Acta Metallurgica Sinica-English Letters

(The TQCC of Acta Metallurgica Sinica-English Letters is 6. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Ageing Hardening Mechanism and Corrosion Resistance in the Fe65Cr13Cu3(CoMnMoNiAlTi)19 Medium-Entropy Stainless Alloy66
Distinct Electrical and Mechanical Responses of a Cu-10Fe Composite Prepared by Hot-Pressed Sintering and Post Treatment56
Microstructure, Mechanical Properties and Corrosion Resistance of the Mo0.5V0.5NbTiZrx High-Entropy Alloys with Low Thermal Neutron Sections47
Implementation of Balanced Strength and Toughness of VW93A Rare-Earth Magnesium Alloy with Regulating the Overlapping Structure of Lamellar LPSO Phase and $$\beta^{\prime }$$ Phase46
Untypical Electrochemical Corrosion Behavior of High-Nitrogen Austenitic Stainless Steel: Non-Pitting in Transpassivation41
Effect of Nanometer WC Coating on Thermal Conductivity of Diamond/6061 Composites40
Anisotropic Inter-granular Corrosion Behaviors and Microstructures of AlMgSiCu Alloy Sheets Made by Thermal–Mechanical Treatments36
Effect of Ball Milling Time on Microstructure and Hydrogen Storage Properties of Nd5Mg41Ni Alloy32
Microstructure Modification and Ductility Improvement for TaMoNbZrTiAl Refractory High Entropy Alloys via Increasing Ti Content31
Microstructural Evolution during Tensile Deformation in TRC-ZA21 Magnesium Alloy with Different Loading Directions and Strain Rates29
Preface to the Special Issue: Anode Materials for Rechargeable Batteries28
Effect of Vanadium Nitride (VN) Particles on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Extruded AZ31 Mg Alloy28
Preliminary Investigation of Preparing High Burn-Up Structure in Nuclear Fuel by Flash Sintering Using CeO2 as a Surrogate27
Phase Stability, Magnetic Properties, and Martensitic Transformation of Ni2−xMn1+x+ySn1−y Heusler Alloy with Excess Mn by First-Principles Calculations26
Investigation on the Solidification and Phase Transformation in Pb-Free Solders Using In Situ Synchrotron Radiography and Diffraction: A Review26
Effects of MeV Fe Ions Irradiation on the Microstructure and Property of Nuclear Grade 304 Stainless Steel: Characterized by Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy, Transmission Electron Microscope and Na26
In Situ Embedment of ZnS Nanocrystals in High Porosity Carbon Fibers as an Advanced Anode Material for Efficient Lithium Storage24
Effects of Co and Nb on the Crack of Additive Manufacturing Nickel-Based Superalloys23
Experimental and DFT Investigations of AlNbTiVZr High Entropy Alloys with Excellent Mechanical Properties23
Enhanced Grain Refining Effect of Mg–Zr Master Alloy on Magnesium Alloys via a Synergistic Strategy Involving Heterogeneous Nucleation and Solute-Driven Growth Restriction22
Orientation-Dependent Characteristics for Residual Grains during Hot Deformation of Nickel-Based Alloy 92522
Hot Deformation Behavior of ATI 718Plus Alloy with Different Microstructures21
Preface to the Special Issue: Additive Manufacturing—Expanding Production Horizon20
Active Eutectoid Decomposition of α → γ + τ1 and the Morphological Evolution in a Ru-Containing TiAl Alloy19
Effects of Primary Carbide Size and Type on the Sliding Wear and Rolling Contact Fatigue Properties of M50 Bearing Steel18
Synchronously Improving the Thermal Conductivity and Mechanical Properties of Al–Si–Fe–Mg–Cu–Zn Alloy Die Castings Through Ultrasonic-Assisted Rheoforming18
Revealing the Void Formation Mechanism during Superplastic Deformation of a Fine-Grained Ni–Co-Base Superalloy18
Substrate Evolution to Microstructural and Optoelectrical Properties of Evaporated CdS Thin Films Correlated with Elemental Composition18
