Journal of Computer Science and Technology

(The TQCC of Journal of Computer Science and Technology is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Context-Aware Semantic Type Identification for Relational Attributes56
Accelerating Data Transfer in Dataflow Architectures Through a Look-Ahead Acknowledgment Mechanism55
Partial Label Learning via Conditional-Label-Aware Disambiguation43
A Quantitative Evaluation of Vector Transcendental Functions on ARMv8-Based Processors21
Toward High-Performance Delta-Based Iterative Processing with a Group-Based Approach19
Analyzing and Optimizing Packet Corruption in RDMA Network18
Novel Positive Multi-Layer Graph Based Method for Collaborative Filtering Recommender Systems16
Natural Image Matting with Attended Global Context16
Label-Aware Chinese Event Detection with Heterogeneous Graph Attention Network16
Research on General-Purpose Brain-Inspired Computing Systems16
Random Subspace Sampling for Classification with Missing Data14
GAM: A GPU-Accelerated Algorithm for MaxRS Queries in Road Networks14
AutoQNN: An End-to-End Framework for Automatically Quantizing Neural Networks14
A Probabilistic Framework for Temporal Cognitive Diagnosis in Online Learning Systems14
Understanding and Detecting Inefficient Image Displaying Issues in Android Apps13
Automatic Target Description File Generation12
Visual Topic Semantic Enhanced Machine Translation for Multi-Modal Data Efficiency11
2023 Author Index11
Inversion Optimization Strategy Based on Primitives with Complement Attributes11
Multi-Feature Super-Resolution Network for Cloth Wrinkle Synthesis11
MacroTrend: A Write-Efficient Cache Algorithm for NVM-Based Read Cache10
Logistic Weighted Profile-Based Bi-Random Walk for Exploring MiRNA-Disease Associations10
SE-Chain: A Scalable Storage and Efficient Retrieval Model for Blockchain9
Face Anti-Spoofing with Unknown Attacks: A Comprehensive Feature Extraction and Representation Perspective8
PCRTAM-Net: A Novel Pre-Activated Convolution Residual and Triple Attention Mechanism Network for Retinal Vessel Segmentation8
Neural Emotion Detection via Personal Attributes8
A Survey of Non-Volatile Main Memory File Systems8
Model Checking for Probabilistic Multiagent Systems7
Adventures Beyond Amdahl’s Law: How Power-Performance Measurement and Modeling at Scale Drive Server and Supercomputer Design7
LayCO: Achieving Least Lossy Accuracy for Most Efficient RRAM-Based Deep Neural Network Accelerator via Layer-Centric Co-Optimization7
Side-Channel Analysis for the Re-Keying Protocol of Bluetooth Low Energy7
A GPU-Accelerated In-Memory Metadata Management Scheme for Large-Scale Parallel File Systems7
Semi-Supervised Intracranial Aneurysm Segmentation from CTA Images via Weight-Perceptual Self-Ensembling Model6
A Survey of LLM Datasets: From Autoregressive Model to AI Chatbot6
What’s Missing in Agile Hardware Design? Verification!6
A Survey of Approximate Computing: From Arithmetic Units Design to High-Level Applications6
DyPipe: A Holistic Approach to Accelerating Dynamic Neural Networks with Dynamic Pipelining6
Parallel Bounded Search for the Maximum Clique Problem6
ovAFLow: Detecting Memory Corruption Bugs with Fuzzing-Based Taint Inference5
DCFNet: Discriminant Correlation Filters Network for Visual Tracking5
Path-Based Multicast Routing for Network-on-Chip of the Neuromorphic Processor5
Extracting Variable-Depth Logical Document Hierarchy from Long Documents: Method, Evaluation, and Application5
Diagnosis of COVID-19 Pneumonia via a Novel Deep Learning Architecture5
A Survey on Clock Synchronization in the Industrial Internet5
An Optimization Technique for PMF Estimation in Approximate Circuits5
Differential Privacy via a Truncated and Normalized Laplace Mechanism5
Joint Participant Selection and Learning Optimization for Federated Learning of Multiple Models in Edge Cloud5
The Paradigm of Power Bounded High-Performance Computing4
New Proper Reparameterization of Plane Rational Bézier Curves4
RC-Net: Row and Column Network with Text Feature for Parsing Floor Plan Images4
Defect-Tolerant Mapping of CMOL Circuit Targeting Delay Optimization4
Detecting Duplicate Contributions in Pull-Based Model Combining Textual and Change Similarities4
Towards Efficient Short-Range Pair Interaction on Sunway Many-Core Architecture4
Impacts of Dirty Data on Classification and Clustering Models: An Experimental Evaluation4
High Performance MPI over the Slingshot Interconnect4
SOOP: Efficient Distributed Graph Computation Supporting Second-Order Random Walks4
SOCA-DOM: A Mobile System-on-Chip Array System for Analyzing Big Data on the Move4
Skyway: Accelerate Graph Applications with a Dual-Path Architecture and Fine-Grained Data Management4
A Multi-Agent Spatial Logic for Scenario-Based Decision Modeling and Verification in Platoon Systems4
On the Security of Smart Home Systems: A Survey4
xCCL: A Survey of Industry-Led Collective Communication Libraries for Deep Learning4
Unconditionally Secure Oblivious Polynomial Evaluation: A Survey and New Results4
I/O Efficient Early Bursting Cohesive Subgraph Discovery in Massive Temporal Networks3
An Online Algorithm Based on Replication for Using Spot Instances in IaaS Clouds3
2k-Vertex Kernels for Cluster Deletion and Strong Triadic Closure3
MEBS: Uncovering Memory Life-Cycle Bugs in Operating System Kernels3
Write-Optimized B+ Tree Index Technology for Persistent Memory3
Qubit Mapping Based on Tabu Search3
Predicting CircRNA-Disease Associations Based on Improved Weighted Biased Meta-Structure3
Collaborative Matrix Factorization with Soft Regularization for Drug-Target Interaction Prediction3
A Transformer-Assisted Cascade Learning Network for Choroidal Vessel Segmentation3
BADF: Bounding Volume Hierarchies Centric Adaptive Distance Field Computation for Deformable Objects on GPUs3
Unsupervised Domain Adaptation on Sentence Matching Through Self-Supervision3
A Novel Three-Staged Generative Model for Skeletonizing Chinese Characters with Versatile Styles3
Characterization of Exact One-Query Quantum Algorithms for Partial Boolean Functions3
Discovering API Directives from API Specifications with Text Classification3
Usage Scenarios for Byte-Addressable Persistent Memory in High-Performance and Data Intensive Computing3
GridDroid—An Effective and Efficient Approach for Android Repackaging Detection Based on Runtime Graphical User Interface3
ML-Parser: An Efficient and Accurate Online Log Parser3
Multimodal Dependence Attention and Large-Scale Data Based Offline Handwritten Formula Recognition3
Motion-Inspired Real-Time Garment Synthesis with Temporal-Consistency3
SMEC: Scene Mining for E-Commerce3
Temperature-Aware Electromigration Analysis with Current-Tracking in Power Grid Networks3
On the Discrete-Time Dynamics of Cross-Coupled Hebbian Algorithm3
Local Homography Estimation on User-Specified Textureless Regions3