International Journal of Hindu Studies

(The median citation count of International Journal of Hindu Studies is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
“A Great Adventure of the Soul”: Sri Aurobindo’s Vedāntic Theodicy of Spiritual Evolution3
From Good to God: Swami Vivekananda’s Vedāntic Virtue Ethics3
Rāmānuja’s Nityagrantham (“Manual of Daily Worship”): A Translation2
A Religion “Based Upon Principles, And Not Upon Persons”: The Heart of the “Strategic Fit” of Swami Vivekananda’s Promotion of Vedānta?2
Religions as Yogas: How Reflection on Swami Vivekananda’s Theology of Religions Can Clarify the Threefold Model of Exclusivism, Inclusivism, and Pluralism2
Debating with Fists and Fallacies: Vācaspati Miśra and Dharmakīrti on Norms of Argumentation1
Tracing Well-Being: The Rise of Kalyāṇ in the Hindi-Hindu Public Sphere1
Kāśī Kṣetra, Kāśī Maṇḍala: Digitally Mapping Evolving Interpretations of an Idealized Sacred City1
Living in the World by Dying to the Self: Swami Vivekananda’s Modernist Reconfigurations of a Premodern Vedāntic Dialectic1
Merchants, Ritualists, and Bifurcated Hanumāns: A Cultural History of Miracle Deities in Rajasthan1
Vedāntadeśika’s Systematization of Rāmānuja’s Self-surrender (prapatti): A Study Based on the Nikṣeparakṣā1
#MagicMantras: Bhaktamar Mantra Healing Between Jainism and the Spiritual Marketplace1
The Mystery of God and the Claim of Reason: Comparative Patterns in Hindu-Christian Theodicy1
We Don’t Need the Guru: Shambhala Facebook Group and (Re)Creating Vajrayāna Buddhism1
Dark Webs: Tantra, Black Magic, and Cyberspace1
How Should We Read Rāmakṛṣṇa? Guarded Praise for Maharaj’s Analytic Turn1
Pluralisms and the Issue of the Third (tṛtīya)1
The Happiness that Qualifies Nonduality: Jñāna, Bhakti, and Sukha in Rāmānuja’s Vedārthasaṃgraha1
Celebrating Heritage, Promoting Tourism, and Relocating Svāmī Vivekānanda: A Study of the Vivekananda Rock Memorial1
Celibate Seducer: Vedānta Deśika’s Domestication of Kṛṣṇa’s Sexuality in the Yādavābhyudaya1
Gandhi and the Jews, the Jews and Gandhi: An Overall Perspective1
Interpretation of Baladeva and Yamunā at Harivaṃśa 831
One Goddess, Two Goddesses, Three Goddesses More: Recent Studies of Hindu Feminine Divinities1
Swami Vivekananda and Knowledge as the One Final Goal of Humankind1
Hindu-Christian Dialogue on the Afterlife: Swami Vivekananda, Modern Advaita Vedānta, and Roman Catholic Eschatology1
The Bhagavadgītā and the Kṛṣṇa Yajurveda Upaniṣads0
A Critique of Some Aspects of Karma, Evil, and God0
Rāmakṛṣṇa and Religious Pluralism Revisited0
Chidambaram T. Indra, ed., Hayagrīvam Upāsamahe: A Homage to Swāmi Vedānta Deśika.0
Divine Power and Fluid Bodies: Tirunaṅkais in Tamil Nadu0
Revisiting the Questions of Theological Hierarchies in Rāmakṛṣṇa and Gauḍīya Vaiṣṇavism0
Beyond Black and White: The Italian Reception of the Debate on Native Indian Commentaries in Nineteenth-century Vedic Studies0
Rebb Binyamin’s Gandhi: India, Islam, and the Question of Palestine0
A God at Play? Reexamining the Concept of Līlā in Hindu Philosophy and Theology0
Gandhi the Artist0
Global Hindu Communities: Constructing a World Religion in the South Asian Diaspora0
Sex, Gender, and Devotional Desire: Refiguring Bodily Identities in Gauḍīya Vaiṣṇava Discourse0
Arvind Sharma: An Annotated List of Books0
Non-dual Reality and Empirical Existence in Advaita Vedānta and Ghazālī’s Metaphysics of Unity0
A Most Uncommon Task: Arvind Sharma and the Construction of Hindu Missiology0
Renny Thomas, Science and Religion in India: Beyond Disenchantment. Routledge Science and Religion Series. New York: Routledge, 2022. 214 pages.0
Natalie Lang, Religion and Pride: Hindus in Search of Recognition in La Réunion.0
