European Journal of Mechanics A-Solids

(The median citation count of European Journal of Mechanics A-Solids is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Adiabatic limit for scattering-free waveguiding in space-graded arrays of micro-resonators262
Nonlinear dynamics of pipes composed of Mooney-Rivlin hyperelastic materials conveying unsteady fluid flow171
Enhancing phenomenological yield functions with data: Challenges and opportunities75
Uni-axial stress–strain characterisation of silicone composite specimens derived from vocal folds replicas61
Innovative multiphysics approach for designing high-performance thermo-responsive shape memory polymer microvalve59
Lamb waves in discrete homogeneous and heterogeneous systems: Dispersion properties, asymptotics and non-symmetric wave propagation52
Integrating impulse excitation technique and machine learning to analyze elastic moduli in surface coatings47
New two-parameter constitutive models for rubber-like materials: Revisiting the relationship between single chain stretch and continuum deformation46
Free and forced vibrations of damped locally-resonant sandwich beams45
Effect of T-stress on the fracture in an infinite one-dimensional hexagonal piezoelectric quasicrystal with a Griffith crack39
An analytical study on the energy release rate of end-loaded split specimens under high-speed loading38
Effect of shape on void growth: A coupled Extended Finite Element Method (XFEM) and Discrete Dislocation Plasticity (DDP) study37
A discrete lattice model with axial and angular springs for modeling fracture in fiber-reinforced composite laminates36
Dislocation dynamics analysis of the strengthening induced by shearable and non-shearable precipitates in the presence of dislocation pile-ups35
Measuring forces in a 2D multi-contact system using the virtual fields method: Principle, simulations and experimental application to a three-particle system34
Multiscale modelling approach for simulating low velocity impact tests of aramid-epoxy composite with nanofillers34
Wave propagation behaviors of a low-symmetry reentrant chiral structure with mass inclusion in a single material34
Experimental investigation of the effects of debris on non-conforming contact stress32
Development and applicability of low-fidelity solutions for electret-based microcantilever energy harvesters32
Fractional damage model of cyclic behaviors for nano-silver paste30
Approximate analytical solutions of nonlinear vibration and bifurcation of dielectric elastomer balloon29
Modeling of localized phase transformation in pseudoelastic shape memory alloys accounting for martensite reorientation28
Determination of characteristic lengths of fcc metals within anisotropic second strain gradient theory using molecular simulations27
Improved vibration based damage detection in laminated composite plate structures under free and forced modal analysis27
Free vibration of a piezoelectric semiconductor plate26
Solid-shell approach based on first-order or higher-order plate and shell theories for the finite element analysis of thin to very thick structures26
Shape transformers for phononic band gaps tuning in two-dimensional Bloch-periodic lattice structures26
A novel metamaterial with individually adjustable and sign-switchable Poisson's ratio25
Mechanical and energy absorption properties of the composite XX-type lattice sandwich structure25
A comparative study between Amontons–Coulomb and Dieterich–Ruina friction laws for the cyclic response of a single degree of freedom system24
Mechanical properties of lotus petiole bio-inspired structures under quasi-static radial load24
Analysis of multilayered two-dimensional decagonal piezoelectric quasicrystal beams with mixed boundary conditions24
The failure behavior of syntactic foams as buoyancy materials for deepsea applications24
Optimised graded metamaterials for mechanical energy confinement and amplification via reinforcement learning24
Defect localization in waveguide assemblies with curved joints via wave finite elements and time of flight analysis24
Design and experiment of micro-vibration isolation system for optical satellite24
Damping analysis of a transversely isotropic piezothermoelastic nanobeam resonator based on the MGT thermoelasticity24
Extension and torsion of rubber-like hollow and solid circular cylinders for incompressible isotropic hyperelastic materials with limiting chain extensibility23
Energy-based strut stress analysis of 3D lattice cores in sandwich panels23
