
(The TQCC of Pragmatics is 12. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Pragmatic markers285
Learning to think for speaking142
Notes on the role of metapragmatic awareness in language use126
Practices in the construction of turns121
Language ideology120
An alternative model and ideology of communication for an alternative to politeness theory114
Language crossing and the problematisation of ethnicity and socialisation112
Transcription design principles for spoken discourse research112
On the interplay of syntax and prosody in the constitution of turn-constructional units and turns in conversation102
Ideologies of legitimate mockery91
Quote – unquote? the role of prosody in the contextualization of reported speech sequences91
Affectivity in conversational storytelling89
Critical discourse analysis and its critics86
Intercultural or not? beyond celebration of cultural differences in miscommunication analysis84
‘Incrementing’ in conversation. A comparison of practices in English, German and Japanese83
The role of language in European nationalist ideologies78
The uses and utility of ideology77
The social-pragmatic theory of word learning75
Culturally patterned speaking practices - the analysis of communicative genres69
Situated politeness66
The pre-front field in spoken german and its relevance as a grammaticalization position63
Recording human interaction in natural settings61
Translocal style communities58
Intonation and clause combining in discourse56
Oral genres of humor55
Comic performance and the articulation of hybrid identity55
A multilevel approach in the study of talk-in-interaction55
Politeness ideology in Spanish colloquial conversation53
Hegemony, social class and stylisation52
Language, identity, performance50
News production theory and practice50
A contrastive study of conventional indirectness in Spanish50
Forever FOB49
EXMARaLDA – creating, analysing and sharing spoken language corpora for pragmatic research49
On the nature of “laughables”47
Leadership and managing conflict in meetings47
Meaning potentials and the interaction between lexis and contexts46
Analysis of appropriateness in a speech act of request in L2 English45
Constructing a proposal as a thought45
Identity construction in Chinese heritage language classes43
How to read Austin43
Indirectness and interpretation in African American women’s discourse42
“We can laugh at ourselves”42
Intergroup rudeness and the metapragmatics of its negotiation in online discussion fora41
An appraisal of pragmatic elicitation techniques for the social psychological study of talk40
Pretextuality and pretextual gaps40
On the systematic deployment of okay and mmhmm in academic advising sessions40
From subordination to coordination? verb-second position in German causal and concessive constructions39
Compliments and compliment responses in Kunming Chinese39
Misunderstandings and explicit/implicit communication39
Latina girls’ peer play interactions in a bilingual Spanish-English U.S. preschool39
Ethnomethodology, culture, and implicature37
Speaking like Asian immigrants36
Styles and stereotypes35
“ ‘Schwedis’ he can’t even say Swedish” - subverting and reproducing institutionalized norms for language use in multilingual peer groups35
Imperatives in requests35
Notes on a “confession”34
Primer for the field investigation of spatial description and conception33
Tropic aggression in the Clinton-Dole presidential debate32
Causal markers in Japanese and English conversations: A cross-linguistic study of interactional grammar32
Perspective and production32
Do insults always insult?Genuine impolitenessversusnon-genuine impolitenessin colloquial Spanish32
Press releases as a hybrid genre32
The effect of study abroad on the pragmatic development of the internal modification of refusals31
Ideologies of honorific language30
Political language and textual vagueness29
Universalistic and culture-specific perspectives on variation in the acquisition of pragmatic competence in a second language28
“Today there is no respect”28
The discourse function of questions27
Introducing relational work in Facebook and discussion boards27
Reel to real27
Doing (Bi)lingualism: Language alternation as performative construction of online identities27
Cancellative discourse markers27
Multiplicity and contention among ideologies27
The communicative role of silence in Akan27
The interactional context of humor in Nigerian stand-up comedy26
Attention, accessibility, and the addressee26
Indirectness, inexplicitness and vagueness made clearer26
Minimal and non-minimal answers to yes-no questions25
Serious games25
Misrecognition unmasked? ‘Polynomic’ language, expert statuses and orthographic practices in Corsican schools24
Address strategies in a British academic setting24
Why are increments such elusive objects? An afterthought24
Rater variation in the assessment of speech acts23
Deictic categories as mitigating devices23
On the place of linguistic resources in the organization of talk-in-interaction23
Evidentiality and morality in a Korean heritage language school23
“Mr Paul, please inform me accordingly”22
Requesting strategies in the cross-cultural business meeting22
The implications of studying politeness in Spanish-speaking contexts22
Enticing a challengeable in arguments22
Politeness in compliment responses22
Stereotypes and the discursive accomplishment of intergroup differentiation22
Detecting contrast patterns in newspaper articles by combining discourse analysis and text mining21
