Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals

(The median citation count of Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Evaluation of Properties of Glow Discharge Plasma Nitrided C-300 Maraging Steel37
Retraction Note: Effects of Cr Microalloying on Structural Evolution, Crystallization Behavior and Micromechanical Properties of ZrCoAlCr Bulk Metallic Glass32
A Novel Filling System for Gravity Casting of Cobalt Alloy Prostheses29
Effect of Milling Time on the Structure Stability of FeMnNiCrAl Non-equiatomic High-Entropy Alloy29
Overview of Recent Advancements in Hot Dip Metallic Coatings for Steel28
Al2O3 Extraction From Tailings-Containing Aluminosilicates by Pre-leaching Roasting Process–A Review26
Characteristics and Failure Behaviors of an MnCo2O4 Spinel Coating in High-Temperature Oxidation Processes26
Influence of Gd Concentration on the Structural, Optical, and Electrical Properties of Gd/Al Codoped TiO2Nanoparticles by Precipitation Method24
10XSBF Bone-Like Hydroxyapatite Coating of Ti–6Al–4V with Microwave Irradiation and its Antibacterial Properties22
The Microstructural Evolution and Hardness of CoFeNiMnVY0.2 High Entropy Alloy21
Machine Learning-Aided Examination of Energy Absorption and Mechanical Properties in Steel Lattice Structures21
Investigation and Comparison of Structural, Electronic and Thermodynamic Properties of Lanthanum Carbide Compound using GGA and LDA Approximation20
Metallurgical and Mechanical Characteristics of Friction Welded Joint of 27 wt.%CrWCI/AISI 1040 Steel19
Atomic-Scale Investigations of the Interaction Between Oxygen and (Fe3O4) (1 1 1) Surface19
Mechanical Damping Characteristics of As-Cast and Austempered Aluminium-Alloyed Ductile Irons Produced With Rotary Melting Furnace Processing19
Effect of Warm Rolling Process Parameters on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Structural Steels18
Effect of Impact Velocity and Impingement Angle on the Erosive Wear Behavior of Ceramic Reinforced Polymer Composites18
Mechanical Characterization of The Plastic Deformation Behavior of AZ31 Magnesium Alloy Processed Through Spinning Using Nanoindentation17
The Hot Deformation Behavior and Microstructural Evolution of TP2 Pure Copper17
Antibacterial Application of Ag-Loaded Zn-Hybrid NaA Zeolite with High Ag Loading Amount16
Mathematical and Physical Modelling of Inertization and Control of Tundish Atmosphere During Continuous Casting of Steel16
Analysis of the Effect of Friction Stir Welding Parameters on Characteristics of AA6061 Composites using Response Surface Methodology16
Preparation and Tribological Properties of Face Centered Cubic TiB Coatings on the Ti6Al4V Alloy15
Synthesis and Microstructure Influenced Antimicrobial Properties of Dispersed Nanoporous Gold Rods15
Microstructure Evolution During Annealing of Inconel 625 and the Effect of Partially Recrystallized Structure on Mechanical Properties15
Microstructure and Properties of AlCrCoFexNiCu High-Entropy Alloy Coating Synthesized via Cold Spraying-Assisted Induction Remelting Method15
Comparison on Microstructural Evolution and Wear Behavior of Cu–10Sn–XNi Alloy Composite Developed Through GTA Surface Alloying and Friction Stir Processing14
Study of Mould Powder Dispersed in Oil as Mould Lubricant for Improved Performance During Open Casting of Steel Billets14
Sliding Wear Resistance Behaviour of Al–Zn–Mg–Cu/SiC/B4C/Porcelain Composites Using Fuzzy Model and Salp Swarm Algorithm14
Celite and Unsaturated Polyester Resin Composite for High-Voltage Automotive Ignition Coil Insulation-Based Applications14
Deep Steel Desulfurization Practice14
Effect of Welding Parameters on Mechanical Properties of Cold Metal Transfer Welded Thin AISI 304 Stainless-Steel Sheets13
CFD Modelling of Blast Furnace Blast Pipe-Tuyere-Raceway Region to Predict Relative Coal Burnout with Natural Gas Injection and Double-Lance Design13
Growth Behavior and Wear Resistance of PEO Coatings in Bipolar Mode13
