Applied Mathematics-A Journal of Chinese Universities Series B

(The median citation count of Applied Mathematics-A Journal of Chinese Universities Series B is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Inverting a k-heptadiagonal matrix based on Doolitle LU factorization20
Radial solution of the Logarithmic Laplacian system18
Suppression and synchronization of chaos in uncertain time-delay physical system18
Analytical solutions fractional order partial differential equations arising in fluid dynamics16
A Cauchy integral formula for (p, q)-monogenic functions with α-weight13
A multiplicative Gauss-Newton minimization algorithm: Theory and application to exponential functions11
Demi-linear analysis III—demi-distributions with compact support9
Equivalence between the internal observability and exponential decay for the Moore-Gibson-Thompson equation9
Fractal interpolation: a sequential approach8
Nearly nonstationary processes under infinite variance GARCH noises7
Symmetries and conservation laws associated with a hyperbolic mean curvature flow7
On traceable iterated line graph and hamiltonian path index7
The rate of convergence on fractional power dissipative operator on some sobolev type spaces7
Estrada index of dynamic random graphs7
A Comparative study on generalized Manev potential and Newtonian potential in perturbed restricted four-body problem6
Non-uniform Berry-Esseen bound by unbounded exchangeable pairs approach6
Misclassification analysis of discriminant model6
Asymptotic analysis of a nonlinear stochastic eco-epidemiological system with feedback control6
An efficient algorithm to clip a 2D-polygon against a rectangular clip window6
Central limit theorem for linear processes generated by IID random variables under the sub-linear expectation5
Electro-mechanical coupling properties of band gaps in an elastic/piezoelectric phononic crystal nonlocal nanobeam with periodically attached “spring-mass” resonators5
Martingale method for optimal investment and proportional reinsurance5
Inverse resonance problems with the discontinuous conditions5
Symmetry and monotonicity of positive solutions to Schrödinger systems with fractional p-Laplacians4
Log-logistic parameters estimation using moving extremes ranked set sampling design3
Recent advances in statistical methodologies in evaluating program for high-dimensional data3
The super-connectivity of graphs with two orbits3
Existence and exponential stability of almost-periodic solutions for MAM neural network with distributed delays on time scales3
Correction to: Tracy-Widom distribution, Airy2 process and its sample path properties3
Correction to: Log-logistic parameters estimation using moving extremes ranked set sampling design3
Estimates on the eigenvalues of complex nonlocal Sturm-Liouville problems3
Dynamical analysis and anti-synchronization of a new 6D model with self-excited attractors3
Variable selection for skew-normal mixture of joint location and scale models3
A novel three-step implicit iteration process for three finite family of asymptotically generalized Φ-hemicontractive mapping in the intermediate sense3
Couple stress nanofluid flow through a bifurcated artery — Application of catheterization process3
Flow and heat transfer of a nanofluid through a porous medium due to stretching/shrinking sheet with suction, magnetic field and thermal radiation3
Time variant multi-objective linear fractional interval-valued transportation problem2
Existence and numerical approximation of a solution to frictional contact problem for electro-elastic materials2
Some new fixed point results under constraint inequalities in comparable complete partially ordered Menger PM-spaces2
Image of polynomials under generalized Szász operators2
Fuzzy rough sets in Šostak sense2
Existence and uniqueness of S-asymptotically periodic α-mild solutions for neutral fractional delayed evolution equation2
Optimal control of a quality supervision profit model for the electronic intermediary2
Numerical scheme to solve a class of variable—order Hilfer—Prabhakar fractional differential equations with Jacobi wavelets polynomials2
A novel fractional case study of nonlinear dynamics via analytical approach2
Navigation Finsler metrics on a gradient Ricci soliton2
A popular reaction-diffusion model fractional Fitzhugh-Nagumo equation: analytical and numerical treatment1
On new classes of strongly Janowski type functions of complex order1
Positive definiteness of fourth-order partially symmetric tensors1
The CUSUM statistic of change point under NA sequences1
Equilibrium dividend strategies in the dual model with a random time horizon1
A convergent flow in warped product spaces1
A free monoid containing all prefix codes1
Mathematical methods for maintenance and operation cost prediction based on transfer learning in State Grid1
Exact solutions of conformable time fractional Zoomeron equation via IBSEFM1
Numerical solutions of two-dimensional nonlinear integral equations via Laguerre Wavelet method with convergence analysis1
Modified approximation and error estimation for King’s type (p, q)-BBH operators1
Checking weak and strong optimality of the solution to interval convex quadratic program1
A new study and modeling of COVID-19 disease through fractional models: A comparative paradigm1
Enhanced optimal delaunay triangulation methods with connectivity regularization1
Investigation on the new exact solutions of generalized Rosenau-Kawahara-RLW equation with p-th order nonlinearity occurring in ocean engineering models1