Improved Mechanical Properties in Carbon Martensitic Steel Achieved by Continuous Carbon Gradient and Multilayered Structure17
Preface to the Special Issue: Hydrogen Embrittlement and Storage17
High-Temperature Fatigue Behavior of Inertia Friction Welded Joints of GH4065A Ni-Based Superalloy16
Springback Behavior and Biocompatibility in β-Type Ti-Mo-O Alloys16
Effect of Multiple Thermal Cycles on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Cu Modified Ti64 Thin Wall Fabricated by Wire-Arc Directed Energy Deposition16
Microstructure Evolution, Tribological and Corrosion Properties of Amorphous Alloy Strengthening Stainless Steel Fabricated by Selective Laser Melting in NaCl Solution15
Stress Relaxation Behavior of a Nb-Stabilized Austenitic Stainless Steel at 550 ℃15
A First-principles Study on the Adhesion Strength, Interfacial Stability, and Electronic Properties of Mg/Mg2Y Interface15
Interactions between Pre-strain and Dislocation Structures and Its Effect on the Hydrogen Trapping Behaviors15
High Strength and Ductility of a MgAg/MgGdYAg/MgAg Sandwiched Plate Produced by High-Pressure Torsion15
Low-Temperature Diffusion Bonding Behavior of Hydrogenated Zr R6070215
Nature of CoCrFeMnNi/Fe and CoCrFeMnNi/Al Solid/Solid Interface14
Lightweight Design: Friction-Based Welding between Metal and Polymer14
Investigation of Material Properties Based on 3D Graphite Morphology for Compacted Graphite Iron14
An Ultra-High Strength Over 700 MPa in Al-Mn-Mg-Sc-Zr Alloy Fabricated by Selective Laser Melting14
Temperature Effect on Early Oxidation Behavior of NiCoCrAlY Coatings: Microstructure and Phase Transformation14
Altering the Residual Stress in High-Carbon Steel through Promoted Dislocation Movement and Accelerated Carbon Diffusion by Pulsed Electric Current14
Inhibition of Abnormal Grain Growth in Stir Zone via In-Situ Intermetallic Particle Formation During Friction Stir Welding of AA606114
Hydrogen Embrittlement of Advanced High-Strength Steel for Automobile Application: A Review14
Effect of Y and Ce Micro-alloying on Microstructure and Hot Tearing of As-Cast Al–Cu–Mg Alloy14
Size Effect of Impact Abrasive Particles on Wear and Surface Hardening Behavior of High-Manganese Steel13
In Situ Elimination of Pores During Laser Powder Bed Fusion of Ti–6.5Al–3.5Mo–l.5Zr–0.3Si Titanium Alloy13
Non-keyhole Friction Stir Welding for 6061-T6 Aluminum Alloy13
Effect of Post-weld Heat Treatment on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of 2.25Cr-1Mo-0.25V Ultra-Thick Steel Plate13
Precipitation Behaviour at the Interface of an Additively Manufactured M789–N709 Hybrid Alloy13
Effect of Three-High Rotary Piercing Process on Microstructure, Texture and Mechanical Properties of Magnesium Alloy Seamless Tube13
Enhancing the Hydrogen Embrittlement Resistance of Medium Mn Steels by Designing Metastable Austenite with a Compositional Core–shell Structure12
Effect of Ti Addition on Microstructure Evolution and Mechanical Properties of Al18Co13Cr10Fe14Ni45 Eutectic High-Entropy Alloys12
Correlation of Microstructure Feature with Impact Fracture Behavior in a TMCP Processed High Strength Low Alloy Construction Steel12
A Special Editor’s Issue on Magnesium Matrix Composites12
Microstructure and Texture Evolution of Mg-14Gd-0.5Zr Alloy during Rolling and Annealing under Different Temperatures12
Numerical Prediction of Intermetallic Compounds Thickness in Friction Stir Welding of Dissimilar Aluminum/Magnesium Alloys12
Tailoring Variant Pairing to Enhance Impact Toughness in High-Strength Low-Alloy Steels via Trace Carbon Addition11
Effects of Stabilization Heat Treatment on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Si-Bearing 15Cr–9Ni–Nb Austenitic Stainless Steel Weld Metal11
