Gender Work and Organization

(The median citation count of Gender Work and Organization is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
COVID‐19 and the gender gap in work hours666
Dual‐earner parent couples’ work and care during COVID‐19283
A gendered pandemic: Childcare, homeschooling, and parents' employment during COVID‐19229
“I have turned into a foreman here at home”: Families and work–life balance in times of COVID‐19 in a gender equality paradise213
The differential impact of COVID‐19 on the work conditions of women and men academics during the lockdown152
COVID‐19, ethics of care and feminist crisis management120
Academic motherhood during COVID‐19: Navigating our dual roles as educators and mothers112
“You’re a teacher you’re a mother, you’re a worker”: Gender inequality during COVID‐19 in Ireland93
Researching gender inequalities in academic labor during the COVID‐19 pandemic: Avoiding common problems and asking different questions82
Women and burnout in the context of a pandemic77
Making Black Lives Matter in academia: A Black feminist call for collective action against anti‐blackness in the academy73
Gender and telework: Work and family experiences of teleworking professional, middle‐class, married women with children during the Covid‐19 pandemic in Turkey69
Gendered labour and work, even in pandemic times66
The shadow pandemic: Inequitable gendered impacts of COVID‐19 in South Africa61
Deepening inequalities: What did COVID‐19 reveal about the gendered nature of academic work?59
Everyday sexism and racism in the ivory tower: The experiences of early career researchers on the intersection of gender and ethnicity in the academic workplace58
COVID‐19 and the immediate impact on young people and employment in Australia: A gendered analysis57
‘All the single ladies’ as the ideal academic during times of COVID‐19?55
Gender roles during COVID‐19 pandemic: The experiences of Turkish female academics55
Impacts of the COVID‐19 pandemic on the productivity of academics who mother55
Leading through social distancing: The future of work, corporations and leadership from home51
What COVID‐19 could mean for the future of “work from home”: The provocations of three women in the academy44
Exist or exit? Women business‐owners in Bangladesh during COVID‐1944
Twice a “housewife”: On academic precarity, “hysterical” women, faculty mental health, and service as gendered care work for the “university family” in pandemic times44
Neoliberal motherhood during the pandemic: Some reflections42
The disproportionate impact of COVID‐19 on women relative to men: A conservation of resources perspective40
Delivering gender justice in academia through gender equality plans? Normative and practical challenges39
“Against a sharp white background”: How Black women experience the white gaze at work36
Intersecting marginalities: International students' struggles for “survival” in COVID‐1934
The inclusivity of inclusion approaches: A relational perspective on inclusion and exclusion in organizations33
Equalities in freefall? Ontological insecurity and the long‐term impact of COVID‐19 in the academy33
Gendering boundary work: Experiences of work–family practices among Finnish working parents during COVID‐19 lockdown33
Academic mothers, professional identity and COVID‐19: Feminist reflections on career cycles, progression and practice29
Women's entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia: Feminist solidarity and political activism in disguise?28
Opposing the toxic apartheid: The painted veil of the COVID‐19 pandemic, race and racism28
The ethics of care and academic motherhood amid COVID‐1928
Motherhood and guilt in a pandemic: Negotiating the “new” normal with a feminist identity28
A feminist public sociology of the pandemic: Interviewing about a crisis, during a crisis28
(Dis)embodied encounters between art and academic writing amid a pandemic27
Labor market and unpaid works implications of COVID‐19 for Bangladeshi women27
Feminist solidarities: Theoretical and practical complexities27
Feminist solidarity building as embodied agonism: An ethnographic account of a protest movement26
Academic mothers with disabilities: Navigating academia and parenthood during COVID‐1926
Women and the weight of a pandemic: A survey of four Western US states early in the Coronavirus outbreak26
The workplace experiences of BAME professional women: Understanding experiences at the intersection25
Where is my home?: Gendered precarity and the experience of COVID‐19 among women migrant workers from Delhi and National Capital Region, India25
Decolonial feminist theory: Embracing the gendered colonial difference in management and organisation studies25
