Drugs-Education Prevention and Policy

(The TQCC of Drugs-Education Prevention and Policy is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Effects on secondary outcomes of the Brazilian version of the European unplugged drug use prevention program: drug knowledge, intention predictors, and life skill competencies32
Beyond the dark web: navigating the risks of cannabis supply over the surface web18
How injectable opioid agonist treatment (iOAT) care could be improved? service providers and stakeholders’ perspectives16
Residential treatment and its role in recovery pathways for people with addictions in France: the residents’ point of view15
‘The gear could be cut with fentanyl which is starting to happen more in Australia’: exploring overdose survivors’ perspectives on toxic supply and safe consumption13
“Something wasn’t right”—parents of children with drug problems looking back at how the troubles first began10
Tobacco, e-cigarette and alcohol content in popular UK soap operas: a content analysis to explore changes in social norms and scene location10
Prevalence and associated factors of binge drinking among high school students in Acapulco, Mexico: a cross-sectional study10
Libido as a motivator for starting and restarting non-prescribed anabolic androgenic steroid use among men: a mixed-methods study10
Comment to Koning et al.: implementation of the Icelandic prevention model: a critical discussion of its worldwide transferability9
An unknown invisible intrusion. Impact of an adult family member’s problematic substance use on family life: a meta-ethnography9
High time for the development of gendered interventions to prevent young people driving after cannabis use: evidence from Canada’s National Cannabis Survey9
The attitude of attorneys toward substance users and referral of offenders for drug treatment in southern Nigeria9
Diversifying and enriching theoretical approaches to the interdisciplinary study of alcohol and other drug use8
HIV knowledge and risk behaviors among people who inject heroin in Colombia8
The shift from face-to-face to remote care during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative survey analysis of users of UK drug and alcohol services8
‘Saving the youth’: Children and young people as moral subjects in the Philippines’ punitive drug regime8
Factors associated with intimate partner violence and barriers to reporting it, among female who use drugs in Malaysia8
Fitness professionals’ perceptions of acceptability and usability of anti-doping education tools for recreational sports8
Recovering assemblages: unfolding sociomaterial relations of drug use and recovery8
The impact of a continuum model of alcohol problems on clinical practice: a double-edged sword? Commentary on Morris et al. ‘Should we promote alcohol problems as a continuum? Implications for policy 8
Exploring cultural dynamics of Black Asian Minority Ethnic (BAME) women in addiction recovery: a comparison of three women from different ethnic backgrounds8
Patterns of opioid misuse initiation among African-Americans7
Contraceptive choice and power amongst women receiving opioid replacement therapy: qualitative study7
A continuum model of alcohol use and problems can advance public health goals without undermining treatment agendas. Reply to commentaries7
The green shift? Narratives of changing cannabis policies and identity-work among Norwegian adolescents7
Recovery and identity: a five-year follow-up of persons treated in 12-step-related programs6
‘It’s not 9 to 5 recovery’: the role of a recovery community in producing social bonds that support recovery6
Exploring digital news, advocacy networks and social media campaigns ‘for’ and ‘against’ cannabis legalisation during New Zealand’s cannabis legalisation referendum6
A gender-focused multilevel analysis of how country, regional and individual level factors relate to harm from others’ drinking6
Race/ethnicity and contexts: associations of racial/ethnic discrimination with underage youth’s alcohol use and drinking contexts6
‘It’s like a safety haven’: considerations for the implementation of managed alcohol programs in Scotland6
Nonmedical prescription drug use among female adolescents: the relative influence of maternal factors, social norms, and perceptions of risk and availability6
“I would never go to the doctor and speak about steroids”: Anabolic androgenic steroids, stigma and harm5
Assessing public health messaging about cannabis edibles: perspectives from canadian young adults5
Bereaved siblings’ stories of drug-related death5
Values in drug policy documents: applying Schwartz’s values theory to the report of the Special Commission of Inquiry into the Drug ‘Ice’ (NSW)5
“They’re doing it anyway, let’s have a conversation about it”: exploring student and stakeholder attitudes towards drug education programmes for university students5
“Emerging anabolic androgenic steroid markets; the prominence of social media”5
Public and semi-public injection drug use in Thunder Bay, Ontario: the case for supervised injection services4
Reconfiguring Drinking Cultures, Gender, and Transgressive Selves4
Cannabis users andHomo Sovieticus. Stigma, culture, and delegitimization in Riga, Latvia4
Women in transgression: why we still need to move beyond traditional gender roles in policy surrounding women who undertake substance use and sex work4
Exploring essential components of addiction recovery: a qualitative study across assisted and unassisted recovery pathways4
“Now I like to know what I smoke”—differentiated cannabis normalization in Polish online discussions4
Whitewashing psychedelics: racial equity in the emerging field of psychedelic-assisted mental health research and treatment4
Sexual agency as situational: moving beyond neoliberal understandings of sexual agency when investigating young people’s alcohol intoxicated sexual encounters3
