MAPAN-Journal of Metrology Society of India

(The TQCC of MAPAN-Journal of Metrology Society of India is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Wall-Climbing Robot System for Volume Calibration of Large Vertical Storage Tank54
The Factors Affecting the Stamping Surface Assessment by the ABIS II Sensor34
Efficiency Measurement of Organic Solar Cells: Step-by-Step Protocol to be Followed28
A Pilot Study on the Comparison of the Methods for Uncertainty Analysis of Micropipette Calibration21
Traceability of Total Spectral Radiant Flux (TSRF) Scale Using Spectral Irradiance and Total Luminous Flux Scale at CSIR-NPL, India15
Measurement and Metrology in Advanced Manufacturing Processes15
Experimental Measurement of Structural Static and Dynamic Characteristics of Glass/Banana Hybrid Composite14
Evaluating Uncertainty of Measurement While Predicting Location in Smart Vehicles14
Dead Time Estimation of the Transient Digitizer of the Raman Lidar System Installed at a High-Altitude Station Palampur in India14
Development of the Primary Standard for IAEA TRS-457 at OAP, Thailand12
Estimation of Error in Distance, Length, and Angular Measurements Using CCD Pixel Counting Technique12
Thermal Wave Mode Decomposition for Defect Detection in Non-Stationary Thermal Wave Imaging11
Developed Method to Evaluate Some Optical Parameters in Gauge Block Measurements Using Ellipsometry11
A New Approach to Artefact Material Selection for Interim Checks of CMMs that uses MADM Tools9
Design of Wide Angle Optical Receiver with Various Glass Materials9
Frequency Modulated Thermal Wave Imaging for Infrared Non-destructive Testing of Mild Steel8
A Bidirectional Algorithm for Evaluation of Straightness Error8
Creation of High-Precision Standard for Metrological Service of Measuring and Reproducing Alternating Current8
Simulation of Kinematic Supports of Surfaces Plates for Optimum Flatness Tolerance8
Preparation of Holmium Oxide Solution as a Wavelength Calibration Standard for UV–Visible Spectrophotometer8
Analysis of Radionuclide Partitioning at Various Stages of Processing of Ilmenite Ore Using HPGe Gamma-Ray Spectrometry8
Preparation of Indigenous Radioactive Air Filter Standard for Gamma Spectrometry7
The Use of Z-scores in External Performance Evaluation of Inter-comparison Exercises7
A Portable Technique for 226Ra Body Burden Estimation of Uranium Miners via Monitoring of 222Rn of Exhaled Breath7
Assessing the Significance of Relationship Between Metrology Variables under Indeterminacy7
Assessment of Discharged 222Rn at Surface from Ventilation Shafts of Underground Uranium Mine at Narwapahar in India7
Studies on Temperature Sensitivity of a White Rabbit Network-Based Time Transfer Link7
Estimation of Reference Gamma Radiation Field for Calibration of Radiation Monitors7
Theoretical Simulation for Evaluating Error in Irradiance Measurement Using Optical Detectors Having Different Cosine Responses6
Investigating the Impact of OIML Weights Used as Reference on Mass Determination of Pressure Balances’ Disk Weights6
Need of Quantum Biology to Investigate Beneficial Effects at Low Doses (< 100 mSv) and Maximize Peaceful Applications of Nuclear Energy6
Performance Evaluation of FPGA-based Standalone, Portable TDCR System6
A Comparative Analysis of Artificial Neural Network Algorithms to Enhance the Power Quality of Photovoltaic Distributed Generation System Based on Metrological Parameters6
Application of Statistical Parameters to Analyse the Performance of PWM Techniques in 3-Level Inverter-Based Compensator for Power Quality Improvement6
Sustainability of Industry 6.0 in Global Perspective: Benefits and Challenges6
Investigating Radon Concentration in Groundwater and Seawater in the Eastern Coast of India6
Indian Standard Time Dissemination Using Precision Time Protocol: Toward Resilient Time Synchronization Using Optical Fibers for Critical Infrastructure in India6
In-house Intercomparison of MJTCs for Assigning AC/DC Transfer Difference to National Standard of LF Voltage and Current at CSIR-NPL India6
Significance of Metrological Tools in an ISO 17025 Accredited Quality System for a Biological Evaluation Facility6
Significance of Reference Materials for Calibration of Powder X-ray Diffractometer5
Correction: Pressure Measurement and Traceability at NIS- Egypt5
Dimensional Metrology: Underpinning the Automotive Sector in an Indelible Fashion5
Limitation of the Artifact-Based Definition of the Kilogram, its Redefinition and Realization Using Kibble Balance5
Estimation of Measurement Uncertainty of Additive Manufacturing Parts to Investigate the Influence of Process Variables5