Are we failing female and racialized academics? A Canadian national survey examining the impacts of the COVID‐19 pandemic on tenure and tenure‐track faculty25
The impact of COVID‐19 pandemic on gender‐related work from home in STEM fields—Report of the WiMPBME Task Group24
From imperialism to inpatient care: Work differences of Filipino and White registered nurses in the United States and implications for COVID‐19 through an intersectional lens24
The entrenchment of the ideal worker norm during the COVID‐19 pandemic: Evidence from working mothers in the United States24
Managing menopause at work: The contradictory nature of identity talk23
Transgender labour market outcomes: Evidence from the United States23
Interfaces of domestic violence and organization: Gendered violence and inequality23
The politics of gendered space: Social norms and purdah affecting female informal work in Dhaka, Bangladesh23
Chaos ruined the children’s sleep, diet and behaviour: Gendered discourses on family life in pandemic times22
Writing multi‐vocal intersectionality in times of crisis22
Resilience for gender inclusion: Developing a model for women in male‐dominated occupations21
Reduced well‐being during the COVID‐19 pandemic – The role of working conditions21
Reimagining value: A feminist commentary in the midst of the COVID‐19 pandemic21
Couples' changing work patterns in the United Kingdom and the United States during the COVID‐19 pandemic21
Responses to the COVID‐19 crisis in Ireland: From feminized to feminist20
The “new normal” of academia in pandemic times: Resisting toxicity through care20
Change agents or defending the status quo? How senior leaders frame workplace gender equality20
COVID‐19 as a breakdown in the texture of social practices19
Has the COVID‐19 pandemic changed gender‐ and parental‐status‐specific differences in working from home? Panel evidence from Germany19
Highly skilled, yet invisible. The potential of migrant women with a STEMM background in Italy between intersectional barriers and resources19
Unsanitized writing practices: Attending to affect and embodiment throughout the research process19
Vulnerable relational knowing that matters19
Elite women coaches negotiating and resisting power in football19
Social dominance, hypermasculinity, and career barriers in Nigeria19
Evidence‐loving rock star chief medical officers: Female leadership amidst COVID‐19 in Canada18
Care work, gender inequality and technological advancement in the age of COVID‐1918
Freedom or money? The dilemma of migrant live‐in elderly carers in times of COVID‐1918
Brazilian housemaids and COVID‐19: How can they isolate if domestic work stems from racism?18
Author‐ize me to write: Going back to writing with ourfingers18
Female board directors' resilience against gender discrimination18
“Two hours extra for working from home”: Reporting on gender, space, and time from the Covid‐field of Delhi, India18
Emotional labor, ordinary affects, and the early childhood education and care worker18
Context matters: Problematizing the policy‐practice interface in the enactment of gender equality action plans in universities17
The “living dead” within “death‐worlds”: Gender crisis and covid‐19 in India17
Emotional and financial health during COVID‐19: The role of housework, employment and childcare in Australia and the United States17
From “nobody's clapping for us” to “bad moms”: COVID‐19 and the circle of childcare in Canada17
Learning the rules of the game: How is corporate masculinity learned and enacted by male professionals from nonprivileged backgrounds?17
Women deserve better: A discussion on COVID‐19 and the gendered organization in the new economy16
Writing with rocks16
Perceptions of gendered‐challenges in academia: How women academics see gender hierarchies as barriers to achievement16
Critical feminist analysis of STEM mentoring programs: A meta‐synthesis of the existing literature16
Alterethnography: Reading and writing otherness in organizations15
Against what model? Evaluating women as leaders in the pandemic era15
“Having a family is the new normal”: Parenting in neoliberal academia during the COVID‐19 pandemic15
Changing writing/writing for change15
Maternal presenteeism: Theorizing the importance for working mothers of “being there” for their children beyond infancy15
Radicalizing diversity (research): Time to resume talking about class15
Working in unprecedented times: Intersectionality and women of color in UK higher education in and beyond the pandemic14
Just because it don't look heavy, don't mean it ain't: An intersectional analysis of Black women's labor as faculty during COVID14
Male privilege revisited: How men in female‐dominated occupations notice and actively reframe privilege14