Microstructure and Mechanical and Oxidation Properties of Multilayer Aluminide Coatings Formed Over P91 Steel13
EBSD Analysis of 316L Stainless Steel Weldment on Fusion Reactor Vacuum Vessel13
Effect of Nano-ZrO$$_2$$ Additions on Fabrication of ZrO$$_2$$/ZE41 Surface Composites by Friction Stir Processing13
Numerical Simulation of Temperature Fields and Residual Stresses in Multi-Pass Weld Using the Novel Prescribed Temperature Approach with Experimental Validation13
The Effect of Hot Rolling Temperature on the Wear Properties of NiTi Rods13
A Novel Al1.5CoCrFeNi2 High Entropy Alloy for Bond Coat Applications12
Determination and Characterization of Heat Input, Microstructure and Performance in Cold Metal Transfer Weld-Brazing of Dissimilar AA6061-T6 to SS304 Sheets12
Effect of Ultrasonic Treatment on Solidification Microstructure of a New Nickel-Based Superalloy 4716MA012
Microstructural Evolution and Mechanical Properties of Nano-Yttria Dispersed 316 L Austenitic Stainless Steel by Mechanical Alloying and Sintering12
Influence of Heat Treatment Condition on Tensile Properties of AM350 Stainless Steel12
The Microscopic Explanation of the Elongation Variation in a Non-oriented Electrical Steel During Electrically Assisted Forming12
Tailoring the Properties of Biodegradable Mg–Ca Alloy by Groove Pressing Technique12
Evaluation of the Structural Characteristics and Wear Performance of the Novel ECAR-Processed AA5083 Alloy12
Study on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Aluminum–Copper Dissimilar Metals Joints by Nanosecond Laser Spiral Welding12
Resistance Spot Welding of Zn-Coated Third Generation Automotive Steels Using Mid-Frequency Direct Current Technology12
Development of a Silicon Alloyed Hardened and Tempered Ultra High Strength Steel11
A Review of Experimental Research on Hot Tearing of Aluminium Alloy Casting11
Effect of Multipass on Microstructure and Intergranular Corrosion Behavior of DSS 2205 Shielded Metal Arc Weld Thick Sections11
Influence of α-Al2O3 Ceramic Nanoparticles on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Pure Aluminium Based Nanocomposites11
Sulfuric Acid Leaching of Zn and Mn from Waste Zn–C Batteries Using Fe2+ as Reductant11
Influence of Load and Sliding Velocity on Abrasive Wear of Polyester Composites Reinforced with Bio-Particulates as Filler Material10
Criticalities in the Laser Welding of Li-ion Batteries10
Biodegradable Mg–3Zn Alloy/Titanium–Hydroxyapatite Hybrid Composites: Corrosion and Cytotoxicity Evaluation for Orthopedic Implant Applications10
Leaching Performance of Glass–Ceramic Prepared from High-Carbon Ferrochromium Slag and Its Application in the Urban Constructions10
Assessing the Consequences of Repetitive Repair Welding in Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) on Material Properties in API 5L Grade B PSL 2 Welded Pipelines10
Liquid Metal Embrittlement (LME) of High-Strength Steels During Spot Welding: A Review10
Improving Microstructure and Corrosion Resistance of Cold Spraying Cu Coating Through Annealing10
Optimization of Sintering Strength Based on Response Surface Methodology10
Thermal Resistance at the Polymer/Mold Interface in Injection Molding9
An Assessment of Physical and Mathematical Modelling approaches in the study of Flow and Solidification Phenomena in Continuous Casting of Steel9
Effect of Drying Route and Sintering Temperature on Zirconia Nanoparticle Synthesis for Filler Application in Polymer Composites9
Wear Mechanism Maps for Stir-Squeeze Cast AA7068 Alloy/ZrO2p Composite in Accordance with Normal Load Versus Sliding Speed Diagram9
Hot Deformation Studies on β0 Stabilized TiAl Alloy Made Through Ingot Metallurgy Route9
Investigation of Properties and Application of Magneto Electro Elastic Materials and Analysis of Piezoelectric Smart Shells9
Study on Processing of Porous Al-Ti Materials with Zinc Powder as Space Holder9
