Journal of Thermal Science

(The median citation count of Journal of Thermal Science is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Diagnosis and Design Improvement of the Internal Flow Field in an Automotive Cooling Fan Based on Boundary Vorticity Dynamics, Part I: Blade Profile Scaling and Rotation46
Numerical and Experimental Investigation on Heat Transfer Performance of a Solar Single Storage Tank42
Mourn for Professor YU Shen32
Computational Fluid Dynamics Study of a Compound Flow Field for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) Performance Enhancement24
Assessment of Flue Gas Reinjecting Operating Strategy in Performance of CCHP System using Energy Level Difference Analysis24
Numerical Simulation of the High-Boosting Influence on Mixing, Combustion and Emissions of High-Power-Density Engine23
Experimental Investigation of the Transonic Shock Oscillation Characteristics in a Heavy-Duty Gas Turbine Compressor Cascade23
Performance Improvement of a Centrifugal Compressor for the Fuel Cell Vehicle by Tip Leakage Vortex Control22
Effect of Geometric Variation of Root Fillet on the Flow Characteristic of a Transonic Compressor Rotor22
Tunable Thermal Rectification and Negative Differential Thermal Resistance in Gas-Filled Nanostructure with Mechanically-Controllable Nanopillars21
Tuning the Molecular Structure and Transport Property of [bmim][Tf2N] Using Electric Field21
Influence of Operating Parameters on NOx and SO2 Emissions in Circulating Fluidized Bed with Post-Combustion19
Desiccant Performance Evaluation of Desiccant-Coated Heat Exchanger-Based Heat Pump by Equilibrium Model19
A Method for Determining the Operable Ideal Condensation Temperature of Dry and Isentropic Fluids Used in Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) Based on Temperature-Entropy (T-s) Diagram17
Brief Information for Authors16
Discussion on the Mechanism of Source Integration between Solar Energy and Biomass Energy with Similar Grades16
Barocaloric Material with High Thermal Conductivity for Room-Temperature Refrigeration15
Experimental Testing of Greenhouse-Integrated Vanadium-Titanium Black Ceramic Solar Absorbers14
Energy-Saving Optimization Study on 700°C Double Reheat Advanced Ultra-Supercritical Coal-Fired Power Generation System14
Effects of the Secondary Air Excess Ratio on the Self-Preheating Combustion Characteristics and NOx Emission of Semi-Coke14
Special Issue for Asian Congress on Gas Turbines 2020 (ACGT2020)14
Prediction of Equivalent Thermal Conduction Resistance of Printed Circuit Heat Exchangers13
Group Contribution based Flammability Limit Estimation of Hydrocarbon-Inert Gas Mixture13
Evaluation and Optimization of the Thermal Storage Performance of a Triplex-Tube Thermal Energy Storage System with V-Shaped Fins13
Risk Evaluation of Ammonia Leakage based on Modified Probability Calculation Formulas13
A New Cleaner Power Generation System Based on Self-Sustaining Supercritical Water Gasification of Coal12
Visualization of MF/Diesel RCCI Combustion Process and Soot Emission12
A Review on Theoretical and Numerical Research of Axial Compressor Surge12
Temperature Uniformity, Correlations and the Flow Field in Swirling Impinging Jets12
A Review on the Precise Control of the Liquid Nitrogen Supplying System in Transonic Cryogenic Wind Tunnel11
An Off-Design Flow Angle Model Based on Average-Flow Theory and Wake Analysis11
Special Issue on Circulating Fluidized Bed Technology for Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutrality Strategy11
Multiphysics Coupling Study on Impregnation Process of Hot-Melt Resin in Fiber Fabrics for Composite Material Production11
Peak-Shaving of the Oxy-Fuel Power Plant Coupled with Liquid O2 Storage11
A Novel Combined Trombe Wall System for Village Houses in Cold Regions of China10
Assessment of the Turbulence Characteristics of Shaped Film Cooling Hole with Scale Resolving Simulation10