What is intersectional equality? A definition and goal of equality for organizations14
Commodifying feminism: Economic choice and agency in the context of lifestyle influencers and gender consultants14
Care for the self, overcompensation and bodily crafting: The work–life balance of disabled people14
Reflections on front‐line medical work during COVID‐19 and the embodiment of risk14
Gender differences in solo self‐employment: Gendered flexibility and the effects of parenthood14
“Very little but a lot.” Solidarity within the sex workers' community in Poland during the COVID‐19 pandemic13
Mothering with a career during a pandemic; the case of the Ghanaian woman13
Marginalized to double marginalized: My mutational intersectionality between the East and the West13
Passing as resistance through a Goffmanian approach: Normalized, defensive, strategic, and instrumental passing when LGBTQ+ individuals encounter institutions13
Navigating white academe during crisis: The impact of COVID‐19 and racial violence on women of color professionals13
Trans men doing gender at work13
Critical race theory and working‐class White men: Exploring race privilege and lower‐class work‐life12
Rationalizing the postfeminist paradox: The case of UK women veterinary professionals12
Searching for “home,” writing to find it: A reflective account on experiences of othering in life and academia in times of generalized crises12
Caring about the unequal effects of the pandemic: What feminist theory, art, and activism can teach us12
‘Put some balls on that woman’: Gendered repertoires of inequality in screen composers’ careers12
Male‐dominated workplaces and the power of masculine privilege: A comparison of the Australian political and construction sectors12
Badass marines: Resistance practices against the introduction of women in the Dutch military11
Twenty‐five years of Gender, Work and Organization: A bibliometric analysis11
Merging the public and private spheres of women's work: Narratives from women street food vendors during Covid‐19 crisis11
A Southern encounter: Maternal body work and low‐income mothers in South Africa11
The career resilience of senior women managers: A cross‐cultural perspective11
With the margins: Writing subaltern resistance and social transformation11
Queering space and organizing with Sara Ahmed’s Queer Phenomenology11
“A trade of one's own”: The role of social and cultural capital in the success of women in male‐dominated occupations11
Career resilience of female professionals in the male‐dominated IT industry in Sweden: Toward a process perspective11
A gendered lens for building climate resilience: Narratives from women in informal work in Leh, Ladakh10
The toll of success: Female leaders in the “women‐friendly” Greek advertising agencies10
A special fund for gender equality? Institutional constraints and gendered consequences in Swedish collective bargaining10
Feminist solidarity: Practices, politics, and possibilities10
The importance of vibrant materialities in transforming affective dissonance into affective solidarity: How the Countess Ablaze organized the Tits Out Collective10
Foodwork and foodcare in hard times: Mothering, value, and values10
Writing grief, breathing hope10
Implicit feminist solidarity(ies)? The role of gender in the social movements of the Greek crisis10
Mentoring as affective governmentality: Shame, (un)happiness, and the (re)production of masculine leadership10
The emotional toll of postfeminist fatherhood10
Understanding, ownership, or resistance: Explaining persistent gender inequality in public services10
The persistence of neoliberal logics in faculty evaluations amidst Covid‐19: Recalibrating toward equity10
(Not) bringing your whole self to work: The gendered experience of upward mobility in the UK Civil Service10
Are the gender gaps in informal caregiving intensity and burden closing due to the COVID‐19 pandemic? Evidence from the Netherlands10
“Viewed with suspicion, considered idle and mocked‐working caregiving fathers and fatherhood forfeits”10
What are men's roles and responsibilities in the feminist project for gender egalitarianism?10
“A part of being a woman, really”: Menopause at work as “dirty” femininity10
The COVID‐19 pandemic: Narratives of informal women workers in Indian Punjab10
Women’s entrepreneurial subjectivity under scrutiny: Expert knowledge on gender and entrepreneurship10
Writing for survival (… and to breathe)10
Privileged yet vulnerable: Shared memories of a deeply gendered lockdown10
Girl bosses, punk poodles, and pink smoothies: Girlhood as Enterprising Femininity9
Unpaid care, welfare conditionality and expropriation9
Eating, looking, and living clean: Techniques of white femininity in contemporary neoliberal food culture9
