Applied Radiation and Isotopes

(The TQCC of Applied Radiation and Isotopes is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Accurate and precise measurement of uranium content in uranium trioxide by gravimetry: Comparison with isotope dilution mass spectrometry and its uncertainty estimation49
The 40Ar(d,p)41Ar cross section between 3–7 MeV48
Estimate of activity discharged into the sewer network in neuroendocrine treatments with 177Lu-DOTA-TATE36
A new empirical systematic for (n, 2p) reaction cross sections around 14 MeV30
Study on the dose profile in CT-fluoroscopy30
Measurements of epithermal neutron properties of ITU Triga Mark II research reactor28
Using of airborne gamma-ray spectrometric data to the exposure of potassic alteration -recognition of alteration relates to gold mineralization28
ANN coupled with Monte Carlo simulation for predicting the concentration of acids28
A comparison study of GEANT4 and MCNP6 on neutron-induced gamma simulation28
The effect of iodine-131 beta-particles in combination with A-966492 and Topotecan on radio-sensitization of glioblastoma: An in-vitro study27
Gamma / neutron radiation shielding, structural and physical characteristics of iron slag nanopowder27
A method to improve sensitivity of Ferrous ammonium sulfate - Benzoic acid - Xylenol orange (FBX) aqueous radiation dosimeter27
Initial evaluation of accelerator-based neutron source system at the Shonan Kamakura General Hospital26
Influence of heat treatment on the mechanical and the lubricant wear characteristics of stainless-steel grades against 5 wt% NaCl as industrial shielding materials25
A well typed phoswich detector consisting of CsI and plastic scintillators for low level radioactivity measurements25
Dosimetric evaluation of 123I (Iodide) and 99mTc (Pertechnetate) in the thyroid of neonates using Cristy-Eckerman and Segars anatomical representations25
Lifetime cancer risk increase due to consumption of some foods from a High Background Radiation Area24
GaAs diodes for TiT2-based betavoltaic cells24
A comparative study of EM-CCD and CMOS cameras for particle ion trajectory imaging23
Temperature-responsive insights: Investigating Eu3+ and Dy3+ activated yttrium calcium oxyborate phosphors for structure and luminescence23
A review of major and trace elements in Nile River and Western Red Sea sediments: An approach of geochemistry, pollution, and associated hazards23
Measurement of spectral averaged cross sections of capture reactions in the LR-0 reference neutron field22
Simple new method for labelling of PSMA-11 with 68Ga in NaHCO321
Examination of the parameters affecting of 222Rn emanation for some industrial and environmental samples using gamma-spectroscopy21
A new method for measurement of moisture transport in porous media based on forward and backward scattering of epithermal neutrons21
Non-empirical peak shape methods based on the physical model of the one trap one recombination center model20
Radioactivity estimation of radioactive hotspots using a Compton camera and derivation of dose rates in the surrounding environment20
An experimental approach to determine the gamma radiation interaction mean free path and exposure buildup factor for biomolecules20
Development and evaluation of a radiolabelling agent for white blood cell scans20
Precision measurement of relative γ-ray intensities from the decay 19
Study on the thermoluminescence and optically stimulated luminescence of LiMgPO4:Dy phosphors synthesized by different methods19
Fully automated production of [11C]PiB for clinical use on Trasis-AllinOne synthesizer module19
GIPPE-RPT: Geant4 interface for particle physics experiments applied to Radioactive Particle Tracking19
Study of the transfer of 238U, 232Th and 222Rn radionuclides from soil to cereal plants and root vegetables in a semi-arid area: Resulting radiation doses to rural consumers19
Dosimetric assessment of Gadolinium-159 for hepatic radioembolization: Tomographic images and Monte Carlo simulation19
Isotopic gamma lines for identification of shielding materials19
Comparison between 177Lu-iPSMA and 225Ac-iPSMA dosimetry at a cellular level in an animal bone metastasis model18
Synthesis and photoluminescence characteristics of a novel Eu and Tb doped Li2MoO4 phosphor18