Angular wave propagation through one-dimensional phononic crystals made of functionally graded auxetic nanocomposites23
A computational framework for nanotrusses: Input convex neural networks approach23
High-performance bending and buckling analyses of cylindrical shells resting on elastic foundation using isogeometric scaled boundary finite element method22
Modelling tangential contact problem with surface stress22
Circumferential crack modeling of thin cylindrical shells in modal deformation22
Dispersion of guided-waves in heterogeneous and anisotropic elastic plates: A probabilistic approach22
Buckling analysis of open-section beams with thin-walled functionally graded materials along the contour direction22
Nonlinear dynamics of horizontal pipes conveying two phase flow22
Vibration analysis of electro-magneto transversely isotropic non-local thermoelastic cylinder with voids material22
Structural and material electro-mechanical instabilities in microstructured dielectric elastomer plates21
The ‘effective modulus’ in cubic single crystals subjected to full transverse constraint21
Prediction and mitigation of behind armor blunt trauma in composite plate armor using rubber backing or air gaps21
Position, velocity, and acceleration analyses of a reconfigurable parallel mechanism (hexapod) equipped with a single motor21
Anti-plane impact of a composite wedge with radial cracks21
A standard thermodynamic-based extension of the Modified Cam-Clay soil model and its applications20
Singular travelling waves in soft viscoelastic solids of rate type20
Stability of chemical reaction fronts in solids: Analytical and numerical approaches20
The improvements of new absolute nodal coordinate formulation based continuum beam elements in convergence, accuracy and efficiency20
On thermal coefficients of thermo-magneto-electro-elastic N-laminates20
Modelling of dynamic fracture in bulk superconductor during pulsed field magnetization using ordinary state-based peridynamics20
Foreword to the special issue entitled “Selected papers from the 11th European Solid Mechanics Conference (ESMC2022), Galway, Ireland, July 4–8, 2022” in the European Journal of Mechanics – A/Solids20
Flexural wave propagation characteristics of metabeam with simultaneous acoustic black hole and local resonator20
Revisiting the Love hypothesis for introducing dispersion of longitudinal waves in elastic rods20
Snap-through response of three-dimensional braided composite panels in thermal-acoustic-aero coupled field20
Editorial Board20
Comparative analysis of nonlinear dynamic behaviors of hyperelastic curved structure modelled by different constitutive laws20
Transient response of non-prismatic heterogeneous viscoelastic rods and identification of their material properties20
A machine learning approach to automate ductile damage parameter selection using finite element simulations20
Asymptotic numerical method for cyclic elasto-plasticity and its application to a steam turbine rotor20
Numerical evaluation of strain gradients in classical elasticity through the Boundary Element Method19
Instability of shallow arches with possible end-movements and rotations19
A large strain thermodynamically-based viscoelastic–viscoplastic model with application to finite element analysis of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)19
A new type of improved four-node DKT thin-shell element and the improvement research on the fast algorithm for bus rollover collision19
Three-dimensional unsteady state solution of multilayered saturated anisotropic finite media subjected to point source19
Analytical elasticity solution for accurate prediction of localized stresses in laminated composites under patch loading19
Prismatic dislocation loops in crystalline materials with empty and coated channels19
Modal properties of honeycomb wheels: A parametric analysis using response surface method19
A multi-material Proportional Topology Optimization approach for compliant mechanism problems18
On the complete solution of the three-dimensional solid space problems based on a novel curvilinear elasticity representation18
Double restabilization and design of force–displacement response of the extensible elastica with movable constraints18
Spatial and temporal averaging in the homogenisation of the elastodynamic response of periodic laminates18
Indentation of a free beam resting on an elastic substrate with an internal lengthscale18
Advanced kriging-based surrogate modelling and sensitivity analysis for rotordynamics with uncertainties18
