Algebra Colloquium

(The TQCC of Algebra Colloquium is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Gorenstein n-X -Injective and n - X-Flat Modules with Respect to a Special Finitely Presented Module6
A Note on the Signature Representations of the Symmetric Groups6
Level -1/2 Realization of Quantum N-Toroidal Algebra in Type Cn5
Upper and Lower Bounds of Table Sums4
Author Index for Volume 284
Finite Generation of Lie Derived Powers of Skew Lie Algebras4
ξ -Tilting Objects in Extriangulated Categories4
McKay Matrices for Pointed Rank One Hopf Algebras of Nilpotent Type3
Representations and Fusion Rules for the Orbifold Vertex Operator Algebras Lsl2^(k,0)ℤ33
On Ordinary Words of Standard Reed–Solomon Codes over Finite Fields3
Hopf Quasimodules and Yetter-Drinfeld Modules over Hopf Quasigroups3
Incidence Category of the Young Lattice, Injections Between Finite Sets, and Koszulity3
On Weakly 1-Absorbing Primary Ideals of Commutative Rings2
On Annihilating Graphs Associated with Modules over Commutative Rings2
Left Frobenius Pairs, Cotorsion Pairs and Weak Auslander-Buchweitz Contexts in Triangulated Categories2
Two Matrix Theorems Arising from Nilpotent Groups2
Cohomology of Associative H -Pseudoalgebras2
On Countably Generated Dimension2
Generalized Cline's Formula and Jacobson's Lemma in a Ring2
Product and Complex Structures on 3-Bihom-Lie Algebras2
Algebraic Properties of Edge Ideals of Some Vertex-Weighted Oriented Cyclic Graphs2
Regular and p-Regular Orbits of Solvable Linear Groups, II1
Locally Self-Injective Property of FI m1
Recollements of Quiver Representations Induced by Evaluation Functors1
On Separable Schur Rings over Abelian Groups1
Author Index for Volume 291
An Arithmetical Condition on the Sizes of Conjugacy Classes of a Finite Group1
Universal Deformation Rings of Modules over Self-injective Cluster-Tilted Algebras Are Trivial1
A New Young Wall Realization of B ( λ ) and B ( ∞ )1
On BiHom-L-R Smash Products1
A Construction of Sequentially Cohen–Macaulay Graphs1
F ¯ p as a Discrete Metric Space1
Towards the Jacobian Conjecture1
Gorenstein FP∞-Injective Modules and w-Noetherian Rings1
Skew Incidence Rings and the Isomorphism Problem1
Arc-Transitive Graphs of Square-free Order with Valency 111
Brauer–Clifford Group of Lie–Rinehart Algebras1
Strongly Clean Matrix Rings over a Skew Monoid Ring1
Multiplicative Derivations on Rank-s Matrices for Relatively Small s1
Heptavalent Symmetric Graphs with Certain Conditions1
Left-Symmetric Superalgebra Structures on an Infinite-Dimensional Lie Superalgebra1
Quantization of a Class of Super W-Agebras1
Duo Property Applied to Powers and Regular Elements1
On the P.Q.-Baer Skew Generalized Power Series Modules1
Schubert Class and Cyclotomic NilHecke Algebras1
On the Inclusion Ideal Graph of Semigroups1
The Polynomial Modules over Quantum Group Uq(sl3)1
Distance Signatures of Extended and Co-extended Incidence Graphs of Affine Designs1
On Some Numerical Semigroup Transforms0
Triangle-free Graphs with Three Positive Eigenvalues0
The Comaximal Graphs of Noncommutative Rings0
The Monsky Matrices and Non-congruent Numbers0
Adjacency Spectrum of Reduced Power Graphs of Finite Groups0
On the Generalized Strongly Nil-Clean Property of Matrix Rings0
Integrally Closed Ideals of Reduction Number Three0
Balanced Pairs on Triangulated Categories0
Adding a Transformation to Imprimitive Transitive Groups0
The Hochschild Cohomology of the Chinese Monoid Algebra0
Basic 3-Transpositions of Unitary Group Un (2 )0
Determining Sets and Determining Numbers of Finite Groups0
Silting Objects over the Stable Monomorphism Category of Higher Differential Objects0
Cohomology of Lie Conformal Algebra Vir⋉Cur g0
An Upper Bound for the w-Weak Global Dimension of Pullbacks0
Reduction of Wide Subcategories and Recollements0
Semisymmetric Graphs of Order 2 p3 with Valency p20
Finite Groups in Which Every Maximal Subgroup Is Nilpotent or a TI-Subgroup or Has Order p′0
On the Infinite-Dimensional Modular Lie Superalgebras of O -Type0
