National Medical Journal of India

(The TQCC of National Medical Journal of India is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Differential loss of fat in polycystic ovary syndrome: A welcome or warning sign?24
Letter from Chennai18
Dhairyasheel Narayan Savant10
Notice of Retraction: Guinea-worm (Dracunculus medinensis) infection presenting as a diabetic foot abscess: A case report from Kerala4
Enhancing students’ motivations through early exposure in actual settings is key4
Medical research in India: Fit and fine or frail and vulnerable?4
Awareness of surgical smoke risks and assessment of safety practices during the Covid-19 pandemic3
Persistence of symptoms after Covid-19 infection in Kerala3
Consultation at surgical outpatient department and undergraduate medical education: A pilot study3
Haemogram indices are as reliable as CURB-65 to assess 30-day mortality in Covid-19 pneumonia2
Non-traditional tools for predicting coronary artery disease2
Favipiravir therapy for Covid-19 infection and tacrolimus toxicity in a kidney transplant patient on chronic eculizumab therapy2
Epidemiology of heart failure in rural Chhattisgarh, India2
Septic arthritis in a newborn2
News from here and there2
Perspectives of women on availing antenatal services in urban poor areas of Rishikesh, Uttarakhand2
Professor K.N. Udupa: Colossus among legends2
Knowledge, attitude and practice towards Ayurveda among patients attending cardiology and neurology clinics at a tertiary care institute in India2
Toxic shock syndrome (TSS) with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS): A deadly combo2
The gaps in undergraduate medical education due to the ongoing pandemic: An experience from a private medical college in Kerala2
Symptoms and psychosocial effects following hospitalization for Covid-19: A sequential, mixed-methods study from northern India2
Ian Magrath (31 October 1944–14 March 2023)2
Dysgeusia and auditory hallucination associated with linezolid therapy2
News from here and there1
Perspectives of undergraduate medical students regarding competency-based curriculum1
Edward J. Huth (15 May 1923–2 November 2021)1
Young man with alleged snake bite and disseminated intravascular coagulation or a life-threatening but potentially curable malignancy: Clinicopathological correlation1
Accuracy of Xpert® MTB/RIF in diagnosing extrapulmonary tuberculosis in Indian children1
Duration of trastuzumab use in patients with early breast cancer1
Reply to letter: Narrative approaches to reviews1
Chatbots, ChatGPT, and Scholarly Manuscripts: WAME Recommendations on ChatGPT and Chatbots in relation to scholarly publications1
Balance and Threats of Mandatory Micronutrient Fortification of Foods in India1
Evaluation of a novel method for teaching drawing of histology diagrams to first year MBBS students1
Chronic choroidal folds in a patient with pleomorphic adenoma1
Sensitizing nursing faculty about formation of professional identity: Exploration of lessons learnt at a nursing institute in India1
Marthanda Varma Sankaran Valiathan (24 May 1934–17 July 2024)1
The Rise and Fall of the History of Medicine in Indian Academia: Need for resurgence1
EMPULSE trial: Time to use SGLT-2 inhibitors in acute heart failure?1
Defaecation disorders among information technology personnel: A cross-sectional study1
Competency-based postgraduate training: Mentoring and monitoring using entrustable professional activities with descriptive rubrics for objectivity— A step beyond Dreyfus1
Letter from Chennai1
Membranous tonsillitis: Aetiology, prevalence and prescribing patterns in patients with upper respiratory tract infection1
News from here and there1
A WhatsApp-based introductory histopathology and cytology course for first-year pathology postgraduate students1
Non-operative treatment for low back pain: A review of evidence and recommendations1
Letter from Chennai1
Uraemic frost: Sweating urea out1
V.R. Khanolkar’s initial years as pathologist and researcher in India: 1924–19411
A family with nutmeg poisoning due to a home-made ‘Covid treatment syrup’1
Outcomes of patients with thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura treated in an intensive care unit1
Changing portrayal of doctors in Bollywood films, 1940–2020: Is it time for introspection?1
Book Review: A History of Medicine1
Research activities of undergraduate medical students: Hurdles and the way forward—A graduate’s perspective1
Sahaj shalya (slow surgery): An extension of the slow movement and slow medicine1
Letter from Chennai1
Monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance: Implications of Indian baseline data1
The Origin and Evolution of Critical Laboratory Values1
Neurotrophic keratitis in hereditary sensory autonomic1
Book Reviews1
Prolonged fever with pancytopenia and massive hepatosplenomegaly1
Bilateral orbital cellulitis in an infant: An unusual case1
Risperidone-induced anaemia1
Artificial Intelligence-powered Healthcare for India: Promises, opportunities and challenges1
Certification of maxillofacial disability and impairment1
