International Journal of Cultural Policy

(The TQCC of International Journal of Cultural Policy is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Mirror, mirror on the wall, do I want to know at all? A story about cultural organizations that conduct research on themselves and those that do not20
Tracing the Atom. Nuclear Legacies in Russia and Central Asia19
Creative hubs: an anomaly in cultural policy?17
Shakespeare Lives on Twitter: cultural diplomacy in the digital age12
Resilience and adaptation of the UK’s arts sector during the process of the UK’s withdrawal from the EU12
Integrating cultural and social policy through family home visits in suburban areas of exclusion: examining the rationalities of Bookstart Göteborg12
Assessing the validity of cultural policy typologies for Central-Eastern European countries11
Disentangling economics and culture in European policies for cinema: what can we learn from Portugal and non-commercial exhibition?9
Cultural policy on the move: between the paradigmatic and the pragmatic9
Cultural policy beyond the economy: work, value and the social8
Sport as social policy: Midnight Football and the governing of society8
The ‘commodified’ colonial past in small cities: shifting heritage-making from nation-building to city branding in South Korea and Taiwan8
Moving towards an integrated approach to fight against illicit trafficking of cultural heritage for the Chinese Mainland, Hong Kong and Macao7
Dialogic approach in the EU’s international cultural relations: joint EUNIC-EU delegation projects as heritage diplomacy7
China’s emerging legislative and policy framework for safeguarding intangible cultural heritage7
Digital cultural politics: from policy to practice7
Finally, beyond status quo? Analysis of steps taken to improve gender equality in the European audiovisual sector in light of the #MeToo movement7
Mentoring as affective practice7
Emergent film production in the Pacific: Oceanic strategies of connection and exchange7
The future of creative work– creativity and digital disruption6
The normative role of experts in policy development: a comparison of two Scandinavian cultural policy reports6
Science policy as implicit cultural policy: evaluation of the arts in Polish academia6
Review of cultural industries and the COVID-19 pandemic: a European focus6
Global arts world and the worlding of Wynwood, Miami, Florida6
Reimagining the cultural impact of neoliberalism: an analysis of Istanbul and Liverpool biennials6
The dynamics of EU cultural policies in post-socialist urban regeneration strategies: a case study of Timișoara – European Capital of Culture 20236
Transformational governance framework for institutions of cultural diplomacy: the case of the Chinese Confucius Institute5
The Covid-19 crisis and ‘critical juncture’ in cultural policy: a comparative analysis of cultural policy responses in South Korea, Japan and China5
Problematizing Iranian university autonomy: a historical-institutional perspective5
Democratizing opera. Accessibility to opera in the digital age among Swedish-speaking Finns5
The role of experience and reputation in the performance of Australian films5
Cultural policy aspirations and the turn in Saudi Arabia’s video game industry5
The platformisation of culture: challenges to cultural policy5
Democratising access to domestic audiovisual production in the digital environment: the case of the Argentinian VOD service Cine.Ar Play5
Creative work: conditions, contexts and practices5
Cultural participation as a human right: holding nation states to account5
Survey evidence on the impact of COVID-19 on Australian musicians and implications for policy4
Opera houses: from democratization to plutocratic control? Lyric production, economic management, and elite control in the main Spanish opera houses during the period of austerity (2009–2018)4
From a contracted market to an expanding horizon: an analysis of Indonesia’s film production chain and accessibility4
The road to censorship: the case of digital audiovisual industries in India4
Present absence: when cultural participation goes digital4
Designating heritage as European: between the European Union’s heritage initiatives and the nation-state4
The UNESCO convention for the safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage: a critical analysis4
Sovetskaia kul’turnaia diplomatiia v usloviiakh Kholodnoi voiny 1945 – 19894
The rise of Chinese animation: policy evolution and industry development since the 1990s4
Authenticity of cultural heritage vis-à-vis heritage reproducibility and intangibility: from conservation philosophy to practice4
