Journal of Computer Science and Technology

(The median citation count of Journal of Computer Science and Technology is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Active Learning Query Strategies for Classification, Regression, and Clustering: A Survey98
A Survey on Blocking Technology of Entity Resolution78
Serendipity in Recommender Systems: A Systematic Literature Review54
CytoBrain: Cervical Cancer Screening System Based on Deep Learning Technology46
Diagnosis of COVID-19 Pneumonia via a Novel Deep Learning Architecture40
Predicting Code Smells and Analysis of Predictions: Using Machine Learning Techniques and Software Metrics32
ATLRec: An Attentional Adversarial Transfer Learning Network for Cross-Domain Recommendation27
Comparison Between Deep Learning Models and Traditional Machine Learning Approaches for Facial Expression Recognition in Ageing Adults26
Robust Needle Localization and Enhancement Algorithm for Ultrasound by Deep Learning and Beam Steering Methods24
A Survey of Non-Volatile Main Memory Technologies: State-of-the-Arts, Practices, and Future Directions20
Verifying ReLU Neural Networks from a Model Checking Perspective19
Constructing an Educational Knowledge Graph with Concepts Linked to Wikipedia17
Learning Human-Written Commit Messages to Document Code Changes17
A Comprehensive Review of Redirected Walking Techniques: Taxonomy, Methods, and Future Directions16
Performance Evaluation of Memory-Centric ARMv8 Many-Core Architectures: A Case Study with Phytium 2000+16
Data Security and Privacy in Bitcoin System: A Survey16
WATuning: A Workload-Aware Tuning System with Attention-Based Deep Reinforcement Learning15
A Comparative Study of CNN- and Transformer-Based Visual Style Transfer14
SE-Chain: A Scalable Storage and Efficient Retrieval Model for Blockchain14
Source-Free Unsupervised Domain Adaptation with Sample Transport Learning14
3D Object Tracking with Adaptively Weighted Local Bundles13
A Revisit of Shape Editing Techniques: From the Geometric to the Neural Viewpoint13
PIM-Align: A Processing-in-Memory Architecture for FM-Index Search Algorithm12
FATOC: Bug Isolation Based Multi-Fault Localization by Using OPTICS Clustering11
Fault-Tolerant Hamiltonicity and Hamiltonian Connectivity of BCube with Various Faulty Elements11
Machine Learning Techniques for Software Maintainability Prediction: Accuracy Analysis11
Partial Label Learning via Conditional-Label-Aware Disambiguation11
A Survey of Text Summarization Approaches Based on Deep Learning11
Window Detection in Facades Using Heatmap Fusion11
Collaborative Matrix Factorization with Soft Regularization for Drug-Target Interaction Prediction10
Predicting CircRNA-Disease Associations Based on Improved Weighted Biased Meta-Structure10
COLIN: A Cache-Conscious Dynamic Learned Index with High Read/Write Performance10
Modelling and Verification of Real-Time Publish and Subscribe Protocol Using Uppaal and Simulink/Stateflow9
Chinese Word Segmentation via BiLSTM+Semi-CRF with Relay Node9
Cognition-Driven Traffic Simulation for Unstructured Road Networks9
DG-CNN: Introducing Margin Information into Convolutional Neural Networks for Breast Cancer Diagnosis in Ultrasound Images9
Pre-Train and Learn: Preserving Global Information for Graph Neural Networks9
Characterizing and Detecting Gas-Inefficient Patterns in Smart Contracts9
Differential Privacy via a Truncated and Normalized Laplace Mechanism8
A Heuristic Sampling Method for Maintaining the Probability Distribution8
Community Smell Occurrence Prediction on Multi-Granularity by Developer-Oriented Features and Process Metrics8
FDGLib: A Communication Library for Efficient Large-Scale Graph Processing in FPGA-Accelerated Data Centers7
EasyModel: A Refinement-Based Modeling and Verification Approach for Self-Adaptive Software7
User Account Linkage Across Multiple Platforms with Location Data7
Detecting Duplicate Contributions in Pull-Based Model Combining Textual and Change Similarities7
Multi-Scale Deep Cascade Bi-Forest for Electrocardiogram Biometric Recognition7
Multi-Feature Super-Resolution Network for Cloth Wrinkle Synthesis7
A Study on Modeling and Optimization of Memory Systems6
Byte Frequency Based Indicators for Crypto-Ransomware Detection from Empirical Analysis6
Logistic Weighted Profile-Based Bi-Random Walk for Exploring MiRNA-Disease Associations6
Robustness Assessment of Asynchronous Advantage Actor-Critic Based on Dynamic Skewness and Sparseness Computation: A Parallel Computing View6