Effect of Isothermal Cooling Time on Microstructure Transformation and Hardness of a Ti-V-Mo Microalloyed Steel9
Parametric Study of the Spark Plasma Sintering Process on the Mechanical Properties of Multi-Layer Graphene Reinforced Ti6Al4V Nanocomposites9
The Influence of Plastic Strain and Microstructure on the Electrochemical Noise Response of AA 7004 in 0.6 M NaCl9
Thermoluminescence Characterization of Rare Earth-Doped Yttrium Stannate Phosphors Deposited by Friction Stir Processing9
Effect of Temperature and Strain on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of AA6061/AZ31 Laminated Composite Produced by Hot Forge Bonding9
Effects of In Situ TiB2 Particles and (Ce + Yb) on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Al–Si Matrix Composites9
Hardening of Cr–Cu–Al–Fe–O High-Entropy Composite Films9
Microstructure of Commercial-Purity Aluminum Sheets Processed by Accumulative Roll Bonding (ARB) at a Series of Cyclic Preheating Conditions9
Wetting Transition of Liquid Tin on the Surfaces of Initially Oxidized Steels9
Effects of Ti, B and O on Weld Structure and Impact Toughness of High Heat Input Flux Cored Wire9
Effect of Severe Plastic Deformation During Slot Milling on Nimonic 263 Surface Features8
Research on Pulsed Triple-Wire Gas Indirect Arc Welding Process Based on Arc Deflection Behavior8
Study on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Al–Cu–Mg Aluminum Alloy Based on Molecular Dynamics Simulation8
Evaluation of Segment Wear Properties of Diamond Saw Blade with Addition of Aluminum 7075 Alloy and Increasing Diamond Concentration8
Effect of Thermal Oxidation Duration on Fretting Wear Behavior of Ti6Al4V in Ringer's Solution8
Ultrasonic Welding of Surface Pretreated GFRP Composites Using PMMA Interlayer with Addition of Nanoparticles8
The Al2O3–ZrB2 Nanocomposite Synthesis using Mechanically Assisted SHS: The Effects of Mechanical Activation and Al2O3 Diluent8
Minimization of Cracks on the Narrow Face of Cast Slab for HCMA Grade Steel8
Utilization of Pellet Fines in the Iron Ore Sintering Process8
Water Wall Tube Cracking in an Ultra-Supercritical Boiler Caused by Deep Peaking8
Effect of Particle Morphology on Physical, Mechanical and Wear Properties of Cobalt Metal Powders8
Thermo-Mechanical, Tribological and Microstructural Properties of Aluminium AA8011/B4C/Graphene Based Hybrid Composites8
Finite Element Analysis and Experimental Investigation on Effect of Process Parameters in Plasma-Assisted Friction Stir Welding of Low Carbon Steel8
Mechanical and Wear Response of TiO2 Scaffolds Processed via Powder Metallurgy8
Coupled Mathematical Model of Thermal Stress for Initial Shell of Groove Continuous Casting Mold8
Synthesis, Characterizations and Applications of Iron Oxide-Based Nanocomposites8
Effect of Copper as an Alloying Element on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Grey Cast Iron8
Demystifying the Mushroom Formation Mechanism in BOF Steelmaking Using Physical Modeling Approach and Plant Trial8
Reducibility and Kinetic Studies of Pellets made from a Novel Multimetallic Magnetite Ore8
Laser Cladding of NiCrMoFeNbTa Particles on Inconel 625 Alloy: Microstructure and Corrosion Resistance8
Microstructural Characterization of Cold Bent and Subsequent Thermal Aged Inconel Alloy 6177
Formation of Phase Transition During the Dissolution of Silicate and Carbonate Chalcopyrite in Acidic Ferric Sulfate7
Inclusion Removal Studies in a Two-Strand Tundish: Effect of Substitution of Turbulence Inhibitor with Dams and Effect of Teeming Ladle and Ladle Shroud Set Asymmetry Employing Physical and Mathematic7
Effect of Weld Geometry on Irradiation-Induced Segregation Resistance of 316L Stainless Steel Weld at 400 °C7
EBSD Evaluation of Al- TiAl3 Composites Manufactured Through CRB-Annealing-ARB and CRB-ARB-Annealing Methods7
Microstructure and Phase Analysis of Multilayer Ni–Cr–Mo Clad for Corrosion Protection7
Environmental Degradation of Glass Fiber-Reinforced Nanocomposites with Self-Healing Reinforcement in Polymer Matrix for Wind Turbine Blade Application7
