Geo-Spatial Information Science

(The median citation count of Geo-Spatial Information Science is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Entity-oriented spatial coding scheme and its application for spatial topology92
Automated extraction and validation of Stone Pine ( Pinus pinea L.) trees from UAV-based digital surface models87
Spatial-temporal analysis of the international trade network80
Integrating a multi-dimensional deep convolutional neural network with optimized sample selection for landslide susceptibility assessment62
ADMNet: adaptive deformable convolution large model combining multi-level progressive fusion for Building Change Detection55
Mid-Term achievements in the Dragon 5 Cooperation between MOST and ESA52
“Hot street” of crime detection in London borough and lockdown impacts49
LuoJiaAI: A cloud-based artificial intelligence platform for remote sensing image interpretation49
Challenges and implications of predicting the spatiotemporal distribution of dengue fever outbreak in Chinese Taiwan using remote sensing data and deep learning43
Satellite mapping of air temperature under polar night conditions36
Layout graph model for semantic façade reconstruction using laser point clouds33
Lockdown lifted: measuring spatial resilience from London’s public transport demand recovery27
Investigating the effect of spatial patterns of artificial impervious surface on PM 2.5 at the intra-urban scale26
Evaluation of strategies for the ultra-rapid orbit prediction of BDS GEO satellites26
A robust and accurate feature matching method for multi-modal geographic images spatial registration25
Optimization model for urban ecological network connectivity considering geospatial constraints23
Integrating 3D city data through knowledge graphs22
The impact of drought time scales and characteristics on gross primary productivity in China from 2001 to 202021
An optimized BP neural network for modeling zenith tropospheric delay in the Chinese mainland using coupled particle swarm and genetic algorithm20
ForestSemantic: a dataset for semantic learning of forest from close-range sensing19
Evaluation of the physical-functional resilience of Isfahan City center using spatial statistics methods and ELECTRE *19
Impacts of vegetation greening and climate change on trend and interannual variability in vegetation productivity in the Wuyi Mountain region18
Enhancing outlying growth simulation in urban cellular automata via intelligent extraction-fusion of land suitability and neighborhood effects: a case study of Wuhan, China18
SemanticMesh: parameterized fusion of semantic components for photogrammetric meshes18
Integrating street view imagery and taxi trajectory for identifying urban function of street space17
Mixed-use urban land parcels identification integrating geospatial data and machine learning17
Spatiotemporal variability at seasonal and interannual scales of terrestrial water variation over Tibetan Plateau from geodetic observations17
A large scale training sample database system for intelligent interpretation of remote sensing imagery17
Spatialization of electricity consumption by combining high-resolution nighttime light remote sensing and urban functional zoning information17
Estimating pedestrian traffic with Bluetooth sensor technology16
Spatial diffusion processes of Gelugpa monasteries of Tibetan Buddhism in Tibetan areas of China utilizing the multi-level diffusion model16
Evaluation of wave retrieval for Chinese Gaofen-3 synthetic aperture radar15
The effects of factor generalization scales on the reproduction of dynamic urban growth15
Fritz Ackermann: a true and unequalled friend14
Value of incorporating geospatial information into the prediction of on-street parking occupancy – A case study14
Integration of 3DGIS and BIM and its application in visual detection of concealed facilities13
Transport pathway identification and meteorological driving force spatial-temporal analysis of an extreme dust storm event on South Mongolian Plateau13
An investigation of the temporality of OpenStreetMap data contribution activities13
Assessment of underlying topography and forest height inversion based on TomoSAR methods13
Population spatialization with pixel-level attribute grading by considering scale mismatch issue in regression modeling12
Signal acquisition of Luojia-1A low earth orbit navigation augmentation system with software defined receiver12
LEO satellite clock analysis and prediction for positioning applications12
Satellite-based mapping of canopy fuels at the pan-European scale12
Characterizing the channel dependence of vegetation effects on microwave emissions from soils12
Land surface modeling informed by earth observation data: toward understanding blue–green–white water fluxes in High Mountain Asia11
Monitoring firn and wet snow on mountain glaciers: polarization and orbit effects11
Comparison of Layer-stacking and Dempster-Shafer Theory-based Methods Using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Data Fusion in Urban Land Cover Mapping10
Untangling the association between urban mobility and urban elements10
Evaluating current ethical values of OpenStreetMap using value sensitive design10
Inter-comparison study of wind measurement between the three-lidar-based virtual tower and four lidars using VAD techniques10
