Aquatic Sciences

(The median citation count of Aquatic Sciences is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Lake browning may fuel phytoplankton biomass and trigger shifts in phytoplankton communities in temperate lakes42
Total phosphorus and climate are equally important predictors of water quality in lakes28
Hydrological, geochemical and land use drivers of greenhouse gas dynamics in eleven sub-tropical streams20
Nitrogen removal processes in lakes of different trophic states from on-site measurements and historic data15
Macrophytes enhance reach-scale metabolism on a daily, seasonal and annual basis in agricultural lowland streams15
A review of sedimentation rates in freshwater reservoirs: recent changes and causative factors14
Dissolved organic matter spectroscopy reveals a hot spot of organic matter changes at the river–reservoir boundary14
Effects of space and environment on phytoplankton distribution in subtropical reservoirs depend on functional features of the species13
Macrophyte stand complexity explains the functional α and β diversity of fish in a tropical river-floodplain13
An extensive review of marine pigments: sources, biotechnological applications, and sustainability12
Ecosystem multifunctionality and stability are enhanced by macrophyte richness in mesocosms11
Micronutrients as growth limiting factors in cyanobacterial blooms; a survey of freshwaters in South East Australia11
Identification of next-generation International Humic Substances Society reference materials for advancing the understanding of the role of natural organic matter in the Anthropocene11
Impacts of land use and hydrological alterations on water quality and fish assemblage structure in headwater Pampean streams (Argentina)11
Influence of fish predation on the dynamic of zooplankton and macroinvertebrates in floodplain lakes under different turbidity conditions: an experimental study10
Controlling factors of phytoplankton distribution in the river–lake transition zone of a large lake10
Spatial ecology of non-native common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in Lake Ontario with implications for management10
High temperature, predation, nutrient, and food quality drive dominance of small-sized zooplankton in Neotropical lakes10
Toxic metal pollution of aquatic ecosystems of European Union nature protection areas in a region of intensive agriculture (Lake Gopło, Poland)10
Changes in acidity, DOC, and water clarity of Adirondack lakes over a 30-year span9
Ensemble of models shows coherent response of a reservoir’s stratification and ice cover to climate warming9
Inhibited vertical mixing and seasonal persistence of a thin cyanobacterial layer in a stratified lake9
The direct influence of climate change on marginal populations: a review9
Temperature affects carbon and nitrogen stable isotopic signatures of aquatic plants9
Modeling fish habitat: model tuning, fit metrics, and applications9
Significant diurnal variation of CO2 flux from a shallow eutrophic lake: effects of submerged aquatic vegetation and algae bloom9
Effects of inter- and intraspecific competition and food availability on shredder invertebrates from an Amazonian stream8
Effects of predation risk on invertebrate leaf-litter shredders in headwater streams in three Brazilian biomes8
Asexual reproduction for overwintering of the submersed macrophyte Vallisneria spinulosa at different light intensities8
Aquatic organic matter decomposition in the terrestrial environments of an intermittent headwater stream8
Long-term data show effects of atmospheric temperature anomaly and reservoir size on water temperature, thermal structure, and dissolved oxygen8
The network structure of intertidal meiofaunal communities from environmental DNA metabarcoding surveys in Northwest Iberia8
Floods homogenize aquatic communities across time but not across space in a Neotropical floodplain8
Community stability and seasonal biotic homogenisation emphasize the effect of the invasive tropical tanner grass on macrophytes from a highly dynamic neotropical tidal river8
Determinants of zooplankton functional dissimilarity during years of El Niño and La Niña in floodplain shallow lakes8
Modeling the climate change impact on the habitat suitability and potential distribution of an economically important hill stream fish, Neolissochilus hexagonolepis, in the Ganges–Brahmaputra basin of8
Food availability, depth, and turbidity drive zooplankton functional diversity over time in a Neotropical floodplain8
Phenotypic responses to piscivory in invasive gibel carp populations8
Effect of the structural complexity of aquatic macrophytes on epiphytic algal, macroinvertebrates, and their interspecific relationships7
Zooplankton influences on phytoplankton, water clarity, and nutrients in Lake Tahoe7