Bone marrow dosimetry for 141Ce-EDTMP as a potential bone pain palliation complex: A Monte Carlo study18
Production of 203Pb from enriched 205Tl using deuteron beams18
Dual application of Polyvinyl Alcohol Glutaraldehyde Methylthymol Blue Fricke hydrogel in clinical practice: Surface dosimeter and bolus18
Comparison of machine learning approaches for radioisotope identification using NaI(TI) gamma-ray spectrum17
Efficiency calculation of proton recoil neutron telescope with relativistic correction for neutron energy 4 to 20 MeV17
Identification of depth location of a radiation source by measurement from only one direction using a Compton camera16
Tabulation of organ dose conversion factors for terrestrial radioactivity monitoring program16
Development and characterization of Staphylococcus aureus-hydrogel-based radiation dosimeter16
Analysis of gamma spectra from burnup measurement in HTR-1016
Development of a TDCR counting system with anti-coincidence detectors15
Evidence of nuclide migration from high-level radioactive waste glass via geogas15
Conceptual design of sandwich walls for shielding against secondary neutrons using MC simulations with FLUKA15
Radiological impact of 226Ra, 232Th and 40K in fodders from Penang, Malaysia15
FeCrNi medium entropy alloys as potential shielding materials for nuclear applications15
Thermoluminescence and optically stimulated luminescence studies of Gypsum for retrospective dosimetry14
Primary and secondary sludge treatment using ionizing radiation technology in Alexandria, Egypt14
Estimation of alpha exposure on CR-39 detector using a UV-VIS spectrophotometer14
Analysis of gamma-ray spectra with spectral unmixing, Part II: Recalibration for the quantitative analysis of HPGe measurements14
Investigation of thermal, acoustic, mechanical, and radiation shielding performance of waste and natural fibers14
Assessing the deviation from the inverse square law for orthovoltage beams with closed-ended applicators Part II: 30 cm FSD applicators14
Adsorption studies of molybdate(VI)–99Mo onto nano zirconium hydroxide gel14
Assessment of radiological hazards from radioactivity natural of cement used in Dwellings in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil13
Characterization of a novel material to be used as bolus in radiotherapy with electrons13
Noninvasive estimation of human radiation dosimetry of 18F-FDG by whole-body small animal PET imaging in rats13
On the gamma radiation response of commercially available 3D printing materials for medical dosimetry13
Investigating methods of normalization for X-ray fluorescence measurements of zinc in nail clippings using the TOPAS Monte Carlo code13
Experimental determination of k and Q values for 121Sb, 123Sb and 130Ba targets applying covariance analysis13
Production of 117mSn and 119mSn by photonuclear reactions on natural antimony13
A series of high-sensitivity radon detection systems and their applications in nitrogen as well as the boil-off liquid nitrogen measurement13
Tafel-analysis of the AP-CITROX decontamination technology of Inconel alloy 69013
Investigations on α-Al12
Intercomparison and performance assessment of radionuclide calibrators used in nuclear medicine departments in Serbia12
Dosimetric characterization of a Nickel complex for routine use in radiation processing12
A comparative analysis of head computed tomography scans protocols and thyroid dosimetry12
Study of the effect of implantation temperature on the migration behaviour of Xe implanted into glassy carbon12
Determination of the uncertainties associated to the use of different nuclear data libraries in the analysis of extended-range rem-meters12
Prospective evaluation of EDXRF for studying the cation exchange membrane separation of Co from Zr in oxalic acid media and comparison with radiotracer experiments12
A study on the treatment of brain tumors with BNCT using several moderators with different thicknesses12
Beta irradiation-induced thermoluminescence: Glow curve analysis and kinetic parameters in combustion-synthesized undoped Ca4YO(BO3)312
Study of a full-digital multi-waveform nuclear pulse signal generator12
Analysis of the spatial-energy distribution of neutrons in the vicinity of formation boundaries: Neutron log examples11