Microstructure and In Situ Tensile Mechanical Properties of Ti/Al3Ti Composites Prepared by “Explosive Welding + Heat Treatment”7
Microstructural and Eddy Current Evaluation of Ball-Milled Nanostructured Aluminum–Titanium Alloys7
Kinetics Studies of Sintered Nepheline Syenite Alkaline Leaching under Atmospheric Pressure7
Refractory Multi-Principal Element Alloys, CrHfNbTa0.5Zr and CrHfMo0.5Ta0.5Zr, with High Strength at Ambient Temperature7
Fabrication and mechanical characterization of Al7075-T6/SiC/Gr/S-glass fiber particulate reinforced hybrid metal matrix composite using vacuum sealed stir casting technique7
Microwave and Conventional Preparation of P2O5–ZnO–Al2O3–Na2O Glass/Eu3+ Ion as Luminescent Probe7
Influence of Thermal and Mechanical/Powder Processing on Microstructure and Dynamic Stiffness of Fe-Mn-Si-Cr-Ni Shape Memory Alloy7
Corrosion and Wear Behaviours of Aluminium Composites Reinforced with Palm Kernel Shell Ash and Silicon Carbide7
Influence of Microstructural Changes on Intergranular Corrosion and Stress Corrosion Cracking of 5083-H116 Alloys7
Study of Polytetrahydrofuran on Polyoxymethylene-Based Binder in Metal Injection Molding7
Failure Analysis of Boron Carbide-Reinforced Rolled Homogeneous Armour Against Kinetic Energy Ammunition7
Microstructure and Friction–Wear Performance of Laser Cladded Cu10Al–Ti–MoS2 Coatings Under Oil Lubrication Condition7
Effect of Temperature on the Structure and Mechanical Properties of Zr–2.5% Nb Alloy Processed by Rotary Forging7
Effects of Phosphorus Structures on the Crystallization Behavior of Rare Earth Phase in CaO–SiO2–CaF2–La2O3 Slag7
Performance of Absorption of Heavy Metals by Functionalized GrO@Cu-BTC Composite Containing ZnO7
CFD Numerical Simulation of Operation Optimization for Energy Saving during Combustion Period of Kalugin Top Combustion Hot Blast Stove7
A Study of Microstructure Evolution for Mg Alloy Subjecting to Multi-Pass Equal Channel Angular Extrusion7
Effect of Bimodal Structure on the Frictional Properties of Copper–Graphite Composites7
Crystallization Characteristics of the CaO–SiO2–Al2O3–La2O3 Rare Earth-Bearing Slag System6
Preparation of Ultra-thin Copper Foil with Low Profile and High Tensile Strength on Surface of 18-µm Carrier Copper Foil6
Microstructure and Dry Sliding Wear Behaviors of Microwave-Sintered Al-4.4Cu-0.7 Mg-0.6Si-B4C/nGr Hybrid Composites6
Synergistic Effect of Calcium and Barium on Non-metallic Inclusions Modification and Improvement in Steel Cleanliness6
Microstructural and Wear Behavior of Al2014-Alumina Composites with Varying Alumina Content6
Effects of Power Spinning on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Fe-based Alloy Coating Fabricated by Laser Cladding6
Concomitant Clustering and Ordering Leading to B2 + BCC Microstructures in Refractory High Entropy Alloys6
Fe3O4 Nanoparticles Embedded in Polyvinylpyrrolidone Matrix: Effects of Synthesis Processes on the Structure and Magnetic Properties6
Investigation of the Corrosion Behavior of Wire Arc Additively Manufactured Alloy 8256
Interface Bonding and Deformation Behavior of 6061Al/AZ31Mg Composite Tubes Fabricated by Stagger Spinning6
Effect of Lanthanum and Cerium on Inclusions in GCr15 Bearing Steel6
Radiation Damage Behaviour of a Zirconium Alloy Used in Nuclear Industry6
Influence of SAW Flux Ingredients on Chemical Compositions of Weldments of Duplex Steel-22056
Effect of Heat Treatment on Tribological Properties of SiCp/Al–Mg–Mn–Cu Aluminum Matrix Composites6
Study on Remelting of Crystal Under Extreme Conditions6
Development of Hot Wire GTAW Process for 18% Ni Maraging Steel Used for Rocket Motor Casing6
Research Progress on Metallic Heterostructure Materials6
Flow Behavior and the Critical Strain of Dynamic Recrystallization for Mg-10.22Gd-2.31Y-0.1Zr Alloy6
Multi-objective Optimization of Forming Quality on High-Strength Steel Rocker Arm Parts6