Gastric volvulus: Bird’s beak sign on computed tomography1
Inhaled iloprost as an add-on therapy for advanced pulmonary arterial hypertension: An Indian perspective1
Spastic quadriparesis in Fabry disease: A diagnostic challenge1
Exogenous endophthalmitis caused by Enterobacter cloacae following water gun injury1
Urgent endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography for acute biliary pancreatitis: Few answers and more questions0
Book Review: In Ernest Quest: EJ Borges: Legendary and revered cancer surgeon0
Amantadine-induced psychosis in Wilson disease0
Arrhythmia occurring as the sole presenting feature in Covid-190
Herpes zoster triggered by ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 coronavirus vaccine (recombinant)0
Lessons Learnt from the ICMR–INDIAB Study0
Spontaneous resolution of a wooden foreign-body granuloma in the conjunctiva of a child0
Basic medical sciences are pre-clinical subjects, not non-clinical subjects: Say ‘No’ to the prefix ‘Non-’0
Clinical profile of patients and sensitivity of troponin I in patients with and without acute coronary syndrome: An observational study0
Impact of Covid-19 lockdown on the emotional health of schoolchildren in an urban Indian setting0
News from here and there0
The Epidemic Diseases Act (1897): A study of international and domestic pressures on British epidemic policy formation in India0
Scoping review of published research on medical education in India during the Covid-19 pandemic0
Prevalence of psychological morbidity and its correlates among school-going adolescents of urban Puducherry, India0
Haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis post-ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine: A rare case0
Exchange transfusion as a therapeutic modality for aniline dye-induced methaemoglobinaemia0
Development of an analytical rubric and estimation of its validity and inter-rater reliability for assessing reflective narrations0
Gaming disorder for general practitioners: A brief overview0
Mid-level healthcare providers: Making a fresh case for modern Indian healthcare0
Myocardial bridging: A rare case of tunnelled coronary0
Opioid: Plenitude versus pittance0
Platelet transfusion threshold before central line insertion: An elusive yardstick?0
Performance of equations for estimation of 24-hour urinary sodium from morning fasting urine samples in a multisite study in India0
Satisfaction and reasons for participation in a Covid-19 vaccine clinical trial0
The rationale and guiding principles to design a psychiatry curriculum for primary care doctors of India0
Enteric Fever Still haunts us with New Challenges0
Post-validation item analysis to assess the validity and reliability of multiple-choice questions at a medical college with an innovative curriculum0
Reflections of a UK-based Indian doctor on promoting Indo–UK health collaboration0
Thoracic splenosis: A curious case of thoracic masses0
Preoperative cardiology referral practices at a tertiary care centre: A retrospective observational study0
News from here and there0
Indira Nath (14 January 1938–24 October 2021)0
Dissections or prosections: Which method has a better impact on sustainable gross anatomy knowledge?0
News from here and there0
Addiction habits in a rural cohort of injection drug users and effects on serum lipid profile: Analysis of a repeated measures study from an eastern state of India0
Vasantha Muthuswamy (12 July 1948–21 February 2023)0
K.V. Desikan. An extraordinary life in the service of leprosy patients0
Purushottam Upadhyaya (14 August 1928–8 March 2023)0
Hydropneumopericardium: A rare complication of pericardiocentesis0
Anaplastic large cell lymphoma presenting as an endobronchial mass with lung involvement in an adolescent boy0
Yoga nidra practice shows improvement in sleep in patients with chronic insomnia: A randomized controlled trial0
Prevalence of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) among adults in urban Goa0
Evaluation of the preclinical hospital visit programme with students’ feedback at the University of Nottingham, UK0
The Exsanguination of Public Health in India0
Prevalence of intimate partner violence among pregnant women attending a public sector hospital in Bengaluru, southern India0
Letter from Glasgow0
Immediate or salvage radiotherapy after radical prostatectomy: Do we finally know?0
Covid-19 Through a Cultural Looking Glass0
Paul McMaster (4 January 1943–27 May 2024)0
Letter from Mumbai0
Primer of Epidemiology V: Planning a research study and sampling methods0
Book Reviews0
Letter from Glasgow0
Linguistic adaptation and validation of All Aspects of Health Literacy Scale (AAHLS): A health literacy assessment tool for use in Hindi-speaking population0
Breaking bad news: Awareness and practice of the SPIKES protocol among general surgery residents at a tertiary care institute in northern India0
Incidental solitary plasmacytoma detected during Covid-19: A challenging clinical presentation!0
Challenges and opportunities in providing palliative care services to children with a life-limiting illness: A systematic review0