Influence of glacial turbidity and climate on diatom communities in two Fjord Lakes (British Columbia, Canada)7
Macrophyte life forms influence the effects of environmental and spatial factors on the beta-diversity of associated ostracod communities (Crustacea)7
Cold thermopeaking-induced drift of nase Chondrostoma nasus larvae7
Variability in fluorescent dissolved organic matter concentrations across diel to seasonal time scales is driven by water temperature and meteorology in a eutrophic reservoir7
Changes in river ice cover in the context of climate change and dam impacts: a review7
Cold-tolerant traits that favour northwards movement and establishment of Mediterranean and Ponto-Caspian alien aquatic invertebrates7
Effect of cascade reservoirs on geochemical characteristics of rare earth elements in suspended particle matter in Lancangjiang River, Southwest China7
Small hydropower plants lead to higher litter breakdown rates in by-passed sections than in impounded reaches6
Macroinvertebrate interactions stimulate decomposition in WWTP effluent-impacted aquatic ecosystems6
Littoral periphyton dynamics in newly established post-mining lakes6
Identifying critical transitions in seasonal shifts of zooplankton composition in a confined coastal salt marsh6
Taxonomic, seasonal and spatial variation in the amino acid profile of freshwater macroinvertebrates6
Seedling adaptive characteristics of Phragmites australis to nutrient heterogeneity under salt stress using a split-root approach6
Dispersal of aquatic invertebrates by lesser black-backed gulls and white storks within and between inland habitats6
Experimental desiccation indicates high moisture content maintains hyporheic biofilm processes during drought in temperate intermittent streams6
Climatic and geographic variation as a driver of phenotypic divergence in reproductive characters and body sizes of invasive Gambusia holbrooki6
Biota communities influence on nutrients circulation in hyporheic zone—a case study in urban spring niches in Bialystok (NE Poland)6
Abundance- and biomass-based metrics of functional composition of macroinvertebrates as surrogates of ecosystem attributes in Afrotropical streams5
Hydrologic variability effects on catches of Prochilodus nigricans in the lower Amazon5
Impact of zebra mussels on physiological conditions of unionid mussels in Texas5
Export of photolabile and photoprimable dissolved organic carbon from the Connecticut River5
An inventory and typology of permanent floodplain lakes in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley: a first step to conservation planning5
Diatom response to environmental gradients in the high mountain lakes of the Colombia’s Eastern Range5
Co-occurrence and potential resource partitioning between oligochaetes and chironomid larvae in a sediment depth gradient5
Monthly variation in organic-matter decomposition in agricultural stream and riparian ecosystems5
Differential abundance, composition and mesohabitat use by aquatic macroinvertebrate taxa in ponds with and without fish5
Catchments affect growth rate of Northern Pike, Esox lucius, in subarctic lakes5
The structure and functionality of communities and food webs in streams along the epigean–hypogean continuum: unifying ecological stoichiometry and metabolic theory of ecology5
Anthropogenic activities destabilized riverine bacterial communities by increasing synchrony between taxa5
Unraveling the phytoplankton altitudinal dynamics in relation to environmental variables in a Himalayan River, Teesta, India5
Patterns of genetic diversity of brown trout in a northern Spanish catchment linked to structural connectivity5
Hypolimnetic oxygen depletion in a deep oligomictic lake under climate change5
Coupling of iron and dissolved organic matter in lakes–selective retention of different size fractions5
Patterns of microbial abundance and heterotrophic activity along nitrogen and salinity gradients in coastal wetlands5
Short‐term starvation affects fatty acid metabolism of Daphnia magna neonates and juveniles5
A bibliometric study on the use of diatoms in water quality monitoring and bioassessment in Africa across 10-year (2012–2022) period5
The universal trophic index: new methodological approach to eutrophication monitoring and control5
Response of stream ecosystem structure to heavy metal pollution: context-dependency of top-down control by fish5
Riparian hunting spiders do not rely on aquatic subsidies from intermittent alpine streams5
Internal phosphorus loading alters nutrient limitation and contributes to cyanobacterial blooms in a polymictic lake4
Effects of aquatic dissolved organic matter redox state on adsorption to goethite4
Molecular level characterization of DOM along a freshwater-to-estuarine coastal gradient in the Florida Everglades4
