Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics

(The TQCC of Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Novel Results on Persistence and Attractivity of Delayed Nicholson's Blowflies System with Patch Structure6
Planar Graphs Without Pairwise Adjacent $3$-, $4$-, $5$-, and $6$-cycle are $4$-choosable5
Sign-balances of Tableaux with at Most Three Rows4
Increasing Stability in an Inverse Boundary Value Problem—Bayesian Viewpoint4
Strongly Gorenstein-projective Quiver Representations4
A New Condition for $k$-Wall–Sun–Sun Primes4
Open Subsets in a Stein Space with Singularities4
An Efficient Compact Difference Method for the Fourth-order Nonlocal Subdiffusion Problem4
Existence of Solutions for a Class of Fractional Kirchhoff-type Systems in $\mathbb{R}^N$ with Non-standard Growth4
Monogenic Pisot and Anti-Pisot Polynomials4
Vector Critical Points and Cone Efficiency in Nonsmooth Vector Optimization4
Some Remarks on Ekedahl–Oort Stratifications4
Schwarz Lemma at the Boundary for Holomorphic and Pluriharmonic Mappings Between $p$-unit Balls3
Stability Analysis of Periodic Solutions in Alternately Advanced and Retarded Neural Network Models with Impulses3
On the Syzygies of Ample Line Bundles on Fake Projective Planes3
Continuous Orbit Equivalence for Automorphism Systems of Equivalence Relations3
Chain Recurrence Rates and Topological Entropy of Free Semigroup Actions3
Canonical Comultiplication and Double Centraliser Property3
Bregman Projections and Parallel Extragradient Methods for Solving Multiple-sets Split Problems3
Algebraic Gromov Ellipticity: A Brief Survey3
Existence of Invariant Curves for Degenerate Quasi-periodic Reversible Mappings3
Filter Regularization Method for Inverse Source Problem of the Rayleigh–Stokes Equation2
Blow-up in Coupled Solutions for a $4$-dimensional Semilinear Elliptic Kuramoto–Sivashinsky System2
Competing Finsler Double Phase Equation2
Equal Lower-order Finite Elements of Least-squares Type in Biot Poroelasticity Modeling2
On Defects of Entire Curves of Finite Lower Order2
On the Unicity and the Ambiguity of Lusztig Parametrizations for Finite Classical Groups2
Regularity of Commutators of Maximal Operators with Lipschitz Symbols2
Symmetry of Positive Solutions to Quasilinear Fractional Systems2
Distance (Signless) Laplacian Eigenvalues of $k$-uniform Hypergraphs2
Concrete $L^2$-spectral Analysis of a Bi-weighted $\Gamma$-automorphic Twisted Laplacian2
Summability in Anisotropic Musielak–Orlicz Hardy Spaces2
On the Cohomologically Trivial Automorphisms of Elliptic Surfaces I: $\chi(S) = 0$2
Painlevé–Kuratowski Stability of Approximate Solution Sets for Perturbed Set Optimization Problems Under General Ordering Sets by Recession Cone2
A Pseudo-spectral Method for Time Distributed Order Two-sided Space Fractional Differential Equations2
On RGI Algorithms for Solving Sylvester Tensor Equations2
On Relaxed Greedy Randomized Iterative Methods for the Solution of Factorized Linear Systems2
Blow-up and Decay for a Pseudo-parabolic Equation with Nonstandard Growth Conditions2
Normalized Solutions for the Fractional Choquard Equations with Lower Critical Exponent and Nonlocal Perturbation2
Seshadri Constants of Curve Configurations on Surfaces2
Int-amplified Endomorphisms on Normal Projective Surfaces2
On the Sum-of-digits Function over $k$-free Integers2
Singular Limit Solutions for a $4$-dimensional Emden–Fowler System of Liouville Type in Some General Case2
An Extension of a Depth Inequality of Auslander1
On Total Coloring of Some Classes of Regular Graphs1