Understanding the pattern and mechanism of spatial concentration of urban land use, population and economic activities: a case study in Wuhan, China10
How do greenspace landscapes affect PM2.5 exposure in Wuhan? Linking spatial-nonstationary, annual varying, and multiscale perspectives10
Data-driven machine learning approaches for precise lithofacies identification in complex geological environments10
Exploring metro vibrancy and its relationship with built environment: a cross-city comparison using multi-source urban data9
Modeling information flow from multispectral remote sensing images to land use and land cover maps for understanding classification mechanism9
Area, lake-level and volume variations of typical lakes on the Tibetan Plateau and their response to climate change, 1972–20199
Ground penetrating radar applied to subsurface culverts8
Exploiting satellite SAR for archaeological prospection and heritage site protection8
A user-based approach for assessing spatial equity of attractiveness and accessibility to alternative urban parks8
Global vegetation productivity increased in response to COVID-19 restrictions8
An approach for measuring spatial similarity among COVID-19 epicenters8
Multi-source deep-learning approach for automatic geomorphological mapping: the case of glacial moraines8
Remote sensing image super-resolution via cross-scale hierarchical transformer8
Displacements of Fushun west opencast coal mine revealed by multi-temporal InSAR technology8
Development of a brownfield inventory for prioritizing funding outreach in Tucson, Arizona7
Forest age estimation using UAV-LiDAR and Sentinel-2 data with machine learning algorithms- a case study of Masson pine ( Pinus massoniana )7
Geometric positioning integrating optical satellite stereo imagery and a global database of ICESat-2 laser control points: A framework and key technologies7
Analysing the use of OpenAerialMap images for OpenStreetMap edits7
An approach for urban agglomerations integration evaluation based on multivariate big data: case of the Central Plains Urban Agglomeration7
Analysis of land-atmosphere interactions and their influence on the energy and water cycle over the Tibetan Plateau7
Review, framework, and future perspectives of Geographic Knowledge Graph (GeoKG) quality assessment7
EFFC-Net: lightweight fully convolutional neural networks in remote sensing disaster images6
Special issue on “multi-scale and multimodal human mobility: pre, peri and post COVID-19 pandemic”6
The great calving in 2017 did not have a significant impact on the Larsen C Ice Shelf in the short term6
Sensing the global CRUST1.0 Moho by gravitational curvatures of crustal mass anomalies6
Urban comprehensive carrying capacity analysis in Zhejiang Province of China from the perspective of production, living, and ecological spaces6
Estimation of annual harvested wood products based on remote sensing and TPO survey data6
Towards automating the nautical chart generalization workflow6
Crop classification in Google Earth Engine: leveraging Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2, European CAP data, and object-based machine-learning approaches6
Defining and designing spatial queries: the role of spatial relationships6
Ground-based remote sensing of nitrous oxide (N 2 O) over Hefei, eastern China from high-resolution solar spectra6
Low frequency error analysis and calibration for multiple star sensors system of GaoFen7 satellite6
An urban building use identification framework based on integrated remote sensing and social sensing data with spatial constraints6
Land transformation across agroecological zones reveals expanding cropland and settlement at the expense of tree-cover and wetland areas in Nigeria6
Dual-environment feature fusion-based method for estimating building-scale population distributions6
An intelligent partial charging navigation strategy for electric vehicles6
Individual tree detection and counting based on high-resolution imagery and the canopy height model data6
Automated noise modelling using a triangulated terrain model6
Epidemiological-survey-based multidimensional modeling for understanding daily mobility during the COVID-19 pandemic across urban-rural gradient in the Chinese mainland6
Visual effects of a forward-curled 3D map of the Forbidden City with eye-tracking6
i4sea: a big data platform for sea area monitoring and analysis of fishing vessels activity6
A power-law-based approach to mapping COVID-19 cases in the United States5
A framework for upscaling aboveground biomass from an individual tree to landscape level and qualifying the multiscale spatial uncertainties for secondary forests5
Cross-modal feature interaction network for heterogeneous change detection5
Quantitative spatiotemporal impact of dynamic population density changes on the COVID-19 pandemic in China’s mainland5
Predicting soil nutrients with PRISMA hyperspectral data at the field scale: the Handan (south of Hebei Province) test cases5
STCD: efficient Siamese transformers-based change detection method for remote sensing images5
An enhanced tropospheric fusion model based on China’s National continuously operating reference stations5
Influence of ground control point reliability and distribution on UAV photogrammetric 3D mapping accuracy5
Design and performance evaluation of a novel ranging signal based on an LEO satellite communication constellation5