On 2-(v,k,λ) Designs with Flag-Transitive Automorphism Groups of Product Action Type0
Conformal Triple Derivations and Triple Homomorphisms of Lie Conformal Algebras0
Block Basis for Modular Coinvariants of Pseudo-Reflection Groups0
The Restriction of Polynomial Modules for the Virasoro Algebra to sl2(C)0
Generalized Centrosymmetric Matrix Algebras Induced by Automorphisms0
Clifford Deformations of Koszul Frobenius Algebras and Noncommutative Quadrics0
The NF-Number of a Simplicial Complex0
Some Results on Noetherian Warfield Domains0
A Class of Quadratic Matrix Equations over Finite Fields0
On Orientably Regular Non-abelian Covering Maps of the Platonic Maps0
Second Powers of Cover Ideals of Paths0
Contents of Volume 310
A Note on the Universal Factorization Property of Groups0
The Multiplier and Cohomology of Lie Superalgebras0
Some Kazhdan–Lusztig Coefficients of Affine Weyl Group of Type B~ 20
Construction of Simple Modules over the Quantum Affine Space0
Gorenstein Projective Coresolutions and Co-Tate Homology Functors0
On Symmetric Cayley Graphs of Valency Eleven0
Coleman Automorphisms of Extensions of Finite Characteristically Simple Groups by Some Finite Groups0
A Virtual Character and Nonzero Kronecker Coefficients for Self-conjugate Partitions0
On the Residual Finiteness of a Class of Infinite Soluble Groups0
Rational Schur Superalgebras0
Some Examples of Silted Algebras of Dynkin Type0
A Property Satisfying Reducedness over Centers0
A Characterization of Sequentially Cohen–Macaulay Matroidal Ideals0
Module Structures on U ( E − ) for the Euclidean Algebra0
Modules of the Intermediate Series over Not-finitely Graded Lie Algebras W(Γ)0
Phases of Stable Representations of Euclidean and Wild Quivers0
New Results on EP Elements in Rings with Involution0
Yet More Elementary Proof of Matrix-Tree Theorem for Signed Graphs0
Categorizations of Limits of Grothendieck Groups over a Frobenius P-Category0
Depth and Width for Unbounded DG-Modules0
Structure and Representations for Electrical Lie Algebra of Type D50
Flag Varieties of Type B/C and Twisted Yangian0
Algebraic Characterization of SSC of Uni-Cyclic Multigraphs0
On Conjugacy Class Graph of Normal Subgroup0
A Note on Locally Primitive Arc-Transitive Graphs of Valency 80
Author Index for Volume 300
Duo Property on the Monoid of Regular Elements0
Matching Rota-Baxter Systems and Gröbner-Shirshov Bases0
On ϕ - ( n,N ) -ideals of Commutative Rings0
Superbiderivations of Simple Modular Lie Superalgebras of Witt Type and Special Type0
Nil-Clean Rings with Involution0
Symbol-Pair Distances of Repeated-Root Negacyclic Codes of Length 2s over Galois Rings0
Doubled Hecke Algebras and Related Quantum Schur Duality0
Gorenstein AC-Projective and AC-Injective Modules over Formal Triangular Matrix Rings0
A Curious Identity on Multiple Sums over Fields with Applications0
New Permutation Reversed Dickson Polynomials over Finite Fields0
On Finite Local Rings with Clique Number Four0
Varieties of Involution J-Trivial Monoids with Continuum Many Subvarieties0
Ideals of Finite-Dimensional Pointed Hopf Algebras of Rank One0
PBW-Basis of Reduced Drinfeld Double Hall Algebra of Type An via Gröbner–Shirshov Basis0
Modular Representations and Coinvariants of the Dihedral Group0
Free Products of Trialgebras0
Finite Autocapable Groups with the 2-Groups of Maximal Class0
Contents of Volume 280
Bound for the Regularity of Binomial Edge Ideals of Cactus Graphs0
Representations of Bihom-Lie Algebras0
Homological Dimensions of Extriangulated Categories and Recollements0
Gorenstein Projective Dimensions of Modules over Minimal Auslander–Gorenstein Algebras0
Skew Braces of Size p2 q I: Abelian Type0
Complete Solution of Diophantine Pairs Induced by Some Fibonacci Formula0
The Least Eigenvalue of Unicyclic Graphs with Application to Spectral Spread0
Gray Images of Constacyclic Codes over a Non-chain Extension of Z 40
Total Graphs Are Laplacian Integral0
Projective Bundles and Blowing-Ups II0
