Disability & Society

(The TQCC of Disability & Society is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
‘Even if it’s flawed it’s still beautiful’: life lessons learned by adolescents with neurological conditions at summer camp53
Burden of support: a counter narrative of service users’ experiences with community housing services40
Announcement of doctoral theses31
Making spaces in exclusionary places: the spatial tactics/stories of disabled people and their families in Hong Kong28
Intellectual disability in the twentieth century. Transnational perspectives on people, policy, and practice25
Just a show: the home-delivery education policy for children with disabilities in China25
Announcement of doctoral theses21
Announcement of doctoral theses17
Those they called idiots: the idea of the disabled mind from 1700 to the present day17
Announcement of doctoral theses17
Enablers and inhibitors of the co-production of disability-inclusive employment: perspectives from people with visual impairment15
Announcement of doctoral theses15
Gender, feminism and the project of critical disability studies (CDS)15
Disability and employment in China: a Guangzhou case study15
Announcement of doctoral theses15
Autonomous care decisions: what can Article 12 of the CRPD offer to older disabled adults and their supporters?15
Disabling discourses: contemporary cinematic representations of acquired physical disability14
Towards interdependence: reciprocal relationships between students living with disability and their significant others14
The diversity model in Spain: contributions and challenges for its implementation: ‘the way we want to live’14
Experiences of higher education for students with chronic illnesses14
Career development for students with disabilities in an open distance learning institution: A narrative inquiry13
Neurodiversity and double empathy: can empathy disconnects be mitigated to support autistic belonging?13
Disability, diversity and inclusive education in Haiti: learning, exclusion and educational relationships in the context of crises12
Key characteristics of the refugee journey for Iraqi and Syrian family members who support their children or siblings with disability12
When will we decolonise the positions disabled people should hold?12
Manifestations of spatial exclusion and inclusion of people with disabilities in Africa11
Special Olympics Pakistan: using a segregated space to transition to independence in mainstream settings11
Examining the vulnerability of persons with disabilities in Myanmar pre and post-COVID-19 and military coup11
Some things never seem to change: further towards an affirmation model11
Debunking Choice and Control in Active Support: A Qualitative Analysis of Encounters in Training Videos between Staff and People with Intellectual Disability10
Announcement of doctoral theses10
Women’s experiences of special observations on locked wards10
Investigating short video consumption practices by individuals with visual impairments in China: questions of how to ‘see’10
Enhancing sign language recognition and accessibility for the deaf community in China9
Access to water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) for persons with disabilities in school settings: A call for research9
Disabled people as foster carers – closing the recruitment gap and more9
Organisational neurotypicalness: fighting unintentional ableism in working spaces9
The reflective journey: A practitioner’s guide to the low arousal approach9
Interdependencies in peer work with people with disability9
A participatory research to design a survey providing a portrait of the life of people with visual impairments8
Experiences within pharmacies: reflections of persons with visual impairment in South Africa8
Child welfare system inequities experienced by disabled parents: towards a conceptual framework8
Bridging the gap: special educators’ perceptions of their professional roles in supporting inclusive education in Kazakhstan8
Mothers of children without disabilities’ conceptions of inclusive education: unveiling an exclusionary education system privileging normality and ableism8
‘We have no power over perceptions’: the lived experiences of women with disabilities in a rural South African community8
Caring for children with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities: images and metaphors expressed by Dutch parents8
Poverty alleviation for people with disabilities in China: policy, practice, exclusionary effects, and ways forward8
Avoiding the deaf penalty: a review of the experiences of d/Deaf individuals in the criminal justice system8
Social and Juridical Sciences faculty members’ experiences in Spain: what to do to develop an inclusive pedagogy8
Do disabled people also vote? Electoral frameworks and voting participation in Nigeria’s 2019 elections8
This changes everything: a critical reflection on the impact of internalized ableist constructs on becoming a disabled mother8
A test of faith? Attitudes of ultraorthodox Jewish parents of children with down syndrome toward prenatal testing8
Conceptualising responsibility and hostility within work-integrated learning placements for students with disabilities7
Paternalism to empowerment: all in the eye of the beholder?7
‘Five rungs down’: encounters between disabled parents and the medical institution7
The impact of the transition to Personal Independence Payment on claimants with mental health problems7
Negotiating agency: disability activism in Uganda between local contexts and global influences7
Ataxia and me – living within a neurological hierarchy7
Announcement of doctoral theses7
Perceptions of disabilities among Native Americans within the state of Utah7
‘All in this together?’ A commentary on the impact of COVID-19 on disability day services in Ireland7
Critical networks: Embedding programmes for individuals with intellectual impairments in university contexts in Chile, Ireland and Australia7
Deaf migration through an intersectionality lens6
China’s prevention policy for people with disabilities during the COVID-19 epidemic6
Inclusive (social) citizenship and persons with dementia6
A user-led audit of the walkability and wheelability of Quebec City’s neighborhoods by mobility assistive technology users6
Conform or be ostracised: restricted and repetitive behaviours in non-autistic persons6
Autism should be considered in the assessment and delivery of mental health services for children and young people6
On disability, humour and rabbit holes: a personal reflection6
The ‘shadow pandemic’ in online learning: perspectives of visually impaired students from Ghana and Egypt6
Merging critical disability theory with Post-Colonial hybridity theory: a widened lens and implications6
Still outsiders: The inclusion of disabled children and young people in physical education in England6
Shifting power to people with disability in co-designed research6
Working with Global Aphasia: theory and Practice6
The pandemic paradox: a mixed methods participatory approach to understanding autistic adults’ experiences during COVID-196