Towards a feminist parental ethics9
Close encounters: Creating embodied spaces of resistance to marginalization and disempowering representation of difference in organization9
Career constructions and a feminist standpoint on the meaning of context9
“Show us what you’ve got”: From experiences of undoing to mobilizing agentic vulnerability in research9
On the basis of risk: How screen executives’ risk perceptions and practices drive gender inequality in directing9
Exploring the domestic division of labor when both parents are involuntarily working from home: The effects of the UK COVID pandemic9
F*** professionalism: Or why we cannot return to ‘normal’9
Writing embodied generosity9
Prison is power: Federal correctional officers, gender, and professional identity work9
Gender, business and human rights: Academic activism as critical engagement in neoliberal times9
Navigating uncertainty, employment and women’s safety during COVID‐19: Reflections of sexual assault resistance educators9
Maneuvering within postfeminism: A study of gender equality practitioners in Danish academia9
An autoethnography of pregnancy and birth during Covid times: Transcending the illusio of overwork in academia?8
Lockdown & me …!! Reflections of working women during the lockdown in Vadodara, Gujarat‐Western India8
Gendered workload allocation in universities: A feminist analysis of practices and possibilities in a European University8
Fertility treatment and organizational discourses of the non‐reproductive female body8
National heroes, disposable workers. How collective action in the health and social care sector during the pandemic negotiated with the self‐sacrificing worker ideal8
The business of care: Private placement agencies and female migrant workers in London8
The price of motherhood in the Irish film and television industries8
Tread lightly: Liminality and Covid‐19 reflections8
Stigma, sustainability, and capitals: A case study on the menstrual cup8
Resistance and praxis in the making of feminist solidarity: A conversation with Cynthia Enloe8
A postcolonial and pan‐African feminist reading of Zimbabwean women entrepreneurs8
Critical considerations of workplace flexibility “for all” and gendered outcomes: Men being flexible about their flexibility8
The gendered consequences of the COVID‐19 lockdown on unpaid work in Swiss dual earner couples with children8
Writing bodies and bodies of text: Thinking vulnerability through monsters8
Gender and ethnic equity in Aotearoa New Zealand's public service before and since Covid‐19: Toward intersectional inclusion?8
How can I turn my feminist ethnographic engagement into words? A perspective on knowledge production inspired by Audre Lorde8
Touch and contact during COVID‐19: Insights from queer digital spaces8
Work in pandemic times: Exploring precarious continuities in paid domestic work in India7
The short or long end of the stick? Mothers’ social position and self‐employment status from a comparative perspective7
(Un)doing gender in female breadwinner households: Gender relations and structural change7
Making black lives don't matter via organizational strategies to avoid the racial debate: The military police in Brazil7
Migration, service work, and masculinity in the global South: Private security guards in post‐socialist China7
Deep care: The COVID‐19 pandemic and the work of marginal feminist organizing in India7
Black British female managers—The silent catastrophe7
Egalitarian inequality: Gender equality and pattern bargaining7
Feminist academic organizations: Challenging sexism through collective mobilizing across research, support, and advocacy7
Syndemic in a pandemic: An autoethnography of a COVID survivor7
Gender equality and the feminized public sector in the affective struggles over the Finnish Competitiveness Pact7
Gender apartheid: The challenges of breaking into “man's world”7
The final cut™: Directors, producers and the gender regime of the Swedish film industry7
What life in favelas can teach us about the COVID‐19 pandemic and beyond: Lessons from Dona Josefa7
Gendered skills and unemployed men’s resistance to “women’s work”7
Athena SWAN: “Institutional peacocking” in the neoliberal university7
The Munchetty controversy: Empire, race, and the BBC7
‘I'm competitive with myself’: A study of women leaders navigating neoliberal patriarchal workplaces7
“On and off screen: Women's work in the screen industries”7
Mums with cameras: Technological change, entrepreneurship and motherhood7
Mobilizing betrayal: Black feminist pedagogy and Black women graduate student educators7
‘There’s nowhere wonky left to go’: Gentrification, queerness and class politics of inclusion in (East) London6
