Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation

(The TQCC of Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation is 6. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Validated integration of differential equations with state-dependent delay101
Homogenization for stochastic complex Ginzburg–Landau equation on the half-line with rapid Neumann boundary fluctuation97
Editorial Board85
Quasi-static filling of a disordered nanoporous medium with a non-wetting liquid as a process of self-organized criticality80
Fully discrete stabilized mixed finite element method for chemotaxis equations on surfaces75
Dynamic analysis and performance evaluation of inerter fractional nonlinear quasi-zero stiffness isolator on a multi-span bridge under moving load75
A two-network adversarial game: Model, strategy, and structure71
Steady-state solutions of the Whittaker–Hill equation of fractional order70
Shape optimization with virtual element method69
On a finite population variation of the Fisher–KPP equation69
Analysis of environmental transport of suspended sediment particles in a tidal wetland flow under the effect of floating vegetation absorption68
Self-organizations with fast-slow time scale in a memristor-based Shinriki’s circuit67
Theoretical analysis of a measles model with nonlinear incidence functions66
Relationship between nonlinear free vibration behavior and nonlinear forced vibration behavior of viscoelastic plates65
Predicting the arrival of the unpredictable: An approach for foreseeing the transition to chaos of wildfire propagation63
Hopf bifurcation analysis for Parkinson oscillation with heterogeneous delays: A theoretical derivation and simulation analysis63
Soliton solutions for two kinds of fourth-order nonlinear nonlocal Schrödinger equations62
Beat frequency induced transitions in synchronization dynamics61
Nonlinear two-component system of time-fractional PDEs in (260
Stochastic multi-group epidemic SVIR models: Degenerate case60
Protocol-based state estimation of two-time-scale complex networks with nonhomogeneous sojourn probabilities55
Adaptive fuzzy asymptotic predefined-time tracking control of uncertain nonlinear systems based on event-trigger54
On triple-adaptive projection method for bilevel split variational inequalities with CFPP constraint of finite Bregman relatively demicontractions in Banach spaces52
Extremization to fine tune physics informed neural networks for solving boundary value problems51
Effect of the chaotic signal on the firing frequency of Morris-Lecar neurons51
Discontinuous polynomial approximation in electrical impedance tomography with total variational regularization51
Asynchronous filtering for Markov jump systems within finite time: A general event-triggered communication50
Persistence in spatial multi-species food webs: The conflicting influences of isolated food web feasibility and spatial asynchrony49
Stability analysis and optimal control in an epidemic model on directed complex networks with nonlinear incidence49
Pursuit-evasion games of multiple cooperative pursuers and an evader: A biological-inspired perspective49
Input-to-state stability of stochastic differential systems with hybrid delay-dependent impulses47
The impact of different strategy update mechanisms on information dissemination under hyper network vision46
Study of a general growth model44
Coverings and nonlocal symmetries as well as fundamental solutions of nonlinear equations derived from the nonisospectral AKNS hierarchy43
On a semilinear parabolic problem with non-local (Bitsadze–Samarskii type) boundary conditions in more dimensions43
Global optimisation in Hilbert spaces using the survival of the fittest algorithm43
Stability and error analysis of the SAV schemes for the inductionless MHD equations43
A hybrid impulsive and sampled-data control for fractional-order delayed reaction–diffusion system of mRNA and protein in regulatory mechanisms42
Dynamics and numerical simulation of optical pulses in the passively mode-locked Er-doped fiber laser40
Error analysis of an effective numerical scheme for a temporal multiscale plaque growth problem40
Grünwald–Letnikov scheme for a multi-term time fractional reaction-subdiffusion equation39
Bursting oscillations induced by multiple coexisting attractors in a modified 3D van der Pol-Duffing system39
Semi-analytical predictions of multi-stable independent periodic motions and bifurcation evolution in a nonlinear bolted rotor system38
Invasion traveling waves of a three species Lotka–Volterra competitive system with nonlocal dispersal38
Dynamics of a delayed discrete size-structured chemostat with periodic nutrient supply37
Bessel vortices in spin-orbit-coupled binary Bose–Einstein condensates with Zeeman splitting37
Variational fractional-order modeling of viscoelastic axially moving plates and vibration simulation36
The estimation method of normalized Nonlinear Output Frequency Response Functions with only response signals under stochastic excitation36
