleaned random matrix0