Evaluating the Uncertainty of Classification Due to Image Resizing Techniques for Satellite Image Classification5
Stable Isotope Ratio and Elemental Analysis (CNS) in Mangrove Leaves in the Creek Ecosystem: An Indicator of Coastal Marine Pollution5
Effect of Seasonal Variations on Environmental Noise Levels in Urban Zones: A Case Study in Delhi City, India5
Preparation, Verification and Stability of Calibration Gas Mixture of Benzene in Nitrogen5
Quality Infrastructure of Saudi Arabia and Its Importance for Vision 20305
Seasonal Trends and source Apportionment of Carbonaceous Aerosols in PM10 at Central Delhi, India5
Design, Development, and Characterization of Cross Beam Force Transducer for Low Force Measurement5
Measuring Model for the Gravimetric Method by Drying in N-Stages Applied to Materials with High Moisture Content5
Correction to: Development of Monodispersed Polystyrene Particles as Thailand Reference Materials (TRM)4
Optical Wavelength Calibration for Stabilized He–Ne laser 633 nm Using Substitution Method4
A Novel Method for the Calibration of the Displacement Encoder of the Rockwell Hardness Tester4
Investigation of Tribological Performance of Composite Nanodiamonds and Graphene Nanoplatelets-Reinforced Alumina Coatings at High Temperature4
Bilateral Comparison of Radiation Temperature Measurements from − 20 to 1600 °C Between TUBITAK-UME (Turkey) and SASO-NMCC (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)4
Development of High-Pressure Transducer: Design, Finite Element and Experimental Analysis4
Development of Monodispersed Polystyrene Particles as Thailand Reference Materials (TRM)4
DMD Based Microscopic Fringe Projection Profilometry of Copper-Clad Substrates4
Comparative Seasonal Variability of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer over Gangetic Plain (Varanasi) and Coastal Region (Goa), India4
Reduction in Trajectory Error by Generating Smoother Trajectory for the Time-Efficient Navigation of Mobile Robot4
Critical Analysis of Demographic Data Based on ISO/IEC 17,025 Standard for the Regionalization of Brazilian Anthromes4
Measurement Uncertainty in Primary Calibration of Accelerometer Complex Sensitivity at Low Frequencies4
Review on Classification, Sources and Management of Road Dust and Determination of Uncertainty Associated with Measurement of Particle Size of Road Dust4
Electromagnetic Acoustic Transducer and Method for Residual Stress Detection in Conducting Materials4
Design and Implementation of Rectangular Dielectric Resonator Antennas for GPS-Based Toll System4
Adopted Climatic Chamber Solar Simulator for Testing Solar Radiation Effects on Electricity Meters at NIS4
Design of Measuring and Controlling Circuit for Digital Output MEMS Gyroscope with Zero Output Correction4
Load Distribution Measurement for Different Defect Sizes Using Nonlinear Vibration Analysis in Deep Groove Ball Bearing4
Design and Development of an Indigenous Cross-Floating Pressure Calibration System up to 140 MPa3
Defibrillator Delivered Energy Measurement Study with a Calibration Set Up at Different Trans-Thoracic Impedance3
Calibration of Glass Hemisphere and Traceability at CSIR-National Physical Laboratory-India3
Evaluation and Analysis of Environmental Noise Levels in NCT of Delhi, India3
The UKQI: Status and Importance for National Growth3
Sensitivity Measurement based on the Refractive Index Detection of Dual-Coated PCF SPR Sensor3
Device Modelling of CdTe Photovoltaic Cell Using V2O5/Cu2O/NiO as a Back Surface Field Layer Through Numerical Simulation3
Shewhart, CUSUM and EWMA Control Charts: A Comparative Study on Intermediate Check of Balances3
Establishment of SI Traceability and Certification of CRMs/BNDs of Aqueous Elemental Solutions Produced In-house and Through RMP Under Metrology in Chemistry Programme at NPL, India3
Indigenous Design and Development of Gated Photon Counter for Low-Rate Photon Regime3
Development of LabVIEW Program Using SR400 Gated Photon Counter for Continuous Data Acquisition and Analysis3
Comparison of Pseudorandom Number Generators and Their Application for Uncertainty Estimation Using Monte Carlo Simulation3
Study on Radioactivity Content in Soil Around Uranium Mineralised Region3
Electrochemical Detection of Anti-anxiety Drug Clonazepam Using Electrophoretically Deposited Gold Nanoparticles3
Respiratory Deposition Dose of PM2.5 and PM10 Before, During and After COVID-19 Lockdown Phases in Megacity-Delhi, India3
Evaluation of Different Coatings in Protecting Leather Artifacts in Museums and Libraries from Air Pollution3
Realization of ITS-90 Radiance Temperature Scale from 961.78 °C to 3000 °C at CSIR-NPL3
Metrological Traceability and Crucial Detector Characteristics for UVC Metrology in UVGI Applications3