Boundedness of Solutions in a Fully Parabolic Quasilinear Chemotaxis Model with Two Species and Two Chemicals1
Ventcel-type Transmission Conditions for the Scattering of a Time-harmonic Wave Problem with Accuracy up to Order $3$1
Multiple Nontrivial Solutions for Biharmonic Systems Involving Rellich-type Potentials and Homogeneous Terms1
Existence and Asymptotic Behaviors to a Nonlinear Fourth-order Parabolic Equation with a General Source1
On the Exterior Problem for Parabolic Hessian Quotient Equations1
On the Exponential Diophantine Equation $F_{n+1}^x - F_{n-1}^x = F_m^y$1
Non-Gorenstein Locus and Almost Gorenstein Property of the Ehrhart Ring of the Stable Set Polytope of a Cycle Graph1
On the Variable-order Fractional Laplacian Equation with Variable Growth on $\mathbb{R}^N$1
Structure of Rings Whose Potent Elements are Central1
On the Reconstruction of Convection Coefficient in a Semilinear Anomalous Diffusion System1
The $L^p$-$L^q$ Boundedness and Compactness of Bergman Type Operators1
Existence of Positive Solution to Schrödinger-type Semipositone Problems with Mixed Nonlinear Boundary Conditions1
Maximal Estimates for the Bilinear Riesz Means on Heisenberg Groups1
Normal Forms for Rigid $\mathfrak{C}_{2,1}$ Hypersurfaces $M^5 \subset \mathbb{C}^3$1
Complex Ball Quotients and New Symplectic $4$-manifolds with Nonnegative Signatures1
On Minimal Model Theory for Algebraic Log Surfaces1
Exponential Tikhonov Regularization Method for an Inverse Source Problem in a Sub-diffusion Equation1
Rotational $K^{\alpha}$-translators in Minkowski Space1
Classification of Spherical $2$-distance $\{4,2,1\}$-designs by Solving Diophantine Equations1
Bounds of Eigenfunction for Some Diffusion Operators1
Sheaf Theoretic Compactifications of the Space of Rational Quartic Plane Curves1
Inertial Algorithms for Solving Nonmonotone Variational Inequality Problems1
A Minimum Principle for Stochastic Optimal Control Problem with Interval Cost Function1
Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions for the Three-dimensional Generalized Incompressible MHD Equations with Nonlinear Damping Terms1
The Smallest $2$-Pisot Numbers in $\mathbb{F}_{q}((X^{-1}))$ Where $q$ is Different from the Power of $2$1
Variation of a Theme of Landau--Shanks in Positive Characteristic1
Independent Sets in Tensor Products of Three Vertex-transitive Graphs1
Frame-based Average Sampling in Multiply Generated Shift-invariant Subspaces of Mixed Lebesgue Spaces1
Stability and Dynamic of HIV-1 Mathematical Model with Logistic Target Cell Growth, Treatment Rate, Cure Rate and Cell-to-cell Spread1
Freeness of Arrangements of Lines and One Conic with Ordinary Quasi-homogeneous Singularities1
The Effect of Age Structure and Two Delays on the Predator-prey Model with Prey Fear Cost and Variable Predator Search Speed1
On Mixed Joint Discrete Universality for a Class of Zeta-functions: One More Case1
Log Canonical Thresholds on Burniat Surfaces with $K^2 = 6$ via Pluricanonical Divisors1
The Zero (Total) Forcing Number and Covering Number of Trees1
A Variational Approach to the Problem of Continuous Dependence of Solutions to Second Order Periodic System1
Existence of Solutions for Asymptotically Periodic Fractional $p$-Laplacian Equations1
An Implicit Discontinuous Galerkin Scheme for Solving the Cardiovascular Drug-eluting Stents' Model1
A Rigidity Property of the Sum of Weighted Differentiation-composition Operators1
Finite Morse Index Solutions of the Fractional Henon–Lane–Emden Equation with Hardy Potential1