Experimental Investigation on Flow Pattern and Bubble Behavior during Subcooled Flow Boiling of R1233zd(E) in Parallel Channels10
Real-Time Instability Detection of Centrifugal Compressors Based on Motor Speed Measurements10
Experimental and Theoretical Study on CHF of a Ultra-Supercritical Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler Water-Wall Tube at Near-Critical Pressures10
Design Methods and Strategies for Forward and Inverse Problems of Turbine Blades Based on Machine Learning10
Brief Information for Authors10
Numerical Investigation of the Load Distribution between the Main Blade and the Splitter Blade in a High-Loading Centrifugal Compressor10
Experimental Investigation of Effects of Reynolds Number and Incidence Angle on Secondary Flow within a Linear Blade Cascade10
A Sustainable Strategy for Spent Cathode Carbon Blocks Hazardous Waste Recycling Using Binary Molten Salt Thermal Treatment10
Effect of Intake Air Humidification and EGR on Combustion and Emission Characteristics of Marine Diesel Engine at Advanced Injection Timing9
Structure, Characterization and Thermal Properties of the Form-Stable Paraffin/High-Density Polyethylene/Expanded Graphite/Epoxy Resin Composite PCMs for Thermal Energy Storage9
Thermodynamic Analysis of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Based Combined Cooling, Heating, and Power System Integrated with Solar-Assisted Electrolytic Cell9
Performance Analysis and Multi-Objective Optimization of Two Organic Rankine Cycles with Different Fluids for Low Grade Waste Heat Recovery9
Effect of CO2 Opposing Multiple Jets on Thermoacoustic Instability and NOx Emissions in a Lean-Premixed Model Combustor9
Numerical Study on Surface Wettability Gradient Enhanced Ultra-Thin Loop Heat Pipe9
Performance Evaluation and Optimization of a Novel System Combining a Photovoltaic/Thermal Subsystem & an Organic Rankine Cycle Driven by Solar Parabolic Trough Collector9
Numerical Simulation of Mid-Deep Buried Casing Heat Exchanger and its Heating System Application9
Experimental Investigations on Thermal Transport Properties of Nanoscale-Graphite-Film9
Multi-Objective Multi-Variable Large-Size Fan Aerodynamic Optimization by Using Multi-Model Ensemble Optimization Algorithm9
Temperature-Dependent Thermal Conductivity and Absorption Coefficient Identification of Quartz Window up to 1100 K9
Heat Transfer Enhancement and Vortex Flow Structure in the Spirally Fluted Tubes9
Modelling and Temperature Control of Liquid Cooling Process for Lithium-Ion Battery8
Experimental Investigation on Thermal Characteristics of Long Distance Loop Heat Pipes8
Design Optimization and Analysis of Exit Rotor with Diffuser Passage based on Neural Network Surrogate Model and Entropy Generation Method8
Numerical Investigation of Boundary Grid Effect on Heat Transfer Computation of RP-3 at Supercritical Temperature of Helical Tube Wall8
Thermal Transport across Polyethylene Chains8
Application of a Lumped Multi-Section Model for Analyzing the Thermal Performance of a Small-Scale Biomass Boiler8
Thermal Performance of a 4 K High-frequency Pulse Tube Cryocooler with Different Working Fluids8
A Comprehensive Study of a Low-Grade Heat-Driven Cooling and Power System Based on Heat Current Method8
Comparison of Rotating Stall Warning by Different Methods for Variable Speed Configurations in a Contra-Rotating Compressor8
Theoretical Analyses and Design of a 4 K Gas-Coupled Multi-Bypass Stirling-Type Pulse Tube Cryocooler8
Exergy Analysis of Photo-Thermal Interaction Process between Solar Radiation Energy and Solar Receiver8
A Comprehensive Review for Micro/Nanoscale Thermal Mapping Technology Based on Scanning Thermal Microscopy8
Performance Analysis of Thermoacoustic Refrigerator of 10 W Cooling Power made up of Poly-Vinyl-Chloride for Different Parallel Plate Stacks by using Helium as a Working Fluid8
Distribution Characteristics of Transmitted Diffuse Solar Radiation on the Indoor Surface8