Analytical modeling of variable thickness cylindrical shallow shells using extended Kantorovich method18
Dimensionally reduced, nonlinear dragged solids: Theory and finite elements for rigid and shell-like bodies18
Comparison of Laplacian based explicit and implicit gradient elasticity with reference to one-dimensional problems in statics and dynamics18
Effects of multiple families of nonlinear fibers on finite deformation near a crack tip in a neo-Hookean sheet18
Adiabatic heating effect in elastic-plastic contraction / expansion of spherical cavity in isotropic incompressible material17
Exact second moments of strain for composites with isotropic phases17
Nonlinear analysis of unimorph piezoelectric nanobeam with a variable cross-section and flexoelectric effect17
Fractional strain gradient plasticity and ductile fracture of metals17
Predicting ductile fracture of cracked pipes using small punch test data17
A new simple specimen for mixed-mode (I/II) fracture and fatigue tests: Numerical and experimental studies17
Taut cables with hanging masses: A metamaterial-like dynamic behavior17
Quasi-static mechanical properties of composite lattice sandwich structures with enhanced face panels17
The elastic threshold for strain-gradient plasticity, and comparison of theoretical results with experiments17
Elastic disk with isoperimetric Cosserat coating16
Analytical description of fracture features in single crystal silicon16
Buckling of functionally graded hydrogen-functionalized graphene reinforced beams based on machine learning-assisted micromechanics models16
A unified method to analyze free and forced vibration of stiffened plates under various edge conditions16
Buckling and free vibration analysis of randomly distributed CNT reinforced composite beam under thermomechanical loading16
An energy-based model for ferroelectric ceramics16
A peridynamic differential operator-based scheme for the extended bond-based peridynamics and its application to fracture problems of brittle solids16
Phase field study on the microscopic mechanism of the cyclic degradation of shape memory effect in nano-polycrystalline NiTi shape memory alloys16
Application of distortional plasticity framework to EDDQ and TRIP steel sheets: Prediction of latent hardening and its influence on springback16
Mode II fracture of an MMA adhesive layer: Theory versus experiment16
A physics-based failure study of smart artificial tissues in human-like soft robots16
Friction induced vibration and energy generation study of two-degree-of-freedom piezoelectric coupled system16
Plane frictional receding contact of a thin layer pressed onto a substrate by finite pressure distributions16
Thermal stability analysis of functionally graded non-uniform asymmetric circular and annular nano discs: Size-dependent regularity and boundary conditions16
Energy dissipation characteristics of single curvature metallic shells subjected to ballistic impact16
Deformation of an elastic second gradient spherical body under equatorial line density of dead forces16
Compression and energy absorption of wood-based two-dimensional dowel lattice structures16
A spatial nonlocal Green-Naghdi generalized thermoelasticity model based on bond-based peridynamics: Transient responses of laminated structures subjected to thermal shock15
A unified nonlinear yield criterion for fracture and fault slip in quasi-brittle rocks15
Size dependent torsional electro-mechanical analysis of flexoelectric micro/nanotubes15
Phase-field modeling of brittle fracture in heterogeneous bars15
An efficient seven-parameter double superposition-based theory for free vibration analysis of laminated composite shells15
A new calculation method of in-plane elastic properties analytical model for novel nested honeycomb with negative Poisson's ratio and enhanced Young's modulus15
A complemented multiaxial creep constitutive model for materials with different properties in tension and compression15
Multiscale analysis of composite structures based on higher-order asymptotic homogenization with boundary layer correction15
Bending of hard-magnetic soft beams: A finite elasticity approach with anticlastic bending15
On the buckling load estimation of grid-stiffened composite conical shells using vibration correlation technique15
Nonlinear finite element analysis within strain gradient elasticity: Reissner-Mindlin plate theory versus three-dimensional theory15
Acceleration of continuous-time, high-cycle fatigue constrained problems in topology optimization15
A closed-form solution for evaluating the Findley critical plane factor15