Critical cultural disability studies and mental health: a rhetorical perspective6
Claiming chaos narrative, emerging from silence6
COVID-19 in Bangladesh: an especially difficult time for an invisible population6
Announcement of doctoral theses6
Supporting chronically ill college student wellbeing through campus counterspaces6
Reconceptualising ‘reasonable adjustments’ for the successful employment of autistic women6
The autism predicament: models of autism and their impact on autistic identity6
Lack of braille labelling and instructions on Chinese pharmaceutical packaging5
De Gruyter handbook of disability and management5
Rising to the challenge: disability organisations in the COVID-19 pandemic5
Education, equity and inclusion: teaching and learning for a sustainable North5
“I’m worthy of having experiences just like everybody else”: exploring sexual well-being among young disabled people5
The disability gap in voter turnout and its association to the accessibility of election information in EU countries5
Long COVID and chronic pain: overlapping racial inequalities5
What works in rapid response public health projects?5
The psycho-emotionally disabling impact of academic landscapes of exclusion: experiences of a disabled postgraduate in perpetual lockdown5
Announcement of doctoral theses5
Announcement of Doctoral Theses5
Activating disability care: the formation of collective disability care networks in China’s COVID-19 outbreak5
‘They would be bullied in ordinary schools’ – exploring public discourses on inclusionary schooling5
Announcement of doctoral theses5
Raising the voices of AuDHD women and girls: exploring the co-occurring conditions of autism and ADHD5
To heaven and back: don’t die… live on!5
National disability insurance scheme: is it creating an ordinary life for adults with intellectual disability?5
The paradox of ‘positive energy’ ( zheng nengliang ): the complex affective realities of people with hearing impairments in china’s service industry5
A*tistic females’ network5
‘Because it’s who I am’: self-determination of LGBTQ adults with intellectual disability5
Photovoice for disability inclusion on campus5
The unheard voices of academia: overcoming systemic barriers and fostering inclusive spaces for knowledge exchange4
Unseen and unheard: how the Future Generations Act is not addressing the needs of the Welsh deaf community4
Negotiating work and care in Chinese families of children with autism: reframing mothers’ narratives through a social-relational lens4
Experiences of food access among disabled adults in Toronto, Canada4
Announcement of doctoral theses4
Chat windows and zoom bombers: virtual boundaries in mental health peer support4
How we work: reflecting on ten years of inclusive research4
Film, comedy and disability: understanding humour and genre in cinematic constructions of impairment and disability4
From the equal opportunity commission case files: experiences among persons with disabilities in Trinidad and Tobago4
Book review4
Announcement of doctoral theses4
How is autism portrayed in news media? A content analysis of Australian newspapers articles from 2016–20184
Announcement of doctoral theses4
Against the rules – disrupting and reassessing discursive practices of playfulness4
Disability and the problem of lazy intersectionality4
Disability practice: safeguarding quality service delivery,4
‘Then you realise you can actually do it’: young disabled people negotiating challenges during times of transitioning into adulthood4
Barrier-free film screening in China: awareness, practice and suggestions4
Announcement of doctoral theses4
‘There’s nothing I can do to stop it’: homelessness among autistic people in a British city4
Disability-inclusive development: a postcolonial analysis in Lao PDR4
‘… they had interpreted “disability” as referring to a patently visible disability’: experience of a patient group with NICE4
Making me with others-gendered meanings of youth and youthfulness among young female disabled assistance users3
Social support and living during the COVID-19 pandemic experienced by persons with disabilities: a qualitative study in Munich3
Nine years of war and internal conflicts in Syria: a call for physical rehabilitation services3
Memories of resistance. The people with physical disability movement in the late francoism and the Spanish democratic transition3
Misfitting and social practice theory: incorporating disability into the performance and (re)enactment of social practices3
Access to and utilisation of sexual and reproductive healthcare for women and girls with cerebral palsy: a scoping review3
‘That’s my journey’: what motivated me to conduct disability research?3
Between safety and isolation: the governmental-ministerial approach to care homes in Poland during the COVID-19 pandemic3
Disability stories: personal perspectives of people with disabilities on navigating the U.S. health system3
Identity, mental health, and ableism in Australian schools: findings from a multi-stakeholder survey3
Announcement of doctoral theses3
Academic identities and socio-spatial exclusions of academics with disabilities: a capabilities approach3
Inclusive education for students with disabilities in the global COVID-19 outbreak emergency: some facts and thoughts from China3
Reviewing the limitations of publicly funded adult developmental services in Ontario: exposing ableist assumptions within the administrative process3
Naming ourselves, becoming neurodivergent scholars3
Critical discourse analysis of federal and provincial government grants for post-secondary students with disabilities in Alberta and Ontario3
Perceptions of university students with disabilities in Spain: ideas and beliefs about attitudes towards their inclusion3
Schooling children with disabilities during COVID-19: Perspectives of teachers and caregivers in Ethiopia3
Sense-making narratives of autistic women diagnosed in adulthood: a systematic review of the qualitative research3
Announcement of doctoral theses3
Inclusive postsecondary education and self-determination: using photovoice to centre student voices in the United States of America3
Visually impaired women on the move: the intersection of gender and disability in China3
‘I am an Arab Palestinian living in Israel with a disability’: marginalisation and the limits of human rights3
Invisible barriers: excluding accessibility from the field of interest of architecture and urban planning in Poland3
End-of-life care for adults with long-standing physical disability from the perspectives of bereaved family members: a qualitative exploratory study3
Accessibility for parents with disability: is it reality or fantasy?3
Ableism versus free speech in Australia: challenging online hate speech toward people with Down syndrome3
Prospects for employment of persons with disabilities in the post-covid-19 era in developing countries3
Usher syndrome, an unseen/hidden disability: a phenomenological study of adults across the lifespan living in England3
‘Sick with stress’: perspectives on airport travel from persons living with dementia and their travel companions3