Utilizing the geometric mechanics framework to predict attitude in a full ephemeris model of the Cislunar region36
Mode-matching technique for analyzing scattering in elastic shell chambers: Applications in trifurcated waveguide systems36
Evolution equations with nonlocal multivalued Cauchy problems35
Stability and convergence analysis of adaptive BDF2 scheme for the Swift–Hohenberg equation35
On contraction in mean square of stochastic difference systems with delays34
Nonintrusive model order reduction for cross-diffusion systems33
On nonclassical symmetries, Painlevé analysis and singular, periodic and solitary wave solutions of generalized Hirota-Satsuma coupled KdV system33
Modeling the virus-induced tumor-specific immune response with delay in tumor virotherapy32
Editorial Board32
Growing cumulative activity of major tropical cyclones: Detection, attribution, and projections32
Deep learning methods for the computation of vibrational wavefunctions32
Nonshifted dynamics of constrained systems on time scales under Lagrange framework and its Noether’s theorem32
On a fermionic extension of K(32
An efficient HLL-based scheme for capturing contact-discontinuity in scalar transport by shallow water flow31
Using the Lévy sections to reduce risks in the buying strategies and asset sales that value in time31
Generalized projective control for leader-following multi-agent systems with predefined-time30
A new kind of double phase elliptic inclusions with logarithmic perturbation terms I: Existence and extremality results30
Parametric resonance of an axially accelerating viscoelastic membrane with a fractional model29
A special phenomenon of wave interactions: An application of nonlinear evolution equation in (3+1)-dimension29
A generalized penalty method for a new class of differential inequality system29
A priori estimates to solutions of the time-fractional convection–diffusion–reaction equation coupled with the Darcy system28
Sampled-data output tracking control based on T–S fuzzy model for cancer-tumor-immune systems28
Spatial competition strategies: The case of two refuges28
Co-evolution of cooperation with resource allocation in spatial multigame using switching control28
Finite-time covert attacks on reference tracking systems with unknown-but-bounded noises28
Dynamic modes of population size and its genetic structure for species with nonoverlapping generations and stage development27
Multiple bifurcations in a mathematical model of glioma-immune interaction27
Numerical continuation for fractional PDEs: sharp teeth and bloated snakes27
Synchronously discrete-time feedback control of large-scale systems27
Novel and accurate Gegenbauer spectral tau algorithms for distributed order nonlinear time-fractional telegraph models in multi-dimensions27
Many-body effects in models with superexponential interactions27
Hamiltonian formulation and symplectic split-operator schemes for time-dependent density-functional-theory equations of electron dynamics in molecules27
Hopf bifurcation in a spatial heterogeneous and nonlocal delayed reaction–diffusion equation26
An adaptive stochastic investigation of partial differential equations using wavelet collocation generalized polynomial chaos method26
Kink-antikink collisions in the periodic φ4 model26
Bounded solution structure of Schrödinger equation in the presence of the minimal length and its effect: Bound states in the continuum are universal25
SIR dynamics with infection age in complex heterogeneous networks25
Exploring critical points of energy landscapes: From low-dimensional examples to phase field crystal PDEs25
A dissipation informed peridynamic model for dynamic brittle fracture25
Editorial Board25
Chaos indicator and integrability conditions from geometrodynamics25
Nonlinearity of the volume–volatility correlation filtered through the pointwise Hurst–Hölder regularity25
Periodic measures for the stochastic delay modified Swift–Hohenberg lattice systems24
On variational–hemivariational inequalities in Banach spaces24
Energy stable discontinuous Galerkin method for compressible Navier–Stokes–Allen–Cahn system24
Editorial Board24
Healthy versus congestive heart failure patients—An approach via the Hurst parameter24
Particle-based numerical modeling of a thin granular layer subjected to oscillating flow24
A hard day’s night: A dynamical model of artistic career choice23
Dynamics of a binary option market with exogenous information and price sensitivity23
High dimensional tori and chaotic and intermittent transients in magnetohydrodynamic Couette flows23
Coupled systems of nonlinear variational inequalities and applications23
A dynamic model of adaptive consumers with endogenous unimodal preferences23
Nonlinear self-organized population dynamics induced by external selective nonlocal processes23
Comparison between phase-field model and coarse-grained model for characterizing cell-resolved morphological and mechanical properties in a multicellular system23
Traditional and non-traditional active nonlinear vibration absorber with time delay combination feedback for hard excitation22