A nonlinear vibration model of fiber metal laminated thin plate treated with constrained layer damping patches15
Transverse surface wave in non-planar layered nearly incompressible elastic structure having imperfect contact15
Hygrothermal vibration of FG nanobeam via nonlocal unknown integral variables secant-tangential shear deformation coupled theory with temperature-dependent material properties15
Static and free vibration analysis of functionally graded annular plates using stress-driven nonlocal theory14
The temperature-dependent fractional evolutional model for sintered nanoscale silver films14
Static and dynamic mechanical characteristics of honeycomb non-pneumatic tire under structural damage condition14
Continuous anisotropic damage as a twin modelling of discrete bi-dimensional fracture14
Static, stability and dynamic characteristics of asymmetric bi-directional functionally graded sandwich tapered elastic arches in thermo-mechanical environments14
Nonlinear deformation analysis of magneto-electro-elastic nanobeams resting on elastic foundation by using nonlocal modified couple stress theory14
Chemo-mechanical model for degradation of oil paintings by amorphous and crystalline metal soaps14
On the role of surface elasticity in nonlinear planar stability of FG porous reinforced nanosize curved beams having different degrees of curvature14
A size-dependent buckling and dynamic stability performance of graphene-reinforced cellular functionally graded microplates14
Surface energy effects on thermoelastic vibration of nanomechanical systems under Moore–Gibson–Thompson thermoelasticity and Eringen’s nonlocal elasticity theories14
Tuning negative stiffness mechanical metamaterial's snap-through behavior with a series-connected spring14
Couple stress-based flexoelectricity of frictionless contact in dielectrics14
A review on the use of finite element simulations for structural analyses of coronary stenting: What can we do nowadays and what do we need to move forward?14
A variational fracture method based on Eshelby transformation14
Circular cavities and inhomogeneities in anti-plane flexoelectricity14
Reduced order models for geometrically nonlinear structures: Assessment of implicit condensation in comparison with invariant manifold approach14
Isogeometric analysis for size-dependent nonlinear free vibration of graphene platelet reinforced laminated annular sector microplates13
Anisotropic yield surfaces of additively manufactured metals simulated with crystal plasticity13
Mechanical behaviors of composite auxetic structures under quasi-static compression and dynamic impact13
Electric–Mechanical coupling analysis of two-dimensional piezoelectric heterogeneous materials in flexible electric devices with extended multiscale isogeometric analysis13
Numerical evaluation of macroscopic fatigue criterion of anisotropic materials using computational homogenization and conic programming13
Bending–torsion coupled wave in thin-walled mono-symmetric metabeam: A non-dimensional analysis13
An improved mean-field homogenization model for the three-dimensional elastic properties of masonry13
A metamaterial with negative thermal expansivity and programmable Poisson's ratio based on rotating triangles and quivering rhombi13
Free vibrations and dynamic behavior of the three layered flexoelectric functionally graded microbeam under moving load13
An improved constitutive model for rapid fatigue properties evaluation based on fatigue damage entropy13
Orthotropic multisurface model with damage for macromechanical analysis of masonry structures13
Complete guided wave in piezoelectric nanoplates: A nonlocal stress expansion polynomial method13
Dynamic force transmissibility of flywheel rotor systems supported by angular contact ball bearings considering clearance fit13
Dynamic response of novel sandwich structures with 3D sinusoid-parallel-hybrid honeycomb auxetic cores: The cores based on negative Poisson's ratio of elastic jump13
Study on the energy absorption effect and impact resistance of a composite sandwich panel with carbon fiber reinforced re-entrant hexagonal honeycomb core with negative Poisson's ratio13
Computational modeling of weld-line impacts on mechanical behavior of fiber-reinforced thermoplastics12
Efficient layerwise multiphysics spectral element model for delaminated composite strips with PWAS transducers12
Corrosion-fatigue crack growth behaviour of wire arc additively manufactured ER70S-6 steel parts in marine environments12