Site contributions to phytoplankton beta diversity along two subtropical reservoirs4
Exploring macroinvertebrate biodiversity in the dynamic southern Balkan stream network of the Vjosa using preservative-based DNA metabarcoding4
Diatom-based inference model for conductivity reconstructions in dryland river systems from north Patagonia, Argentina4
Dynamic phytoplankton community structure in a subtropical reservoir during an extended drought, Central Texas, USA4
Spatial and vertical distribution of aerobic and anaerobic dark inorganic carbon fixation in coastal tropical lake sediments4
Continental-scale effects of phytoplankton and non-phytoplankton turbidity on macrophyte occurrence in shallow lakes4
Decomposition of leaf litter mixtures in streams: effects of component litter species and current velocity4
Effects of relic low-head dams on stream denitrification potential: seasonality and biogeochemical controls4
Denitrification in intertidal sediments of a tropical estuary subject to increasing development pressures4
Protecting river eco-hydrological processes: insights from water temperature studies4
Bellamya aeruginosa (Reeve) regulates bacterial community features in sediment harbouring different submerged macrophytes under different nutrient levels4
Anthropogenic activities and habitat complexity influence fish functional diversity in a Neotropical reservoir4
How does the phytoplankton community respond to the effects of La Niña and post-drought events in a tide-dominated Amazon estuary?4
Trace metal and nitrogen concentrations differentially affect bloom forming cyanobacteria of the genus Dolichospermum4
Atmospheric CO2 availability induces varying responses in net photosynthesis, toxin production and N2 fixation rates in heterocystous filamentous Cyanobacteria (Nostoc and Nodularia)4
Air temperature effects on nitrogen and phosphorus concentration in Lake Chaohu and adjacent inflowing rivers4
Evaluation of Zayandehroud basin health in the Iranian plateau4
Contribution of riverine dissolved organic carbon to organic carbon decomposition in the Ariake Sea, Japan, a coastal area suffering from summer hypoxia4
Taxonomic and functional aspects of diversity and composition of plankton communities in shallow lentic ecosystems along the human impact and environmental gradients4
Origin and dynamics of surface water - groundwater flows that sustain the Matusagaratí Wetland, Panamá4
Disentangling the effects of climate change and reoligotrophication on primary production in a large lake3
Factors that influence the toxicity levels of metals in water and soils: a case study of Lake Nike, Enugu, Nigeria3
Range expansion of Kellicottia bostoniensis (Rousselet, 1908) (Rotifera) throughout a biogeographic boundary between the Brazilian savanna and the Amazon3
Out of gas: re-flooding does not boost carbon emissions from drawdown areas in semiarid reservoirs after prolonged droughts3
Different responses of taxonomic and functional diversity to environmental changes: case study of fish communities in the Zhoushan fishing ground, China3
Riparian cover buffers the effects of abiotic and biotic predictors of leaf decomposition in subtropical streams3
Development and spatial application of a submerged aquatic vegetation model for Cootes Paradise Marsh, Ontario, Canada3
Factors associated with the population structure of an invasive mollusk in a neotropical floodplain3
Watershed characteristics influence winter stream temperature in a forested landscape3
Ditches as important aquatic invertebrate habitats: a comparative analysis of their snail (Mollusca: Gastropoda) assemblages with natural wetlands3
All in moderation: crayfish populations are affected by precipitation-driven habitat availability and water quality in a non-perennial stream3
Patterns and controls of carbon dioxide concentration and fluxes at the air–water interface in South American lowland streams3
Influence of gut microbiome on health and development of penaeid shrimps3
Demographic consequences of mitigating strategies in planktonic invertebrates facing global browning of freshwater ecosystem3
Trophic interactions and food web structure of aquatic macroinvertebrate communities in afromontane wetlands: the influence of hydroperiod3
Ecological effects of mosquito control with Bti: evidence for shifts in the trophic structure of soil- and ground-based food webs3
Riparian and watershed land use alters food web structure and shifts basal energy in agricultural streams3
The relative importance of seasonality versus regional and network-specific properties in determining the variability of fluvial CO$$_2$$, CH$$_4$$ and dissolved organic carbon across boreal Québec3
Sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus L.) nests do not affect stream functionality despite increasing physical heterogeneity3