The workplace at the bottom of global supply chains as a site of reproduction of colonial relations: Reflections on the cashew‐processing industry in Mozambique6
Care and community revalued during the COVID‐19 pandemic: A feminist couple perspective6
Between vulnerability and resistance: How a woman copes with dramatic implications of COVID‐19 in Russia6
Transformative events: Feminist experiments in writing differently6
Symbolic violence in embodying customer service work across the urban/rural divide6
Ties that bind: An inclusive feminist approach to subvert gendered “othering” in times of crisis6
Latina farmworkers' experiences: Maintaining dignity in an oppressive workplace6
Expanding the joys of cooking: How class shapes the emotional experience of family foodwork6
Changing attitudes about the impact of women's employment on families: The COVID‐19 pandemic effect6
Writing memory work through artistic intersections. Unplugged6
Deepening and widening the gap: The impacts of the COVID‐19 pandemic on gender and racial inequalities in Brazil6
“Women of ill repute”: Pariah femininities, retaliatory violence, and the negotiation of rebel identities among women bartenders6
Breaking the mold: Working through our differences to vocalize the sound of change6
The influence of the COVID‐19 pandemic on changes in perceived work pressure for Dutch mothers and fathers6
Gendering risk and vulnerability: Tensions and conflicting views in crisis preparedness work in Sweden6
“The workload is staggering”: Changing working conditions of stay‐at‐home mothers under COVID‐19 lockdowns6
Choreographing social reproduction: Making personal protective equipment and gender during a neoliberal pandemic6
‘I am not a Gentleman academic’: Telling our truths of micro‐coercive control and gaslighting in Business Schools using ‘Faction’6
Corporeal generosity: Breastfeeding bodies and female‐dominated workplaces6
Mothering managers: (Re)interpreting older women's organizational subjectivity6
Disciplined discourses: The logic of appropriateness in discourses on organizational gender equality policies6
Working at gender? An autoethnography6
Women as leaders in male‐dominated sectors: A bifocal analysis of gendered organizational practices6
The pandemic as gender arrhythmia: Women’s bodies, counter rhythms and critique of everyday life6
Tempered disruption: Gender and agricultural professional services6
The gender gap in wages over the life course: Evidence from a British cohort born in 19586
Labors of love: Work, labor, and care in dog–human relations5
Feeling clumsy and curious. A collective reflection on experimenting with poetry as an unconventional method5
Everyday racism and the denial of migrant African women’s good caring in aged care work5
“Flying under the radar”: Postfeminism and teaching in academic science5
Negotiating masculinities in times of crisis: On the COVID frontline in Pakistan5
The poetic identity work and sisterhood of Black women becoming academics5
Troubling gender norms on Mumsnet: Working from home and parenting during the UK's first COVID lockdown5
Queer subjectivities in hospitality labor5
Gender, bodies and identities in organization: Postcolonial critiques5
Time's up: Analyzing the feminist potential of time banks5
Unsilencing silence on business school sexism: A behind‐the‐scenes narration on regaining voice5
Sustaining a career in general practice: Embodied work, inequality regimes, and turnover intentions of women working in general practice5
Brothers and broken dreams: Men, masculinity, and emotions in platform capitalism5
The political is personal: Postfeminism and the construction of the ideal working mother5
Fighting on the frontlines: Intersectional organizing in educators' social justice unions during COVID‐195
“Cruel optimism” in the universities: A discursive‐deconstructive reading of promising promotional projects of gender equality5
Introduction to domestic violence, abuse, and coercive control for counselors: An evaluation of the impact of training5
Gender and employment: Recalibrating women's position in work, organizations, and society in times of COVID‐195
Exploring the lived experiences of Singapore’s “opt‐out” mothers: Introducing “Professional Motherhood”5
Volunteering masculinities in search and rescue work: Is there “a place for girls on the team”?5
A typology of sexism in contemporary business schools: Belligerent, benevolent, ambivalent, and oblivious sexism5
Solidarity and mutual aid: Women organizing the “visible hand” urban commons5
Working with style: Black women, black hair, and professionalism5
Intersectional identities and career progression in retail: The experiences of minority‐ethnic women5
Trapped within ideological wars: Femininities in a Muslim society and the contest of women as leaders5