A beam model for duoskelion structures derived by asymptotic homogenization and its application to axial loading problems12
A shape memory alloy helix model accounting for extension and torsion12
Fast numerical estimation of residual stresses induced by laser shock peening12
Flexural behaviors of asymmetric Re-entrant auxetic honeycombs12
Rapid assessment of seismic performance of large monopile-supported offshore wind turbines under scour12
Phenomenological modeling of the stress-free two-way shape-memory effect in semi-crystalline networks: Formulation, numerical simulation, and experimental validation12
Explicit harmonic structure of bidimensional linear strain-gradient elasticity12
Nonlinear simultaneous resonance behaviors of a shallow arch model under the moving load12
A review on buckling and postbuckling of thin elastic beams12
Study on the multi-low-frequency band gaps and vibration reduction performance of the tooth-shaped acoustic metamaterial12
Determination of material constants of piezoceramics using genetic algorithm12
Atomistic investigation of interface adherence mechanism of structural indenter nanocoining single crystal aluminum12
Bulging of inflated membranes made of fiber reinforced materials with different natural configurations12
Dynamic theory of sandwich meta-panel under blast load12
Nonlinear impulsive and vibration analysis of nonlocal FG-CNT reinforced sandwich plate by considering agglomerations12
An efficient approach for predicting the nonlinear vibrations of a beam system subjected to multipoint correlated random excitation11
Two novel alternative integration schemes for multi-invariants dependent isotropic finite deformation plasticity11
Solute strengthening of prism edge dislocations in Mg alloys11
Dynamic mode decomposition of deformation fields in elastic and elastic–plastic solids11
Reduced-dimensional phase-field theory for lattice fracture and its application in fracture toughness assessment of architected materials11
Analysis of factors influencing on performance of solid tires: Combined approach of Design of Experiments and thermo-mechanical numerical simulation11
Love-like wave fields at the interface of sliding contact with non-local elastic heterogeneous fluid-saturated fractured poro-viscoelastic layer11
On the depth of cylindrical indentation of an elastic half-space for different types of displacement boundary conditions11
Interaction integral method for thermal fracture of nonhomogeneous magneto-electro-elastic materials11
On the adhesive nanocontact of a graded coating11
Optimized dimensioning of helical compression springs11
Effect of cracks on dynamical responses of double-variable-edge plates made of graphene nanoplatelets-reinforced porous matrix and sur-bonded by piezoelectric layers subjected to thermo-mechanical loa11
Size-dependent and nonlinear magneto-mechanical coupling characteristics analysis for extensional vibration of composite multiferroic piezoelectric semiconductor nanoharvester with surface effect11
A new size-dependent nonlinear model for piezoelectric semiconductor nanofibers by considering the effects of strain gradient and flexoelectricity11
Free vibration analysis of multi-layer perforated fibre-reinforcement damping composite beam11
Nonlocal Timoshenko modeling effectiveness for carbon nanotube-based mass sensors11
Static bending and buckling of FG sandwich nanobeams with auxetic honeycomb core11
Maximum buckling load design and post-buckling compressive failure of curved grid sub-stiffened composite panels11
A moving load amplitude spectrum for analyzing the resonance and vibration cancellation of simply supported bridges under moving loads11
Effects of thermal environment and external mean flow on sound transmission loss of sandwich functionally graded magneto-electro-elastic cylindrical nanoshell11
Modal analysis of viscoelastic three-dimensional rotating beam with generic tip mass11
The usability and limitations of the various absolute nodal coordinate beam elements subjected to torsional and bi-moment loading11
Thermal-vibration ageing characteristics of three thin-walled cylindrical shells covered with a functionally graded protective coating: Modeling, analysis and test10
On the study of cyclic plasticity behaviour of primary electrode particle for lithium-ion battery10
Continuous beam-type model for the static analysis of arching masonry walls10
In-plane nonlinear vibration of circular dielectric elastomer membranes with extreme stretchability10
