International Business Review

(The median citation count of International Business Review is 6. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Research on international business: The new realities144
Micro-foundational ambidexterity and multinational enterprises: A systematic review and a conceptual framework83
Nurturing International Business research through Global Value Chains literature: A review and discussion of future research opportunities79
A bibliometric analysis of family firm internationalization research: Current themes, theoretical roots, and ways forward75
Using the Gioia Methodology in international business and entrepreneurship research73
The integrated use of social media, digital, and traditional communication tools in the B2B sales process of international SMEs72
Is marketing agility important for emerging market firms in advanced markets?69
New OLI advantages in digital globalization69
International entrepreneurship and the internationalization phenomenon: taking stock, looking ahead68
How do cultural values influence entrepreneurial behavior of nations? A behavioral reasoning approach58
Advancing knowledge on emerging markets: Past and future research in perspective55
COVID-19 and business renewal: Lessons and insights from the global airline industry54
Where does ESG pay? The role of national culture in moderating the relationship between ESG performance and financial performance51
The micro-foundations of strategic ambidexterity: Chinese cross-border M&As, Mid-View thinking and integration management51
A multi-theory framework for understanding the reshoring decision49
Innovation performance: The effect of knowledge-based dynamic capabilities in cross-country innovation ecosystems49
Microfoundations of network exploration and exploitation capabilities in international opportunity recognition48
Post-entry internationalization speed of SMEs: The role of relational mechanisms and foreign market knowledge47
Advanced technologies and international business: A multidisciplinary analysis of the literature47
The indirect effect of online marketing capabilities on the international performance of e-commerce SMEs46
Digital power: Value chain upgrading in an age of digitization45
Foreign direct investment and entrepreneurship: Does the role of institutions matter?44
Global value chains and the environmental sustainability of emerging market firms: A systematic review of literature and research agenda43
Rapid internationalization and exit of exporters: The role of digital platforms42
Connecting big data management capabilities with employee ambidexterity in Chinese multinational enterprises through the mediation of big data value creation at the employee level42
Gender equality's impact on female directors’ efficacy: A multi-country study41
Antecedents to differentiation strategy in the exporting SME40
Servant leadership, CSR perceptions, moral meaningfulness and organizational identification- evidence from the Middle East38
Home country institutional impediments and international expansion of developing country SMEs38
Unpacking the effect of strategic ambidexterity on performance: A cross-country comparison of MMNEs developing product-service innovation38
How and when does co-production facilitate eco-innovation in international buyer-supplier relationships? The role of environmental innovation ambidexterity and institutional pressures37
The hunt for international legitimacy: Examining the relationship between internationalization, state ownership, location and CSR reporting of Russian firms37
Emerging market multinationals’ firm-specific advantages, institutional distance, and foreign acquisition location choice34
Liability of emergingness and EMNEs’ cross-border acquisition completion: A legitimacy perspective33
Innovation and export performance of emerging market enterprises: The roles of state and foreign ownership in China32
International market exit by firms: Misalignment of strategy with the foreign market risk environment31
The efficacy of marketing skills and market responsiveness in marketing performance of emerging market exporting firms in advanced markets: The moderating role of competitive intensity31
A co-evolution perspective of EMNE internationalization and institutions: An integrative framework of 5Cs31
Micro-foundations of organizational design and sustainability: The mediating role of learning ambidexterity31
MNE-NGO partnerships for sustainability and social responsibility in the global fast-fashion industry: A loose-coupling perspective30
Digitalization, internationalization, and firm performance: A resource-orchestration perspective on new OLI advantages30
Global value chain linkages: An integrative review of the opportunities and challenges for SMEs in developing countries29
Strategic decision-making processes, international environmental munificence and the accelerated internationalization of SMEs29
Predictive and effectual decision-making in high-tech international new ventures – A matter of sequential ambidexterity29
Does foreign direct investment promote institutional development in Africa?28
Strategic ambidexterity and innovation in Chinese multinational vs. indigenous firms: The role of managerial capability27
International business, innovation and ambidexterity: A micro-foundational perspective27
