Transportation Research Part C-Emerging Technologies

(The median citation count of Transportation Research Part C-Emerging Technologies is 8. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Drone-aided routing: A literature review267
Urban air mobility: A comprehensive review and comparative analysis with autonomous and electric ground transportation for informing future research177
Risk assessment based collision avoidance decision-making for autonomous vehicles in multi-scenarios135
A survey on autonomous vehicle control in the era of mixed-autonomy: From physics-based to AI-guided driving policy learning134
Decision making of autonomous vehicles in lane change scenarios: Deep reinforcement learning approaches with risk awareness133
OpenACC. An open database of car-following experiments to study the properties of commercial ACC systems132
Mixed platoon control of automated and human-driven vehicles at a signalized intersection: Dynamical analysis and optimal control121
A big-data driven approach to analyzing and modeling human mobility trend under non-pharmaceutical interventions during COVID-19 pandemic120
An automated driving systems data acquisition and analytics platform117
Explaining shared micromobility usage, competition and mode choice by modelling empirical data from Zurich, Switzerland115
Predicting origin-destination ride-sourcing demand with a spatio-temporal encoder-decoder residual multi-graph convolutional network111
Automated vehicle-involved traffic flow studies: A survey of assumptions, models, speculations, and perspectives108
An analytical optimal control approach for virtually coupled high-speed trains with local and string stability107
Multi-vehicle routing problems with soft time windows: A multi-agent reinforcement learning approach102
A literature review of Artificial Intelligence applications in railway systems99
Classifying travelers' driving style using basic safety messages generated by connected vehicles: Application of unsupervised machine learning97
Charging station location problem: A comprehensive review on models and solution approaches96
On the inefficiency of ride-sourcing services towards urban congestion92
Toward human-vehicle collaboration: Review and perspectives on human-centered collaborative automated driving91
Multi-community passenger demand prediction at region level based on spatio-temporal graph convolutional network90
Analytical analysis of the effect of maximum platoon size of connected and automated vehicles90
Macroscopic modeling and dynamic control of on-street cruising-for-parking of autonomous vehicles in a multi-region urban road network87
Hybrid deep reinforcement learning based eco-driving for low-level connected and automated vehicles along signalized corridors82
Assessing traffic disturbance, efficiency, and safety of the mixed traffic flow of connected vehicles and traditional vehicles by considering human factors81
About calibration of car-following dynamics of automated and human-driven vehicles: Methodology, guidelines and codes80
Assessing bikeability with street view imagery and computer vision80
A physics-informed deep learning paradigm for car-following models80
The multiple flying sidekicks traveling salesman problem with variable drone speeds79
Short-term origin-destination demand prediction in urban rail transit systems: A channel-wise attentive split-convolutional neural network method78
The Multi-visit Traveling Salesman Problem with Multi-Drones78
TrajGAIL: Generating urban vehicle trajectories using generative adversarial imitation learning78
Large-scale pavement roughness measurements with vehicle crowdsourced data using semi-supervised learning78
Synthetic population and travel demand for Paris and Île-de-France based on open and publicly available data77
Adaptive Traffic Signal Control for large-scale scenario with Cooperative Group-based Multi-agent reinforcement learning75
Connected automated vehicle cooperative control with a deep reinforcement learning approach in a mixed traffic environment74
Automated eco-driving in urban scenarios using deep reinforcement learning73
Network-wide traffic signal control optimization using a multi-agent deep reinforcement learning72
A sequence to sequence learning based car-following model for multi-step predictions considering reaction delay71
Requiem on the positive effects of commercial adaptive cruise control on motorway traffic and recommendations for future automated driving systems70
Modeling epidemic spreading through public transit using time-varying encounter network67
Cooperative decision-making for mixed traffic: A ramp merging example66
Comfortable and energy-efficient speed control of autonomous vehicles on rough pavements using deep reinforcement learning66
Decentralized control of connected automated vehicle trajectories in mixed traffic at an isolated signalized intersection65
DDP-GCN: Multi-graph convolutional network for spatiotemporal traffic forecasting65
What do we (Not) know about our future with automated vehicles?64
Evaluating resilience in urban transportation systems for sustainability: A systems-based Bayesian network model64