Modal Analysis of Axial Compressor Tip Rotating Instability under Varying Operating Conditions8
Flame Morphology and Characteristic of Co-Firing Ammonia with Pulverized Coal on a Flat Flame Burner8
Ignition and Lean Blowout Characteristics of a Reverse-Flow Combustor for an Ultra-Compact Gas Turbine Engine8
Experimental Investigation on Liner Cooling Characteristics of a Mixed-Flow Trapped Vortex Combustor8
Efficiency Analysis of an Arrayed Liquid Piston Isothermal Air Compression System for Compressed Air Energy Storage8
Visualization of Thermo-Hydrodynamic Behavior in Flat-Plate Pulsating Heat Pipe with HFE-3478
Influence of Cavity Leakage flow on Corner Separation in a Shrouded Stator Cascade8
Introducing Degree Days to Building Thermal Climatic Zoning in China8
Efficiency-based Pareto Optimization of Building Energy Consumption and Thermal Comfort: A Case Study of a Residential Building in Bushehr, Iran8
Experimental Investigation of Thermal Performance of Novel Finned Radiators for Automotive Cooling System8
Designing Sustainable Thermal Energy System with Electro-Photo Conversion8
Near-Field Heat Transfer Enhancement of SiC-hBN-InSb Thermophotovoltaic System by Graphene Strong Coupling Effects8
Numerical Simulation of Heat and Momentum Transport at the Coupled Interface between a Rectangular Channel and Porous Media7
Experimental and Numerical Study of Heat Transfer Characteristics of Supercritical CO2 in Rectangular Channel PCHE7
Deep Potential Molecular Dynamics Systematic Study of Microstructure and Thermophysical Properties of NaCl-CaCl2 Molten Salt System across Phase Transition Temperature7
Research on Calculation Method of Aerodynamic Parameters of Supersonic Probe Based on Gas Compressibility Factor7
Numerical Study on Thermoelectric Power Generator in Combustor7
Thermal Performance of Mini Cooling Channels for High-Power Servo Motor with Non-Uniform Heat Dissipation7
Flame Structure of Methane and Kerosene Combustion with A Compact Concave Flame-Holder using the LES-pdf Method7
Effect of Free-Stream Mach Number on the Base Thermal Environment of Launch Vehicle7
Characterization Methods for Azobenzene Photoisomerization Energy Storage: A Review7
Evaporating Temperature Uniformity of the Pulsating Heat Pipe with Surfactant Solutions at Different Concentrations7
Simulation on Evaporation and Motion of Atomized Droplets in Spray Dry Flue Gas Desulfurization Tower7
Calibration of Modified Spalart-Allmaras Model Parameters for Linear Compressor Cascade Corner Flow7
Mechanism of Affecting the Performance and Stability of an Axial Flow Compressor with Inlet Distortion7
Effect of Inter-Stage Pressure on Performances of Two-Stage Transcritical CO2 Refrigeration Cycle with Dedicated Absorption Dual-Subcooling and Mechanical Recooling7
Numerical Simulation Study of a Novel Horizontally Layered Enhanced Geothermal System: A Case Study of the Qiabuqia Geothermal Area, Qinghai Province, China7
Theoretical Insight into the Effect of Steam Temperature on Heavy Oil/Steam Interface Behaviors Using Molecular Dynamics Simulation7
Novel Shaped Sweeping Jet for Improved Film Cooling and Anti-Deposition Performance7
Effects of Co-Firing Biomass and Pulverized Coal on NO Reduction in Cement Precalciner7
Analysis and Optimization of Operational and Pollutant Attributes of Diesel Engine with CNT-Infused Orange Peel Biodiesel-Diesel Blend Fuel6
Experimental Research on Thermal Performance of Ultra-Thin Flattened Heat Pipes6
Achieving Better Super-cooling in a Two-Stage Transient Thermoelectric Device with Constraint-Free Pulse Current by Multi-Objective Optimization6
Effect of Rotor-stator Axial Gap on the Tip Seal Leakage Flow of a Steam Turbine6
Effects of Diesel Concentration on the Thermal Conductivity, Specific Heat Capacity and Thermal Diffusivity of Diesel-Contaminated Soil6
Performance Assessment of a Novel Polygeneration System Based on the Integration of Waste Plasma Gasification, Tire Pyrolysis, Gas Turbine, Supercritical CO2 Cycle and Organic Rankine Cycle6