Measurement of the half-life of excited nuclear states using liquid scintillation counting11
Characterization of the secondary neutron field inside a cyclotron for production of radiopharmaceuticals11
Labeling of graphene oxide with [131I]AgI and its stability analysis11
Design of intermittent continuous measurement of radon concentration in water11
Comparison of MCC-MT and EffMAKER software packages for in SITU field measurements with Monte Carlo simulations11
Radioluminescence of cylindrical and flat Ge-doped silica optical fibers for real-time dosimetry applications11
178m2Hf isomer production cross-sections for Ta target irradiated by α-particles in the energy range from 36 to 92 MeV11
Comparison of the distributions of bremsstrahlung X-rays, Cerenkov light, and annihilation radiations for positron emitters11
Simple and rapid quantification of chromium, arsenic, and selenium in bituminous coal samples using a desktop energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence analyzer11
Measurement of LYSO crystal light output and energy resolution improvement with acid etching11
Radioactivity measurement of 85Kr by using anti-cosmic HPGe γ spectrometer11
Gamma-ray spectroscopy with anode pulses of NaI(Tl) detector using a low-cost digitizer system11
Half-life determination of short-lived nuclear levels in 237Np (59.54 keV), 233Pa (86.47 keV) and 227Ac (27.37 keV)11
Proof-of-concept studies of novel protocols for producing highly pure 48V from a 48Cr/48V generator11
Evaluation of factors with potential influence on [18F]FDG radiochemical synthesis yield11
Optimization of the electron beam dump for a GeV-class laser electron accelerator11
Synthesis, optical and thermoluminescence properties of thulium-doped KMgF3 fluoroperovskite10
Simulation of the indirect reaction 92Mo(α, 2n)94Ru→m94Tc using TALYS and GEANT4 nuclear codes10
Fast neutron interrogation of special nuclear material using differential die-away technique10
Application of multipoint dose rate measurement for radioactive inventory estimation in waste drums10
Preparation and characterization of cobalt-60 glass microspheres for radioactive particle tracking applications10
Methods of preparation of microparticles for radioactive particle tracking experiments10
Measurement of the activity and determination of the half-life of 225Ac at POLATOM10
Potential urban threat after a radiological fire event10
Application of gamma-ray spectrometry, neutron multiplicity counting and calorimetry for non-destructive assay of U–Pu mixed samples10
Eye lens dosimetry in Canadian CANDU nuclear power plants based on operational dosimetric quantities H10
GEANT4 based simulation study of converter and direct target design and optimization of target for 99Mo production using 30 MeV electron linear accelerator10
A real-time multi-function digital coincidence spectrometer for neutron copper activation diagnostics10
MCNPX computational modeling applied to the potential dose rates calculation of cargo scanning10
Gamma spectrometry analysis of radioiodine in charcoal from high volume aerosol samples10
Evaluation of nuclear reaction cross sections for optimization of production of the non-standard positron emitting radionuclide 90Nb using proton induced reactions on Zr target10
X-band TE101 rectangular aperture cavity for in vivo EPR tooth dosimetry after radiation emergency10
Dosimetric evaluation of radiopharmaceuticals in kidneys and uterine wall of a woman with early pregnancy using Stabin/Segars representations10
The Kβ/Kα X-ray intensity ratios of Cu and Ag in Cu–Ag thin alloy films10
Activity standardisation of 177Lu10
Suitability of nanoparticles for gamma-ray applications10
Measurement of the 145Sm half-life10
Investigation of aqueous phase dynamics in a uranium stripping unit using radioactive tracer9
Maximum detection distances for gamma emitting point sources in mobile gamma spectrometry9
Investigation the effect of a magnetic field on the dose distribution of I-125, Ir-192, Yb-169, and Co-60 brachytherapy sources by Monte Carlo simulation9
The irradiated fuel-burnup experiment of Tehran Research Reactor using nondestructive gamma-ray spectroscopy9
Measurement of the 599
Regulating alpha-emitting radioisotopes and specific considerations for actinium-225 containing actinium-2279