A new model of flow over stretching (shrinking) and porous sheet with its numerical solutions1
Optical soliton and elliptic functions solutions of Sasa-satsuma dynamical equation and its applications1
Z-control on dynamics of pollution-allergy model1
On ideal convergence of double sequences in 2—fuzzy n—normed linear space1
Optimal Control of Hepatitis B in a sub-Saharan African rural area1
On a special type of Ma-Minda function1
Counterparty risk valuation on credit-linked notes under a Markov Chain framework1
On the global L1-boundedness of Fourier integral operators with rough amplitude and phase functions1
On a subclass of bi-univalent functions defined by convex combination of order α with the Faber polynomial expansion0
The Gleason’s problem on normal weight general function spaces in the unit ball of ℂn0
On power series statistical convergence and new uniform integrability of double sequences0
Ideal cotorsion pairs over one point extensions0
Application of Bernstein polynomials for solving Fredholm integro-differential-difference equations0
Higher-order expansions of powered extremes of logarithmic general error distribution0
Dispersive propagation of optical solitions and solitary wave solutions of Kundu-Eckhaus dynamical equation via modified mathematical method0
Locally and globally uniform approximations for ruin probabilities of a nonstandard bidimensional risk model with subexponential claims0
The asymptotic relation between the first crossing point and the last exit time of Gaussian order statistics sequences0
Complement of the reduced non-zero component graph of free semimodules0
Multiple parametric Marcinkiewicz integrals with mixed homogeneity along surfaces0
The existence of radial k-admissible solutions for n-dimension system of k-Hessian equations0
Application and comparison of kernel functions for linear parameter varying model approximation of nonlinear systems0
Fuzzy Zorn’s lemma with applications0
Degree sum conditions for hamiltonian index0
Modified integral equation combined with the decomposition method for time fractional differential equations with variable coefficients0
Weak optimal inverse problems of interval linear programming based on KKT conditions0
Solutions for Schrödinger-Poisson system involving nonlocal term and critical exponent0
Rearrangement and the weighted logarithmic Sobolev inequality0
A generalization of Banach’s lemma and its applications to perturbations of bounded linear operators0
Fisher information for generalized Rayleigh distribution in ranked set sampling design with application to parameter estimation0
Correction to: Statistical Analysis and Evaluation of Macroeconomic Policies: A Selective Review0
On complete convergence in Marcinkiewicz-Zygmund type SLLN for random variables0
Trace formula of the integro-differential operator on a quantum graph0
Differentially private SGD with random features0
Laguerre reproducing kernel method in Hilbert spaces for unsteady stagnation point flow over a stretching/shrinking sheet0
Analysis method and algorithm design of biological sequence problem based on generalized k-mer vector0
A generalized Liouville’s formula0
Convergence analysis for complementary-label learning with kernel ridge regression0
Weighted multilinear p-adic Hardy operators and commutators on p-adic Herz-type spaces0
The convergence rate and necessary-and-sufficient condition for the consistency of isogeometric collocation method0
A nonlocal dispersal and time delayed HIV infection model with general incidences0
A new approach for pseudo hyperbolic partial differential equations with nonLocal conditions using Laplace Adomian decomposition method0
Inhomogeneous Besov and Triebel-Lizorkin spaces associated with a para-accretive function and their applications0
Heteroscedastic Laplace mixture of experts regression models and applications0
Unicyclic graphs with extremal Lanzhou index0
Optical dromions for complex Ginzburg Landau model with nonlinear media0
Approximate solution of Volterra-Fredholm integral equations using generalized barycentric rational interpolant0
On the global smooth solutions of 3D incompressible Hall-MHD equations0
Helically symmetric equilibria for some ideal and resistive MHD plasmas with incompressible flows0
Correction to: Existence and exponential stability of almost-periodic solutions for MAM neural network with distributed delays on time scales0
Diophantine equations and Fermat’s last theorem for multivariate (skew-)polynomials0
Correction to: Analysis method and algorithm design of biological sequence problem based on generalized k-mer vector0
Certain averaging operators on Triebel-Lizorkin spaces0
Demi-linear analysis II —demi-distributions0
Facial landmark disentangled network with variational autoencoder0
Refined rigorous perturbation bounds for the SR decomposition0
Preliminary prediction of the control reproduction number of COVID-19 in Shaanxi Province, China0
Partial sums of generalized harmonic starlike univalent functions generated by a (p,q)–Ruscheweyh-type harmonic differential operator0
Complete moment convergence for ND random variables under the sub-linear expectations0
On some properties of the bibasic Humbert hypergeometric functions Ξ1 and Ξ20
Revised BDS test0
New hybrid inertial CQ projection algorithms with line-search process for the split feasibility problem0