Bäcklund transformation and localized nonlinear wave solutions of the nonlocal defocusing coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equation22
Nonlinear dynamics and adjunct profits in two boundedly rational models of monopoly22
Dynamics of the Chaplygin sphere with additional constraint22
Dual-robust iterative analysis of divergence-conforming IPDG FEM for thermally coupled inductionless MHD system22
Fractional dynamics and modulational instability in long-range Heisenberg chains22
Computation of generating symmetries21
An algorithm to compute rotation intervals of circle maps21
Introducing some classes of stable systems without any smooth Lyapunov functions21
Steady-states solutions of the Vlasov–Maxwell–Fokker–Planck system of proton channeling in crystals21
Symmetry properties of conservation laws for nonlinear Fokker-Planck equation describing cell population growth21
Observer normal form design for the nonlinear MIMO systems using coupled auxiliary dynamics21
Anisotropic and isotropic implicit obstacle problems with nonlocal terms and multivalued boundary conditions21
Fully nonlinear Cucker–Smale model for pattern formation and damped oscillation control21
Topological and non-topological kink families in non-linear (21
Rao-Blackwellized particle smoothing for mixed linear/nonlinear state-space model with asynchronously dependent noise processes20
Stochastic resetting and linear reaction processes: A continuous time random walk approach20
Editorial Board20
Nonconforming modified Quasi-Wilson finite element method for convection–diffusion-reaction equation20
Observation of stochastic resonance for weak periodic magnetic field signal using a chaotic system20
Controlling mean exit time of stochastic dynamical systems based on quasipotential and machine learning20
End-to-end trajectory concept for close exploration of Saturn’s Inner Large Moons20
A bivariate subinterval method for dynamic analysis of mechanical systems with interval uncertain parameters20
Formulating and heuristic solving of contact problems in hybrid data-driven computational mechanics20
Fractional derivative resolution of the anomalous magnetic field diffusion through a ferromagnetic steel rod: Application to eddy current testing20
On critical double phase Choquard problems with singular nonlinearity20
Well-posedness of space fractional Ginzburg–Landau equations involving the fractional Laplacian arising in a Bose–Einstein condensation and its kernel based approximation20
Properties of the generalized Chavy-Waddy–Kolokolnikov model for description of bacterial colonies20
Global bipartite synchronization of fractional-order time-varying coupled signed networks with proportional delays19
Analysis of static charge induced pull-in of an electrostatic MEMS19
An asymmetrical body: Example of analytical solution for the rotation matrix in elementary functions and Dzhanibekov effect19
Identification of discontinuous parameters in contaminant convection–reaction–diffusion model of recovered fracturing fluid19
Extended state observer-based control of heartbeat described by heterogeneous coupled oscillator model19
Stochastic resonance benefits in signal detection under MAP criterion19
Assessing potential insights of an imperfect testing strategy: Parameter estimation and practical identifiability using early COVID-19 data in India19
Modeling mosquito control by an impulsive reaction–diffusion mosquito model with periodic evolution domain19
Deep inelastic collision of two-dimensional anisotropic dipolar condensate solitons19
Nonlinear dynamics and control of galloping vibration under unsteady wind flow by high-frequency excitation19
A sharp discrete convolution sum estimate19
Spatiotemporal patterns and bifurcations with degeneration in a symmetry glycolysis model18
Integrability characteristics of a novel (2+1)-dimensional nonlinear model: Painlevé analysis, soliton solutions, Bäcklund transformation, Lax pair and infinitely many conservation laws18
Fuzzy fractional delay differential inclusions driven by hemivariational inequalities in Banach spaces18
Alternating direction implicit approach for the two-dimensional time fractional nonlinear Klein–Gordon and Sine–Gordon problems18
Resilient finite-time distributed event-triggered consensus of multi-agent systems with multiple cyber-attacks18
Towards nonconservative conditions for equilibrium stability. Applications to switching systems with control delay18
Global Mittag-Leffler boundedness of nabla discrete-time fractional-order fuzzy complex-valued molecular models of mRNA and protein in regulatory mechanisms18
Filtering properties of Hodgkin–Huxley neuron on different time-scale signals18
Rational and semi-rational solutions to the nonlocal Davey–Stewartson III equation18
Event-triggered-based adaptive asymptotic tracking control for stochastic nonlinear time-delay systems with actuator and sensor faults18
Theoretical and numerical analysis of the Landau–Khalatnikov model of ferroelectric hysteresis18
Four-component integrable hierarchies and their Hamiltonian structures18
