Doklady Physics

(The TQCC of Doklady Physics is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Multiple Emissions of Splashes upon Drop Impact17
Drop Decay into Individual Fibers at the Boundary of the Contact Area with a Target Fluid15
The Delay in Cavity Formation in the Intrusive Mode of Coalescence of a Freely Falling Drop with a Target Liquid15
Direct Measurements of Atmospheric Absorption of Subterahertz Waves in the Northern Caucasus11
Ultracompact Fluorescence Lidar Based on a Diode Laser (405 nm, 150 mW) for Remote Sensing of Waterbodies and the Underlying Surface from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles10
Derivation of the Equations of Electrodynamics and Gravitation from the Principle of Least Action10
Effect of Macro-, Micro-, and Nanoparticles on Turbulence in a Carrier Gas10
A Novel Model of a Mode-Localized MEMS Accelerometer9
Formation of a System of Inclined Loops in the Flows of a Drop Impact8
Electron Paramagnetic Resonance and the Modified Landau–Lifshitz Equation in Strongly Correlated Electronic Systems with Quantum Fluctuations of the Magnetic Moment7
The Influence of a Crystallographically Atypical Pentagonal Nanostructured Coating on the Limiting Stage of Low-Temperature Hydrogen Transport through Pd–Cu Membranes7
Fractal Properties of Block Elements and a New Universal Modeling Method7
Lidar Monitoring of Moisture in Biological Objects6
The Bridge Flow Regime in Microchannels6
Dynamic Stability of a Three-Layer Cylindrical Shell Reinforced by Ring Ribs and a Hollow Cylinder under the Action of External Pulsing Pressure6
The Role of Lattice Curvature in Structural Degradation of the Metal Surface Layer of a Rail under Long-term Operation6
Promising Minimally Invasive Robotic Surgical Complexes with Parallel Structure6
The Kaiser Effect under Multiaxial Nonproportional Compression of Sandstone6
A β Ti–20Nb–10Ta–5Zr Alloy with the Surface Structured on the Micro- and Nanoscale5
The Block-Element Method in Expansion of the Solutions of Complex Boundary-Value Problems in Mechanics5
Registering the Kinetics of Intermolecular Interactions by Low-Coherence Interferometry for the Development of Biomarker Immunoassays for Cardiovascular Diseases5
Heat Waves: A New Danger for the Russian Power System5
The Connection of the Asymptotics of the Far Field of a Jet with the Velocity Profile at an Orifice5
Tunable-Frequency Lasing on Thin Semiconductor Quantum Rings4
Plane Motions of Rigid Body Controlled by Means of Movable Mass4
Wind Regime Change over the Russian Territory and the Accident Rate of Overhead Power Lines4
Optimal Density of the Lattice Cores for Impact-Resistant Structural Elements Produced by FDM Technology4
Diffusion Combustion of a Round Hydrogen Microjet at Sub- and Supersonic Jet Velocity4
Spin-Fluctuation Transitions in MnSi According to Electron Paramagnetic Resonance and Neutron Scattering4
Prospects of Infrared Lasers in Air-Breathing Electric Thrusters4
The Stability of Circulatory Systems4
Analytical Description of Vapor Bubble Growth in a Superheated Liquid: A New Approach4
Concept and Practical Implementation of a Gigantic Plasma-Filled Coaxial Line for Simulation of the Interaction of Electromagnetic Pulses with a Partially Ionized Gas Medium3
A General Solution of the Problem of Elastic-Wave Scattering by a Plane Crack3
The Generating Function for the Components of the Euler–Poinsot Tensor3
Results of Quantitative Analysis of High-Speed Shadowgraphy of Shock Tube Flows Using Machine Vision and Machine Learning3
Maintaining Microwave Discharge in Hollow Core Optical Fibers for Gas Fiber Lasers3
Glasgow-2021: The Difficult Road to the 1.5°С Goal3
Visualization of Media Contact Areas in Drop Impact Flows with Chemical Reactions3
Experimental Study of the Diffusion Combustion of Suspension of Boron Nanoparticles in Isopropanol3
Comparison of the Intensities of Chemical and Physical Processes Occurring during Laser-Induced Breakdown of Colloidal Solutions of Tb Nanoparticles with Different Oxidation States3
