Urban Morphology

(The TQCC of Urban Morphology is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Understanding place in the Netherlands H. Bienstman46
An integrated spatial strategy for the inner fringe belt as an operational entity17
Inhabiting the Italian historical city after COVID17
V. Oliveira (ed.) (2020) Diferentes abordagens em morfologia urbana16
5 Reports13
Vítor Oliveira (2021) Morphological research in planning, urban design and architecture12
‘Listening’ to urban form characteristics in transit-oriented developments (TODs)8
Review article: A new urban historical atlas: viewing the best of the past7
Bridging the gaps: urban morphology 20 years on5
Exploring the substantive nature of urban morphology: managing the changing character of cities in China4
Is climate a modifier and shape-driver in urban morphology?4
Applications of morphological regionalization in urban conservation: the case of Bulaq Abulela, Cairo3
Urban landscapes as ensembles3
Conservation, heritage and urban morphology3
Obituary: J. W. R. Whitehand (1938–2021)3
Rebuilding the relationship between urban morphology and environmental psychology3
Taking a world view3
Natufian pre-urban morphology of the Near East3
Urban morphological regions, plan units and terminological exactitude2
What do we know about urban form?2
Crossing boundaries: towards a more integrated approach?2
Reading and understanding the built environment of Quebec (Canada): the result of thirty years of research2
Assessing a quarter-century of Urban Morphology2
Urban morphology: how interdisciplinary? how international?2
A little prehistory of Urban Morphology2
Unmasking an urban morphologist1
The impact of regulations on the typo-morphological transformation of residential buildings in Tehran1
‘Listening’ to urban form characteristics in transit-oriented developments (TODs)1
Field survey in Conzenian morphological regionalization1
E. Lovra (2019) Városok az Osztrák-Magyar Monarchiában1
Linking disciplines: typological process and spatial process1
[Book notes, PDF]1
The study of territory and the role of history in applied research in urban morphology G. Cataldi1
Forma Quadrata Britanniae: the case of Londinium1
Mapping post-socialist changes in urban tissues: a comparative study of Belgrade and Krakow1
Becoming an urban morphologist: Michael P. Conzen1
Inhabiting the Italian historical city after COVID1
Natufian pre-urban morphology of the Near East1
How we view cities: a green-space enigma?1
The adaptive application of the typological map: from the Italian approach to Chinese historic areas1
Completing the foundations1
Towards the authentication of urban pattern through fractal analysis: the case of Blida, Algeria1
On the form and function of grid plans1
Urban morphology and artificial intelligence1
Evolving suburbs: measuring US subdivision street patterns over time1
[Book notes, PDF]1
The problem of Euro-American myopia1
From Como to Alnwick: in pursuit of Caniggia and Conzen1
Translating 'Alnwick' into Portuguese1
Diffusion of urban morphological ideas1