Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals

(The H4-Index of Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals is 18. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Evaluation of Properties of Glow Discharge Plasma Nitrided C-300 Maraging Steel37
Retraction Note: Effects of Cr Microalloying on Structural Evolution, Crystallization Behavior and Micromechanical Properties of ZrCoAlCr Bulk Metallic Glass33
Effect of Milling Time on the Structure Stability of FeMnNiCrAl Non-equiatomic High-Entropy Alloy32
Overview of Recent Advancements in Hot Dip Metallic Coatings for Steel29
A Novel Filling System for Gravity Casting of Cobalt Alloy Prostheses29
Characteristics and Failure Behaviors of an MnCo2O4 Spinel Coating in High-Temperature Oxidation Processes28
Influence of Gd Concentration on the Structural, Optical, and Electrical Properties of Gd/Al Codoped TiO2Nanoparticles by Precipitation Method26
Al2O3 Extraction From Tailings-Containing Aluminosilicates by Pre-leaching Roasting Process–A Review26
10XSBF Bone-Like Hydroxyapatite Coating of Ti–6Al–4V with Microwave Irradiation and its Antibacterial Properties24
The Microstructural Evolution and Hardness of CoFeNiMnVY0.2 High Entropy Alloy23
Metallurgical and Mechanical Characteristics of Friction Welded Joint of 27 wt.%CrWCI/AISI 1040 Steel22
Atomic-Scale Investigations of the Interaction Between Oxygen and (Fe3O4) (1 1 1) Surface21
Mechanical Damping Characteristics of As-Cast and Austempered Aluminium-Alloyed Ductile Irons Produced With Rotary Melting Furnace Processing21
Effect of Warm Rolling Process Parameters on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Structural Steels21
Effect of Impact Velocity and Impingement Angle on the Erosive Wear Behavior of Ceramic Reinforced Polymer Composites20
Mechanical Characterization of The Plastic Deformation Behavior of AZ31 Magnesium Alloy Processed Through Spinning Using Nanoindentation19
The Hot Deformation Behavior and Microstructural Evolution of TP2 Pure Copper19
Antibacterial Application of Ag-Loaded Zn-Hybrid NaA Zeolite with High Ag Loading Amount19
Analysis of the Effect of Friction Stir Welding Parameters on Characteristics of AA6061 Composites using Response Surface Methodology18
Mathematical and Physical Modelling of Inertization and Control of Tundish Atmosphere During Continuous Casting of Steel18