An Analysis of the Influence of Drying Methods on the Drying Kinetics and Quality of Ilmenite-Coke Composite Pellets6
Improvement of Low-Velocity Impact and Abrasive Wear Resistance of Carbon/Glass Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Hybrid Composites6
The Role of Molybdenum on Room Temperature Tensile Behavior of Recrystallized Fe30Mn5Al1CxMo Lightweight Austenitic Steels6
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of an Er-Modified Al–Mg–Mn–Sc–Zr Alloy Processed by Selective Laser Melting6
The Cu/Nb Ratio Influencing Microstructure, Mechanical and Electrical Properties in As-cast Al-3Cu-xNb Alloys6
Numerical and Experimental Validation for Prediction of Failure in Electromagnetic Forming of AA6061 Sheet6
Release Analysis by Combining Different Reagents and Choosing Best Reagent in Batch Type Froth Flotation Process for Central Coalfields Limited (CCL) Karma Coal6
Effects of Deformation Temperature on Dynamic Recrystallization and Twinning of Incoloy 800H Alloy6
Failure Analysis of High-Strength Friction-Grip (HSFG) Bolt Used in the Thermal Power Plant6
Crevice Corrosion Simulation of Single-Phase FCC Co–Cr–Fe–Ni–V High Entropy Alloy6
Utilization of Kimberlite as Binder for Iron Ore Pellet Making6
Study on the Effect of Basicity on the Densification Behavior of Sinter6
Microstructure and Properties of ZM5 Alloy Repaired by Cold Welding6
Effect of Modified Casting Process on Toughness and Wear Resistance of LM25 Alloy6
Parameter Optimization and Reaction Kinetics of the Reduction of Vanadium–Titanium Sinter by CO–CO2–H2–N2 Mixed Gases6
Investigation of Reducing Magnetite in Copper Slag Using CO–CO26
Dynamic Compression Deformation and Constitutive Model of Extruded Mg–1Zn–2Y Bar6
Mechanical and Thermal Analysis of Cissus Quadrangularis Stem Fiber/Epoxy Composite with Micro-Red Mud Filler Composite for Structural Application6
Evaluation of Dynamic Recrystallization Phenomenon in Friction Stir Welding of AA5083-O by Cellular Automata Finite Element Approach6
Improvement of Mechanical and Wear Resistance of Natural Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites Through Synthetic Fiber (Glass/Carbon) Hybridization5
Influence of Heat Treatments on Microstructure Evolution and Indentation Response of Equiatomic AlCrFeMoNbNi High-Entropy Alloy5
Numerical Simulations of the Effect of Heat Input on Microstructural Growth for MIG-Based Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing of Inconel 7185
Variability in Fatigue Life of Near-α Titanium Alloy IMI 8345
Structure and Properties of Ti–Zr–Ni–Co–Cu High-Entropy Alloy After Powder Bed Fusion of Powders Produced by Mechanical Alloying and Plasma Spheroidization5
Effect of Aluminum Addition on Microstructure, Recrystallization and Work Hardening of MnCrCoFeNi High-Entropy Alloy5
Artificial Intelligence for Monitoring and Optimization of an Integrated Mineral Processing Plant5
Effect of Co-Addition of Ag and Cu on Mechanical Properties of Sn–5Sb Lead-Free Solder5
Active Screen Plasma Nitriding Characteristics of 347H Austenitic Stainless Steel5
Correction to: A Study of the Functionally Graded (Magnesium/Titanium Dioxide) Material’s Mechanical and Tribological Characteristics Fabricated at Various Compaction Loading Rates5
Characteristics and Manufacturability of Duplex Stainless Steel: A Review5
Structural and Optical Properties of V2O5 Thin Films Grown by PLD Technique5
Characterization and Optimization of Slurry Erosion Behavior of SS 316 at Room Temperature5
Experimental and Numerical Study of Shrinkage Formation in Aluminum Alloys5
Characterisation of Al–Mg Alloy Cylindrical Component Made by Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing Using Cold Metal Transfer Arc Welding Process5
On the Role of Niobium Addition on Volume Fraction of η Phase and Hardness of A286 Iron–Nickel-Based Superalloy5
A Review on Processing of Electric Arc Furnace Dust (EAFD) by Pyro-Metallurgical Processes5