Extracting iceberg freeboard using shadow length in high-resolution optical images5
Unravel the spatio-temporal patterns and their nonlinear relationship with correlates of dockless shared bikes near metro stations5
Determination of Helmert transformation parameters for continuous GNSS networks: a case study of the Géoazur GNSS network5
Evaluating the spatiotemporal patterns of GPP and tree growth for their response to CO 2 fertilization effects in mid-latitude forests of China5
Crowdsourcing geographic information for terrorism-related disaster awareness and mitigation: perspectives and challenges5
Progress and perspectives of point cloud intelligence5
Glacier melt detection at different sites of Greenland ice sheet using dual-polarized Sentinel-1 images5
Luojia-HSSR: A high spatial-spectral resolution remote sensing dataset for land-cover classification with a new 3D-HRNet5
In-flight performance analysis of the navigation augmentation payload on LEO communication satellite: a preliminary study on WT01 mission4
Identifying vehicle types from trajectory data based on spatial-semantic information4
BDS PPP ambiguity resolution using B1I/B2I/B3I/B1C/B2a observations with regional reference network augmentation4
Latent spectral-spatial diffusion model for single hyperspectral super-resolution4
Mapping and analyzing the local climate zones in China’s 32 major cities using Landsat imagery based on a novel convolutional neural network4
Estimating China’s poverty reduction efficiency by integrating multi-source geospatial data and deep learning techniques4
LEO Enhanced Global Navigation Satellite System (LeGNSS): progress, opportunities, and challenges4
Wave retrieval from quad-polarized Chinese Gaofen-3 SAR image using an improved tilt modulation transfer function4
Social inequity of park accessibility in Taiyuan: highlighting the unfair layout of parks in second-tier cities of China and the relative role of contributors4
Analyzing the observational capabilities of a Moon-based platform for monitoring Earth’s outgoing radiation4
A novel Short-time Fourier transform-based algorithm for detection of wandering in the patients with Alzheimer’s disease4
Structure and performance analysis of fusion positioning system with a single 5G station and a single GNSS satellite4
How to determine city hierarchies and spatial structure of a megaregion?4
A time-series-based model to detect homogeneous regions of residents’ dynamic living habits4
Assessment of groundwater potential using multi-criteria decision analysis and geoelectrical surveying4
In memoriam Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.C. mult. Friedrich (Fritz) Ackermann 1929 – 20214
Multi-sensor InSAR time series fusion for long-term land subsidence monitoring4
FCN-Attention: A deep learning UWB NLOS/LOS classification algorithm using fully convolution neural network with self-attention mechanism4
Land cover classification from remote sensing images based on multi-scale fully convolutional network3
Evaluating COVID-19’s impacts on Puerto Rican’s travel behaviors3
Evaluation and adjustment of the radiometric degradation of HY-1B satellite COCTS via a stable marine site3
An ontology-based web decision support system to find entertainment points of interest in an urban area3
Application of the Point-Descriptor-Precedence representation for micro-scale traffic analysis at a non-signalized T-junction3
Pan-tropical daily L-band microwave land surface emissivity retrieval from GNSS-R observations3
Analysis of the temporal and spatial characteristics of lunar reconnaissance orbiter’s orbit error based on multi-coverage narrow angle camera images3
Evaluation of optical and microwave-derived vegetation indices for monitoring aboveground biomass over China3
Modified aquila optimizer for forecasting oil production3
An innovative method for measuring the hysteresis effects of soil moisture on meteorological variables at various time scales and climate conditions3
Forest terrain and canopy height estimation using stereo images and spaceborne LiDAR data from GF-7 satellite3
Fully automatic DOM generation method based on optical flow field dense image matching3
Integrating hydrologic modeling and satellite remote sensing to assess the performance of sprinkler irrigation3
Internet intelligent remote sensing scientific experimental satellite LuoJia3-013
Assessing multi-spatial driving factors of urban land use transformation in megacities: a case study of Guangdong–Hong Kong–Macao Greater Bay Area from 2000 to 20183
Developing a GIS-based rough fuzzy set granulation model to handle spatial uncertainty for hydrocarbon structure classification, case study: Fars domain, Iran3
Quantitatively exploring the influence of geographical conditions on ecological quality using a novel remote sensing model: a comparison between two geographical disparity regions in China3
Stronger compact representations of object trajectories3
NDVI time-series data reconstruction for spatial-temporal dynamic monitoring of Arctic vegetation structure3
Assessing urban renewal opportunities by combining 3D building information and geographic big data3
The ATL08 as a height reference for the global digital elevation models3
Improving atmospheric CO 2 retrieval based on the collaborative use of Greenhouse gases Monitoring Instrument and Directional Polarimetric Camera sensors on Chinese 3