Intra and inter-country comparative effects of symbolic motivations on luxury purchase intentions in emerging markets27
A South-South perspective on emerging economy companies and institutional coevolution: An empirical study of Chinese multinationals in Africa26
Strategic ambidexterity and its performance implications for emerging economies multinationals26
Harmonization of firm CSR policies across national contexts: Evidence from Brazil & Sweden25
Responses of FDI to geopolitical risks: The role of governance, information, and technology24
Strategic agility of SMEs in emerging economies: Antecedents, consequences and boundary conditions24
Informal interorganizational business relationships and customer loyalty: Comparing Guanxi, Yongo, and Wasta24
Risk management, legitimacy, and the overseas subsidiary performance of emerging market MNEs24
Co-evolution of emerging economy MNEs and institutions: A literature review24
The transformation of national patents for high-technology exports: Moderating effects of national cultures23
Transfer of corporate governance practices into weak emerging market environments by foreign institutional investors23
Managing international joint ventures to improve performance: The role of structural and social mechanisms23
Coping with complexity by making trust an important dimension in governance and coordination23
Pro-market institutions and outward FDI of emerging market firms: An institutional arbitrage logic23
Digitally immersive, international entrepreneurial experiences22
Exploring reverse knowledge transfer and asset augmentation strategy by developed country MNEs: Case study evidence from the Indian pharmaceutical industry22
A vulnerable victim or a tacit participant? Extending the field of multinationals and corruption research22
The effect of inward FDI on outward FDI over time in China: A contingent and dynamic perspective22
International business education: What we know and what we have yet to develop22
The effects of competition policy, regulatory quality and trust on inward FDI in host countries21
Mapping the evolution, current state of affairs and future research direction of managing cross-border knowledge for innovation21
Thirty years of International Business Review and International Business Research21
Multinational enterprises and structural transformation in emerging and developing countries: A survey of the literature21
Entrepreneurial orientation, export channel selection, and export performance of SMEs21
Support for corporate social responsibility among generation Y consumers in advanced versus emerging markets20
MNEs and the practice of international business diplomacy19
Unpacking the impact of innovation ambidexterity on export performance: Microfoundations and infrastructure investment19
Environmental sustainability practices and offshoring activities of multinational corporations across emerging and developed markets18
A longitudinal micro-foundational investigation into ambidextrous practices in an international alliance context–A case of a biopharma EMNE18
Experience as a catalyst of export destinations: The ambidextrous connection between international experience and past entrepreneurial experience18
Unleashing the dynamics of product-market ambidexterity in the pursuit of international opportunities: Insights from emerging market firms18
International opportunity development on crowdfunding platforms: A spatial, temporal, and structural framework17
Expatriates on the run: The psychological effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on expatriates’ host country withdrawal intentions17
Does parenting matter in subsidiary innovation in emerging economies? Exploring the role of parent superior competitiveness in affecting subsidiary contextual ambidexterity17
The effects of business- and non-business-targeting terrorism on FDI to the MENA region: The moderating role of political regime17
Coevolution of home country support and internationalization of emerging market firms17
Open innovation: Are absorptive and desorptive capabilities complementary?17
How does Industry 4.0 affect international exposure? The interplay between firm innovation and home-country policies in post-offshoring relocation decisions17
Nationality biases in peer evaluations: The country-of-origin effect in global virtual teams17
Sources of knowledge and process innovation: The moderating role of perceived competitive intensity17
CEO gender, institutional context and firm exports17
Heuristic decision-making in firm internationalization: The influence of context-specific experience17
Interplay between dual dimensions of knowledge sharing within globalized chaebols: The moderating effects of organization size and global environmental munificence17
Top management team’s formal network and international expansion of Chinese firms: The moderating role of state ownership and political ties16
Focused and ambidextrous catch-up strategies of emerging economy multinationals16
Gaijin invasion? A resource dependence perspective on foreign ownership and foreign directors16
The bargaining power, value capture, and export performance of Vietnamese manufacturers in global value chains16
The paradox and change of Russian cultural values15
Gender discrimination and lending to women: The moderating effect of an international founder15
Developing brand identities for international new ventures under uncertainty: Decision-making logics and psychic distance15