Modeling and targeting an essential metabolic pathway of Plasmodium falciparum in apicoplast using Petri nets0
q–differ-integral operator on p–valent functions associated with operator on Hilbert space0
On Boolean elements and derivations in 2-dimension linguistic lattice implication algebras0
Triple reverse order law for the Drazin inverse0
Gompertz PSO variants for Knapsack and Multi-Knapsack Problems0
Numerical solution of stochastic Itô-Volterra integral equations based on Bernstein multi-scaling polynomials0
Learning sparse and smooth functions by deep Sigmoid nets0
Strong invariance principle for a counterbalanced random walk0
Oscillation properties of eigenfunctions for Sturm-Liouville problems with interface conditions via Prüfer transformation0
Correction to: A Novel Bat Algorithm based on Cross Boundary Learning and Uniform Explosion Strategy0
Propagation of traveling wave solutions to the Vakhnenko-Parkes dynamical equation via modified mathematical methods0
Zero distribution of some difference polynomials0
Optimal investment based on relative performance and weighted utility0
A fixed point theorem for Proinov mappings with a contractive iterate0
MHD stagnation point flow of nanofluid with SWCNT and MWCNT over a stretching surface driven by Arrhenius kinetics0
Sharp power-type Heronian and Lehmer means inequalities for the complete elliptic integrals0
The tangential k-Cauchy–Fueter type operator and Penrose type integral formula on the generalized complex Heisenberg group0
The joint Laplace transforms for killed diffusion occupation times0
A new two-step variational model for multiplicative noise removal with applications to texture images0
Global asymptotical stability in a rational difference equation0
Semi entropy of uncertain random variables and its application to portfolio selection0
Uniform isochronous center of a class of higher degree polynomial differential systems0
Identifying the best common factor model via exploratory eactor analysis0
Stabilization of fractional bilinear systems with multiple inputs0
Unilateral global interval bifurcation for problem with mean curvature operator in Minkowski space and its applications0
Insight into the dynamics of non-Newtonian Carreau fluid when viscous dissipation, entropy generation, convective heating and diffusion are significant0
Spreading speed of a food-limited population model with delay0
Characterizations of semihoops based on derivations0
Rotary axis calculation for five-axis FDM printer using a point-fitting optimization method0
Flow of EMHD nanofluid in curved channel through corrugated walls0
Maximal operators of pseudo-differential operators with rough symbols0
Automatic liver and tumor segmentation based on deep learning and globally optimized refinement0
Bootstrap inference of the skew-normal two-way classification random effects model with interaction0
Least square method based on Haar wavelet to solve multi-dimensional stochastic Itô-Volterra integral equations0
Traveling wave for a time-periodic Lotka-Volterra model with bistable nonlinearity0
Stability results for a nonlinear two-species competition model with size-structure0
Generalized Kannan-type contraction and fixed point theorems0
On the grouping effect of the l1−2 models0
Parametric estimation for the simple linear regression model under moving extremes ranked set sampling design0
Stability analysis of approximately multidimensional additive mappings on fuzzy spaces0
Poisson Distribution Results for ϑ-Spirallike Functions of Order γ0
On a new fractional-order Logistic model with feedback control0
Invariant measures for the strong-facilitated exclusion process0
Classification and existence of positive entire k-convex radial solutions for generalized nonlinear k-Hessian system0
Local pointwise convergence of the 3D finite element0
Some results on derivations of MV-algebras0
Tracy-Widom distribution, Airy2 process and its sample path properties0
A unified Minorization-Maximization approach for estimation of general mixture models0
Solution approximations for a mathematical model of relativistic electrons with beta derivative0
Fractional sum and fractional difference on non-uniform lattices and analogue of Euler and Cauchy Beta formulas0
Inference for accelerated bivariate dependent competing risks model based on Archimedean copulas under progressive censoring0
Quantile inference for nonstationary processes with infinite variance innovations0
Multivariate form of Hermite sampling series0
Reduced differential transform and Sumudu transform methods for solving fractional financial models of awareness0
Some convergence theorems of fuzzy concave integral on fuzzy σ-algebra0
Empirical likelihood for spatial cross-sectional data models with matrix exponential spatial specification0
Travelling wave solutions of nonlinear conformable Bogoyavlenskii equations via two powerful analytical approaches0
Zero-inflated non-central negative binomial distribution0
Improved population mean estimator with exponential function under non-response0
Learning a Discriminative Feature Attention Network for pancreas CT segmentation0
Notes concerning Codazzi pairs on almost anti-Hermitian manifolds0
On the partial stability of nonlinear impulsive Caputo fractional systems0
Asymptotic normality of error density estimator in stationary and explosive autoregressive models0
Convergence analysis for delay Volterra integral equation0
On entire solutions of some Fermat type differential-difference equations0