Experimental Study for Effect of Multi-Site Spark Ignition on Dedicated Hybrid Engine Performance under High Dilution Condition6
Toward an Optimum Design of an Amorphous Silicon Photovoltaic/Thermal System: Simulation and Experiments6
Effect of H2O on Preheating Combustion Characteristics in O2/CO2 and O2/N2 Atmospheres6
Anisotropic Combustion of Aluminum Nanoparticles in Carbon Dioxide and Water Flows6
Heat Transfer Prediction of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide in Vertical Tube Based on Artificial Neural Networks6
Selective Absorber Coatings and Technological Advancements in Performance Enhancement for Parabolic Trough Solar Collector6
Numerical Prediction of Mean Radiant Temperature in Radiant Cooling Indoor Environments6
Application of Response Surface Methodology for Analysis of Reheat Steam Temperatures in a Double Reheat Coal-Fired Boiler6
Increasing Coal-Fired Power Plant Operational Flexibility by Integrating Solar Thermal Energy and Compressed Air Energy Storage System6
A Numerical Investigation on the Effects of Intake Swirl and Mixture Stratification on Combustion Characteristics in a Natural-Gas/Diesel Dual-Fuel Marine Engine6
Impact of Fin Arrangement on Heat Transfer and Melting Characteristics of Phase Change Material6
Structural Assessment of Printed Circuit Heat Exchangers in Supercritical CO2 Waste Heat Recovery Systems for Ship Applications6
A Molecular Analysis of Critical Factors for Interface and Size Effects on Heat Conduction in Nanoconfined Water Film6
Effect of Preload Force on Heat Generation of Li(Ni0.8Co0.1Mn0.1)O2/SiOx-C System Batteries: The Discharge Process6
Influences of Leading-Edge Tubercle Amplitude on Airfoil Flow Field6
Erratum to: A New Algorithm for a Condenser Design for Large-Scale Nuclear Power Plants in Tropical Region6
Discharging of PCM in Various Shapes of Thermal Energy Storage Systems: A Review6
Analysis of the Pyrolysis of Solid Recovered Fuel and Its Sorted Components by using TG-FTIR and DAEM6
Co-Pyrolysis Characteristics and Kinetic Analysis of Oil Sludge with Different Additives6
Modeling and Performance Simulation of an Innovative Concept of Linear Fresnel Reflector based CSP System6
Experimental and Numerical Studies of a Microscale Internal Combustion Swing Engine (MICSE)6
Spray Characteristics of RP-3 Jet Fuel at Non-Evaporating and Evaporating Environments6
Numerical Study and Performance Analyses of Mems-Based Particle Velocity Sensor with Combined Inclined Rib Pair6
Effects of Flame Temperature and Absorption Coefficient on Premixed Flame Interactions with Radiation6
Effect of Steam Dilution on the MILD Combustion Characteristics of Methane in a Model Combustor6
Experimental Study on the Molten Salt at Micron Scale during the Melting Process5
Numerical Investigation of Flow and Heat Transfer in Vane Impingement/Effusion Cooling with Various Rib/Dimple Structure5
Coal-Biomass Preheating Combustion Characteristics in Cement Precalciner. Part 1: Preheating of Coal/Biomass5
A Multi-Scale Thermal Analysis Method for Data Centers with Application in a Ship Data Center5
Simplified Numerical Models of the Unsteady Tip Leakage Flow in Compressor5
Investigating the Role of Bushehr Nuclear Power Plants (BNPPs) in Line with Achieving the Perspective of Sustainable Energy Development in Iran5
Ignition Characteristics of Lean Coal Used a Novel Alternating-Current Plasma Arc Approach5
Relationships and Mechanisms of Sand Grain Promotion on Nozzle Cavitation Flow Evolution: A Numerical Simulation Investigation5
Special Issue on Nano/Microscale Heat Transfer5
Brief Information for Authors5
Special Column on Recent Advances in PCMs as Thermal Energy Storage in Energy Systems5
Solar Flux Measuring and Optical Efficiency Forecasting of the Linear Fresnel Reflector Concentrator after Dust Accumulation5
Experimental Research on Inlet Steady Swirl Distortion in an Axial Compressor with Non-Uniform Tip Clearance5