Joint predictions of multi-modal ride-hailing demands: A deep multi-task multi-graph learning-based approach63
Impacts of commercially available adaptive cruise control vehicles on highway stability and throughput63
A bi-level cooperative driving strategy allowing lane changes62
On-demand ridesharing with optimized pick-up and drop-off walking locations62
Analysis of the impact of maximum platoon size of CAVs on mixed traffic flow: An analytical and simulation method61
Transferability improvement in short-term traffic prediction using stacked LSTM network61
A column-and-row generation approach for the flying sidekick travelling salesman problem61
Trajectory planning for connected and automated vehicles at isolated signalized intersections under mixed traffic environment60
Dynamic pricing and fleet management for electric autonomous mobility on demand systems60
Sharing the road with autonomous vehicles: Perceived safety and regulatory preferences59
A survey on demand-responsive public bus systems59
Transit OD matrix estimation using smartcard data: Recent developments and future research challenges58
A real-time network-level traffic signal control methodology with partial connected vehicle information57
Applications of deep learning in congestion detection, prediction and alleviation: A survey57
Traffic prediction using artificial intelligence: Review of recent advances and emerging opportunities57
Exploring a large-scale multi-modal transportation recommendation system56
A DQN-based intelligent control method for heavy haul trains on long steep downhill section55
Data-driven trajectory prediction with weather uncertainties: A Bayesian deep learning approach54
CLACD: A complete LAne-Changing decision modeling framework for the connected and traditional environments53
Calibration and evaluation of responsibility-sensitive safety (RSS) in automated vehicle performance during cut-in scenarios53
Pedestrian Support in Intelligent Transportation Systems: Challenges, Solutions and Open issues53
Empirical study on car-following characteristics of commercial automated vehicles with different headway settings53
Electric vehicle routing with charging/discharging under time-variant electricity prices53
Enhanced intelligent driver model for two-dimensional motion planning in mixed traffic53
Estimating key traffic state parameters through parsimonious spatial queue models52
Simulation of price, customer behaviour and system impact for a cost-covering automated taxi system in Zurich52
Truck–drone hybrid routing problem with time-dependent road travel time52
Joint prediction of next location and travel time from urban vehicle trajectories using long short-term memory neural networks52
Minimizing energy and cost in range-limited drone deliveries with speed optimization52
Space-weighted information fusion using deep reinforcement learning: The context of tactical control of lane-changing autonomous vehicles and connectivity range assessment51
Exact methods for the traveling salesman problem with multiple drones51
Modeling, estimation, and control in large-scale urban road networks with remaining travel distance dynamics51
A stepwise interpretable machine learning framework using linear regression (LR) and long short-term memory (LSTM): City-wide demand-side prediction of yellow taxi and for-hire vehicle (FHV) service50
Unsupervised hierarchical methodology of maritime traffic pattern extraction for knowledge discovery50
A socio-technical model of autonomous vehicle adoption using ranked choice stated preference data50
Network-wide traffic flow estimation with insufficient volume detection and crowdsourcing data50
Cooperate or not? Exploring drivers’ interactions and response times to a lane-changing request in a connected environment50
Optimal toll design problems under mixed traffic flow of human-driven vehicles and connected and autonomous vehicles49
The cooperative sorting strategy for connected and automated vehicle platoons48
A customized deep learning approach to integrate network-scale online traffic data imputation and prediction48
A generic simulation platform for cooperative adaptive cruise control under partially connected and automated environment48
Domain adaptation from daytime to nighttime: A situation-sensitive vehicle detection and traffic flow parameter estimation framework47
Anticipated Collision Time (ACT): A two-dimensional surrogate safety indicator for trajectory-based proactive safety assessment47
Macroscopic network-level traffic models: Bridging fifty years of development toward the next era46
A joint optimisation model for charger locating and electric bus charging scheduling considering opportunity fast charging and uncertainties46
DNEAT: A novel dynamic node-edge attention network for origin-destination demand prediction45
Processing, assessing, and enhancing the Waymo autonomous vehicle open dataset for driving behavior research45
Connected and automated vehicle distributed control for on-ramp merging scenario: A virtual rotation approach45