Effect of Microstructures and Textures on Different Surfaces on Corrosion Behavior of an as-Extruded ATZ411 Magnesium Alloy Sheet11
Quasi-in-situ Observation and SKPFM Studies on Phosphate Protective Film and Surface Micro-Galvanic Corrosion in Biological Mg–3Zn–xNd Alloys11
High-Speed Rubbing Behavior of Abrasive Coating Coated on Titanium Alloy Blade Tips11
Effect of Cooling Rate on Microstructure and Effective Grain Size for a Ni–Cr–Mo–B High-Strength Steel11
Manipulating Precipitation Through Thermomechanical Treatment to Control Corrosion Behavior of an Al–Cu–Mg Alloy11
Hot Deformation Behavior and Microstructures Evolution of GNP-Reinforced Fine-Grained Mg Composites11
Improvement of Formation, Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of TIG Welded TC4 Titanium Alloy by Ultrasonic Coaxial Radiation11
Atmospheric Corrosion of AZ31B Magnesium Alloy in the Antarctic Low-Temperature Environment11
Recent Progress of Synchrotron X-Ray Imaging and Diffraction on the Solidification and Deformation Behavior of Metallic Materials11
Application of Synchrotron X-Ray Imaging and Diffraction in Additive Manufacturing: A Review11
Finished surface morphology, microstructure and magnetic properties of selective laser melted Fe-50wt% Ni permalloy11
High-Temperature Stability of Mg–1Al–12Y Alloy Containing LPSO Phase and Mechanism of Its Portevin–Le Chatelier (PLC) Effect11
Atomistic Evolution of Hf2S/γ′ Interfaces in a Hf-containing Ni-based Single-Crystal Superalloy11
Phase Evolution and Thermal Expansion Behavior of a γ′ Precipitated Ni-Based Superalloy by Synchrotron X-Ray Diffraction10
Interfacial Oxides Evolution of High-Speed Steel Joints by Hot-Compression Bonding10
Short-Term Splitting and Long-Term Stability of Cuboidal Nanoparticles in Ni44Co22Cr22Al6Nb6 Multi-Principal Element Alloy10
Dominant Deformation Mechanisms in Mg–Zn–Ca Alloy10
Spreading Behavior and Hot Cracking Mechanism of Single Tracks in High Strength Al–Cu–Mg–Mn Alloy Fabricated by Laser Powder Bed Fusion10
Microstructure and Corrosion Resistance of Plasma Electrolytic Oxidized Recycled Mg Alloy10
Nano-Twinning and Martensitic Transformation Behaviors in 316L Austenitic Stainless Steel During Large Tensile Deformation10
Selective Laser Melting of Al-7Si-0.5 Mg-0.5Cu: Effect of Heat Treatment on Microstructure Evolution, Mechanical Properties and Wear Resistance10
High-Temperature Plasticity Enhanced by Multiple Secondary Phases in a High-Si Austenitic Stainless Steel10
Carbide Precipitation in Austenite of a Titanium-Tungsten-Bearing Low-Carbon Steel10
In Situ Investigation of Si-Poisoning Effect in Al–Cu–Si Alloys Inoculated by Al–5Ti–1B10
Enhanced Corrosion Resistance and Biofilm Inhibition of Functionally Graded TC4/TC4-5Cu Fabricated by Selective Laser Melting against Streptococcus mutans10
Tailoring the Texture and Mechanical Properties of Textured-AZ31 Mg Alloy Sheets by Twinning and Recrystallization10
Effects of Homogenized Treatment on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of AlCoCrFeNi2.2 Near-Eutectic High-Entropy Alloy10
Metallurgy and Solidification Microstructure Control of Fusion-Based Additive Manufacturing Fabricated Metallic Alloys: A Review10
Intermediate Temperature Fatigue Induced Precipitation and Associated Corrosion in CrMnFeCoNi High Entropy Alloy9
Correction to: Influence of Electroshocking Treatment on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ti‑6.5Al‑3.5Mo‑1.5Zr‑0.3Si Thin‑Wall Specimen Manufactured by Laser Melting Deposition9
Unravel the Spinodal Decomposition Kinetics in (FeCoCrNi)85(AlCu)15 Alloy through Small-Angle Neutron Scattering9
