Nuclear Science and Techniques

(The TQCC of Nuclear Science and Techniques is 6. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Theoretical uncertainties of (d,$$^{3}$$He) and ($$^{3}$$He,d) reactions owing to the uncertainties of optical model potentials115
Commissioning the photocathode radio frequency gun: a candidate electron source for Hefei Advanced Light Facility69
Beam–beam effects and mitigation in a future proton–proton collider61
Deep learning for estimation of Kirkpatrick–Baez mirror alignment errors58
Hypernuclei as a laboratory to test hyperon–nucleon interactions42
Searching for single-particle resonances with the Green’s function method38
Unfolding neutron spectra from water-pumping-injection multilayered concentric sphere neutron spectrometer using self-adaptive differential evolution algorithm37
Numerical simulation of tritium behavior under a postulated accident condition for CFETR TEP system35
Application of material-mesh algebraic collapsing acceleration technique in method of characteristics–based neutron transport code31
Transverse mode-coupling instability with longitudinal impedance30
Cross section determination of 27Al(n,2n)26Al reaction induced by 14-MeV neutrons uniting with D-T neutron activation and AMS techniques30
Hi'CT: a pixel sensor-based device for ion tomography29
Monte Carlo method for evaluation of surface emission rate measurement uncertainty27
A novel encoding mechanism for particle physics26
Development and testing of a high-power S-band klystron at BINP SB RAS26
Overview of SSRF phase-II beamlines22
Low-radioactivity ultrasonic hydrophone used in positioning system for Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory22
High-resolution ARPES endstation for in situ electronic structure investigations at SSRF22
Thermoluminescent response of gamma irradiated Na+–Cu+ ion‐exchanged silicate glass in large dose range21
Lifetime measurements in $$^{138}$$Nd20
On the transient models of the VITAS code: applications to the C5G7-TD pin-resolved benchmark problem20
Design and implementation of accelerator control monitoring system19
A method for neutron-induced gamma spectra decomposition analysis based on Geant4 simulation19
Automatic spectrum recognition system for charge state analysis in electron cyclotron resonance ion sources18
Superhydrophobic melamine sponge prepared by radiation-induced grafting technology for efficient oil–water separation18
Geant4 simulation of fast-electron bremsstrahlung imaging at the HL-3 tokamak18
A new imaging mode based on X-ray CT as prior image and sparsely sampled projections for rapid clinical proton CT18
Investigation of the 121Sb(α,γ)125I reaction cross-section calculations at astrophysical energies17
Flow field fusion simulation method based on model features and its application in CRDM17
Reconstruction of fission events in heavy ion reactions with the compact spectrometer for heavy ion experiment17
A novel approach for radionuclide diffusion in the enclosed environment of a marine nuclear reactor during a severe accident16
The study of intelligent algorithm in particle identification of heavy-ion collisions at low and intermediate energies16
Monte Carlo simulation of neutron sensitivity of microfission chamber in neutron flux measurement16
In situ studies on the positive and negative effects of 1,8-diiodoctane on the device performance and morphology evolution of organic solar cells16
An online fast multi-track locating algorithm for high-resolution single-event effect test platform16
Design and performance study of a dielectric-filled cavity beam current monitor for HUST-PTF15
Towards adaptable synchrotron image restoration pipeline15
Analysis of level structure and monopole effects in Ca isotopes15
Structural control of magnetic nanoparticles for positive nuclear magnetic resonance imaging15
Development of an enhanced online tritium monitoring system using plastic scintillation fiber array15
Analysis and optimization of performance parameters of the 220Rn chamber in flow-field mode using computational fluid dynamics method15
Research and development of a 0.5-m-long helical superconducting undulator prototype15
Gas microchannel plate-pixel detector for X-ray polarimetry14
Analysis of influencing factors on the method for determining boron concentration and dose through dual prompt gamma detection14
Reconstruction of a muon bundle in the JUNO central detector14
Nitrogen doping/infusion of 650 MHz cavities for CEPC14
Prototype of single-event effect localization system with CMOS pixel sensor14
Material decomposition of spectral CT images via attention-based global convolutional generative adversarial network14
Pairing effects on the fragment mass distribution of Th, U, Pu, and Cm isotopes14