Intellectual property rights protection and total factor productivity15
Assessing the effects of policies on China’s outward foreign direct investment15
Institutional voids, liability of origin, and presence of women in TMT of emerging market multinationals15
Do Chinese firms benefit from government ownership following cross-border acquisitions?14
Performance feedback and export intensity of Chinese private firms: Moderating roles of institution-related factors14
Conceptualizing cross-country analyses of family firms: A systematic review and future research agenda14
Becoming a small multinational enterprise: Four multinationalization strategies for SMEs14
Challenges confronting the ‘One Belt One Road’ initiative: Social networks and cross-cultural adjustment in CPEC projects14
The effects of subsidiary’s leadership and entrepreneurship on international marketing knowledge transfer and new product development14
The influence of Islamic Work Ethic on employees’ responses to change in Kuwaiti Islamic banks14
Social support abroad: How do self-initiated expatriates gain support through their social networks?14
Performance feedback and location choice of foreign direct investment14
Linking inward/outward FDI and exploitation/exploration strategies: Development of a framework for SMEs14
Business group affiliation and SMEs’ international sales intensity and diversification: A multi-country study14
Willingness to work for multinational enterprises from emerging countries: The case of Chinese multinational enterprises in the Netherlands14
Ambidexterity in MNC knowledge sourcing in emerging economies: A microfoundational perspective14
Performance shortfalls and outward foreign direct investment by MNE subsidiaries: Evidence from China13
Consequences of deindustrialisation for globalisation: Insights for international business13
Individual responses to competing institutional logics in emerging markets13
Outsidership, network positions and cooperation among internationalizing SMEs: An industry evolutionary perspective13
Influence of Chinese managerial soft power on African skills development13
Heterogeneity in OFDI by EMNEs: Drivers and trends of Chinese and Indian firms13
Translating strategy into action: The importance of an agile mindset and agile slack in international business13
The Tech Cold War, the multipolarization of the world economy, and IB research13
Corporate reactions to the fracturing of the global economy12
Small firms’ non-market strategies in response to dysfunctional institutional settings of emerging markets12
The micro-foundation of ambidextrous opportunity identification in international expansion12
Network embeddedness, headquarters entrepreneurial orientation, and MNE international performance12
Host country’s environmental uncertainty, technological capability, and foreign market entry mode: Evidence from high-end equipment manufacturing MNEs in emerging markets12
Co-evolutions in global decoupling: Learning from the global semiconductor industry12
Is it a sententious claim? An examination of the quality of occupational health, safety and well-being disclosures in global reporting initiative reports across industries and countries12
The choice of master international franchising – A modified transaction cost model11
Stuck at the bottom: Role of tacit and explicit knowledge on innovation of developing-country suppliers in global value chains11
Entry mode diversity and closing commercial deals with international customers: The moderating role of advanced servitization11
Outward foreign direct investment and green innovation in Chinese multinational companies11
Dynamic managerial capability portfolios in early internationalising firms11
Multilevel trust in international marketing of healthcare services: A five-country comparative study11
The institutional context as a source of heterogeneity in family firm internationalization strategies: A comparison between U.S. and emerging market family firms11
Managing global knowledge transfer: Inpatriate manager embeddedness and firm innovation11
Investigating the causal configurations of cost-efficient firms at the bottom of the pyramid11
Investigating the impact of consumers’ patriotism and ethnocentrism on purchase intention: Moderating role of consumer guilt and animosity11
Foreign subsidiaries as vehicles of industry 4.0: The case of foreign subsidiaries in a post-transition economy10
Rethinking guanxi and performance: Understanding the dark side of Sino–U.S. business relationships10
More than just empathy: The influence of moral emotions on boycott participation regarding products sourced from politically contentious regions10
The impact of industry 4.0 on the 2017 version of the Uppsala model10
Engaging informal institutions through corporate political activity: Capabilities for subnational embeddedness in emerging economies10
International network formation, home market institutional support and post-entry performance of international new ventures10
Portfolio characteristics of outward foreign direct investment and dynamic performance of emerging economy firms: An option portfolio perspective10
Business resilience: Lessons from government responses to the global COVID-19 crisis10
Formal and informal influences of the state on OFDI of hybrid state-owned enterprises in China10
