Communications in Analysis and Geometry

(The median citation count of Communications in Analysis and Geometry is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
A two-point function approach to connectedness of drops in convex potentials5
Existence and multiplicity of solutions for a class of indefinite variational problems5
Deformation theory of nearly $G_2$ manifolds5
Stochastically complete submanifolds with parallel mean curvature vector field in a Riemannian space form4
A semigroup approach to Finsler geometry: Bakry–Ledoux’s isoperimetric inequality4
Motion of level sets by inverse anisotropic mean curvature4
Inverse mean curvature flow and the stability of the positive mass theorem4
An anisotropic shrinking flow and $L_p$ Minkowski problem3
A generalization of Kawamata–Viehweg vanishing theorem3
On limit spaces of Riemannian manifolds with volume and integral curvature bounds3
Eigenvalues upper bounds for the magnetic Schrödinger operator3
Flat vector bundles and analytic torsion on orbifolds3
Topology of weak $G$-bundles via Coulomb gauges in critical dimensions2
Confined Willmore energy and the area functional2
Positivity preserving along a flow over projective bundle2
Extending periodic automorphisms of surfaces to 3-manifolds2
Level curves of minimal graphs2
Constant mean curvature $n$-noids in hyperbolic space2
Gradient estimates, Bakry-Emery Ricci curvature and ellipticity for unbounded graph Laplacians2
Weighted extremal Kähler metrics and the Einstein–Maxwell geometry of projective bundles2
Regularity of Lie groups2
Mass of asymptotically flat $3$-manifolds with boundary1
Finite propagation speed for Leibenson's equation on Riemannian manifolds1
Stability of the Type IIA flow and its applications in symplectic geometry1
Slice genus, $T$-genus and 4-dimensional clasp number1
Bigraded notions of formality and Aeppli-Bott-Chern-Massey products1
Longtime existence of Kähler–Ricci flow and holomorphic sectional curvature1
Uniqueness of hypersurfaces of constant higher order mean curvature in the hyperbolic space1
Equivalent characterizations of handle-ribbon knots1
$\mathrm{SU}(2)^2 \times \mathrm{U}(1)$-invariant $G_2$-instantons on the AC limit of the $\mathbb{C}_7$ family1
Geography of pinched four-manifolds1
The two weight inequality for the Poisson semigroup on manifold with ends1
Singular hyperbolic metrics and negative subharmonic functions1
A Bourgain–Brezis–Mironescu–Dávila theorem in Carnot groups of step two1
ADM mass and the capacity-volume deficit at infinity1
Big quantum cohomology of orbifold spheres1
Uniform entropy and energy bounds for fully non-linear equations1
Convergence of energy functionals and stability of lower bounds of Ricci curvature via metric measure foliation1
Preservation of product structures under the Ricci flow with instantaneous curvature bounds1
Closed Lagrangian self-shrinkers in $\mathbb{R}^4$ symmetric with respect to a hyperplane1
Convergence of group actions in metric measure geometry1
Maximal diameter theorem for directed graphs of positive Ricci curvature0
On a conjecture of Huang–Lian–Yau–Yu0
On gluing Alexandrov spaces with lower Ricci curvature bounds0
Extremally Ricci pinched $G_2$-structures on Lie groups0
$p$-Laplace operator on a connected finite graph0
Quantization of topological-holomorphic field theories: local aspects0
Circular spherical divisor and their contact topology0
Filling links and spines in $3$-manifolds0
Global residue formula for logarithmic indices of one-dimensional foliations0
Nonconvex surfaces which flow to round points0
$\operatorname{Spin}(7)$ metrics from Kähler Geometry0
Weighted $L^{2}$ estimates for $\overline{\partial }$ and the Corona problem of several complex variables0
Equivalence of two different notions of tangent bundle on rectifiable metric measure spaces0
Conformal embeddings of $S^2\to\mathbb{R}^3$ with prescribed mean curvature: a variational approach0
On the existence of closed biconservative surfaces in space forms0
Asymptotic convergence for modified scalar curvature flow0
A quantitative dimension free isoperimetric inequality for the fractional Gaussian perimeter0
A two-piece property for free boundary minimal hypersurfaces in the $(n+1)$-dimensional ball0
On the moduli space of the octonionic Nahm's equations0
Ribbon disks with the same exterior0
Concordance invariants of null-homologous knots in thickened surfaces0
Ancient solutions to the Ricci flow in higher dimensions0
Kähler–Einstein metrics and eigenvalue gaps0