Conceptual design of a 714-MHz RFQ for compact proton injectors and development of a new tuning algorithm on its aluminium prototype14
Mesh-free semi-quantitative variance underestimation elimination method in Monte Caro algorithm14
Design study of charge-stripping scheme of heavy ion beams for HIAF-BRing13
Improved nuclear mass formula with an additional term from the Fermi gas model13
Research on a Monte Carlo global variance reduction method based on an automatic importance sampling method13
Investigating the elliptic anisotropy of identified particles in p–Pb collisions with a multi-phase transport model13
Two annular CsI(Tl) detector arrays for the charged particle telescopes13
A ROOT-based detector test system13
Chord length sampling correction analysis for dispersion fuel in Monte Carlo simulation12
A characterization study on perovskite X-ray detector performance based on a digital radiography system12
Properties of the QCD matter: review of selected results from the relativistic heavy ion collider beam energy scan (RHIC BES) program12
Beyond axial symmetry: high-energy collisions unveil the ground-state shape of 238U12
Efficient and selective removal of Pb(II) from landfill leachate using L-serine-modified polyethylene/polypropylene nonwoven fabric synthesized via radiation grafting technique12
Dynamic simulation analysis of molten salt reactor-coupled air–steam combined cycle power generation system12
Observation and mechanism of non-uniform distribution of tin nuclei in preparing vapor diffusion coated $${\hbox {Nb}_{3}}\hbox {Sn}$$ thin film for SRF applications12
Recent progress in nuclear astrophysics research and its astrophysical implications at the China Institute of Atomic Energy12
Investigation of decay modes of superheavy nuclei12
Bunch-length measurement at a bunch-by-bunch rate based on time–frequency-domain joint analysis techniques and its application12
Neutron irradiation influence on high-power thyristor device under fusion environment12
Systematic experimental investigation on pressure build-up characteristics of water-jet injection into a molten LBE pool12
Development and verification of the higher-order mode neutron flux calculation code HARMONY2.012
Two-proton radioactivity from excited states of proton-rich nuclei within Coulomb and Proximity Potential Model11
Numerical analysis of heat transfer enhancement on steam condensation in the presence of air outside the tube11
Continuum Skyrme Hartree–Fock–Bogoliubov theory with Green’s function method for neutron-rich Ca, Ni, Zr, and Sn isotopes11
Commissioning of a high-resolution collinear laser spectroscopy apparatus with a laser ablation ion source11
Enhancement in optical absorption of CsI(Na)11
Carbon-based nanomaterials cause toxicity by oxidative stress to the liver and brain in Sprague–Dawley rats11
Study on open charm hadron production and angular correlation in high-energy nuclear collisions11
The development, performances and applications of the monochromatic X-rays facilities in (0.218–301) keV at NIM, China11
Simulation study on cosmic ray background at large zenith angle based on GRANDProto35 coincidence array experiment11
Systematic study of proton radioactivity half-lives11
Development of gated fiber detectors for laser-induced strong electromagnetic pulse environments11
Topology optimization of on-chip integrated laser-driven particle accelerator11
Structure and 2p decay mechanism of 18Mg11
Branched fibrous amidoxime adsorbent with ultrafast adsorption rate and high amidoxime utilization for uranium extraction from seawater10
Sinogram denoising via attention residual dense convolutional neural network for low-dose computed tomography10
Iterative Bayesian Monte Carlo for nuclear data evaluation10
Simulation and test of the SLEGS TOF spectrometer at SSRF10
The breaking of spin symmetry in the single-particle resonances in deformed nuclei10
Measurement of the high energy γ-rays from heavy ion reactions using Čerenkov detector10
Bayesian analysis of nuclear equation of state at high baryon density10
Effect of reprocessing on neutrons of a molten chloride salt fast reactor10
Twin model-based fault detection and tolerance approach for in-core self-powered neutron detectors10
Study on the corrosion behavior of 316H stainless steel in molten NaCl–KCl–MgCl2 salts with and without purification10
Fabrication of stable MWCNT bucky paper for solar-driven interfacial evaporation by coupling γ-ray irradiation with borate crosslinking10
Design and construction of charged-particle telescope array for study of exotic nuclear clustering structure10
Vector meson spin alignment by the strong force field10
Theoretical analysis of long-lived radioactive waste in pressurized water reactor10