The most problematic freshwater invasive species in South America, Limnoperna fortunei (Dunker, 1857), and its status after 30 years of invasion3
Spatial and temporal patterns in the chemistry of temperate low order Andean streams: effects of landscape gradients and hydrology3
Dynamics of the stream–lake transitional zone affect littoral lake metabolism3
Drivers of fish trophic guild composition in lakes of the Upper Paraná River floodplain3
Sex, mate guarding, and reproductive state as potential modulators of herbivory in an aquatic consumer3
Our everyday pollution: Are rural streams really more conserved than urban streams?3
Main macroinvertebrate community drivers and niche properties for characteristic species in urban/rural and lotic/lentic systems3
Convergence in floodplain pond communities indicates different pathways to community assembly3
Acidification and increase of phosphorus levels in Pampean streams after 12 years of agricultural intensification3
Climate-change and nonnative-piscivore impacts on a renowned Oncorhynchus metapopulation, requirements for metapopulation recovery, and similarities to anadromous salmonid metapopulations2
Life history traits of the marine amphipod Cymadusa vadosa under laboratory conditions: insights on productivity and aquaculture potential2
Hydrology influences carbon flux through metabolic pathways in the hypolimnion of a Mediterranean reservoir2
Food web structure in the Xingu River rapids prior to operation of the Amazon’s largest hydropower plant2
Regulation of CO2 fluxes along gradients of water saturation in irrigation canal sediments2
Acoustic telemetry reveals strong spatial preferences and mixing during successive spawning periods in a partially migratory common bream population2
Global distribution of the invasive apple snail Pomacea canaliculata: analyzing possible shifts in climatic niche between native and invaded ranges and future spread2
Does the spatial aggregation of ponds affect crustacean zooplankton diversity and grazing efficiency in the agricultural multi-pond system?2
Canopy development influences early successional stream ecosystem function but not biotic assemblages2
Investigation of environmental factors on Enterococcus survival in Oklahoma streams2
Do legacy effects of deposited fine sediment influence the ecological response of drifting invertebrates to a fine sediment pulse?2
Picophytoplankton community dynamics in a tropical river estuary and adjacent semi-enclosed water body2
Microbial colonization and decomposition of commercial tea and native alder leaf litter in temperate streams2
Dissolved greenhouse gas (CO2, CH4, and N2O) emissions from highland lakes of the Andes cordillera in Northern Ecuador2
Predator presence influences life history traits of Aedes aegypti2
Habitat coupling mediated by the multi-interaction network linked to macrophyte meadows: ponds versus lakes2
Exploring the ecosystem health of a tropical Indian estuary using mass-balanced ecosystem model2
Do stable carbon and nitrogen isotope values of Nitella flexilis differ between softwater and hardwater lakes?2
Signal crayfish as a threat for European ectosymbionts: overlooked biodiversity losses2
Non-flying and flying macroinvertebrates show similar beta diversity patterns caused by different factors at two spatial scales in Amazon streams2
Water surface variability in oceanic and estuarine coasts of Amapá, Brazil2
Overland flow during a storm event strongly affects stream water chemistry and bacterial community structure2
Environmental drivers alter PUFA content in littoral macroinvertebrate assemblages via changes in richness and abundance2
The effects of fungicide chlorothalonil on leaf litter breakdown rate in tropical streams: a microcosm study2
Phosphorus sorption characteristics and interactions with leaf litter-derived dissolved organic matter leachate in iron-rich sediments of a sub-tropical ephemeral stream2
Depth-specific benthic specialization of Arctic char in an oligotrophic subarctic lake2
Functional evenness and community-weighted mean traits have strong correlation with macrophyte community productivity2
Does hydrological connectivity control functional characteristics of artificial wetland communities? Evidence from the Rhône River2
Mercury–dissolved organic matter interactions: insights on the removal of both pollutants in conventional drinking water treatment2
Utilization of basal resources in a forested headwater stream: a combined stable isotope and fatty acid approach2
Assemblage pattern, guild compositions and seasonal dynamics of ornamental and food fishes in the Indian Sundarbans estuarine system: a model-based approach for sustainability2