Improved Wear Resistance of Low Carbon Steel by Duplex Surface Treatment Combining Cathodic Plasma Electrolytic Nitrocarburising and Anodic Plasma Electrolytic Polishing5
Influence of Tool Probe Profiles on the Microstructure Evolution and Mechanical Properties of Al–Zn–Mg–Cu Alloy Friction Stir Weldment5
Influence of Welding Parameters on Austenitic Stainless Steel Pipe Weldments Produced by Friction Stir Welding5
Influence of Microstructural Characteristics on Ballistic Performance and Its Mode of Failure in  Shielded Metal Arc Welded Ultra-High Hard Armor Steel Joints5
Corrosion Behaviour of Mild Steel in a Glacial Acetic-Formic Acid System5
Recent Progress in Aluminium Matrix Composites: A Review on Tribological Performance5
Critical Considerations for Numerical Simulation of Multiphase Fluid Dynamics in Gas-Stirred Vessels5
Plant Trials of the MAXGen Flotation Mechanism in a Lead Flotation Circuit5
Innovative and Affordable Interventions for Water Purification in Rural Communities5
Computational Study of Transport Phenomena in Laser Melting-Based Metal Additive Manufacturing5
Mechanical and Microstructural Characteristics of Gas Tungsten Arc Welded Similar and Dissimilar Joints of SS-316 L and Hastelloy C2765
Experimental Investigation of the Influence of Weight Percentage, Particle Size, and Heat Treatment on the Properties of SiC Particle Reinforced: A356 Aluminum Matrix Composite5
Effect of Solution Heat Treatment on Microstructure and some Properties of Al–Cu–Mg Alloy5
Simulation of Solidification, Microsegregation, and Heat Treatment of Cr-Based Fe–xMn–7.5Al–1.0C Lightweight Steels5
Review of Oxide Coatings Containing ZrO2 on Magnesium Alloys by Microarc Oxidation5
Progressive Effect of Dual-Hybridization in Friction Stir Welding by Ultrasonic Energy and Electric Current for Joining Dissimilar Material Al6063 Aluminum Alloy and C26000 Copper Alloy5
Effect of Laser Multiple Remelting on the Geometric Parameters and Component Distribution of CrMnFeCoNi High-Entropy Alloys Coatings Fabricated on Al Alloy by Laser Cladding5
Multi-criteria Decision Making of Single Point Incremental Forming Process Parameters for Duplex Stainless Steel 2205 Using ARAS and COPRAS Techniques5
Comparison of Warm and Cold Forging with Friction Welding for Inner Constant Velocity Joints (CVJs)5
NiTi/PMMA Biocomposite: in Situ Polymerization, Microstructure and Mechanical Property5
Development of Cast AZ63 Magnesium Alloys for Cathodic Protection Applications via Alloying Additives5
The Effects of Oxide Layer on the Joining Performance of CuZr Metallic Glasses5
Role of Surface-Chemistry in Colloidal Processing of Ceramics: A Review5
Environmental Health Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals Contamination in the Soils5
Effects of Graded Powder Dosage Factors on the Densification of LPBF Processed Inconel 7185
Low Emission Sponge Iron Production in RHF: A CFD Study5
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of the Bimetallic Wire Arc Additively Manufactured Structure (BAMS) of SS304L and SS308L Fabricated by Hybrid Manufacturing Process5
Anomalous Behaviour of Nb in the Formation of Fe-Rich Intermetallics in Al–Si–Fe-Type Alloy5
Strain Rate Loading Effects on Fiber-Reinforced Polymeric Composites with and Without Damage: A Comprehensive Review5
Effect of Planar Anisotropy on the Hole Expansion Ratio of Cold-Rolled DP 590 Steel5
Phase Evolution and Soft Magnetic Behavior of Mechanically Alloyed Fe–Co–Ni Medium Entropy Alloy at Different Disk Angular Velocity5
Improving Boride Layer Adhesion to AISI D2 Steel by Post-heat Treatments5
Effect and Optimization of Welding Parameters and Flux Baking on Weld Bead Properties and Tensile Strength in Submerged Arc Welding of HSLA 100 Steel5
Optimization of Powder Metallurgical Parameters for Improving Corrosion Rate of Biodegradable Zinc-Hydroxyapatite Composite5
Optimization of Ball Mill Grinding of a Limestone-Type Brecciated Uranium Ore4