Low-energy atomic displacement model of SRIM simulations10
Bayesian model averaging (BMA) for nuclear data evaluation9
Shortening the delivery time of proton therapy by real-time compensation method with raster scanning9
OML: an online multi-particle locating method for high-resolution single-event effects studies9
Quantitative algorithm for airborne gamma spectrum of large sample based on improved shuffled frog leaping–particle swarm optimization convolutional neural network9
Measurement of 134Xe(n,2n)133m,gXe reaction cross sections in 14-MeV region with detailed uncertainty quantification9
Study on neutron-gamma discrimination methods based on GMM-KNN and LabVIEW implementation9
XPZLIB: an HDF5-format multi-group cross-section library9
Low-power SiPM readout BETA ASIC for space applications9
Effect of long-term thermal exposure on microstructure of laser-welded UNS N10003 alloy9
The new X-ray imaging and biomedical application beamline BL13HB at SSRF9
Development and preliminary results of a large-pixel two-layer LaBr3 Compton camera prototype9
Performance of AC-LGAD strip sensors designed for the DarkSHINE experiment9
Simulation and experimental comparison of the performance of four-corner-readout plastic scintillator muon-detector system9
An efficient parallel algorithm of variational nodal method for heterogeneous neutron transport problems9
Passive electrochemical hydrogen recombiner for hydrogen safety systems: prospects9
Correction to: Development of short prototype of dual aperture quadrupole magnet for CEPC ring9
Correction to: Assembly-level analysis on temperature coefficient of reactivity in a graphite-moderated fuel salt reactor fueled with low-enriched uranium9
Analysis on the influencing factors of radioactive tritium leakage and diffusion from an indoor high-pressure storage vessel8
Beam performance of the SHINE dechirper8
Fabrication, tuning, and high-gradient testing of an X-band traveling-wave accelerating structure for VIGAS8
Effect of Gd on neutron absorption properties and electrochemical corrosion behavior of Zr–Gd alloy in boiling concentrated HNO38
Random forest-based prediction of decay modes and half-lives of superheavy nuclei8
Predictions of nuclear charge radii based on the convolutional neural network8
EJUSTCO: Monte Carlo radiation transport code hybrid with ANN model for gamma-ray shielding simulation8
Design of a rapid-cycling synchrotron for flash proton therapy8
Isotopic dependence of the yield ratios of light fragments from different projectiles and their unified neutron skin thicknesses8
Design and tests of the prototype beam monitor of the CSR external target experiment8
Edims: an event-driven internal memory synchronized readout prototype ASIC chip developed for HFRS-TPC8
CMOS direct conversion X-ray detector coupled with fluorinated liquid8
Phenomenological study of the anisotropic quark matter in the two-flavor Nambu–Jona–Lasinio model8
Design, fabrication, and cold test of an S-band high-gradient accelerating structure for compact proton therapy facility8
Imaging the initial condition of heavy-ion collisions and nuclear structure across the nuclide chart8
Secondary and activated X($$\gamma$$) radiation of SPHIC particle therapy facility8
Design and performance of a high-speed and low-noise preamplifier for SiPM8
Mechanical properties and surface characteristics of SiC fibers irradiated by swift heavy ions8
Calculation of microscopic nuclear level densities based on covariant density functional theory8
Hard X-ray focusing resolution and efficiency test with a thickness correction multilayer Laue lens8
Reactor field reconstruction from sparse and movable sensors using Voronoi tessellation-assisted convolutional neural networks8
First application of large reactivity measurement through rod drop based on three-dimensional space–time dynamics8
Design optimization of plastic scintillators with wavelength-shifting fibers and silicon photomultiplier readouts in the top veto tracker of the JUNO-TAO experiment8
Anisotropic flow in high baryon density region8
Progress in ab initio in-medium similarity renormalization group and coupled-channel method with coupling to the continuum8
Bulk viscosity of interacting magnetized strange quark matter8
Sparing lung tissue with virtual block method in VMAT planning for locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer8
Assessment of the induced radioactivity in the treatment room of the heavy-ion medical machine in Wuwei using PHITS8
Prediction calculations for the first criticality of the HTR-PM using the PANGU code8
Determining absolute value of thermal neutron flux density based on monocrystalline silicon in nuclear reactors7