Analysis and Referential Significance of a Breakdown Accident of the Main Feed Water Pump in a 350 MW Supercritical CFB Boiler5
Thermal Feature Analysis of a New Hot-Air Anti-Icing Structure5
Brief Information for Authors5
An Improved Treatment on the Apparent Contact Angle of a Single-Bubble in Consideration of Microlayer for Simulations of Nucleate Pool Boiling5
Experimental and Numerical Research on Strengthening the Performance of Wave Rotor Equipment with Curved Passages5
Micro Morphology of Soot Particles Sampled from High Pressure Jet Flames of Diesel from Direct Coal Liquefaction5
Thermoelectric Properties of an Individual Suspended Single-Crystalline Sb2Se3 Nanowire5
Effect of Low-Temperature Thermal Oxidation on the Capillary Performance of Sintered Copper Powder Wicks5
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Non-synchronous Blade Vibration Excitation in a Transonic Axial Compressor5
Numerical Investigations of Film Cooling Characteristics of Interrupted Slot and Trench Holes on a Vane Endwall5
Modeling of Packed Bed Methanol Steam Reformer Integrated with Tubular High Temperature Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell5
A Model to Evaluate the Device-Level Performance of Thermoelectric Cooler with Thomson Effect Considered5
Experimental Study on Product Characteristics of Typical Pulverized Coal Preheated by a Self-Preheating Burner5
Heavy Metal Migration Characteristics of Co-Combustion between Sewage Sludge and High Alkaline Coal on Circulating Fluidized Bed5
Comparative Study on Different Methods for Prediction of Thermal Insulation Performance of Thermal Barrier Coating Used on Turbine Blades5
Thermodynamic Analysis and Experimental Research of Water-Cooled Small Space Thermoelectric Air-Conditioner5
Exergy Analysis of Charge and Discharge Processes of Thermal Energy Storage System with Various Phase Change Materials: A Comprehensive Comparison5
Application of New Empirical Models based on Mathematical Statistics in the Through-Flow Analysis5
Brief Information for Authors5
Brief Information for Authors5
Numerical Investigation of Zigzag Bending-Angle Channel Effects on Thermal Hydraulic Performance of Printed Circuit Heat Exchanger5
A Comprehensive Review of Thermal Performance Improvement of High-Temperature Heat Pipes5
Role of Air Staging in a Batch-Type Fixed Bed Biomass Combustor under Constant Primary Air5
Experimental Study on Flow Boiling Heat Transfer Characteristics of Microencapsulated Phase Change Material Suspension5
Visualization of Boiling Heat Transfer on Copper Surface with Different Wettability4
Numerical and Experimental Investigation on Photothermal Performance of Polyimide/High-Electrical-Performance-Coating Composite Films Considering Surface Roughness4
Optimization of a Lobed Mixer with BP Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm4
Experimental Study on the Heating Effect of a Wind-Energy Stirring Heater4
Tube-Wall Temperature Prediction of a 660-MW Ultra-Supercritical Double-Reheat Boiler under Flexible Peak Shaving4
Influence of Real Gas Properties on Aerodynamic Losses in a Supercritical CO2 Centrifugal Compressor4
Heat Storage Performance of PCM in a Novel Vertical Pointer-Shaped Finned Latent Heat Tank4
Kinetic Analysis on Pyrolysis Characteristics of Butene Isomer Fuels with CO2 Additions4
Simulation of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Fracturing in Shale Gas Reservoir4
Fluid-Thermal-Mechanical Coupled Analysis and Optimized Design of Printed Circuit Heat Exchanger with Airfoil Fins of S-CO2 Brayton Cycle4
Experimental Data-Driven Flow Field Prediction for Compressor Cascade based on Deep Learning and ℓ1 Regularization4
Numerical Investigation of Jet Impingement Cooling with Supercritical Pressure Carbon Dioxide in a Multi-Layer Cold Plate during High Heat Flux4
Interaction between Neighboring Supercritical Water Molecules and Density Fluctuation by Molecular Dynamics Simulations4