Do autonomous vehicles drive like humans? A Turing approach and an application to SAE automation Level 2 cars45
Multi-objective optimization of traffic signals based on vehicle trajectory data at isolated intersections45
A novel reinforced dynamic graph convolutional network model with data imputation for network-wide traffic flow prediction44
Data-driven analysis on matching probability, routing distance and detour distance in ride-pooling services44
E-scooter sharing and bikesharing systems: An individual-level analysis of factors affecting first-use and use frequency44
Driver distraction detection based on vehicle dynamics using naturalistic driving data44
Dynamic modeling and real-time management of a system of EV fast-charging stations44
Electric bus fleet composition and scheduling43
Towards online prediction of safety-critical landing metrics in aviation using supervised machine learning43
Real-world ride-hailing vehicle repositioning using deep reinforcement learning43
Hierarchical integrated machine learning model for predicting flight departure delays and duration in series43
Using autonomous vehicles or shared cars? Results of a stated choice experiment42
Regulating ridesourcing services with product differentiation and congestion externality42
Competition between shared autonomous vehicles and public transit: A case study in Singapore42
Pooled versus private ride-hailing: A joint revealed and stated preference analysis recognizing psycho-social factors42
Investigating private parking space owners’ propensity to engage in shared parking schemes under conditions of uncertainty using a hybrid random-parameter logit-cumulative prospect theoretic model42
AdapGL: An adaptive graph learning algorithm for traffic prediction based on spatiotemporal neural networks42
Drivers of participant’s choices of monthly mobility bundles: Key behavioural findings from the Sydney Mobility as a Service (MaaS) trial42
A multi-vehicle communication system to assess the safety and mobility of connected and automated vehicles42
How many are enough?: Investigating the effectiveness of multiple conflict indicators for crash frequency-by-severity estimation by automated traffic conflict analysis42
A cooperative driving framework for urban arterials in mixed traffic conditions42
From Twitter to traffic predictor: Next-day morning traffic prediction using social media data41
Calibration and evaluation of the Responsibility-Sensitive Safety model of autonomous car-following maneuvers using naturalistic driving study data41
Traffic congestion and travel time prediction based on historical congestion maps and identification of consensual days41
Adoption and frequency of use of ride-hailing services in a European city: The case of Madrid41
Train timetabling with dynamic and random passenger demand: A stochastic optimization method40
Energy-efficient train control using nonlinear bounded regenerative braking40
Comparing the usefulness of real-time driving aids in a connected environment during mandatory and discretionary lane-changing manoeuvres40
Reinforcement learning for ridesharing: An extended survey40
TrajGAT: A map-embedded graph attention network for real-time vehicle trajectory imputation of roadside perception40
Scalable low-rank tensor learning for spatiotemporal traffic data imputation40
A hybrid Delphi-AHP multi-criteria analysis of Moving Block and Virtual Coupling railway signalling40
Preferences for shared automated vehicles: A hybrid latent class modeling approach40
Inferring temporal motifs for travel pattern analysis using large scale smart card data39
Safety challenges for autonomous vehicles in the absence of connectivity39
A review of public transport transfer coordination at the tactical planning phase39
Cooperative signal-free intersection control using virtual platooning and traffic flow regulation39
Electric vehicle fleet size for carsharing services considering on-demand charging strategy and battery degradation39
Efficiency of UAV-based last-mile delivery under congestion in low-altitude air39
Automated flight planning of high-density urban air mobility39
Multistep traffic forecasting by dynamic graph convolution: Interpretations of real-time spatial correlations39
To be online or in-store: Analysis of retail, grocery, and food shopping in New York city39
Memory-augmented dynamic graph convolution networks for traffic data imputation with diverse missing patterns38
Integrated optimal control strategies for freeway traffic mixed with connected automated vehicles: A model-based reinforcement learning approach38
Max-pressure signal control with cyclical phase structure38
The ensemble approach to forecasting: A review and synthesis37
A parallel computing approach to solve traffic assignment using path-based gradient projection algorithm37
Estimating latent demand of shared mobility through censored Gaussian Processes37
Refueling infrastructure planning in intercity networks considering route choice and travel time delay for mixed fleet of electric and conventional vehicles37
Traffic congestion propagation inference using dynamic Bayesian graph convolution network37