New surfaces with canonical map of high degree0
Twisting and satellite operations on P-fibered braids0
Scalar curvature and harmonic one-forms on three-manifolds with boundary0
Asymptotic behaviour for the heat equation in hyperbolic space0
The geometric Cauchy problem for rank-one submanifolds0
Divide knots of maximal genus defect0
Instability of some Riemannian manifolds with real Killing spinors0
Monopoles and Landau-Ginzburg models I0
A note on minimal surfaces with bounded index0
Essential surfaces in the exterior of $K13n586$0
The Alexandrov–Fenchel type inequalities, revisited0
TG-hyperbolicity of composition of virtual knots0
Existence and applications of Ricci flows via pseudolocality0
Free boundary minimal hypersurfaces with least area0
Generalized cones as Lorentzian length spaces: Causality, curvature, and singularity theorems0
From vortices to instantons on the Euclidean Schwarzschild manifold0
Positive scalar curvature on noncompact manifolds and the Liouville theorem0
Geometric wave propagator on Riemannian manifolds0
Bergman functions and the equivalence problem of singular domains0
A generating function of a complex Lagrangian cone in $\mathbf{H}^n$0
Isometries of asymptotically conical shrinking Ricci solitons0
Generalized Kähler Taub-NUT metrics and two exceptional instantons0
Effective operators for changing sign Robin Laplacian in thin two- and three-dimensional curved waveguides0
Sharp entropy bounds for plane curves and dynamics of the curve shortening flow0
Homogeneous metrics with prescribed Ricci curvature on spaces with non-maximal isotropy0
The Calderón problem for the conformal Laplacian0
On a class of quasilinear operators on smooth metric measure spaces0
Guan–Li type mean curvature flow for free boundary hypersurfaces in a ball0
A new class of austere submanifolds0
Euler class of taut foliations and Dehn filling0
Stein's theorem on infinite type domains0
A softer connectivity principle0
Complete CMC hypersurfaces in Minkowski $(n+1)$-space0
An upper bound on distance degenerate handle additions0
Steady Ricci solitons on complex line bundles0
Analysis of Type I singularities in the harmonic Ricci flow0
Duality of boundary value problems for minimal and maximal surfaces0
Kodaira dimension and the Yamabe problem, II0
Small knots of large Heegaard genus0
Conformal Walker metrics and linear Fefferman-Graham equations0
Degeneration of globally hyperbolic maximal anti-de Sitter structures along rays0
Limiting case of an isoperimetric inequality with radial densities and applications0
Double branched covers of knotoids0
Cohomogeneity one Ricci solitons from Hopf fibrations0
Formulae of some global CR invariants for Sasakian $\eta$-Einstein manifolds0
Macroscopic stability and simplicial norms of hypersurfaces0
Bow varieties - geometry, combinatorics, characteristic classes0
The Dirichlet principle for the complex $k$-Hessian functional0
Hamilton-type entropy formula along the Ricci flow on surfaces with boundary0
Relations in the tautological ring of the universal curve0
Multiple valued sections of vector bundles: the reparametrization theorem for $Q$-valued functions revisited0
Rectifiability and Minkowski bounds for the zero loci of $\mathbb{Z}/2$ harmonic spinors in dimension $4$0
The prescribed Ricci curvature problem for naturally reductive metrics on non-compact simple Lie groups0
On existence of multiple solutions to a class of problems involving the $1$-Laplace operator in whole $\mathbb{R}^N$0
Refined position estimates for surfaces of Willmore type in Riemannian manifolds0
Vanishing time behavior of solutions to the fast diffusion equation0
Local and global gradient estimates for Finsler $p$-harmonic functions0
Embedded totally geodesic surfaces in fully augmented links0
Alternating links on surfaces and volume bounds0
Quasipositivity and braid index of pretzel knots0
$J$-holomorphic curves from closed $J$-anti-invariant forms0
Gluing Karcher-Scherk saddle towers II: Singly periodic minimal surfaces0
On positive scalar curvature bordism0
Harmonic projections in negative curvature0
Singularities of axially symmetric volume preserving mean curvature flow0
Spherical CR uniformization of the magic 3-manifold0
Parameterized discrete uniformization theorems and curvature flows for polyhedral surfaces, I0
On microlocalisation and the construction of Feynman propagators for normally hyperbolic operators0
A characterization of a hyperplane in two-phase heat conductors0
Plateau’s problem for singular curves0