3D Graphene Nanosheets Crosslinked Core–Shell FeS2@N, S Co-Doped Porous Carbon for Improved Lithium/Sodium Storage Performance9
Effects of Homogenization Treatment on the Microsegregation of a Ni–Co Based Superalloy Produced by Directional Solidification9
Impacts of Microalloying Elements on the Hardening β"-Phase in Automotive AlMgSi Alloys9
Addition Al and/or Ti Induced Modifications of Microstructures, Mechanical Properties, and Corrosion Properties in CoCrFeNi High-Entropy Alloy Coatings9
Effect of Solution and Aging Treatment on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Al–14Si–5Cu–1.1Mg–2.3Ni–0.3La Alloy9
Effects of UV on the Corrosion Behavior of Pure Aluminum 1060 in Simulated Nansha Marine Atmosphere9
Development of Interpenetrating Phase Structure AZ91/Al2O3 Composites with High Stiffness, Superior Strength and Low Thermal Expansion Coefficient9
Effect of Zn and Y Additions on Grain Boundary Movement of Mg Binary Alloys During Static Recrystallization9
Correction to: Effect of Extrusion Combination Types on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of the AZ31/GW103K Bimetallic Composite Plates9
Microstructure Evolution of Heat-Affected Zone in Submerged Arc Welding and Laser Hybrid Welding of 690 MPa High Strength Steel and its Relationship with Ductile–Brittle Transition Temperature9
First-Principles Calculations on Electronic Structure, Adhesion Strength, and Interfacial Stability of Mg(0001)/AlB2(0001) Nucleation Interface9
Influence of Substituting W for Nb or Hf on Solidification Behavior of a Typical Co–Ni–Al–W Based Superalloy9
Machine Learning-Based Research on Tensile Strength of SiC-Reinforced Magnesium Matrix Composites via Stir Casting8
PPy-Encapsulated Na2Li2Ti6O14 Composites as High-Performance Anodes for Li-Ion Battery8
Doping Gd3+ Ion in PDA-PHBV Coating on Ti6Al4V Alloy for Enhancing Corrosion Resistance and Proliferation of Human Gingival Fibroblasts and Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells8
Nanoporous Metals Based on Metallic Glasses: Synthesis, Structure and Functional Applications8
Achieving Fine-Grained Microstructure and Superior Mechanical Property in a Plain Low-Carbon Steel Using Heavy Cold Rolling Combined with Short-Time Heat Treatment8
Effect of Particle Size on Mechanical Properties and Fracture Behaviors of Age-Hardening SiC/Al–Zn–Mg–Cu Composites8
Control of Austenite Characteristics and Ferrite Formation Mechanism by Multiple-Cyclic Annealing in Quenching and Partitioning Steel8
A Novel CoFe2NiMn0.3AlCux High-Entropy Alloy with Excellent Magnetic Properties and Good Mechanical Properties8
Dislocation Slip and Crack Nucleation Mechanism in Dual-Phase Microstructure of Titanium Alloys: A Review8
Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of the Shear Band Formed at Cryogenic Temperature in the NiCrFe Medium-Entropy Alloy8
Ab initio Molecular Dynamics Study of Local Atomic Structure Evolution of U–Zr Alloy Melts upon Solidification8
Using Small Punch Test to Investigate the Mechanical Properties of X42 Exposed to Gaseous Hydrogen: Effect of Pressure, Pre-charge Time, Punch Velocity and Oxygen Content8
Energy Absorption by 3D-Printed Mesh Structures with a Negative Poisson’s Ratio8
Microstructure, Mechanical Properties, and Corrosion Behavior of Mg–Al–Ca Alloy Prepared by Friction Stir Processing8
Numerical Simulation for the Optimization of Polygonal Pin Profiles in Friction Stir Welding of Aluminum8
Double-Shelled L12 Nano-structures in Quaternary Al–Er–Sc–Zr Alloys: Origin and Critical Significance8
Mechanical Properties and Corrosion Behavior of Multi-Microalloying Mg Alloys Prepared by Adding AlCoCrFeNi Alloy8