‘Sustaining masculinity’: a scoping review of anabolic androgenic steroid use by older males3
Elaborating the association of age at first drink with risky drinking: results from a cross-sectional survey3
Factors contributing to frequent police contact among young people: a multivariate analysis including homelessness, community visibility, and drug use in British Columbia, Canada3
Adapting to changing risk environments: examining overdose risk and socio-spatial patterns of unstably housed people who use drugs during converging public health crises3
Is start time a risk factor for amounts consumed on a given day if drinking duration is taken into account? An event-level study3
Sexualized drug use, risky sexual behaviors, and prevention strategies among gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men3
A psilocybin haven: the use of comparison to legitimate transgression at a psychedelic retreat3
The hunt for a job: narrating the process of gaining employment for people in recovery from lives dominated by drug use3
Drug policy3
Law, drugs and the politics of childhood: from protection to punishment3
Anti-Doping research: What is left to do?3
Just have this come from their prescription pad: the medicalization of safer supply from the perspectives of health planners in BC, Canada3
Morality boundary work in the making of the needle and syringe exchange program in Stockholm3
Thinking and drinking: associations between momentary thoughts and alcohol consumption during COVID-19 lockdown3
If cannabis use is increasing among workers what are the implications for policy? A secondary analysis of a nationally representative Australian dataset3
The role of social mechanisms of change in women’s addiction recovery trajectories3
A longitudinal study of behavioural outcomes following a visit to the Boom Festival 2018 drug checking service: individual and group level results3
Harm reduction as “moral improvisation”: the role of frontline drug workers within Hong Kong’s abstinence-based drug policy3
Reviewing the anti-doping policy of India: missing the wood for the trees?3
Understanding the impact of COVID-19 on tobacco and nicotine use among young adults identified as sexual and gender minorities: a mixed methods approach2
Implementation of alcohol minimum unit pricing (MUP): a qualitative study with small retailers2
Media constructions of an illegal drug: the link between cannabis and organized crime in Swedish newspapers2
Cognitive enhancing drug use amongst students in (neoliberal) higher education: a functional response2
Connected and consuming: applying a deep learning algorithm to quantify alcoholic beverage prevalence in user-generated instagram images2
Research handbook on international drug policy2
“I straight up criminalized myself on messenger”: law enforcement risk management among people who buy and sell drugs on social media2
Perspectives of community leaders/members on factors hindering alcohol regulation in Nigeria2
Performing solidarity? A scoping review of alcohol marketing to sexual and gender minorities2
Impact of participation in a peer-led overdose program for people who use drugs2
Diversion or death? The moral framework shaping bifurcated punishments for drug offences in Indonesia2
Anabolic androgenic steroid use population size estimation: a first stage study utilising a Delphi exercise2
The experiences of family members attending an online addiction education program: a qualitative study2
Review of intoxication: an ethnography of effervescent revelry Review of intoxication: an ethnography of effervescent revelry , by Tutenges Sébastien, Rutgers University2
Exploring patterns of polysubstance use among young adults: a latent profile analysis2
Self-detoxification, embodiment and masculinity: a qualitative analysis of dependent heroin users’ experiences of coming off drugs in prison2
Accessing drug treatment programs in Atlantic Canada: the experiences of people who use substances2
Accurate yet problematic: the divided sentiments regarding brain-based addiction by professionals in the Finnish service system2
Toward a positive psychology of psychoactive drug use2
Harnessing the global expertise in drug use and drug prevention in physical activity settings: results from the Anabolic Steroid Prevention Survey2
Neither laissez-faire nor prohibition:the khat regulation policy preferences of people who chew khat and local social service providers in Ethiopia2
Purposeful play: exploring a bar-based, anti-tobacco intervention for young adults2
‘It maybe doesn’t seem much, but to me it’s my kingdom’: staff and client experiences of Housing First in Scotland2
Police officer perceptions towards drug liberalization policies in the context of an overdose crisis in British Columbia, Canada2
User perspectives on outreach opioid substitution treatment among street-entrenched people who use drugs in Denmark2
Needle exchange practitioners accounts of delivering harm reduction advice for chemsex: implications for policy and practice2
Substance use and the Sustainable Development Goals: will development bring greater problems?2
Implementing drug checking as an illicit drug market intervention within the supply chain in a Canadian setting2
The Psychedelic Social Club: a regulatory concept for people who use psychedelics?2
Cannabis education resources for parents: an environmental scan and critical content analysis in the context of legalization2
Alcohol use in adolescence: a qualitative longitudinal study of mediators for drinking and non-drinking2
Professional education to reduce provider stigma toward harm reduction and pharmacotherapy2
We were all stuffed ’: did the Australian COVID-19 lockdowns exacerbate role-specific stress and alcohol use among working mothers? A qualitative analysis2