On the Grothendieck Ring of the Sequence of Walled Brauer Algebras0
Maximal Subgroups in the Classical Groups Normalizing Solvable Subgroups0
One-Generated Nilpotent Bicommutative Algebras0
On the Enhanced Power Graph of a Semigroup0
A Class of Association Schemes and Their Automorphisms0
Classical Radicals of Invariants of Algebraic Skew Derivations0
Spectra of Generalized Cayley Graphs on Finite Abelian Groups0
Quadratic Starlike Trees0
Endomorphism Algebras of Support τ-Tilting Modules0
Author Index for Volume 310
On w∞ -Warfield Cotorsion Modules and Krull Domains0
A New Approach to Jordan D-Bialgebras via Jordan–Manin Triples0
A Note on Two-Generator 2-Group Covers of Cubic Symmetric Graphs of Order 2p0
The Rank of the 2-Class Group of Some Fields with Large Degree0
Relative ( n, k) -Weak Cotorsion Modules0
Zassenhaus Lemma, Schreier Refinement Theorem, and Jordan–Hölder Theorem for Gyrogroups0
Characterizations for the Core Invertibility and EP-ness Involving Projections0
Algebraic Properties of Powers of Edge Ideals of Vertex-Weighted Oriented Cycles0
Finite p-Groups G with H′=G′ for Each A2-Subgroup H0
On von Neumann Regularity of Commutators0
Classification of Rings Associated with the Genus of Clean Graphs0
Derimorphisms over Algebras and Applications0
Periodicities in Cluster Algebras and Cluster Automorphism Groups0
Higher Frobenius-Schur Indicators for Semisimple Hopf Algebras in Positive Characteristic0
Dual Zariski Spaces of Modules0
Open Frobenius Cluster-Tilted Algebras0
On Wiener Index of Unit Graph Associated with a Commutative Ring0
Arc-Transitive Graphs of Valency 11 and Order Four Times an Odd Square-free Integer0
A New Class of Partial Orders0
Ideal-Based k-Zero-Divisor Hypergraph of Commutative Rings0
Colon Structure of Associated Primes of Monomial Ideals0
Metric and Upper Dimension of Extended Annihilating-Ideal Graphs0
On Connected Graphs with Distance Eigenvalue −1 of Multiplicity at Least n−40
The Classification of Torsion-free TI-Groups0
Generalized Gorenstein Modules0
The First Cohomology of o s p ( 1,2 ) with Coefficients in Baby Verma Modules and Simple Modules0
Annihilator Ideals of Indecomposable Modules of Finite-Dimensional Pointed Hopf Algebras of Rank One0
Level-One Modules of Quantum N-Toroidal Algebras in Type B0
Some Polynomial Maps with Jacobian Rank Two or Three0
Construction of Cospectral Cayley Digraphs over Dihedral Group D 6p0
Contents of Volume 290
Complete Cohomology for Extriangulated Categories0
The Representation Type of Repetitive Algebras over the Real Number Field0
Special Properties of Morita Contexts0
On the Nonorientable Genus of the Generalized Unit and Unitary Cayley Graphs of a Commutative Ring0
The Kernel and Trace Approach to Congruences on Completely Regular Semirings0
The Even Part of Finite-Dimensional Modular Lie Superalgebra Γ0
Extremal Betti Numbers of Some Cohen–Macaulay Binomial Edge Ideals0
(D4)-Objects in Abelian Categories0
Strongly One-Sided ( b,c ) -Inverses in Rings0
Finite Rings Whose Graphs Have Clique Number Less than Five0
Gorenstein-Projective Modules over Morita Rings0
G-Algebra Structure on the Higher Order Hochschild Cohomology HS2∗(A,A)0
Three Ideals of Lie Superalgebras0
On Existence of Primitive Normal Elements of Cubic Form over Finite Fields0
Non-invariance of Weak Approximation with Brauer–Manin Obstruction0
Contents of Volume 300
Abelian Hearts of Twin Cotorsion Pairs on Extriangulated Categories0
On B( 5, 20) 2-Groups0
On Complemented Subsystems of Commutative Jordan Quadruple Systems0
Links Between HX-Groups and Hypergroups0
Degenerations of Jordan Algebras and “Marginal” Algebras0
Divisibility Properties of Power Matrices Associated with Arithmetic Functions on a Divisor Chain0
BV Structure on Hochschild Cohomology of Quantum Exterior Algebra with Two Variables0
The Spectrum and Automorphism Group of the Set-Inclusion Graph0
Some Simple Groups Which are Determined by Their Orders and Degree-Patterns0
( g,e ) -Symmetric Rings0