Thioglycolic Acid Capped CdTe Quantum Dots as Sensors for the Detection of Hazardous Heavy Metal Ion Cu2+ in Water3
A Compact Device for Precise Distribution of Time and Frequency Signal2
Effect of Air Pollutants on the Carbon Sequestration Rate and Other Physiological Processes in Different Vegetation Types: A Review2
Techniques for High Accuracy User Position Estimation Using NavIC Constellation2
Feasible methods for g-measurement and uncertainty comparison with Monte Carlo method2
Development of Am-241 Activity Standards2
Design and Development of a Temperature-Compensated Body Mass Index Measuring System2
Calibration of Resistance-Ratio Thermometry Bridges Using an Automated Resistance Bridge Calibrator2
Redefining Industry 5.0 in Ophthalmology and Digital Metrology: A Global Perspective2
Design and Implementations of Pigeon’s Away Electronic System2
Glass Transition Temperature Measurement of Polycarbonate Specimen by Dynamic Mechanical Analyser Towards the Development of Reference Material2
Correction to: The Uncertainty Paradox: Molar Mass of Enriched Versus Natural Silicon Used in the XRCD Method2
Commissioning NIS 1 kN·m Primary Torque Standard Machine2
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis of PCB for Quality Control Process2
Implementation and Variability Analysis of Low-Power Robust Muller C-Element: LPRCE2
Extrinsic Calibration Methods for Laser Range Finder and Camera: A Systematic Review2
Seasonal Variability in Key Radiological Attributes in U-Processing Plant and Solid Waste Disposal Sites at Jaduguda, India2
Measurement Uncertainty Estimation for the Quantitative Determination of Elemental Impurities in Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients Using Microwave Digestion Followed by ICP-OES According to USP <232
Resistive Power Splitter-Based Direct Comparison Technique for Microwave Power Sensor Calibration from 1 MHz to 50 GHz at CSIR-NPLI2
Design of Electro-optical Vibrometer for On-Machine Metrology in Hybrid Single-Point Diamond Turning2
Potential Role of Metrology in Digital Transformation for Quality Infrastructure2
Range Extension down to 1 mL/h of Micro Liquid Flow Calibration Facility at CSIR-NPL, India2
Design and Development of Trapezoidal-shaped Transducer for Industrial and Scientific Applications2
A Traceable System for Automatic Calibration of DC and AC High Current Sources with Current Coils at NIS2
Prediction of Tropospheric Amplitude Scintillation for Accurate Design of Earth-Space Communication Link over Akure, Nigeria2
Long–Term Characteristics of Ambient Trace gases and Meteorology in Delhi, India2
An International Bilateral Inter-Laboratory Temperature Comparison Measurement2
Field Evaluation of an Encapsulated 226Ra–222Rn Source2
Blockage Detection in Centrifugal Pump Using Butterfly Optimization-Based Feature Selection2
Development and Performance Evaluation of Double Bending Beam Force Transducer for Low-Force Measurement2
A Laser Based Universal Oscillator for Next Generation Optical Frequency Standards2
Analysis of Shapes of Centrifugal Force-Generating Rod in Centrifugal Force-Assisted Abrasive Flow Machining Process2
Customized Measurable Availability Framework of Sewage Treatment Plant Through Risk Priority Number2
Design and Development of Real-Time Measurement System for Dynamic Torque of Rotating Shaft2
Estimation of Calibration Values of Quartz Bourdon-Type Pressure Transducers Using Various Gases2
Standardization of 109Cd Using CIEMAT/NIST Method and Internal Conversion Electron Counting2
Temporal Analysis of Atmospheric Pollutant Concentrations with Specific Regard to NAAQS Compliance in an Industrial Cluster of New Delhi, India2
Monitoring and Analysis of Seaport Piers Structural Elements Displacements2
Measurement of Tool Chatter and MRR Using Sound Signal During Milling of Al 6061-T62
Sound Absorption Behaviour of Vetiver Grass Fibre-based Manufactured Pine Board2
Result Analysis of the First Asia–Pacific Comparison of Absolute Gravimeters2
Method Validation of Gas Chromatography and Stability Study for Analysis of Standard Gas Mixtures of Carbon Dioxide in Nitrogen Matrix2
Development of Three-Cup Anemometer Calibrator Using CFD Simulation2
The Study of Assessment Parameters and Performance Measurement of Cold Spray Technique: A Futuristic Approach Towards Additive Manufacturing2
Measurement Class Phasor Measurement Unit Compliance for Electrical Grid Monitoring2
Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on Precipitation and Temperature in the Ghataprabha Sub-basin Using CMIP5 Models2
Short-Term Effects: Elemental and Morphological Assessment of Aerosols Over Old Delhi Region, India2