Bartnik–Hilbert manifold structure on fibers of the scalar curvature and the constraint operator0
Hyperbolic volume, mod 2 homology, and $k$-freeness0
Compact Kähler manifolds with quasi-positive second Chern-Ricci curvature0
Freed–Moore $K$-theory0
Stability and area growth of $\lambda$-hypersurfaces0
Generic hyperbolic knot complements without hidden symmetries0
Real Higgs pairs and non-abelian Hodge correspondence on a Klein surface0
Positive mass theorem for initial data sets with corners along a hypersurface0
Gradient steady Kähler–Ricci solitons with non-negative Ricci curvature and integrable scalar curvature0
Spin-harmonic structures and nilmanifolds0
Prescribed non-positive scalar curvature on asymptotically hyperbolic manifolds with application to the Lichnerowicz equation0
The generalizations of Horrocks criterion on flag varieties0
An integral representation and decay for the wave equation in the extreme Kerr geometry0
Rigidity of Riemannian manifolds containing an equator0
On the moduli space of asymptotically flat manifolds with boundary and the constraint equations0
Boundary regularity of a heat flow problem from Ericksen's model for nematic liquid crystals0
Deformations of asymptotically conical Spin(7)-manifolds0
Conformal harmonic coordinates0
On $\mathrm{C}$-class equations0
The Gauss-Bonnet-Chern center of mass for asymptotically flat manifolds0
Li–Yau inequality on virtually Abelian groups0
Curve diffusion and straightening flows on parallel lines0
Boundary unique continuation for the Laplace equation and the biharmonic operator0
On Gauduchon connections with Kähler-like curvature0
Improved pseudolocality on large hyperbolic balls0
Existence of mASD connections on 4-manifolds with cylindrical ends0
Willmore spheres in the $3$-sphere revisited0
Singularities of equivariant Lagrangian mean curvature flow0
Solutions of the Allen–Cahn equation on closed manifolds in the presence of symmetry0
Complex structures of a twenty-dimensional family of Calabi–Yau $3$-folds0
The Weitzenbock formula for the Fueter–Dirac operator0
Gradient estimates for $\Delta u+a(x) u \log u+b(x) u=0$ and its parabolic counterpart under integral Ricci curvature bounds0
Kodaira dimensions of almost complex manifolds II0
Rotational surfaces with second fundamental form of constant length0
Systole inequalities up congruence towers for arithmetic locally symmetric spaces0
A heat flow problem from Ericksen’s model for nematic liquid crystals with variable degree of orientation, II0
Dodecahedral $L$-spaces and hyperbolic 4-manifolds0
Harmonic-curvature warped products over surfaces0
Nearly-Kähler $6$-manifolds of cohomogeneity two: principal locus0
On mass-minimizing extensions of Bartnik boundary data0
Avoidance for set-theoretic solutions of mean-curvature-type flows0
Morse functions to graphs and topological complexity for hyperbolic $3$-manifolds0
Positive oriented Thompson links0
Associative submanifolds of the Berger Space0
Broken ray tensor tomography with one reflecting obstacle0
Isoperimetric relations for inner parallel bodies0
Matrix Li-Yau-Hamilton estimates for nonlinear heat equations0
Degenerating Hermitian metrics, canonical bundle and spectral convergence0
On the existence of the conical Kähler–Einstein metrics on Fano manifolds0
The moduli space of $S^1$-type zero loci for $\mathbb{Z}/2$-harmonic spinors in dimension $3$0
On positive scalar curvature cobordisms and the conformal Laplacian on end-periodic manifolds0
Counting resonances on hyperbolic surfaces with unitary twists0
Jointly primitive knots and surgeries between lens spaces0
Quasi-local mass on unit spheres at spatial infinity0
Steklov eigenvalue problem on subgraphs of integer lattices0
Differential Harnack inequalities via Concavity of the arrival time0
Heegaard Floer homology and chirally cosmetic surgeries0
K3 surfaces with a pair of commuting non-symplectic involutions0
Legendrian submanifolds from Bohr–Sommerfeld covers of monotone Lagrangian tori0
Determination of a compact Finsler manifold from its boundary distance map and an inverse problem in elasticity0
Submanifolds with constant principal curvatures in symmetric spaces0
A Calabi-Yau theorem for Vaisman manifolds0
Price inequalities and Betti number growth on manifolds without conjugate points0
On finite energy monopoles on $C \times \Sigma$0
Stable maps and hyperbolic links0
Bergman–Einstein metric on a Stein space with a strongly pseudoconvex boundary0
Relativistic perfect fluids near Kasner singularities0