Grain boundary engineering for enhancing intergranular damage resistance of ferritic/martensitic steel P927
Heavy ion energy influence on multiple-cell upsets in small sensitive volumes: from standard to high energies7
Ultrahigh spatiotemporal resolution beam signal reconstruction with bunch phase compensation7
Commissioning and operation of the cryostat for 3W1 SC wiggler7
Gaussian shaper for nuclear pulses based on multilevel cascade convolution7
Discussion of 90° stopband in low-energy superconducting linear accelerators7
Decomposition of fissile isotope antineutrino spectra using convolutional neural network7
Evaluation of the passivation effect and the first-principles calculation on surface termination of germanium detector7
Event plane determination from the zero degree calorimeter at the cooling storage ring external-target experiment7
Free-radical evolution and decay in cross-linked polytetrafluoroethylene irradiated by gamma-rays7
Development and simulation of a gridded thermionic cathode electron gun for a high-energy photon source7
Hybrid windowed networks for on-the-fly Doppler broadening in RMC code7
Electronics system for the cosmic X-ray polarization detector7
Cr-induced fusion reactions to synthesize superheavy elements7
CsI-bowl: an ancillary detector for exit channel selection in γ-ray spectroscopy experiments7
Dynamic scaling characteristics of single-phase natural circulation based on different strain transformations7
Experimental study on the penetration characteristics of leaking molten salt in the thermal insulation layer of aluminum silicate fiber7
Atomistic study on the microscopic mechanism of grain boundary embrittlement induced by small dense helium bubbles in iron6
Nucleosynthesis in the little bang6
Adaptability of n–$$\upgamma$$ discrimination and filtering methods based on plastic scintillation6
A real-time calibration method based on time-to-digital converter for accelerator timing system6
Anti-noise performance of the pulse coupled neural network applied in discrimination of neutron and gamma-ray6
Transient analysis and optimization of passive residual heat removal heat exchanger in advanced nuclear power plant6
Non-extensive statistical distributions of charmed meson production in Pb–Pb and pp($$\overline{\text {p}}$$) collisions6
Atmospheric transmission algorithm for pulsed X-rays from high-altitude nuclear detonations based on scattering correction6
An optimized numerical method to pre-researching the performance of solid-phase oxygen control in a non-isothermal lead–bismuth eutectic loop6
Unbound $$^{28}$$O, the heaviest oxygen isotope observed: a cutting-edge probe for testing nuclear models6
Effects of sequential decay on collective flows and nuclear stopping power in heavy-ion collisions at intermediate energies6
Evaluation of neutron beam characteristics for D-BNCT01 facility6
Design of a personnel safety interlock system for proton therapy6
Effect of radiolysis of TODGA on the extraction of TODGA/n-dodecane toward Eu(III): an experimental and DFT study6
A seven-crystal spectrometer for high-energy resolution X-ray spectroscopy at Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility6
Simulation results of the online tritiated water measurement system6
Evaluation of different Krylov subspace methods for simulation of the water faucet problem6
Production of p-rich nuclei with $$\boldsymbol{Z}\boldsymbol{=20-25}$$ based on radioactive ion beams6
Influence of element substitutions on poisoning behavior of ZrV2 alloy: theoretical and experimental investigations6
Nonrecursive residual Monte Carlo method for SN transport discretization error estimation6
Time-resolved ultra-small-angle X-ray scattering beamline (BL10U1) at SSRF6
Basic quantities of the equation of state in isospin asymmetric nuclear matter6
Properties of collective flow and pion production in intermediate-energy heavy-ion collisions with a relativistic quantum molecular dynamics model6
Two-dimensional particle-in-cell modeling of blow-off impulse by X-ray irradiation6
Design of hadronic calorimeter for DarkSHINE experiment6
Prediction of nuclear charge density distribution with feedback neural network6
Secondary electron emission model for photo-emission from metals in the vacuum ultraviolet6
Investigating core axial power distribution with multi-concentration gadolinium in PWR6
First-principles study on the diffusion behavior of Cs and I in Cr coating6
CSHINE for studies of HBT correlation in heavy ion reactions6
Neutronics analysis of a subcritical blanket system driven by a gas dynamic trap-based fusion neutron source for 99Mo production6
Improved formation density measurement using controllable D-D neutron source and its lithological correction for porosity prediction6