Lipid bound phosphorus in the seston of Lake Erie and its tributaries and its use as an indicator of algal P-limitation2
The spatiotemporal responses of phytoplankton to environmental variables in 7 coastal lagoons of Kızılırmak Delta (Samsun, Türkiye)2
Dissolved organic matter (DOM) characterization in subantarctic shallow lakes and beaver ponds2
Hydrological conditions determine shifts of plankton metacommunity structure in riverine floodplains without affecting patterns of species richness along connectivity gradients2
The importance of time and space in biogeochemical heterogeneity and processing along the reservoir ecosystem continuum2
Dissolved organic matter from surface and pore waters of a discontinuous permafrost watershed in central Alaska reveals both compositional and seasonal heterogeneity2
Identifying photochemical alterations of dissolved pyrogenic organic matter using fluorescence spectroscopy2
The significance of riparian communities in the energy flow of subtropical stream ecosystems2
Effects of the intensity of land-use changes on taxonomic and functional diversity of fish in a Neotropical floodplain2
Exploring the functional connectivity between the Kis-Balaton Water Protection System and Lake Balaton using satellite data2
Trophic impact of Neogobius melanostomus in a restored site on the Old Rhine River (France)1
Redox conditions and a moderate anthropogenic impairment of groundwater quality reflected on the microbial functional traits in a volcanic aquifer1
Combined effects of salinization and temperature on microbial-mediated oak decomposition and invertebrate consumption1
Exploring the distribution of the non-native Umbra pygmaea across European freshwater ecoregions through climatic suitability and locally consumed diet1
Different mechanisms drive beta diversity of freshwater fishes across similar ecoregions in India1
Correction: Ecological effects of mosquito control with Bti: evidence for shifts in the trophic structure of soil- and ground-based food webs1
Tracing climate change with riverine ecotones and macroinvertebrates: is there need for extended monitoring at low elevations in western Himalaya?1
The effect of natural organic matter (NOM) on the distribution and resources of mobile phosphorus in the bottom sediments of small retention reservoirs1
Ecosystem metabolism in sub-Antarctic streams and rivers impacted by non-native beaver1
Sediment characteristics and ecological quality evaluation of a brackish creek using AZTI’s Marine Biotic and Bentix Indices1
Extreme drought conditions interact with urbanisation, affecting hydrological regimes and water quality in temperate lowland streams1
Understanding the factors controlling biofilm as an autochthonous resource in shaded oligotrophic neotropical streams1
Cross-species coprophagy in small stream detritivores counteracts low-quality litter: native versus invasive plant litter1
Predicting the density of zooplankton subsidy to a stream with multiple impoundments using water quality parameters1
Mangroves of the Maldives: a review of their distribution, diversity, ecological importance and biodiversity of associated flora and fauna1
Tracking repeat spawning anadromous fish migrations over multiple years in a fragmented river suggests philopatry and sex-linked variation in space use1
A global analysis on the relationship between water retention time and dissolved carbon across inland waters1
Composition, structure, and distribution of diatom assemblages in Mediterranean thermal spring ecotones affected by natural and human disturbances1
Biogeographical snapshot of life-history traits of European silver eels: insights from otolith microchemistry1
A global typological approach to classify lakes based on their eutrophication risk1
Limnological history of three lakes from the former asbestos mining region of Thetford Mines (southern Quebec, Canada)1
Evolutionary biogeography of Cnesterodontini (Teleostei: Poeciliidae): area relationships and priority ranking for conservation1
Population stability and asymmetric migration of caddisfly populations, Stenopsyche marmorata (Stenopsychidae), in a forest–agriculture landscape1
The population of Trichodesmium cyanobacteria in the northern Pacific Ocean associated with Kuroshio Extension1
The neritic marine copepod Centropages typicus does not suffer physiological costs from diel temperature fluctuations associated with its vertical migration1
Validity, applicability, and universality of fractal scaling laws for lakes in China1
Seasonally variable interactions between dissolved organic matter and mineral particles in an agricultural river1
Large-scale factors controlling biological communities in the Iberian Peninsula: an insight into global change effects on river ecosystems1