Specification and Verification of the Zab Protocol with TLA+6
Unified Enclave Abstraction and Secure Enclave Migration on Heterogeneous Security Architectures6
Feature Selection for Malware Detection on the Android Platform Based on Differences of IDF Values6
Impacts of Dirty Data on Classification and Clustering Models: An Experimental Evaluation6
A Prefetch-Adaptive Intelligent Cache Replacement Policy Based on Machine Learning5
Learn Robust Pedestrian Representation Within Minimal Modality Discrepancy for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification5
Synthetic Lethal Interactions Prediction Based on Multiple Similarity Measures Fusion5
xCCL: A Survey of Industry-Led Collective Communication Libraries for Deep Learning5
FDNet: A Deep Learning Approach with Two Parallel Cross Encoding Pathways for Precipitation Nowcasting5
Discovering API Directives from API Specifications with Text Classification5
Improving Entity Linking in Chinese Domain by Sense Embedding Based on Graph Clustering4
Single Image Deraining Using Residual Channel Attention Networks4
ovAFLow: Detecting Memory Corruption Bugs with Fuzzing-Based Taint Inference4
Enriching Context Information for Entity Linking with Web Data4
ARSlice: Head-Mounted Display Augmented with Dynamic Tracking and Projection4
Improving Friend Recommendation for Online Learning with Fine-Grained Evolving Interest4
Unconditionally Secure Oblivious Polynomial Evaluation: A Survey and New Results4
A Multi-Point Distance-Bounding Protocol for Securing Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Applications4
Probability-Based Channel Pruning for Depthwise Separable Convolutional Networks4
Automatic Buffer Overflow Warning Validation4
The Memory-Bounded Speedup Model and Its Impacts in Computing4
ML-Parser: An Efficient and Accurate Online Log Parser4
Accumulative Time Based Ranking Method to Reputation Evaluation in Information Networks4
GAEBic: A Novel Biclustering Analysis Method for miRNA-Targeted Gene Data Based on Graph Autoencoder4
Color Image Super-Resolution and Enhancement with Inter-Channel Details at Trivial Cost3
A Secure IoT Firmware Update Scheme Against SCPA and DoS Attacks3
Quality of Service Support in RPL Networks: Standing State and Future Prospects3
A Novel Probabilistic Saturating Counter Design for Secure Branch Predictor3
A Survey of Approximate Computing: From Arithmetic Units Design to High-Level Applications3
Universal Image Steganalysis Based on Convolutional Neural Network with Global Covariance Pooling3
Method for Processing Graph Degeneracy in Dynamic Geometry Based on Domain Design3
Item Cold-Start Recommendation with Personalized Feature Selection3
Multimodal Interactive Network for Sequential Recommendation3
ProSy: API-Based Synthesis with Probabilistic Model3
Conjugate-Gradient Progressive-Iterative Approximation for Loop and Catmull-Clark Subdivision Surface Interpolation3
Neural Explainable Recommender Model Based on Attributes and Reviews3
Facebook and Tencent Data Fit a Cube Law Better than Metcalfe’s Law3
Predicted Robustness as QoS for Deep Neural Network Models3
TOAST: Automated Testing of Object Transformers in Dynamic Software Updates3
SymPas: Symbolic Program Slicing3
Mixed Hierarchical Networks for Deep Entity Matching3
DeltaFuzz: Historical Version Information Guided Fuzz Testing3
ReLoc: Indoor Visual Localization with Hierarchical Sitemap and View Synthesis3
Ubiquitous WiFi and Acoustic Sensing: Principles, Technologies, and Applications3
AMCheX: Accurate Analysis of Missing-Check Bugs for Linux Kernel3
An Effective Discrete Artificial Bee Colony Based SPARQL Query Path Optimization by Reordering Triples3
Revisiting Persistent Indexing Structures on Intel Optane DC Persistent Memory3
Trace Semantics and Algebraic Laws for Total Store Order Memory Model2
Leveraging Document-Level and Query-Level Passage Cumulative Gain for Document Ranking2
HXPY: A High-Performance Data Processing Package for Financial Time-Series Data2
CGTracker: Center Graph Network for One-Stage Multi-Pedestrian-Object Detection and Tracking2
Cardinality Estimator: Processing SQL with a Vertical Scanning Convolutional Neural Network2
Simulation Might Change Your Results: A Comparison of Context-Aware System Input Validation in Simulated and Physical Environments2
Path-Based Multicast Routing for Network-on-Chip of the Neuromorphic Processor2