Non-Newtonian incompressible fluids with nonlinear shear tensor and hereditary conditions18
Controlling the bursting size in the two-dimensional Rulkov model18
Finite-time robust formation control of multiple aerial robotic vehicles with uncertainties and time-varying complex perturbations18
Adaptive event-triggered fault-tolerant control for Markov jump nonlinear systems with time-varying delays and multiple faults17
Unconditionally energy stable schemes for fluid-based topology optimization17
Construction of exact solutions to nonlinear PDEs with delay using solutions of simpler PDEs without delay17
Quantization method and Schrödinger equation of fractional time and their weak effects on Hamiltonian: Phase transitions of energy and wave functions17
Mathematical and asymptotic analysis of thermoelastic shells in normal damped response contact17
Investigation of a monostable nonlinear vibration isolator with the inertia-elastic boundary17
Nonlinear vibration of fractional Kelvin–Voigt viscoelastic beam on nonlinear elastic foundation17
Stationary response determination of MDOF fractional nonlinear systems subjected to combined colored noise and periodic excitation17
Asynchronous secure controller design for singularly perturbation stochastic semi-Markov jump CPSs with the memory-based dynamic event-triggered scheme against complex cyber-attacks17
Numerical study of the ternary Cahn–Hilliard fluids by using an efficient modified scalar auxiliary variable approach17
Equivalence of MTS and CMR methods associated with the normal form of Hopf bifurcation for delayed reaction–diffusion equations17
An integrated optimization control model of combining epidemic and production–inventory models and its numerical simulations17
A competition of duopoly game whose players are public: Dynamic investigations16
On the stability of satellites at unstable libration points of sun–planet–moon systems16
An improved hybridization strategy for the fifth-order unequal-sized weighted essentially non-oscillatory scheme16
Mean-square contractivity of stochasticϑ-methods16
A second-order Strang splitting scheme with exponential integrating factor for the Allen–Cahn equation with logarithmic Flory–Huggins potential16
Order flow in the financial markets from the perspective of the Fractional Lévy stable motion16
Event-triggered pinning passivity and synchronization of multiple spatial diffusion coupled reaction–diffusion neural networks16
Two fast numerical methods for a generalized Oldroyd-B fluid model16
Dynamical analysis of an immumo-epidemiological coupled system on complex networks16
Numerical analysis of a self-similar turbulent flow in Bose–Einstein condensates16
A numerical study of N-periodic wave solutions to four integrable eq16
A Framework of Hierarchical Attacks to Network Controllability16
Emergence of extreme events in coupled systems with time-dependent interactions15
Global dynamics and bifurcation for a discontinuous oscillator with irrational nonlinearity15
A novel fully-decoupled, linear, and unconditionally energy-stable scheme of the conserved Allen–Cahn phase-field model of a two-phase incompressible flow system with variable density and viscosity15
Adaptive numerical solutions of time-fractional advection–diffusion–reaction equations15
Energy stable schemes with second order temporal accuracy and decoupled structure for diffuse interface model of two-phase magnetohydrodynamics15
Solutions of generalized simple wave type of magnetic fluid15
Stability analysis of alternating wave solution in a Stuart-Landau system with time delay15
The art of solving a large number of non-stiff, low-dimensional ordinary differential equation systems on GPUs and CPUs15
Extreme intermodal energy transfers through vibro-impacts for highly effective and rapid blast mitigation15
Conservative local discontinuous Galerkin methods for a generalized system of strongly coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equations.15
Finite element approximation of a Keller–Segel model with additional self- and cross-diffusion terms and a logistic source15
A mathematical model for oncolytic virus spread using the telegraph equation15
New criteria of almost sure exponential stability and instability of nonlinear stochastic systems with a generalization to stochastic coupled systems15
Gaussian process learning of nonlinear dynamics15
Dynamics analysis of a Filippov pest control model with time delay15
Model of blood rheology including hemolysis based on population balance15
Dromion solutions of PT-symmetric (x,y)<15
A Hamiltonian for 1/1 rotational secondary resonances, and application to small satellites of Saturn and Jupiter15
Three-component coupled nonlinear Schrödinger system in a multimode optical fiber: Darboux transformation induced via a rank-two projection matrix15
Nonlinear modeling and vibration mitigation of combined vortex-induced and base vibrations through energy harvesting absorbers15
Magneto-thermo-elastic coupling vibration and bifurcation characteristics of functionally graded rotating cylindrical shell15