Spectrum averaged cross section measurements of lutetium using standard 252Cf neutron source9
A new generation of scintillation detectors with identification of events undergoing multiple interactions for gamma-ray imaging and spectroscopy9
Production cross sections of 52Mn in alpha-particle-induced reactions on natural vanadium9
Evaluation of artificial neural network designs for Gafchromic™ film calibration with Tc-99m and digital photos9
Precise conversion electron intensities of low energy gamma transitions for efficiency calibration of electron detectors9
Thickness dependence of the response of metal-dioxide-based micromechanical sensors for sensitive gamma-ray detection9
A Monte Carlo simulation for studying grid inefficiency of Frisch grid ionization chamber9
Numerical estimation of calibration matrices for 241Am measurements using HPGe based in-vivo monitoring system9
Isomeric cross sections of the (n, α) reactions on the 90Zr, 93Nb and 92Mo isotopes measured for 13.73 MeV–14.77 MeV and estimated for 10 MeV–20 MeV neutron energies9
Relationships between natural radionuclides activity concentration in soils of the State of Alagoas, Brazil and WRB/FAO soil classification, types of parental rocks and rainfall variability9
Collimator and energy window optimization for YTTRIUM-90 bremsstrahlung SPECT imaging9
Effect of iodinated radiographic contrast media on radioimmunoassay for measuring thyroid hormones9
Preliminary study on the thermally stimulated luminescence characterization of UVC and beta irradiated tridymite9
Linac natW target close-in geometry photoneutron study by nuclear track distribution function9
Studies of thermoluminescence kinetic parameters of polymer pencil lead graphite under photon exposures8
Editorial Board8
Investigating the air kerma rate constant for 241Am through first principle calculations and simulation8
Thermoluminescent characterization and defect studies of graphite-rich media under high dose neutron exposure8
Uncertainty and detection limits of 241Pu determination by liquid scintillation counting (LSC)8
Effective atomic numbers of boron compounds obtained using Rayleigh to compton scattering intensity ratio8
Studies on irradiated photovoltaic cells by proton beam in a plasma focus device8
Neutron collimator optimization for 14.1 MeV DT neutrons using Monte Carlo and Genetic algorithms8
Effective removal of 137Cs ions from radioactive wastewater by Melamine-Styrene based Polymer (MSP)8
Synthesis, characterization and thermoluminescence properties of LiCaPO4 phosphor for ionizing radiation dosimetry8
Solid-phase isotope harvesting of 88Zr from a radioactive ion beam facility8
Preliminary study on forgery identification of Hetian Jade with Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis8
Neutron spectrometry of D2O-moderated 252Cf with Bonner sphere spectrometer8
New semi-empirical formulae for (n,d) cross sections at 14–15 MeV8
Using 137Cs measurements to estimate soil erosion rates in forest stands affected by wildfires. Results from plot experiments8
Optimization and shielding design of a thermal neutron device based on D-D neutron generator with Geant4 toolkit8
Estimation of radon excess lung cancer near some dumpsites in, Lagos, Nigeria8
Preparation and study of radiation shielding features of ZnO nanoparticle reinforced borate glasses8
Neutron activation analysis of sediments of the Padma River adjacent to Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant: Elemental and multivariate statistical approach8
Fundamental limitations of dual energy X-ray scanners for cargo content atomic number discrimination8
Proposing an intelligent technique based on radial basis function neural network to forecast the energy spectrum of diagnostic X-ray imaging systems8
Interlaboratory comparison exercises for organically-bound tritium in the development of reference materials of environmental samples8
Design and construction of a 9 MeV γ-ray source based on capture of 8
Effects of combining some theoretical models in the cross-section calculations of some alpha-induced reactions for natSb8
Preparation of [68Ga]Ga-Chloride from 68Zn solid target for the synthesis of pharmaceutical grade [68Ga]Ga-PSMA-11 and [68Ga]Ga-DOTA-TATE8