Role of Solute Rare Earth in Altering Phase Transformations during Continuous Cooling of a Low Alloy Cr–Mo–V Steel7
Ternary Metal–Organic Framework Derived 2D Fe2O3/Co3O4/NiO/NC Heterostructured Nanosheets for Super Lithium Storage7
Effects of Aerobic and Anoxic Conditions on the Corrosion Behavior of NiCu Low Alloy Steel in the Simulated Groundwater Solutions7
Ni/AlN Composite Coating for Corrosion and Elements Interdiffusion Resistance in Molten Fluoride Salts System7
Effect of Al Content on the Corrosion Behavior of Extruded Dilute Mg–Al–Ca–Mn Alloy7
Assessment of Hydrogen Embrittlement Susceptibility and Mechanism(s) in Quench and Tempered AISI 4135 Steel Using A Novel Fast Fracture Test in Bending7
Current Challenges and Opportunities Toward Understanding Hydrogen Embrittlement Mechanisms in Advanced High-Strength Steels: A Review7
Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of the TiC/CM247LC Nickel-Based Composite Fabricated by Selective Laser Melting: Effect of Heat Treatment7
Modification Mechanism and Uniaxial Fatigue Performances of A356.2 Alloy Treated by Al-Sr-La Composite Refinement-Modification Agent7
Improving the Mechanical and Tribological Properties of NiTi Alloys by Combining Cryo-Rolling and Post-Annealing7
Solidification Behavior and Microstructures Characteristics of Ti-48Al-3Nb-1.5Ta Powder Produced by Supreme-Speed Plasma Rotating Electrode Process7
Designing High-Porosity Porous Structures with Complex Geometries for Enhanced Thermal Conductivity Using Selective Laser Melting and Heat Treatment7
Microstructure and Internal Friction Behavior of Laser 3D Printed Fe-Based Amorphous Composites7
Effect of Al2O3 on the Mechanical Properties of (B4C + Al2O3)/Al Neutron Absorbing Materials7
Chemical Composition Effect on Microstructures and Mechanical Properties in Friction Stir Additive Manufacturing7
Effect of Nitrogen and Sulfur Co-Doped Graphene on the Electrochemical Hydrogen Storage Performance of Co0.9Cu0.1Si Alloy7
Microstructure and Properties of WB2/Cr Multilayer Films with Different Bilayer Numbers Deposited by Magnetron Sputtering7
A Quantitative Study on the Effect of Heat Treatment on the Microstructure and Orientation of Titanium Hydride in Electrochemically Hydrogenated Pure Titanium7
Effects of Thermally Assisted Warm Laser Shock Processing on the Microstructure and Fatigue Property of IN718 Superalloy7
Effects of Trace Cl−, Cu2+ and Fe3+ Ions on the Corrosion Behaviour of AA6063 in Ethylene Glycol and Water Solutions7
Microstructure Evolution and Mechanical Properties of Friction Stir Welded Al–Cu–Li Alloy7
Synthesis of Flowerlike MoS2/CoNi Composites for Enhancing Electromagnetic Wave Absorption7
Positive Strain Rate Sensitivity and Deformation Behavior of a Fe–29Mn–3Al–3Si TWIP Steel7
Preparation of Flaky Hexagonal Nanoporous Au-Cu and Au Particles via Dealloying7
Design Fe-based Eutectic Medium-Entropy Alloys Fe2NiCrNbx7
Effect of Retained Austenite on Corrosion Behavior of Ultrafine Bainitic Steel in Marine Environment7
Effect of Short-Range Ordering on the Strength-Ductility Synergy of Fine-Grained Cu–Mn Alloys at Different Temperatures7
Effect of Support Height on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Selective Laser Melting Ti–15Mo Alloy7
Finite Element Prediction of Residual Stress in Rhombic Dodecahedron Ti-6Al-4V Titanium Alloy Additively Manufactured by Electron Beam Melting6
Analyzing the Interplay of Sintering Conditions on Microstructure and Hardness in Indirect Additive Manufacturing of 17-4PH Stainless Steel6
Evaluation of Tensile and Fatigue Properties of Metals Using Small Specimens6