Prime Mover Capacity Optimization and Thermodynamic Performance Analysis of Internal Combustion Engine Based CCHP System4
Dynamic Modeling of Key Operating Parameters for Supercritical Circulating Fluidized Bed Units based on Data-Knowledge-Driven Method4
Numerical Investigation on the Heat Transfer Characteristics of Supercritical Water in a Non-Uniformly Heated Tube for a Supercritical CFB Boiler4
Relationship between the Intensity of Secondary Flow and Convection Heat Transfer in a Helically Coiled Circular Tube with Uniform Wall Temperature4
Thermal Transport through Solid-Liquid Interface: Effect of the Interfacial Coupling and Nanostructured Surfaces4
Natural Convection Melting in a Rectangular Heat Storage Tank of Carbon Nanotube Dispersed Latent Heat Storage Material4
Experimental Study of Temperature Control Based on Composite Phase Change Materials during Charging and Discharging of Battery4
Processing Compressed Expanded Natural Graphite for Phase Change Material Composites4
A Bubble Column Dehumidifier using Ionic Liquid Desiccant for Low-Humidity Industries: Insights into Transfer Processes Integrating Experiment and CFD Modelling4
Experimental Investigation on Solution Regeneration Performance and Coefficients in Full-Open System for Heat and Water Recovery of Flue Gas4
Brief Information for Authors4
Characterization of Particle Emissions of Turbocharged Direct Injection Gasoline Engine in Transients and Hot Start Conditions4
An Update Review on Performance Enhancement of Refrigeration Systems Using Nano-Fluids4
Non-Isothermal Dissolutive Wetting of Al-Ni and Cu-Ni Alloy Nanodroplets on a Cu(100) Substrate4
Brief Information for Authors4
CO2 Plume Geothermal (CPG) Systems for Combined Heat and Power Production: an Evaluation of Various Plant Configurations4
Comparative Assessment of Low-Concentration Ethanol and Waste Fish Oil Biodiesel Blends on Emission Reduction and Performance Improvement in Variable Compression Ratio Engine4
Physicochemical Properties of Coal Gasification Fly Ash from Circulating Fluidized Bed Gasifier4
Influence of Air Staging on the Operation Characteristics of the CFB System4
Release Behavior of Sulfur during Fluidized Bed Gasification4
Flow and Heat Transfer Instability of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide in a Vertical Heated Tube4
Influence of Mixture Gas Conditions on the Laminar Combustion Characteristics of Natural Gas4
Regulating Melting Process in the Energy Storage of Solid-Liquid PCM based on Double MRT-LBM Simulation4
Effect of Incoming Vortex on Secondary Flows in Turbine Cascades with Planar and Non-Axisymmetric Endwall4
Shock Wave Spectrum Forming around the Compound Five-Hole Probe and its Influence on Pneumatic Parameters Acquisition during Subsonic to Supersonic Flow4
Numerical Investigation on the Effects of Design Parameters and Operating Conditions on the Electrochemical Performance of Proton Exchange Membrane Water Electrolysis4
Phase Equilibrium Characteristics of CO2 and Ionic Liquids with [FAP]− Anion Used for Absorption-Compression Refrigeration Working Pairs4
Numerical Simulation Study on Influence of Equation of State on Internal Flow Field and Performance of S-CO2 Compressor4
Performance Assessment and Improvement of Photovoltaic-Thermal System based on Energy, Exergy, Economic and Environment Analysis4
Stall Evolution Mechanism of a Centrifugal Compressor with a Wide-Long Vaneless Diffuser4
Numerical Investigation on Pool Boiling Mechanism of Hybrid Structures with Metal Foam and Square Column by LBM4
Thermal Decomposition and Oxidative Decomposition Mechanism of HFC-134a by Experimental and DFT Method4
Experimental Study of Heat Transfer and Film Cooling Performance of Upstream Ejected Coolant on a Turbine Endwall4
Effect of Fluidic Diode on Performance of Unidirectional Impulse Turbine4