ResNet and CycleGAN for pulse shape discrimination of He-4 detector pulses: Recovering pulses conventional algorithms fail to label unanimously8
Development of a real-time neutron beam detector for boron neutron capture therapy using a thin silicon sensor8
Development of a secondary standard ionization chamber for environmental level ambient dose equivalent measurement7
Development of a novel low-pressure scintillation cell with ZnS(Ag)-coated clapboard for Rn-220 measurement7
A density correction method for radioactive waste drum based on SRGS technology7
Comparison of different approaches of soil sampling uncertainty determination7
Acceleration analysis of repetitive multi-MeV ion beams from pulsed plasmas7
Intercomparison of neutron personal dose equivalent measured by thermoluminescence dosimeters7
Photonuclear production of medical radioisotopes 161Tb and 155Tb7
Systematic analysis of (n,3He) reaction cross sections at 14–15 MeV7
Editorial Board7
Simulation of radon detection efficiency with small pulse ionization chamber based on Geant47
Measurement of energy and directional distribution of neutron ambient dose equivalent for the 7
Radioactivity levels, soil-to-grass and grass-to-milk transfer factor of natural radionuclides from grazing area in Erbil governorate, Iraq7
A method to overcome the saturation of real-time radon detectors used in high natural radiation regions7
Modeling and assessment of radioactive iodine dispersion inside Egyptian radioisotope production facility7
Measurement of talc in flour by the prompt-gamma ray neutron activation analysis method7
Absolute emission intensities of the gamma rays from the decay of 224Ra and 212Pb progenies and the half-life of the 212 Pb decay7
Analysis of the relationship between global breast density and maximum points of breast density in a sample of Brazilian women7
Tritium labelling of two potent dopamine D2 receptor agonists at high specific activity7
Natural radioactivity for soil samples in primary schools at Najaf city, Iraq7
Activity standardization and half-life measurement of 177Lu7
Defect detection enhancement using Gaussian Sparse Models7
Standardization of Rn-222 concentration using the multi-electrode proportional counter7
A new determination of the 68Ga half-life and evaluation of literature data7
Primary standardization and half-life determination of 27
Effective radiation doses in pediatric PET/CT examinations: Pilot study7
Decision threshold as a gauge of the measurement quality in gamma-ray spectrometric measurements7
Production and characterization of a 222Rn-emanating stainless steel source7
Comparison between the theoretical and experimental values of transition rate B(E2), deformation parameters and intrinsic quadrupole moments for some Ti isotopes7
Analysis of a neutron-induced conversion electron spectrum of gadolinium7
Editorial Board7
Simulation of particle release for Diffusing Alpha-Emitters Radiation Therapy7
Initial phase of Pu-238 production in Idaho National Laboratory6
Proficiency test data interpretation and data rejection6
Cyclotron-produced 68Ga from enriched 68Zn foils6
Fabrication and characterization of GdxFe2O3(100-x) /PVA (x=0, 5, 10, 20) composite films for radiation shielding6
Neutron guide optimization for the Moroccan PGAA system6
Diagnostic reference level for adult pelvic examination in several hospitals of Taif and Kharaj city, Saudi Arabia6
Defect-mediated photoluminescence enhancement in ZnO/ITO via MeV Cu++ ion irradiation6
Radon surveys and effectiveness of remedial actions in spas on the Ischia island (Italy)6
Mapping of surface radiogenic heat production from in situ gamma spectrometry and chemical data of exhumed mantle peridotites at the St. Peter and St. Paul archipelago (equatorial Atlantic)6
Investigation of activation cross-sections of deuteron induced reactions on ruthenium up to 50 MeV6
Comparison of MCNPX and FLUKA Monte Carlo codes in the simulating a nuclear gauge6
Development of a movable 4πβ(LS)−γ coincidence counting system for activity standardization of β−γ emitters6
An artificial neural network based approach for estimating the density of liquid applied in gamma transmission and gamma scattering techniques6
A simple method for measuring electron drift velocity in gases using grid ionization chamber6