Fatigue and Corrosion Fatigue Properties of Mg–Zn–Zr–Nd Alloys in Glucose-Containing Simulated Body Fluids6
Microstructure Evolution and Recrystallization Behavior of Friction Stir Welded Thick Al–Mg–Zn–Cu alloys: Influence of Pin Centerline Deviation6
Joined AZ31B Magnesium Alloys with Ag Interlayer by Ultrasonic-Induced Transient Liquid Phase Bonding in Air6
Effect of Bimodal Quasicrystal Phase on the Dynamic Recrystallization of Mg–Zn–Gd Alloy during High-Pressure Torsion6
Distributions of Electromagnetic Fields and Forced Flow and Their Relevance to the Grain Refinement in Al–Si Alloy Under the Application of Pulsed Magneto-Oscillation6
Effect of Mineralization Induced by Shewanella algae on Passive Film of Stainless Steel via FIB-SEM/TEM and EELS6
Influence of Liquid Film Characteristics on Hot Cracking Initiation in Al–Cu Alloys at the End of Solidification6
A Study of Rust Layer of Ultra-Thin Cast Strip Steel Containing 0.10% Sb in Simulated Industrial Atmosphere6
A Novel Approach for Rapid Evaluating Cavitation Erosion Resistance of Metallic Materials6
Effect of Annealing Temperature and Strain Rate on Mechanical Property of a Selective Laser Melted 316L Stainless Steel6
Microstructural Features and Mechanical Behaviors of Al0.5Cr0.8CoFeNi2.5V0.2 High-Entropy Alloys Fabricated by Selective Laser Melting Technique6
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of AlSi10Mg Alloy Manufactured by Laser Powder Bed Fusion Under Nitrogen and Argon Atmosphere6
Influence of Filler on the Microstructure, Mechanical Properties and Residual Stresses in TIG Weldments of Dissimilar Titanium Alloys6
Correction: Microstructure, Texture, Mechanical Properties, and Corrosion Behavior of Biodegradable Zn-0.2 Mg Alloy Processed by Multi-Directional Forging6
Exploring the Formation Mechanism of Deformation Twins in CrMnFeCoNi High Entropy Alloy6
Precipitation Behavior and Mechanical Properties of a 16Cr-25Ni Superaustenitic Stainless Steel Weld Metal During Post-weld Heat Treatment6
Enhancing the Corrosion Resistance of FeNiCoCrW0.2Al0.1 High-Entropy Alloy in 3.5 wt% NaCl Solution by Bilayer Passivation6
Preface to the Special Issue: Application of Synchrotron Radiation in Materials Research6
Investigation of the Corrosion and Passive Behavior of HP-13Cr Stainless Steel in Formate Annulus Protection Fluid6
Microstructure Recrystallization and Mechanical Properties of a Cold-Rolled TiNbZrTaHf Refractory High-Entropy Alloy6
Atomic-Scale Insights into Damage Mechanisms of GGr15 Bearing Steel Under Cyclic Shear Fatigue6
Radial Additive Friction Stir Repairing of Mechanical Hole Out of Dimension Tolerance of AZ31 Magnesium Alloy Assisted by Stationary Shoulder: Process and Mechanical Properties6
Surface Structures and Their Relative Stabilities of Orthorhombic YAlO3: A First-Principles Study6
Unique Duplex Microstructure and Porosity Effect on Mechanical Properties of AlCoCrFeNi2.1 Eutectic High-Entropy Alloys Processed by Selective Laser Melting6
Microstructure and Mechanical Property of the Large Cross-Sectioned Mg–Gd–Y–Zn–Zr Alloy Produced by Small Extrusion Ratio6
Mechanical Response of Triply Periodic Minimal Surface Structures Manufactured by Selective Laser Melting with Composite Materials6
Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion of Q235 Carbon Steel by Aerobic Thermoacidophilic Archaeon Metallosphaera cuprina6
Understanding the Mechanism for the In-Plane Yielding Anisotropy of a Hot-Rolled Zirconium Plate6
Heterogeneous Deformation Behaviors of an Inertia Friction Welded Ti2AlNb Joint: an In-situ Study6
Synergic Evolution of Microstructure-Texture-Stored Energy in Rare-Earth-Added Interstitial-Free Steels Undergoing Static Recrystallization6