The Influence of Stationary Periodic Wave Structures on the Local Strength of an Ice Field3
Numerical Simulation of the Influence of a Mach Wave on the Laminar–Turbulent Transition in a Supersonic Boundary Layer3
The Mechanism of Droplet Levitation in Gas–Droplet Flows Past Bodies3
Omnidirectional Modulation of Seasonal Compression of the Earth’s Crust and the Aerosol Lidar Signal in a Tunnel above the Chamber of Elbrus Volcano3
Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Nano- and Microroughnesses on the Intensity of Swirled Flow3
Analytical Model of a Magnetopause in a Multicomponent Collisionless Plasma with a Kappa Energy Distribution of Particles3
The Radial Response of a Carbon Nanotube to Dynamic Pressure3
The Generalized Maxwell Garnett Approximation for Textured Matrix Composites with Coated Inclusions3
Evolution of Shapes of the Subsequence Cavities from the Impact of a Free-Falling Drop3
Equilibrium Forms of an Initially Curved Bernoulli–Euler Beam in Electric and Thermal Fields3
Raman Scattering Study of Natural and Synthetic Compounds Containing Polyene Chains3
All-Glass Single-Mode Microstructured Fibers with a Large Mode Area3
Highly Selective Oversized Slotted Cavities for Relativistic Millimeter Wave Gyrotrons2
Application of Vertical Receiving Arrays for Underwater Acoustic Communication in an Inhomogeneous Waveguide under an Ice Cover2
Coordinates of a Wave Attractor in a Trapezoidal Wave Basin with Stratification2
Study of a Composite Consisting of Metal Nanoparticles in a Dielectric Matrix and Multilayer Bandpass Filters Based on It2
An Approach for Building Dynamic Models of the Process of Disclosure of Transformable Space Structures2
Model of Underwater Pipeline Flotation2
Experimental Verification of the Quantum Level on a Mobile Quantum Clock2
Dynamic Stability of a Cylindrical Shell Reinforced by Longitudinal Ribs of Piecewise-Constant Thickness under Axial Loading2
Formation of the Fine Structure of Pearlite Steel under Ultra-long Plastic Deformation2
A Generalized Approach to Interference Invariant of the Hydroacoustic Field in Deep and Shallow Seas2
Stress Concentration Near Stiff Cylindrical Inclusions under Anti-Plane Shear Loading2
A Direct Experiment on the Passage of Ultra-Wideband Pulses of Subnanosecond Duration in the Earth’s Atmosphere2
Groups of Sprays from the Impact of a Water Drop Falling Freely into a Melted Metal2
Analytical Estimates of the Motion and Elastic Vibrations of the Structures of Separated Fairing Flaps of Rocket-Space Systems2
Conditions for the Division of the Deviator and Spherical Properties for Nonlinear Isotropic Tensor Functions2
Specific Features of Pulsed Cathodoluminescence under Excitation by Nanosecond and Subnanosecond Electron Beams2
Anomalous Wave Transmission through a Thin Channel Connecting Two Acoustic Waveguides2
Parametric Resonance of a Three-Layer Cylindrical Composite Shell Supported by Longitudinal Ribs and a Cylinder under Action of Time-Varying Axial Force2
Dynamic Interaction of Longitudinal and Transverse Laser-Induced Oscillations of a Rod2
Dynamic Equilibrium Positions of Bent Pipeline with Vibrating Supports2
Hierarchy of Times for the Establishment of the Gibbs Distribution2
Use of Several Movable Masses for Body Reorientation2
Experimental Validation of Linear-Stability Theory Applied to a Submerged Jet2
Calculated Analysis of Experimental Data on the Aerothermodynamics of the Hypersonic Aircraft HIFiRE-12
Re-Reflections of an Elastic Precursor of a Shock Wave in Solids2
A Mathematical Theory of Ignition by an Incandescent Surface2
Control of Detonation Combustion of a Hydrogen–Air Mixture by Argon and Ozone Addition2
Hydrodynamic Generators of Oscillations: A New Type of Device for Periodic Impacts2
Two Approaches to Modeling the Noise of Low-Speed Subsonic Jets2
Supersensitive Registration of Polyfunctional Magnetic Nanomaterials for the Rapid Detection of Molecular Markers of Diseases2
Dependence of the Elastic Properties of H5-Chondrites (NWA 12370) on Pressure2