Performance investigation of LAMBDA and bootstrapping methods for PPP narrow-lane ambiguity resolution3
Evaluation of Landsat 8 image pansharpening in estimating soil organic matter using multiple linear regression and artificial neural networks3
Beaver pond identification from multi-temporal and multi- sourced remote sensing data3
Precise orbit determination for LEO satellites: single-receiver ambiguity resolution using GREAT products3
Indoor positioning based on tightly coupling of PDR and one single Wi-Fi FTM AP3
Adaptive weighted multi-view subspace clustering method for recognizing urban functions from multi-source social sensing data3
Spatio-temporal data fusion techniques for modeling digital twin City3
Remote marine precise point positioning with baseline length and troposphere-constrained models of the receivers for the oceanographic research vessel3
Quality assessment of volunteered geographic information for outdoor activities: an analysis of OpenStreetMap data for names of peaks in Japan3
Innovative remote sensing methodologies and applications in coastal and marine environments3
Unraveling environmental influences on the spatial and temporal dynamics of cyanobacterial blooms in Lake Erhai during its early stage of eutrophication2
An adaptive Markov chain algorithm applied over map-matching of vehicle trip GPS data2
Improving signal strength of tree rings for paleoclimate reconstruction by micro-hyperspectral imaging2
WDCIP: spatio-temporal AI-driven disease control intelligent platform for combating COVID-19 pandemic2
Domain adaptation hyperspectral image fusion based on spatial-spectral domain separation2
Resampling in neural networks with application to spatial analysis2
Ortho-NeRF: generating a true digital orthophoto map using the neural radiance field from unmanned aerial vehicle images2
Enhanced sensor web services by incorporating IoT interface protocols and spatio-temporal data streams for edge computing-based sensing2
Global road extraction using a pseudo-label guided framework: from benchmark dataset to cross-region semi-supervised learning2
Urban tree species classification using multisource satellite remote sensing data and street view imagery2
Spatial and temporal variabilities in land surface temperatures and near-surface air temperatures in an arid to semiarid urban region: implications for urban heat island research2
Learning the spatial co-occurrence for browsing interests extraction of domain users on public map service platforms2
Mapping local-scale working population and daytime population densities using points-of-interest and nighttime light satellite imageries2
Advanced method for compiling a high-resolution gridded anthropogenic CO 2 emission inventory at a regional scale2
Using machine learning and satellite data from multiple sources to analyze mining, water management, and preservation of cultural heritage2
Evidence of vegetation greening benefitting from the afforestation initiatives in China2
The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on multimodal human mobility in London: A perspective of decarbonizing transport2
An MPI-based parallel genetic algorithm for multiple geographical feature label placement based on the hybrid of fixed-sliding models2
Spatio-temporal intention learning for recommendation of next point-of-interest2
Narrow road extraction from high-resolution remote sensing images: SWGE-Net and MSIF-Net2
Mapping ground deformation in the northern Yangtze River estuary using improved MT-InSAR based on ICA and non-stationary analysis2
Potentiality of Landsat-9 for early-season mapping of winter garlic and winter wheat2
Performance evaluation and future prospects of capsule robot localization technology2
Analysis of sea ice conditions and navigability in the Arctic Northeast Passage during the summer from 2002-20212
Classification of urban interchange patterns using a model combining shape context descriptor and graph convolutional neural network2
3D reconstruction of spherical images: a review of techniques, applications, and prospects2
Measuring the gravity potential between two remote sites with CVSTT technique using two hydrogen clocks2
Determining the new height of Mount Qomolangma based on the International Height Reference System2
Friedrich Ackermann’s scientific research program2
Accurate solution of the SAIL model by leaf inclination angle calculation based on laser point clouds2
Extended linear regression model for vessel trajectory prediction with a-priori AIS information2
Understanding the impact of modifiable areal unit problem on urban vitality and its built environment factors2
Multi-level representation learning via ConvNeXt-based network for unaligned cross-view matching2
Area extraction and growth monitoring of sugarcane from multi-source remote sensing images under a polarimetric SAR data compensation based on buildings2
RB-TRNet: a regularity-guided and boundary-aware architecture for toponym recognition from Chinese text2
Isolating the direct and indirect impacts of urbanization on vegetation carbon sequestration capacity in a large oasis city: evidence from Urumqi, China2
An analysis of close approaches and probability of collisions between LEO resident space objects and mega constellations2
High-performance solutions of geographically weighted regression in R2