Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition

(The H4-Index of Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition is 14. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Ore‐forming Fluid and Metallogenic Mechanism of Wolframite–Quartz Vein‐type Tungsten Deposits in South China29
Construction of the Continental Asia in Phanerozoic: A Review27
Implementation of a Petrographical and Petrophysical Workflow Protocol for Studying the Impact of Heterogeneity on the Rock Typing and Reservoir Quality of Reefal Limestone: A Case Study on the Nullip27
The Formation of the Jiaodong Gold Province23
Trace Elements in Sphalerite from the Dadongla Zn‐Pb Deposit, Western Hunan–Eastern Guizhou Zn‐Pb Metallogenic Belt, South China22
The Himalayan Collisional Orogeny: A Metamorphic Perspective21
Hydrodynamic Links between Shallow and Deep Mineralization Systems and Implications for Deep Mineral Exploration20
Petroleum Geology in Deepwater Settings in a Passive Continental Margin of a Marginal Sea: A Case Study from the South China Sea20
Spatial‐Temporal Distribution, Geological Characteristics and Ore‐Formation Controlling Factors of Major Types of Rare Metal Mineral Deposits in China20
Biostratigraphy, Depositional and Diagenetic Processes in Carbonate Rocks from Southern Lebanon: Impact on Porosity and Permeability19
Offshore Carbonate Facies Characterization and Reservoir Quality of Miocene Rocks in the Southern Margin of South China Sea18
Multi‐objective Optimization of Geothermal Extraction from the Enhanced Geothermal System in Qiabuqia Geothermal Field, Gonghe Basin18
Heat Aggregation Mechanisms of Hot Dry Rocks Resources in the Gonghe Basin, Northeastern Tibetan Plateau15
The Late Tremadocian (Ordovician) Graptolite Kiaerograptus from Central Hunan, China: Taxonomy and Biostratigraphy15
Geochemistry and Petrogenesis of Late Ediacaran Rare‐metal Albite Granites of the Arabian‐Nubian Shield14
Neoproterozoic Tectonic Events of Egypt14
Geochemical Characteristics and Sedimentary Control of Pinghu Formation (Eocene) Coal‐bearing Source Rocks in Xihu Depression, East China Sea Basin14