Process Parameter Optimization and Metallurgical Characterization in Double Pulse MIG Welding of SS 304 H4
Evolution and Transformation of Inclusions in Calcium-Treated Low-Carbon Si–Mn-Killed Steel4
Gamma Phase Stability in U–Mo Alloys4
Application of Synchrotron Radiation to Investigate the Formation of TiB2 Particle in Aluminium4
Dry Sliding Wear Behaviour of Epoxy/Biochar Composites4
A Machine Learning Approach for Prediction of Surface Temperature of the Weld Region in A-TIG Welding4
Effect of Scanning Speed on Microstructure and Properties of Inconel 718 Fabricated by Laser Powder Bed Fusion4
Effect of Heat Treatment on Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Mg–5.5Gd–3.5Nd–0.5Zn–0.4Zr Alloy4
Effects of Rare Earth Elements on Inclusions and Impact Toughness in a Weathering Steel4
Composition Evolution of Mo–Si–O Films Under Heat Treatment4
Processing and Properties of Ultra-Fine Quaternary Cu-Based Pre-alloyed Powder for Diamond Tools by Co-precipitation Process4
Microstructural and Mechanical Characterization of Chromium Coating Deposed on Carbon Fibers4
Effect of Finish Rolling Temperature on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Low-Si Steel After Quenching and Nonisothermal Partitioning4
Investigation of the Two-Step Hot Rolling Process of High-Grade Non-oriented Electrical Steel4
Microstructural Evolution and Wear Dynamics of Al5052/Cenosphere Metal Matrix Composite Fabricated Through Compo-Casting Technique4
Optimization of Column Flotation for Fine Coal Using Taguchi Method4
Effect of Cycling Heat Treatment on the Microstructure and Properties of H13 Steel Prepared for Hot-Extrusion Die4
Dual Matrix Array Probe Based Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing for Inspection of Trimetallic Weld Joints4
Microstructure and Salt Spray Corrosion Behaviors of Welded Joints of 304/HRB400 Clad Rebars4
Special Issue Dedicated to Late Dr. Srikumar Banerjee4
Feasibility Study of Metal Bioleaching in a Gold-Rich Ore Sample by Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans DSM 266364
Effects of Specimen Size, Strain Rate and Temperature on the Deformation Behaviors at Micro-/Mesoscale in Ultrafine-Grained Pure Zr4
The Effect of Remelting on Microstructure and Hydrogen Storage Properties of Ti–Mn–V Alloy4
Characterisation of Microstructure, Texture and Mechanical Properties of Pure Aluminium Sheets Severely Deformed by Constrained Groove Pressing and Subsequent Cold Rolling4
Effect of Ageing Treatment on the Stress Corrosion Cracking Susceptibility of Precipitation Hardenable 17–4 PH Stainless Steel4
Prominence of Narrow Groove on Pulsed Current GMA and SMA Welding of Thick Wall Austenitic Stainless Steel Pipe4
The Effect of Chopped Carbon Fiber on Morphology, Electromagnetic, and Mechanical Properties of Glass/Epoxy Composites for Aerospace Application4
Modeling and Prediction of Grain Size and Hardness of ZE41/ZrO$$_2$$ Nano-surface Composite Using Multiple Regression, Power Law and Artificial Intelligence Techniques4
Mechanical and Tribological Properties of Ti Coated Films Grown Using Grey Taguchi Analysis4
Microstructure, Mechanical and Corrosion Properties and Biocompatibility of Mg-Y-Zn-Zr Rolled Alloy for Biomedical Applications4
Investigation of Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of DSS 2205 Weld Thick Section for Pressure Vessel Application4
Effects of Section Thickness on Volumetric Porosity in Aluminum Die Casting: A Case Study4
Research on the f-k Domain Multimodal Damage Detection Imaging Fusion Method in Metal Plate4
Influence of Pre-Ratcheting Fatigue on Tensile Behavior of Modified 9Cr-1Mo Steel at Ambient Temperature4
Review of Parametric Strategies for Enhancing the Mechanical and Wear Properties of Friction Stir Processed Aluminium Alloys Composites4
A Unified Constitutive Model for CLAM Steel Coupling Microstructure Evolution and Considering Phase Transformation in a Wide Range of Temperatures4