Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence

(The TQCC of Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Parameterised complexity of model checking and satisfiability in propositional dependence logic17
Neighborhood density information in clustering14
Classes of linear programs solvable by coordinate-wise minimization12
Optimization strategies for the bilevel network design problem with affine cost functions11
On the complexity of rational verification8
Probabilistic causal bipolar abstract argumentation: an approach based on credal networks8
Bayesian optimization over the probability simplex7
Logical aspects of multi-agent systems7
Special issue on conceptual structures6
Clique detection with a given reliability6
A novel deep learning approach for one-step conformal prediction approximation6
On the universal approximation property of radial basis function neural networks6
Computing triadic generators and association rules from triadic contexts6
On the lengths of tree-like and Dag-like cutting plane refutations of Horn constraint systems6
Signifiers for conveying and exploiting affordances: from human-computer interaction to multi-agent systems6
Normal forms of conditional knowledge bases respecting system P-entailments and signature renamings5
Boosting evolutionary algorithm configuration5
Integrated inventory and production policy for manufacturing with perishable raw materials5
Neural networks in Fréchet spaces5
Coherent lower and upper conditional previsions defined by Hausdorff inner and outer measures to represent the role of conscious and unconscious thought in human decision making4
Practical investment with the long-short game4
RAMP experiments in solving the uncapacitated facility location problem4
On the finite representation of linear group equivariant operators via permutant measures4
Logic program proportions4
On the use of Wasserstein distance in the distributional analysis of human decision making under uncertainty4
To raise or not to raise: the autonomous learning rate question4
Tractable representations for Boolean functional synthesis4
Modelling a chain of command in the incident command system using sequential characteristic function games4
Sequential composition of propositional logic programs4
Analogical proportions4
Time-penalised trees (TpT): introducing a new tree-based data mining algorithm for time-varying covariates3
A hybrid simulated annealing and variable neighborhood search algorithm for the close-open electric vehicle routing problem3
A program to create new geometry proof problems3
Correction to: The logic of secrets and the interpolation rule3
An improved multi-task least squares twin support vector machine3
On Shapley value interpretability in concept-based learning with formal concept analysis3
A semiotic perspective on polysemy3
Hedonic Expertise Games3
Ranking kinematics for revising by contextual information3
Nonmonotonic reasoning from conditional knowledge bases with system W3
Learning preference representations based on Choquet integrals for multicriteria decision making3
Socially conscious stability for tiered coalition formation games3
Coalition formation games – preface3
Query answering in circumscribed OWL2 profiles3
Realtime gray-box algorithm configuration using cost-sensitive classification3
Multiple-source adaptation theory and algorithms – addendum3
On automated completion of geometry statements and proofs with GeoGebra Discovery3
Road networks structure analysis: A preliminary network science-based approach2
Guest editorial: Revised selected papers from the LION 13 conference2
Single MCMC chain parallelisation on decision trees2
About the unification type of $\mathbf {K}+\square \square \bot $2
A faster implementation of EQ and SE queries for switch-list representations2
Advances in preference handling: foreword2
Knowledge compilation2
Apportioned margin approach for cost sensitive large margin classifiers2
A study on the predictive strength of fractal dimension of white and grey matter on MRI images in Alzheimer’s disease2
A framework for the generation of complex scenario instances in the Urban Transit Routing Problem2
Lattice point of view for argumentation framework2
Knowledge cores in large formal contexts2
Collective combinatorial optimisation as judgment aggregation2
Theoretical aspects of robust SVM optimization in Banach spaces and Nash equilibrium interpretation2
Conformal test martingales for hypergraphical models2
Sensitivity analysis of combinatorial optimization problems using evolutionary bilevel optimization and data mining2
A robust multiobjective model for the integrated berth and quay crane scheduling problem at seaside container terminals2
Costly information providing in binary contests2
Analogical proportions in monounary algebras2
Integrating optimized item selection with active learning for continuous exploration in recommender systems2
Personalized choice prediction with less user information2