The ambivalence in the ambiguity of UNESCO’s cultural policy remit: a structural description of the Common Heritage of Mankind in the Cultural Diversity Convention4
The culture of ban: pop culture, social media and securitization of youth politics in today’s Russia4
Genius fails to appear: the Atlantic Awards in literature, 1946–19504
Arts and cultural management: sense and sensibilities in the state of the field4
Changes in the governance of the reading subject: Swedish reading policy, c .1949–19844
Translation as cultural diplomacy: a Chinese perspective4
Cultural policy and the politics of display. The establishment of the opera house in Oslo4
Agonistic articulations in the ‘creative’ city: on new actors and activism in Berlin’s cultural politics3
Indeterminacy in the cultural property restitution debate3
EU heritage diplomacy: entangled external and internal cultural relations3
Heritage diplomacy through the lens of the European Capitals of Culture programme3
Heritage diplomacy; an afterword3
They expand their own language; God bless them: positions of Iranian cultural activists on English in Iran3
“Happy, healthy and participatory citizens”: suburban cultural policy in the Finnish city of Jyväskylä3
Histories of cultural participation, values and governance3
Dating apps: towards post-romantic love in digital societies3
Failures in cultural participation3
‘Contact zones’ of heritage diplomacy: transformations of museums in the (post)pandemic reality3
Comparing landscape values and heritage stakeholders: a case study of West Lake Cultural Landscape of Hangzhou, China3
Developing a sense of place. The role of the arts in regenerating communities3
Things, practices & policies: relationality and the early stages of the international promotion of Dutch design, 1920s–1970s2
Culture is Digitaland the shifting terrain of UK cultural policy2
From cultural policy towards cultural politics? The case of the Hungarian cultural sphere2
Multilingualism, diversity, and performing arts. A home for Spanish language theatre in post-Brexit gentrified London2
Accounting for non-economic loss: climate displacement and the meaningful omission of the intangible2
From aims to results: justifying and implementing Japanese cultural policies in Southeast Asia2
Cultural diversity and cultural trade: theory and an application to the motion picture industry2
Ethics, values and legality in the restoration of cultural artefacts: the case of South Africa2
Perceptions of e-lending in Scandinavian libraries: tension and harmony between institutional logics2
Trading devil Fish and Monkey kings: French and Chinese film industry policies and exchanges 1978-19932
Folk soft power in nation-state building: the political use of folk culture in post-Mao China2
Cultural survival amid disaster: support for artists in New Orleans2
‘They need to know that it’s theirs’: considerations for policy and practice when developing a public art trail in remote communities2
Whose culture is it? Recovering illegally excavated Chinese bronze wares from Japan2
Cooperation among intergovernmental organizations in global cultural governance: Towards an actor-centered constructivist approach2
Mainstreaming heritages: abstract heritage values as strategic resources in EU external relations2
How culture became digital: editor’s introduction2
Cultural policy regimes and arts councils. Thelongue duréeperspective, birth of the state, religious trajectories and national cultural policies2
The fragility of cultural philanthropy: why private art museums close2
Accomplishing cultural policy in Europe. Financing, governance and responsiveness2
What price culture? – a taxonomy of the admission pricing policy at museums2
‘Constructing’ heritage diplomacy in Central Asia: China’s Sinocentric historicisation of transnational World Heritage Sites2
Examining restitution and repatriation options for cultural artefacts: an empirical enquiry in South Africa2
An evaluation of the web accessibility of China’s national-level museums2
Art-oriented reconstruction movement and governance in rural China: illustrated by cases in Guangdong Province2
Ours or yours? Localizing the ‘mixed sites’ concept for the sustainable preservation of heritage in Africa: the case of Chongoleani Peninsular, Tanzania2
The Eurovision song contest as a cultural phenomenon: from concert halls to the halls of academia2
To receive and to give something back – director’s perspectives on public – private collaborations in Norwegian art museums2
Putting creative labour in its place in the shadow of the Korean Wave2