Traveling chimera states in continuous media15
Necklace beams carrying fractional angular momentum in fractional systems with a saturable nonlinearity15
Efficient valuation of variable annuities under regime-switching jump diffusion models with surrender risk and mortality risk14
High-Order Block Toeplitz Inner-Bordering method for solving the Gelfand–Levitan–Marchenko equation14
Application of bilateral iterative displacement control method to nonlinear free vibration analysis of dual-FG nanocomposite circular plates14
Collective behavior of discrete time multi-agent systems with dynamical opinions14
Inequality, a scourge of the XXI century14
A time scale approach for analyzing pathogenesis of ATL development associated with HTLV-1 infection14
High-dimensional nonlinear Ginzburg–Landau equation with fractional Laplacian: Discretization and simulations14
Dynamics and profiles of a degenerated reaction–diffusion host-pathogen model with apparent and inapparent infection period14
New self-adaptive methods with double inertial steps for solving splitting monotone variational inclusion problems with applications14
Numerical modeling for strain rate effect and size effect of ice under uniaxial tension and compression14
Convergence analysis of an efficient scheme for the steady state second grade fluid model14
A novel distance correlation entropy and Auto-distance correlation function for measuring the complexity of time series data14
Hybrid explicit–implicit learning for multiscale problems with time dependent source14
Nonexistence of integrable nonlinear magnetic fields with invariants quadratic in momenta14
A strong-form local meshless approach based on radial basis function-finite difference (RBF-FD) method for solving multi-dimensional coupled damped Schrödinger system appearing in Bose–Einstein conden14
Non-constant steady states and Hopf bifurcation of a species interaction model14
State of charge estimation for lithium-ion batteries based on a novel complex-order model14
Application of symmetry analysis to viscoelastic fluid model14
Turing instability and pattern formation on directed networks14
A meshless approach based on fractional interpolation theory and improved neural network bases for solving non-smooth solution of 2D fractional reaction–diffusion equation with distributed order14
Bursting dynamics in a state controlled cellular neural network based MLC circuit with periodic forcing signals14
Error analysis of a fully discrete projection method for Cahn–Hilliard Inductionless MHD problems14
Nonlinear stability issues for stochastic Runge-Kutta methods14
A fractional-step DG-FE method for the time-dependent generalized Boussinesq equations14
Efficient synchronization estimation for complex time series using refined cross-sample entropy measure14
A coevolution model of defensive medicine, litigation and medical malpractice insurance14
The characteristics of cycle-nodes-ratio and its application to network classification14
Adaptive consensus for uncertain multi-agent systems with stochastic measurement noises13
Multi-peak solitons in nonlocal nonlinear system with sine-oscillation response13
Light-fueled self-fluttering aircraft with a liquid crystal elastomer-based engine13
New results on the existence and uniqueness of positive almost periodic solution for the generalized Mackey–Glass hematopoietic model13
Exponentially fitted methods that preserve conservation laws13
Approximating the first passage time density from data using generalized Laguerre polynomials13
The Fermi–Pasta–Ulam–Tsingou recurrence for discrete systems: Cascading mechanism and machine learning for the Ablowitz–Ladik equation13
Finite-time stability of Caputo fractional fuzzy differential equations with delay in granular sense13
Higher-order composition of short- and long-period effects for satellite analytical ephemeris computation13
Constrained evolutionary variational–hemivariational inequalities with application to fluid flow model13
Minimal underactuated synchronization with applications to secure communication13
Nonlinear dynamics of the spacial vibration system considering the interactions between the frame and materials13
The construction of an optimal fourth-order fractional-compact-type numerical differential formula of the Riesz derivative and its application13
Regimes identification of the viscous flow past an elliptic cylinder for Reynolds number up to 1000013
Existence of a weak solution to a nonlinear induction hardening problem with Leblond–Devaux model for a steel workpiece13
Adaptive fuzzy prescribed settling time consensus control for multi-agent systems with input hysteresis via dynamic event-triggered mechanism13
Numerical solution of nonlinear stochastic differential equations with fractional Brownian motion using fractional-order Genocchi deep neural networks13
Leopard seal optimization (LSO): A natural inspired meta-heuristic algorithm13
Multistability, scattering and selection of equilibria in the mechanical system with constraint13