Parametric resonance of shear deformable nanotubes: A novel higher-order model incorporating nonlinearity from both curvature and inertia10
On well-posed integral nonlocal gradient piezoelectric models for static bending of functionally graded piezoelectric nanobeam10
An analysis of failure in shear versus tension10
Vibration energy harvesting in an FG-CNTRC circular microplate with a surface-bonded piezoelectric layer10
The effectiveness of the bonding layer to attain reliable thermoelectric structures10
Modeling and inverse identification method for the characterization of elastic–plastic contact behavior during flat punch indentation10
A new model to study magnetic-electric fields effects on bending of nano-scale magneto-electro-elastic beams10
Criterion for the functional dissipativity of the Lamé operator10
Effects of mode II loading on the interaction of a solute atmosphere with a crack in the presence of image stresses: A statistical mechanics study10
Nonlinear dynamic and vibration characteristics of metamaterial shallow arches10
Uniaxial crushing of sandwich plates with continuously density-graded cellular cores subjected to impulsive loading10
Crack propagation and mechanical properties simulation of G/(HfNbTaTiZr)C–Al2O3 gradient composites10
Editorial Board10
Thermo-magnetic loading effects on high-frequency dynamic behaviour of magnetic shape memory alloys10
Editorial Board9
On the inadequacy of rate-dependent models in simulating asymmetric rate-independent hysteretic phenomena9
A novel constitutive model for surface elasticity at finite strains suitable across compressibility spectrum9
A novel discrete coordinate approach to modelling nonlinear structural instability problems with material damage9
Flutter instability and active aeroelastic control with time delay for a two-dimensional airfoil9
Perturbation of the elastic and thermoelectric fields caused by a rigid inclusion in a thermo-electro-elastic full plane9
A mathematical analysis of anti-plane surface wave in a magneto-electro-elastic layered structure with non-perfect and locally perturbed interface9
Editorial Board9
Ultimate equilibrium of a rigid cone enclosed in a hyperelastic membrane9
Overall elastic characterization of equivalent FE models for aluminum foams through computational homogenization approach and genetic algorithm optimization9
A higher-order quadrilateral shell finite element for geometrically nonlinear analysis9
Experimental study and crystal plasticity modeling of additive manufacturing IN718 superalloy considering negative strain rate sensitivity behavior9
Modeling inelastic responses using constrained reactive mixtures9
A unified model for the dynamical flexoelectric effect in isotropic dielectric materials9
Mechanical instability of a solid inclusion in a soft matrix due to indentation9
Sensitivity kernels of guided wave velocities in composites9
Asymptotic closed-form solutions including boundary-layers for orthotropic beams9
Multiband topologically protected states realized by elastic honeycomb structures based on fundamental mechanical elements9
The mechanics of thin elastic sheet reinforced with fiber mesh subjected to combined flexure and extension9
Prediction of nonlocal elasticity parameters using high-throughput molecular dynamics simulations and machine learning9
Calibrating failure surfaces for vertically perforated clay block masonry using a validated numerical unit cell model9
An improved quartic B-spline based explicit time integration algorithm for structural dynamics9
Crack front instability in mixed-mode I+III: The influence of non-singular stresses9
Damage preserving transformation for materials with microstructure9
Toward toughness improvement of foam core sandwich panel inserts through an energy approach9
A finite Zener-Stroh crack interacting with a blunt crack under in-plane deformations9
Gradient-extended damage modelling for polymeric materials at finite strains: Rate-dependent damage evolution combined with viscoelasticity9
Modelling of damage and plasticity phenomena in 3D printed materials via a multiscale approach9
Two-node method for the effective elastic properties of periodic cellular truss materials and experiment verification via stereolithography9
A model for hyperelastic rubber-like materials based on micro-mechanical elements9
A convex fourth order yield function for orthotropic metal plasticity9
A single grain boundary parameter to characterize normal stress fluctuations in materials with elastic cubic grains9
Crack-tip fields of an anti-plane crack in micropolar elastic solids8