Depression, anxiety, stress and resilience among undergraduate health sciences students of a rural tertiary healthcare centre in Maharashtra during the Covid-19 lockdown: A cross-sectional, online sur0
Phaging out antibiotics0
Revised point system for publications by Dental Council of India0
Neuropalliative Care for India: Who, What, When, Where, Why, How?0
Function-preserving surgery in sporadic desmoid-type fibromatosis of brachial plexus0
Improving treatment adherence among tuberculosis patients through evening DOTS in Chennai, India0
Who will be the Third Umpire: AI or Radiologists?0
Visual abstract: An innovative way to disseminate scientific research0
Development of a structured validated module to inculcate research skills in medical undergraduates0
Early detection and treatment of postpartum haemorrhage: A game-changing strategy0
Basic life support0
Book Review: What’s in the Syringe? Principles of early integrated palliative care0
Achalasia: Pinstripe pattern0
Learning medical sociology through an innovative ‘Elective study module’ integrating humanities with medicine for undergraduate students of a medical college in Bengaluru, India0
Pneumopericardium, pneumomediastinum and surgical emphysema in spontaneous pneumothorax0
Role of male partners in birth preparedness and complication readiness: A qualitative study0
Palbociclib: A novel and effective therapy for advanced liposarcoma0
Large right-sided pneumothorax with Takotsubo cardiomyopathy0
Covid-19 presenting as isolated severe thrombocytopenia in an HIV-lymphoma survivor0
G>A transition at 376 position of the glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) gene plays a key role in causing G6PD deficiency in the Siddi population of Karnataka0
Workplace violence against physicians in intensive care units in Turkey: A cross-sectional study0
Exploring knowledge, attitude and practice regarding yoga among patients attending cardiology and neurology clinics in a tertiary care hospital in northern India0
S.K. Shankar(27 September 1947–5 September 2022)0
Recommendations from ‘Improving health outcomes of people with diabetes: Target setting for the WHO Global Diabetes Compact’ for the Indian context: Laudable but are they achievable?0
Puzzling papular eruptions on an old scar0
Book Review: I’m alive . . . for now0
News from here and there0
Choroidal tubercles0
Mental health status of healthcare providers during the Covid-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study across India0
Prevalence of substance use and substance use disorder in medically ill patients: A cross-sectional, hospital-based study from India0
Burden of malaria during pregnancy in perennial transmission settings of two densely forested and remote blocks (Baihar and Birsa) of district Balaghat, Madhya Pradesh, central India0
Direct ophthalmoscopy as a screening tool to study retinal vascular changes in acute mountain sickness in response to recent ascent to high altitude: A pilot study0
First-line immunotherapy: Hype rather than near reality in gastric cancer0
Unhelmeted two-wheeler riders in India0
Book Review: HIV-AIDS in India and Developing Countries0
Seroprevalence of Covid-19 infection among healthcare workers: A study from a tertiary care hospital in the National Capital Region of India0
Reticular epithelial corneal oedema secondary to topical netarsudil drops0
Bilateral golden ring in the eye: Weill–Marchesani syndrome0
Patterns and predictors of female sexual dysfunction in diabetes mellitus0
Tracheal tumorous tuberculosis0
A family with nutmeg poisoning due to a home-made ‘Covid treatment syrup’0
Long-term benefits of mindfulness on white matter tracts in panic disorder0
The potential liver donor with tuberculosis: A fresh look at international recommendations based on a survey of practice in Indian liver transplant centres0
The use of sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitor in heart failure: The rise of the Roman Empire!0
Effectiveness of a web-based learning module on oral health promotion for nursing and allied health professionals0
The effect of Ramadan on elderly patients presenting to the emergency department0
Publication ethics during the Covid times: Reflections on research integrity, authorship, peer review and editorial policies0
Relationship of vitamin D deficiency with mammographic breast density and triple-negative breast cancer: A cross-sectional study0
Call for Emergency Action to limit Global Temperature Increases, restore Biodiversity, and protect Health0
Economic burden of beta-thalassaemia major receiving hypertransfusion therapy at a public hospital in Mumbai0
Savitri Shrivastava0
Letter from Mumbai0
Cancer care continuum at a tertiary care centre in India during the Covid-19 pandemic and nationwide lockdown: Healthcare delivery through telemedicine0
Haemodiafiltration or haemodialysis in kidney failure0
Covid-19-associated rhino-orbito-cerebral mucormycosis (CAROM) in Delhi: Demographics and risk factors in a single-centre consecutive cohort of 200 inpatients0