An electrochemical technique for fabrication of Mn-54 sources towards characterization of gamma counting nuclear instruments6
A method validation for determining gross alpha-beta activity concentration in water samples using LSC6
Analysis of [11C]Choline and [13N]Ammonia using a single HPIC method6
Shielding features of seven types on natural quartz6
Design of SPECT for BNCT to measure local boron dose with GAGG scintillator6
Investigating variation of dose gradient index by different grid sizes in intensity-modulated radiation therapy of optic nerve sheath meningioma6
Effectiveness and efficiency of electron beam in comparison with gamma rays and ethyl methane sulfonate mutagens in cowpea6
Development and validation of a kit formulation of [68Ga]Ga-P15-041 as a bone imaging agent6
Natural radioactivity levels in some vegetable crops under greenhouse conditions6
Optimization of alkali fusion process for determination of I-129 in solidified radwastes by neutron activation6
Adsorption of thorium (IV) ions by metal ion doped ZnO nanomaterial prepared with combustion synthesis: Empirical modelling and process optimization by response surface methodology (RSM)6
Investigation of a new approach for 36Cl determination in solid samples using plastic scintillators6
Estimation of radioactivity and dose equivalent rate by combining Compton imaging and Monte Carlo radiation transport code6
Comparison between MCNP and planning system in brachytherapy of cervical cancer6
Gross alpha/beta and radionuclide activity concentrations in soil, plant and some fruits around the Tehran Research Reactor6
On the photomultiplier-tube asymmetry in liquid scintillation counters for the CIEMAT/NIST efficiency tracing method6
Dosimetric characteristics of Gd-doped silica glass subjected to neutron and gamma irradiations6
Application of liquid scintillation light guide (LSLG) to scattered X-ray measurement from dental panoramic radiography system6
Removal of Eu3+ from simulated aqueous solutions by synthesis of a new composite adsorbent material6
Production of Co-58m in a siphon-style liquid target on a medical cyclotron6
A simplified method and a web-based application for the estimation of liquid and solid radioactive waste produced by in vitro nuclear medicine laboratories6
Error detection using EPID-based 3D in vivo dose verification for lung stereotactic body radiotherapy6
Simultaneous quantitative analysis of 3H and 14C radionuclides in aqueous samples via artificial neural network with a liquid scintillation counter6
Simple and efficient method for producing high radionuclidic purity 111In using enriched 112Cd target6
Assessment of absorbed dose for Zr-89, Sm-153 and Lu-177 medical radioisotopes: IDAC-Dose2.1 and OLINDA experience6
Occupational and patients effective radiation doses in dental imaging6
A heavy-ion production channel of 149Tb via 63Cu bombardment of 89Y6
The behavior of the 210Pb during the recycling of selected waste in the metallurgical industry6
Characterization of thermal neutron distribution of an Am–Be neutron source setup by CdZnTe detector6
Performance estimation of lead-free dual-layered shielding in dismantling of steam generator: A Monte-Carlo simulation study6
Evaluation of the detection limit of net count in peak for the energy spectrum of CZT detector6
Optimization of the epithermal neutronic beam for BNCT at a 22 MW MTR reactor6
137Cs activity concentration in soil of Alagoas State, Brazil.6
Mutagenic effectiveness and efficiency of gamma rays and combinations with EMS in the induction of macro mutations in blackgram (Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper)6
Effects of the uncertainty contributions on the methods used for measurement uncertainty evaluation6
Fluorescence intensity ratio for BaHfO3:Eu3+ temperature sensor6
Evolution of traceable radon emanation sources from MBq to few Bq6
Editorial Board6
Design and assembly of an XY-type beam current monitor for cyclotron accelerators6
Development of ultralow-background cryogenic calorimeters for the measurement of surface  6
A robust lyophilized kit for convenient one-step formulation of [68Ga]Ga-DOTA-E−[c(RGDfK)]2 in hospital radiopharmacy for clinical PET imaging6
Study of two-layer tapered depth of interaction PET detector6