Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

(The TQCC of Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Hypoxia-resistance heterogeneity in tumours: the impact of geometrical characterization of environmental niches and evolutionary trade-offs. A mathematical approach68
Epicenter of random epidemic spanning trees on finite graphs64
A fractional diffusion model of CD8+T cells response to parasitic infection in the brain47
Mathematical modeling of leukemia chemotherapy in bone marrow32
On the dynamics of rotating rigid tube and its interaction with air27
Mathematical modeling of Aphron drilling nanofluid driven by electroosmotically modulated peristalsis through a pipe23
Qualitative analysis for a diffusive predator-prey model with hunting cooperation and holling type III functional response16
Optimal intervention strategies of staged progression HIV infections through an age-structured model with probabilities of ART drop out15
The adiabatic exponent limits of Riemann solutions for the extended macroscopic production model14
Mixing control in a continuous-flow microreactor using electro-osmotic flow14
A Mathematical Model of Marine Mucilage, the Case of the Liga on the Basque Coast14
Multiobjective approach in the treatment of cancer13
How do cell crowding and starvation affect avascular tumor growth of the EMT6/Ro tumor?12
Invariant measure of stochastic higher order KdV equation driven by Poisson processes10
Modelling of hillslope storage under temporally varied rainfall recharge10
Comparison of dynamical behavior between fractional order delayed and discrete conformable fractional order tumor-immune system10
Control of traveling localized spots10
Mathematical modelling in nonlocal Mindlin’s strain gradient thermoelasticity with voids9
Traveling waves for reaction-diffusion PDE coupled to difference equation with nonlocal dispersal term and time delay9
Global Hopf Bifurcation Of a Delayed Diffusive Gause-Type Predator-Prey System with the Fear Effect and Holling Type III Functional Response9
Homogenization of a microscopic pedestrians model on a convergent junction8
Distribution of Money on Connected Graphs with Multiple Banks8
Fair insurance premium rate in connected SEIR model under epidemic outbreak7
The role of Allee effect in cannibalistic species: An action plan to sustain the declining cod population7
Lévy flights, optimal foraging strategies, and foragers with a finite lifespan7
Optimal non-pharmaceutical interventions considering limited healthcare system capacity and economic costs in the Republic of Korea7
New exact traveling wave solutions to the (2+1)-dimensional Chiral nonlinear Schrödinger equation7
(3+1)-Dimensional Gardner Equation Deformed from (1+1)-Dimensional Gardner Equation and its Conservation Laws6
Mathematical modelling of the effects of statins on the growth of necrotic core in atherosclerotic plaque6
Control of fingering instability by vibrations6
Q-well-posedness of an Aβ-protein polymerization model6
Quantifying the Effects of Non-Pharmaceutical and Pharmaceutical Interventions Against Covid-19 Epidemic in the Republic of Korea: Mathematical Model-Based Approach Considering Age Groups and the Delt6
Wave blocking in a bistable system by local introduction of a population: application to sterile insect techniques on mosquito populations6
Analysis of dynamic evolution process of the N-player division of labor game model5
S̲tochastic S̲imulation A̲lgorithm For Effective Spreading Dynamics On T̲ime-Evolving A̲daptive N̲etworX̲ (SSATAN-X)5
Nonlocal longitudinal vibration in a nanorod, a system theoretic analysis5
Controlling oscillator coherence by multiple delay feedback5
A parametric optimal control problem applied to daily irrigation5
Modelling coffee leaf rust dynamics to control its spread5
Optimal control for a bone metastasis with radiotherapy model using a linear objective functional5
Influence of the age structure on the stability in a tumor-immune model for chronic myeloid leukemia4
A cellular automaton model for a pedestrian flow problem4
Models of recrystallization activated by a diffusion flow of impurities from a thin-film coating with a convection term at the crystal surface: exact solutions4
Bifurcation control of a minimal model of marine plankton interaction with multiple delays4
Qualitative analysis and optimal control of an SIR model with logistic growth, non-monotonic incidence and saturated treatment4
Analytical detection of stationary turing pattern in a predator-prey system with generalist predator4
Forecast analysis and sliding mode control on a stochastic epidemic model with alertness and vaccination4