Towards Defense Against Adversarial Attacks on Graph Neural Networks via Calibrated Co-Training2
Minimum Time Extrema Estimation for Large-Scale Radio-Frequency Identification Systems2
A Semi-Tensor Product Based All Solutions Boolean Satisfiability Solver2
Accelerating Data Transfer in Dataflow Architectures Through a Look-Ahead Acknowledgment Mechanism2
Event-Based Semantics of UML 2.X Concurrent Sequence Diagrams for Formal Verification2
Imputing DNA Methylation by Transferred Learning Based Neural Network2
Unimem: Runtime Data Management on Non-Volatile Memory-Based Heterogeneous Main Memory for High Performance Computing2
A Real-Time Multi-Stage Architecture for Pose Estimation of Zebrafish Head with Convolutional Neural Networks2
Connecting the Dots in Self-Supervised Learning: A Brief Survey for Beginners2
Symbolic Reasoning About Quantum Circuits in Coq2
Discovering Cohesive Temporal Subgraphs with Temporal Density Aware Exploration2
Usage Scenarios for Byte-Addressable Persistent Memory in High-Performance and Data Intensive Computing2
Experiments and Analyses of Anonymization Mechanisms for Trajectory Data Publishing2
Correlated Differential Privacy of Multiparty Data Release in Machine Learning2
Context-Aware Semantic Type Identification for Relational Attributes2
Verification of Real Time Operating System Exception Management Based on SPARCv82
Novel Positive Multi-Layer Graph Based Method for Collaborative Filtering Recommender Systems2
Harmonia: Explicit Congestion Notification and Credit-Reservation Transport Converged Congestion Control in Datacenters2
Document-Level Neural Machine Translation with Hierarchical Modeling of Global Context2
Accelerating DAG-Style Job Execution via Optimizing Resource Pipeline Scheduling2
Apollo: Rapidly Picking the Optimal Cloud Configurations for Big Data Analytics Using a Data-Driven Approach2
Synthetic Data Generation and Shuffled Multi-Round Training Based Offline Handwritten Mathematical Expression Recognition2
Enhancing N-Gram Based Metrics with Semantics for Better Evaluation of Abstractive Text Summarization2
Local Homography Estimation on User-Specified Textureless Regions2
GridDroid—An Effective and Efficient Approach for Android Repackaging Detection Based on Runtime Graphical User Interface2
Using Markov Chain Based Estimation of Distribution Algorithm for Model-Based Safety Analysis of Graph Transformation2
Preserving Privacy of Software-Defined Networking Policies by Secure Multi-Party Computation2
Approximate Processing Element Design and Analysis for the Implementation of CNN Accelerators2
A Survey on Clock Synchronization in the Industrial Internet2
Towards Accurate Bit Error Simulation in Wireless Sensor Networks Including Environmental Influences2
Semi-Supervised Intracranial Aneurysm Segmentation from CTA Images via Weight-Perceptual Self-Ensembling Model2
Seg-CapNet: A Capsule-Based Neural Network for the Segmentation of Left Ventricle from Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging2
Energy-Efficient Minimum Mobile Charger Coverage for Wireless Sensor Networks2
Topic Modeling Based Warning Prioritization from Change Sets of Software Repository2
Language Adaptation for Entity Relation Classification via Adversarial Neural Networks2
Area Efficient Pattern Representation of Binary Neural Networks on RRAM1
PCRTAM-Net: A Novel Pre-Activated Convolution Residual and Triple Attention Mechanism Network for Retinal Vessel Segmentation1
HRPDF: A Software-Based Heterogeneous Redundant Proactive Defense Framework for Programmable Logic Controller1
A Survey of Non-Volatile Main Memory File Systems1
A Survey on 360° Images and Videos in Mixed Reality: Algorithms and Applications1
Verifying Contextual Refinement with Ownership Transfer1
GAM: A GPU-Accelerated Algorithm for MaxRS Queries in Road Networks1
Self-Supervised Music Motion Synchronization Learning for Music-Driven Conducting Motion Generation1
Modular Verification of SPARCv8 Code1
Exploiting the Community Structure of Fraudulent Keywords for Fraud Detection in Web Search1
An Efficient Scheme to Defend Data-to-Control-Plane Saturation Attacks in Software-Defined Networking1
Minimum Epsilon-Kernel Computation for Large-Scale Data Processing1
An Efficient Reinforcement Learning Game Framework for UAV-Enabled Wireless Sensor Network Data Collection1
Vulnerable Region-Aware Greybox Fuzzing1
Meaningful Update and Repair of Markov Decision Processes for Self-Adaptive Systems1