Design and Construction Challenges for a Hybrid Air and Thermal Energy Storage System Built in the Post-Mining Shaft4
Experimental and Numerical Study of an 80-kW Zigzag Printed Circuit Heat Exchanger for Supercritical CO2 Brayton Cycle4
Forced Convection Heat Transfer in Porous Structure: Effect of Morphology on Pressure Drop and Heat Transfer Coefficient3
Nonlinear Dynamic Characteristics of Turbulent Non-Premixed Acoustically Perturbed Swirling Flames3
Construction and Optimization of Liquefied Natural Gas Regasification Cold Energy Comprehensive Utilization System on Floating Storage Regasification Unit3
Special Column for the 9th Asian Joint Workshop on Thermophysics and Fluid Science 2022 (AJWTF 2022)3
Experimental and Numerical Study of Non-Premixed Dimethyl Ether/Methane-Air Hot Flame at Elevated Pressures3
Measurement, Modelling and Analysis of Residence Time Distribution Characteristics in a Continuous Hydrothermal Reactor3
Experimental Characterization and Model Verification of Thermal Conductivity from Mesoporous to Macroporous SiOC Ceramics3
Effects of Tabular Stratified CO2/O2 Jets on Dynamic and NOx Emission Characteristics of a Model Gas Turbine Combustor3
Performance Evaluation on the In-Cylinder Heat Transfer of a Reciprocating Compressor using CO2 as a Working Fluid3
Using Longitudinal Fins to Improve the Melting Performance of Stearic Acid in Thermal Energy Storage Devices3
Structural Characterization and NO Generation Characteristics of Coal Char under O2/CO2 Atmosphere3
Mechanistic Insights into Effects of Outer Stage Flare Angle on Ignition and Flame Propagation of Separated Dual-Swirl Spray Flames3
Modal Analysis and Vortex Trajectory Description for Tip Leakage Flow of a Transonic Turbine Cascade3
Effect of the Structure Parameters of a Low Swirler on Premixed Characteristics3
Analysis of the Oscillatory Flows of Multiple Shock Waves in a Constant Area Duct3
Kinetics and Products Distribution Study on the Catalytic Effect of Zn/HZSM-5 over Pyrolysis of Chlorella through TG-FTIR and Py-GC/MS3
New Hybrid CHP System Integrating Solar Energy and Exhaust Heat Thermochemical Synergistic Conversion with Dual-Source Energy Storage3
Brief Information for Authors3
Using Tip Gaps on Tandem Diffuser to Broaden the Operation Range of a Centrifugal Compressor3
Simulation of Combustion Flow of Methane Gas in a Premixed Low-Swirl Burner using a Partially Premixed Combustion Model3
Multi-Objective Optimization Based on Life Cycle Assessment for Hybrid Solar and Biomass Combined Cooling, Heating and Power System3
Hybrid LES/RANS Simulations of Compressible Flow in a Linear Cascade of Flat Blade Profiles3
Achieving Enhanced and Sustainable Thermo-Economic Performance with Aqueous MgO-SiO2 Hybrid Nanofluid under Controlled Mixing Ratio: Experimental Results3
Erratum to: Performance Analysis of an Efficient Integration System of Coal-Fired Power Plant, Solar Thermal Energy and CO2 Capture3
Novel Matching Strategy for the Coupling of Heat Flux in Furnace Side and CO2 Temperature in Tube Side to Control the Cooling Wall Temperatures3
Effects of Monovacancy on Thermal Properties of Bilayer Graphene Nanoribbons by Molecular Dynamics Simulations3
Design Strategy of Diagonal Compressors in Compressed Air Energy Storage System3
Thermodynamic Evaluation of Transcritical CO2 Heat Pump Considering Temperature Matching under the Constraint of Heat Transfer Pinch Point3
Flow Characteristics and Aerodynamic Heating of Tube Trains in Choked/Unchoked Flow: A Numerical Study3
Effects of Freestream Turbulence, Reynolds Number and Mach Number on the Boundary Layer in a Low Pressure Turbine3
Wind Tunnel Experiments and Numerical Study on Performance Characteristics of an H-type Vertical Axis Wind Turbine in the Spanwise Direction3
Thermo-Flow Performances for the Main-Auxiliary Integrated Natural Draft Dry Cooling System3
Comparison of Direct Pore-Scale and Volume-Averaging Methods for the Performance Evaluation of Porous Volumetric Solar Receiver3