Seeking graduation in medical colleges outside India: Is it a ‘win–win’ or ‘lose–lose’ situation for the stakeholders and the nation?0
Pioneering Scottish medical journals0
Acute critical care course for interns to develop competence0
Erratum: Disseminated Mycobacterium abscessus infection in a patient on haemodialysis0
Antenatal dexamethasone for early preterm birth in low-resource countries0
Effectiveness of an online course for medicine residents on glycaemic management of hospitalized patients with diabetes0
Periodic condemnations in hospital: Why are they so important?0
News from here and there0
News from here and there0
Retinopathy secondary to flare-up of systemic lupus erythematosus0
Essential medicines for cardiovascular diseases in India: Rapid appraisal of policies and processes at the subnational level0
A critique of the Rajasthan Right to Health Bill, 2022 and suggestions for the way forward0
Letter from Chennai0
Humanitarian approach in medicine: A study on clinical empathy among medical students and graduates using the Jefferson Scale of Empathy0
Severe localized re-expansion pulmonary oedema: An unusual instance0
National exit test: The medical faculty perspective—A pilot study0
Sir Roy Yorke Calne (30 December 1930–6 January 2024)0
Medical education in Hindi and indigenous languages in India: Issues and challenges0
K.V. Desikan (21 March 1926–23 October 2022)0
Do-it-yourself chandelier illumination0
Narayana Panicker Kochupillai (10 February 1939–26 February 2024)0
Scrub typhus presenting as mitral valve infective endocarditis0
Willingness of medical students to volunteer during the Covid-19 pandemic: Assessment at a tertiary care hospital in India0
Objective-structured clinical examination in cardiovascular system for the assessment of internal medicine postgraduates amidst the Covid-19 pandemic0
Scrub typhus presenting with massive splenomegaly and lobar pneumonia0
Correlates of nicotine dependence among patients visiting a tobacco cessation centre in India: A retrospective analysis0
Diabetic striatopathy in an adult with ketotic hyperglycaemia0
Competency-based medical curriculum: Exploring the preclinical medical teachers’ pedagogical and technical readiness levels0
Haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis associated with liver injury in systemic sarcoidosis0
Neuroradiology intertwined with the Veena: A radiologist perspective0
Covid-19-associated mucormycosis in patients with renal failure0
Book Review0
Incorporating ABC in physiology education: Active learning, blended learning and curricular changes0
Publication requirement for faculty promotion in medical institutions in India: ‘Mind the gap’0
Letter from Mumbai0
News from here and there0
Satyendra P. Kaushik (18 April 1938–3 August 2021)0
Evidence-based Traditional Medicine for Transforming Global Health and Well-being0
Suicides of elite Japanese writers: The case of Ryunosuke Akutagawa0
Thiamine-responsive megaloblastic anaemia0
Detached Schwalbe line in Axenfeld–Rieger syndrome0
Severe autoimmune-mediated thrombocytopenia in an elderly woman0
Anxiety disorders0
Covid-19 and Diabetes Mellitus0
It seems to be anyone’s and everyone’s ballgame—Except for medical students, educators and regulators0
A roadmap for navigating verbally aggressive patient and family encounters0
Recurrence of disease in a patient with Covid-19: Re-activation or re-infection?0
News from here and there0
Influence of social media on health-related decision-making among adults attending an outpatient department of a tertiary care centre in India: A cross-sectional analytical study0
Letter from Mumbai0
Autologous stem cell transplantation can potentially reverse dialysis dependence in patients with myeloma: Report of two cases and practical considerations0
Association of symptom characteristics and comorbid conditions with viral RNA positivity of Covid-19 patients in Kasaragod district in Kerala, India: A retrospective cohort study0
Book Review: How the Light Gets In0
Metastatic calcification: An uncommon issue in peritoneal dialysis0
Postoperative outcomes in patients undergoing elective general surgery after recovery from Covid-19 at a tertiary care centre: A one-year case series0
Superior semicircular canal dehiscence: An unusual cause of vertigo0
News from here and there0
Mapping the distribution and trends of co-circulating dengue virus serotypes in Odisha, India: A retrospective facility-based analysis0
Evaluation of satisfaction and reasons for participation in a Covid-19 vaccine clinical trial: A single-centre, observational study0
An uncommon aetiology for a common clinical problem: Primary pericardial mesothelioma0
Blood pressure cut-offs to diagnose impending hypertensive emergency depend on previous hypertension-mediated organ damage and comorbid conditions0
Dismantling the feudal structure of global health by promoting traditional medical knowledge in global health ecosystem0
Psychiatry as I saw it0
Non-arteritic anterior ischaemic optic neuropathy and obstructive sleep apnoea0