Four New Works on the Mahābhārata0
The Presence of the Real: Jalarāmkathā and the Experience of the Transcendent0
Rethinking the Early Sufi Romance: The Case of Cāndāyan0
Book Reviews0
Mystical Experience and the Paraconsistent God0
Perennialism Naturalized: Three Friendly Objections0
Seeking Dharma Below the Winds: Hindu Particularism in Island Southeast Asia0
The Infinite, Within Limits0
Beyond the Implicit Materialism of Mere Description0
The Study of Indian Philosophy in the Work of Arvind Sharma (with Particular Reference to Advaita Vedānta)0
Shifting Śāstric Śiva: Co-operating Epic Mythology and Philosophy in India’s Classical Period0
Book Reviews0
The Paraconsistent Brahman? Saguṇatva, Nirguṇatva, and the Principle of Non-contradiction0
Mystical Experience and Theodicy in the Philosophy of Rāmakṛṣṇa0
The Subtlety of Subtales: Subaltern Voices of Sūkṣma Dharma in the Mahābhārata0
Book Reviews0
Slender Waists and Severed Breasts: The Construction of Female Bodies and Feminine Subjectivities in Vaiṣṇava Bhakti Poetry0
Reciprocal Illumination and the Discovery of Fractal Patterns in Religious Diversity0
Loriliai Biernacki, The Matter of Wonder: Abhinavagupta’s Panentheism and the New Materialism.0
Mother of Compassion, Mother of Wrath: Reflections of the Hindu Goddess in Mirrored Māhātmyas0
Amiya P. Sen, Sarada Devi: Holiness, Charisma, and Iconic Motherhood.0
Patronymic Patterns in the Mārkaṇḍeya Purāṇa: The Significance of Manu-Making for the Greatness of the Goddess0
Ute Hüsken, Vasudha Narayanan, and Astrid Zotter, eds., Nine Nights of Power: Durgā, Dolls, and Darbārs. SUNY Series in Hindu Studies.0
Preparing for the Past, Packaged for the Present: The Brahma Kumaris, Meditation, and a Self-(Help) Styled Monasticism0
Hindu Apologist or Modern Reformer? Arvind Sharma on Hindu Women0
Simon Brodbeck, Divine Descent and the Four World-Ages in the Mahābhārata—or, Why Does the Kṛṣṇa Avatāra Inaugurate the Worst Yuga?0
Continuing the Philosophical Conversation on Śrī Rāmakṛṣṇa: A Response0
Gandhi’s Concept of Conscience/Antarātmā Revisited: Exploring His Cardinal Principle in Trilingual Texts0
Digital Tantra: Introducing a New Research Field0
Steven W. Ramey, ed., Hinduism in 5 Minutes. Religion in Five Minutes series.0
The Debate on Cross-Cousin Marriage in Classical Hindu Law0
Voices from the Margins: Early Modern Nāth Yogī Teachings for Muslim Publics0
Bhakti and Power: Exploring the Rhetorics, Publics, and Politics of South Asian Devotion0
Book Reviews0
The Fall of the House of Daśaratha: Kingship in the Raghuvaṃśa0
Brian Black, In Dialogue with the Mahābhārata. Dialogues in South Asian Traditions: Religion, Philosophy, Literature and History series.0
Music as Thinking/Thinking as Music: A Dialogue with Mukund Lath0
Vedantam vs. Venus: Drag, Impersonation, and the Limitations of Gender Trouble0
Rāmakṛṣṇa’s Tantric Background0
Nīr-Kṣīr Viveka: Discerning the Truth of Spirituality in Gandhi’s Thought and Actions0
“Reciprocal Illumination” of Hinduism, Human Rights, and the Comparative Study of Religion: Arvind Sharma’s Contributions0
Thinking about Ethical Politics: Gandhi’s Spirituality versus Levinas’s Philosophy0
The Other’s Other: Being Non-Hindu in Colonial India0
Kāma, Preman, and Bhakti in Śrīdhara’s Commentary on Kṛṣṇa and the Gopīs in the Bhāgavata Purāṇa0
William Tallotte, Music and Temple Ritual in South India: Performing for Śiva. SOAS Studies in Music series.0
Rāmakṛṣṇa: Saint, Mystic—Philosopher?0
Theodicy in a Deterministic Universe: God and the Problem of Suffering in Vyāsatīrtha’s Tātparyacandrikā0
Book Reviews0
Nadav Harel, director, AVATARA. Hindi and Seraji (English subtitles).0