Ecological and environmental characteristics of a seagrass-dominated hypersaline coastal Mediterranean lagoon: a multidisciplinary approach1
Spatiotemporal changes in sedimentary chironomid assemblages across a gradient of lake water pH and metal contamination from the Sudbury (Ontario, Canada) metal-smelting region1
Phylogeography and population structure of Ponticola gorlap (Teleostei: Gobiidae) in an evolutionary distinctive and ecologically threatened Caspian Sea sub-basin1
Allocation of phosphorus (P) into biomass and calcite encrustation in Chara at high and low P availability1
Is altitude a surrogate for the spatial patterns and determinants of lentic zooplankton communities?1
Dissolved silica dynamics, transfer and retention in a temperate groundwater flow-through shallow lake of the Pampean Plain, Argentina1
Correction: Agro is not cool: DNA damage and oxidative stress in anurans evidencing the devastation of subtropical grasslands1
Living in a changing world: effects of roads and Pinus monocultures on an anuran metacommunity in southern Brazil1
New insight into and characterization of DOC and DON for inland waterbodies in the Songnen Plain, Northeast China1
Pelagic cyanobacterial nitrogen fixation in lakes and ponds of different latitudinal zones1
A critical review and knowledge gaps to assess and manage threatened parrotfishes’ stocks in Brazil1
Contribution of the degradation of different hygrophytes to chromophoric dissolved organic matter during the inundation period1
The impact of drought duration on two Potamogeton species with different growth forms1
A global meta-analysis of the effects of land use on the diversity of stream fish and macroinvertebrates1
Comparing effects of microplastic exposure, FPOM resource quality, and consumer density on the response of a freshwater particle feeder and associated ecosystem processes1
Corbicula incorporation to indicator parameters to assess the ecological status of northwestern Iberian estuaries1
Nitrogen-15 NMR study on the incorporation of nitrogen into aquatic NOM upon chloramination1
Clonality in invasive alien macrophytes in Kashmir Himalaya: a stage-based approach1
Freshwater mussel conservation in southern South America: update on distribution range and current threats1
Effect of Asian clam shells on aquatic fauna in an artificial ditch1
Succession of microconsumers in waterlogged pampean soils (Buenos Aires, Argentina): a microcosm experiment1
Local environmental variables are the best beta diversity predictors for fish communities from the Brazilian Cerrado streams1
Influence of groundwater discharge on the hydrochemistry of coastal lagoons and marsh environments in Punta Rasa Natural Reserve area, Argentina1
Rock glacier and solifluction lobes groundwater as nutrient sources and refugia for unique macroinvertebrate assemblages in a mountain ecosystem of the North Patagonian Andes1
Epiphytes support aquatic consumers of a large floodplain lake ecosystem in the southern Gulf of Mexico1
Temperature, nutrients and planktivorous fish predation interact to drive crustacean zooplankton in a large plateau lake, southwest China1
Effects of climate change and variability on thermal regime and dissolved oxygen resources of oligotrophic lakes in the Adirondack Mountain region1
A review of the freshwater diversity in the Okavango Delta and Lake Ngami (Botswana): taxonomic composition, ecology, comparison with similar systems and conservation status1
Variability in the summer movements, habitat use and thermal biology of two fish species in a temperate river1
Effects of cattle intrusion on environmental conditions and fish assemblages of temperate neotropical prairie streams1
Stoichiometric characteristics and homeostasis of leaf nitrogen and phosphorus responding to different water surface elevations in hydro-fluctuation zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir1
The structure, composition, and predicted microbiome functional genes in Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) grow-out ponds with different survival rates through high-throughput sequencing1
Phytoplankton taxonomic and functional diversity in two shallow alluvial lakes with contrasting river connectivity1
Cyanobacteria and nitrates in karstic systems of Yucatan (Mexico) and Texas (USA)1
Effects of water level fluctuations on the trophic state of a connected lacustrine system (Southern Andes, Patagonia, Argentina): applicability of the CDOM method as a tool for monitoring of eutrophic1
Characterizing spatial and temporal variation in stable hydrogen isotopes (δ2H) between two distinct lentic freshwater food webs1
The role of seedbanks and hyporheic refuges in supporting benthic invertebrate community resistance and resilience to dry phases1
Transitional circulation patterns from full ice cover to ice-off in a seasonally ice-covered lake1