Using interdisciplinary lenses to enrich the treatment of culture in international business10
CEO compensation, governance structure, and foreign direct investment in conflict-prone countries10
Multinational subsidiaries and green innovation10
Bringing Nordic Slush to Asia: Entrepreneurial internationalization of an NGO as a social movement10
Neither developed nor emerging: Dual paths for outward FDI and home country innovation in emerged market MNCs9
A systematic review of the relationship between international diversification and innovation: A firm-level perspective9
Strategic responses to extreme institutional challenges: An MNE case study in the Palestinian mobile phone sector9
Intermediate units in multinational corporations: A resource dependency view on coordinative versus entrepreneurial roles9
COVID-19 and corporate tax avoidance: International evidence9
CSR and stakeholder salience in MNE subsidiaries in emerging markets9
Internationalization of business angel investments: The role of investor experience9
Argonauts and Icaruses: Social networks and dynamics of nascent international entrepreneurs9
Mitigating transaction risk for cross-border e-commerce firms: A multiagent-based simulation study9
A taxonomy of back-shoring initiatives in the US8
Facilitator or inhibitor? The effect of host-country intellectual property rights protection on China’s technology-driven acquisitions8
International gatekeepers: How to integrate domestic networks and international relations8
Taking two to tango: A comparative nationalism view of cross-border acquisitions8
International entrepreneurial SMEs in the muslim world: The role of religion in the GCC countries8
Exploring and investigating sustainable international business practices by MNEs in emerging markets8
Unveiling the global focus-performance relationship in family firms: The role of the board of directors8
Disentangling the effects of domestic corporate political activity and political connections on firms’ internationalisation: Evidence from US retail MNEs8
Market entry into new export markets: When are firms more likely to imitate their competitors’ market presence?8
Role of opportunity creation between reconfiguration and innovation: Insights from emerging market international new ventures8
Religion and foreign direct investment8
The growing popularity of spiritual brands: What drives purchase intent?8
Achieving value co-creation through cooperation in international joint ventures: A two-level perspective8
Desire, need, and obligation: Examining commitment to luxury brands in emerging markets7
How the spatial dispersion and size of country networks shape the geographic distance that firms add during international expansion7
Family-centred non-economic goals and the internationalisation of family firms: Evidence from Australia7
From travel to virtual work: The transitional experiences of global workers during Covid-197
Comprehending the outward FDI from Latin America and OCED: A comparative perspective7
Springboard internationalisation in times of geopolitical tensions7
Resource curse impacts on the co-evolution of emerging economy institutions and firm internationalization7
Overcoming informal barriers to trade: Immigrant educational attainment vs. network competence7
Crossing borders and boundaries: Translation ecosystems in international business7
Do interlocks by different types of directors affect the nature of internationalization strategy of emerging market multinationals?7
Rethinking cross-border mobile payment ecosystems: A process study of mobile payment platform complementors, network effect holes and ecosystem modules7
Home-owned versus foreign-owned firms in the UK automotive industry: Exploring the microfoundations of ambidextrous production and supply chain positioning6
CEOs’ regulatory focus and firm internationalization: The moderating effects of CEO overconfidence, narcissism and career horizon6
Performance appraisal and MNEs: The impact of different capitalist archetypes6
The internationalization of social enterprises: The impact of business model characteristics6
The role of CSR committee characteristics on R&D investments6
Historical social network analysis: Advancing new directions for international business research6
Founding entrepreneur’s dilemma: Stay or exit the firm following an acquisition? An international comparison6
Is there an advantage of emergingness? A politico-regulatory perspective6
Auditor realignment, voluntary SOX 404 adoption, and internal control material weakness remediation: Further evidence from U.S.-listed foreign firms6
Organizational legitimacy of emerging multinational enterprises: An individual perspective6
Do technology-focused fast internationalizers’ performance measures change as they mature?6
The demands of populism on business and the creation of “corporate political obligations”6
Negotiation beliefs: Comparing Americans and the Chinese6
A theoretical and empirical investigation into investment activities of technologically-intensive Chinese state-owned enterprises in the UK6
Language and identity in the shadow: A multi-case study of a Japanese multinational corporation6
Board member age, stock seasoning and the evolution of capital structure in Chinese firms6
Proximity at a distance: The relationship between foreign subsidiary co-location and MNC headquarters board interlock formation6