Learning Local Contrast for Crisp Edge Detection1
Element-Arrangement Context Network for Facade Parsing1
Temperature-Aware Electromigration Analysis with Current-Tracking in Power Grid Networks1
Computational Approaches for Traditional Chinese Painting: From the “Six Principles of Painting” Perspective1
Write-Optimized B+ Tree Index Technology for Persistent Memory1
Accurate Robotic Grasp Detection with Angular Label Smoothing1
Probabilistic Fault Diagnosis of Clustered Faults for Multiprocessor Systems1
PuzzleNet: Boundary-Aware Feature Matching for Non-Overlapping 3D Point Clouds Assembly1
Mining Design Pattern Use Scenarios and Related Design Pattern Pairs: A Case Study on Online Posts1
Side-Channel Analysis for the Re-Keying Protocol of Bluetooth Low Energy1
Improving BERT Fine-Tuning via Self-Ensemble and Self-Distillation1
Evaluating and Constraining Hardware Assertions with Absent Scenarios1
Automatically Identifying Calling-Prone Higher-Order Functions of Scala Programs to Assist Testers1
Inversion Optimization Strategy Based on Primitives with Complement Attributes1
A Blockchain-Based Protocol for Malicious Price Discrimination1
A Probabilistic Framework for Temporal Cognitive Diagnosis in Online Learning Systems1
Unified Programming Models for Heterogeneous High-Performance Computers1
Towards Exploring Large Molecular Space: An Efficient Chemical Genetic Algorithm1
Efficient Partitioning Method for Optimizing the Compression on Array Data1
PLQ: An Efficient Approach to Processing Pattern-Based Log Queries1
DeepHBSP: A Deep Learning Framework for Predicting Human Blood-Secretory Proteins Using Transfer Learning1
Cognition: Accurate and Consistent Linear Log Parsing Using Template Correction1
Improving Ocean Data Services with Semantics and Quick Index1
Unraveling Iterative Control Structures from Business Processes1
CNLPA-MVS: Coarse-Hypotheses Guided Non-Local PatchMatch Multi-View Stereo1
Intent-Slot Correlation Modeling for Joint Intent Prediction and Slot Filling1
Is It Easy to Recognize Baby’s Age and Gender?1
I/O Efficient Early Bursting Cohesive Subgraph Discovery in Massive Temporal Networks1
wrBench: Comparing Cache Architectures and Coherency Protocols on ARMv8 Many-Core Systems1
A Multi-Agent Spatial Logic for Scenario-Based Decision Modeling and Verification in Platoon Systems1
Multi-Attribute Preferences Mining Method for Group Users with the Process of Noise Reduction1
Bi-GAE: A Bidirectional Generative Auto-Encoder1
Test-Driven Feature Extraction of Web Components1
Towards Efficient Short-Range Pair Interaction on Sunway Many-Core Architecture1
NfvInsight: A Framework for Automatically Deploying and Benchmarking VNF Chains1
A Quantitative Evaluation of Vector Transcendental Functions on ARMv8-Based Processors1
Machine Learning Aided Key-Guessing Attack Paradigm Against Logic Block Encryption1
A Character Flow Framework for Multi-Oriented Scene Text Detection1
Evaluating and Improving Linear Regression Based Profiling: On the Selection of Its Regularization1
Checking Causal Consistency of MongoDB1
Extracting Variable-Depth Logical Document Hierarchy from Long Documents: Method, Evaluation, and Application1
DEM: Deep Entity Matching Across Heterogeneous Information Networks1
SMART: Speedup Job Completion Time by Scheduling Reduce Tasks1
Neural Attentional Relation Extraction with Dual Dependency Trees1
Detecting Anomalous Bus-Driving Behaviors from Trajectories1
PESTA: An Elastic Motion Capture Data Retrieval Method1
Jupiter Made Abstract, and Then Refined1
SOCA-DOM: A Mobile System-on-Chip Array System for Analyzing Big Data on the Move1
TLP-LDPC: Three-Level Parallel FPGA Architecture for Fast Prototyping of LDPC Decoder Using High-Level Synthesis1
BADF: Bounding Volume Hierarchies Centric Adaptive Distance Field Computation for Deformable Objects on GPUs1
VPI: Vehicle Programming Interface for Vehicle Computing1
RC-Net: Row and Column Network with Text Feature for Parsing Floor Plan Images1
LMM: A Fixed-Point Linear Mapping Based Approximate Multiplier for IoT1
An Efficient WRF Framework for Discovering Risk Genes and Abnormal Brain Regions in Parkinson’s Disease Based on Imaging Genetics Data1
Joint Participant Selection and Learning Optimization for Federated Learning of Multiple Models in Edge Cloud1
6D Object Pose Estimation in Cluttered Scenes from RGB Images1
Information Superbahn: Towards a Planet-Scale, Low-Entropy and High-Goodput Computing Utility1