Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants

(The H4-Index of Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants is 24. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
How do plants defend themselves against pathogens-Biochemical mechanisms and genetic interventions159
AP2/ERF, an important cold stress-related transcription factor family in plants: A review73
Salicylic acid alleviates chromium (VI) toxicity by restricting its uptake, improving photosynthesis and augmenting antioxidant defense in Solanum lycopersicum L57
Plant–microbiome interactions for sustainable agriculture: a review56
Foliar spray of Auxin/IAA modulates photosynthesis, elemental composition, ROS localization and antioxidant machinery to promote growth of Brassica juncea51
Meta-QTLs, ortho-MQTLs and candidate genes for nitrogen use efficiency and root system architecture in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)50
Interactive role of zinc and iron lysine on Spinacia oleracea L. growth, photosynthesis and antioxidant capacity irrigated with tannery wastewater47
Plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPR) induce antioxidant tolerance against salinity stress through biochemical and physiological mechanisms47
Biochar coupling with phosphorus fertilization modifies antioxidant activity, osmolyte accumulation and reactive oxygen species synthesis in the leaves and xylem sap of rice cultivars under high-tempe47
RAPD, ISSR, and SCoT markers based genetic stability assessment of micropropagated Dendrobium fimbriatum Lindl. var. oculatum Hk. f.- an important endangered orchid43
Role of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi as an underground saviuor for protecting plants from abiotic stresses40
Impact of melatonin and tryptophan on water stress tolerance in white lupine (Lupinus termis L.)40
Green synthesis of zinc oxide nanoparticles using Eucalyptus lanceolata leaf litter: characterization, antimicrobial and agricultural efficacy in maize37
Sulfur nanoparticles mediated improvement of salt tolerance in wheat relates to decreasing oxidative stress and regulating metabolic activity37
Methyl jasmonate ameliorates lead toxicity in Oryza sativa by modulating chlorophyll metabolism, antioxidative capacity and metal translocation34
Graphene oxide exhibited positive effects on the growth of Aloe vera L31
Metabolic profiling and antioxidant activity during flower development in Agastache rugosa31
Meta-QTLs, ortho-MQTLs and candidate genes for the traits contributing to salinity stress tolerance in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)30
Low temperature elicits differential biochemical and antioxidant responses in maize (Zea mays) genotypes with different susceptibility to low temperature stress30
Deciphering distinct biological control and growth promoting potential of multi-stress tolerant Bacillus subtilis PM32 for potato stem canker28
Metabolic engineering in food crops to enhance ascorbic acid production: crop biofortification perspectives for human health28
Salicylic acid alleviates selenium stress and promotes selenium uptake of grapevine27
microRNA 166: an evolutionarily conserved stress biomarker in land plants targeting HD-ZIP family26
Application of zinc oxide nanoparticles immobilizes the chromium uptake in rice plants by regulating the physiological, biochemical and cellular attributes24
Genome-wide identification of ABA receptor PYL/RCAR gene family and their response to cold stress in Medicago sativa L24