The construction of emotional involvement in everyday German narratives – interactive uses of ‘dense constructions’21
Tang’s Dilemma and other problems21
Not so impersonal21
The slow shift in orthodoxy21
Request strategies in Indonesian21
Echo answers in native/non-native interaction21
“Doing deference”20
Politeness of service encounters in Hong Kong20
Skype appearances, multiple greetings and ‘coucou’20
Hyperstandardisation in Flanders20
Language and politeness in early eighteenth century Britain20
Anger, gender, language shift and the politics of revelation in a Papua New Guinean village19
Leniency and testiness in intercultural communication19
When is oral narrative poetry? generative form and its pragmatic conditions19
Some current transcription systems for spoken discourse: A critical analysis19
Social/interactional functions of code switching among Dominican Americans19
“Peter is a dumb nut”19
Discourse markers at frame shifts in Israeli Hebrew talk-in-interaction19
Constructing membership in the in-group19
Arizona tewa ktva speech as a manifestation of linguistic ideology18
Promises, threats, and the foundations of speech act theory18
Compromising progressivity18
Enregistering the voices of discursive figures of authority in Antonero children’s socio-dramatic play18
Topical and sequential backlinking in a French radio phone-in program18
The practice of retort18
Caution and consensus in American business meetings18
Affect in Japanese women’s letter writing18
Disagreements in television discussions18
The story of ö18
A discourse analysis of the Japanese particle sa18
Ideology and facts on African American English18
Syrian service encounters18
Weapons of mass destruction17
Reconsidering the development of the discourse completion test in interlanguage pragmatics17
Constructing Korean and Japanese interculturality in talk17
Linguistic ideologies And the naturalization of power in warao discourse17
Frames for politeness17
How to do good things with words17
Order and disorder in the classroom17
Navigating the complex social ecology of screen-based activity in video-mediated interaction17
Inter-mind phenomena in child narrative discourse17
Metalinguistic activity, humor and social competence in classroom discourse16
Pragmatic development in the instructed context16
The organisation of knowledge in British university tutorial discourse16
The intuitive basis of implicature16
(Im)politeness in Spanish-speaking socio-cultural contexts16
Politeness and ideology16
The pragmatics of play16
Introduction youth language at the intersection15
Face support – Chinese particles as mitigators15
Interaction in the oral proficiency interview15
Metalinguistic negation and pragmatic ambiguity15
The co-construction of whiteness in an MC battle15
Language, identity, and urban youth subculture15
Japanese and American meetings and what goes on before them15
Radio time sharing and the negotiation of linguistic pluralism in Zambia14
Submission strategies as an expression of the ideology of politeness14
Address practices in academic interactions in a pluricentric language14
Resistance against being formulated as cultural other14
Hearing between the lines14
Space and morality in Tokelau14
The semantics of coming and going14
A matter of politeness? A contrastive study of phatic talk in teenage conversation14
Explicit and implicit ways of enhancing common ground in conversations14
Politeness and other types of facework14
Generic patterns and socio-cultural resources in acknowledgements accompanying Arabic Ph.D. dissertations13
A contrastive study of apologies performed by Greek native speakers and English learners of Greek as a foreign language13
The “real” Haitian creole13
Evaluation of (im)politeness13
Multimodal language use in Savosavo13
Greek and German telephone closings13
Constructing academic hierarchies13
Personal perspective in TV news interviews13
Language, identity and relationality in Asian Pacific America13
Teacher talk reflecting pragmatic awareness13
A cross-linguistic study on the linguistic expressions of Cantonese and English requests13
Discourse in a religious mode13
The inferential construction13
Asian American stereotypes as circulating resource13
What’s next?13
Generic uses of the second person singular – how speakers deal with referential ambiguity and misunderstandings13
Therapy interactions13
“If he speaks Italian it’s better”: Metapragmatics in court13
A cross-generational and cross-cultural study on demonstration of attentiveness13
Negotiating identities through pronouns of address in an immigrant community12
Actors and discourses in the construction of hegemony12
Fearful, forceful agents of the law12
Attitudes of English speakers towards thanking in Spanish12
Modularity and pragmatics12
Historicity in metapragmatics – a study on ‘discernment’ in Italian metadiscourse12
Exercising politeness12
‘you have to be adaptable, obviously’12
Spontaneous and non-spontaneous turn-taking12
Increments in cross-linguistic perspective12
Retrospective turn continuations in Mandarin Chinese conversation12
German-Chinese interactions differences in contextualization conventions and resulting miscommunication12
Hillary Clinton’s laughter in media interviews12
Shouts, shrieks, and shots12
Complement clauses as turn continuations12
Utterance-final conjunctive particles and implicature in Japanese conversation12
“can you tell me how to get there?”12
The shift from lexical to subjective readings of Spanish prometer ‘to promise’ and amenazar ‘to threaten’. a corpus-based account12
Editing and genre conflict12
Reflecting respect12