Predictive classification and understanding of weather impact on airport performance through machine learning37
Pedestrian intention prediction: A convolutional bottom-up multi-task approach37
Injecting knowledge in data-driven vehicle trajectory predictors37
Traffic management with autonomous and connected vehicles at single-lane roundabouts36
Parking infrastructure design for repositioning autonomous vehicles36
Optimizing matching time intervals for ride-hailing services using reinforcement learning36
Mixed traffic flow of human driven vehicles and automated vehicles on dynamic transportation networks36
Lane-change-aware connected automated vehicle trajectory optimization at a signalized intersection with multi-lane roads36
A physics-informed reinforcement learning-based strategy for local and coordinated ramp metering35
A deep reinforcement learning approach for solving the Traveling Salesman Problem with Drone35
Predicting traffic demand during hurricane evacuation using Real-time data from transportation systems and social media35
Travel time reliability in transportation networks: A review of methodological developments35
Graph to sequence learning with attention mechanism for network-wide multi-step-ahead flight delay prediction35
Congestion recognition for hybrid urban road systems via digraph convolutional network35
Model-free perimeter metering control for two-region urban networks using deep reinforcement learning35
Cooperative pursuit of unauthorized UAVs in urban airspace via Multi-agent reinforcement learning35
A method for urban air mobility network design using hub location and subgraph isomorphism35
On the morning commute problem with distant parking options in the era of autonomous vehicles35
Real-time spatiotemporal prediction and imputation of traffic status based on LSTM and Graph Laplacian regularized matrix factorization35
Aircraft taxi time prediction: Feature importance and their implications34
Event triggered rolling horizon based systematical trajectory planning for merging platoons at mainline-ramp intersection34
A hierarchical solution evaluation method and a hybrid algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with drones and multiple visits34
Predictive energy-efficient driving strategy design of connected electric vehicle among multiple signalized intersections34
Freeway accident detection and classification based on the multi-vehicle trajectory data and deep learning model34
An integrated approach of train scheduling and rolling stock circulation with skip-stopping pattern for urban rail transit lines34
An analytical optimization approach to the joint trajectory and signal optimization problem for connected automated vehicles33
Analytical approach to solve the problem of aircraft passenger boarding during the coronavirus pandemic33
Parking search caused congestion: Where’s all the fuss?33
The economics of electric roads33
A control strategy for merging a single vehicle into a platoon at highway on-ramps33
Regulating mobility-on-demand services: Tri-level model and Bayesian optimization solution approach33
Modeling and optimization of dedicated bus lanes space allocation in large networks with dynamic congestion33
A single-layer approach for joint optimization of traffic signals and cooperative vehicle trajectories at isolated intersections33
Robust perimeter control with cordon queues and heterogeneous transfer flows33
Energy-efficient timetabling and rolling stock circulation planning based on automatic train operation levels for metro lines33
Dynamic game-based approach for optimizing merging vehicle trajectories using time-expanded decision diagram33
Spatial-temporal pricing for ride-sourcing platform with reinforcement learning33
A survey on urban traffic control under mixed traffic environment with connected automated vehicles33
Integrating public transit signal priority into max-pressure signal control: Methodology and simulation study on a downtown network32
On-road virtual reality autonomous vehicle (VRAV) simulator: An empirical study on user experience32
Joint demand prediction for multimodal systems: A multi-task multi-relational spatiotemporal graph neural network approach32
Flow-aware platoon formation of Connected Automated Vehicles in a mixed traffic with human-driven vehicles32
One for all: Decentralized optimization of lateral position of autonomous trucks in a platoon to improve roadway infrastructure sustainability32
A two-level probabilistic approach for validation of stochastic traffic simulations: impact of drivers’ heterogeneity models32
Disentangling the city traffic rhythms: A longitudinal analysis of MFD patterns over a year31
A novel urban congestion pricing scheme considering travel cost perception and level of service31
Optimal electric bus fleet scheduling for a route with charging facility sharing31
Urban flow prediction with spatial–temporal neural ODEs31
Drone logistics for uncertain demand of disaster-impacted populations31
A reservation and allocation model for shared-parking addressing the uncertainty in drivers’ arrival/departure time31
Evaluation of e-scooters as transit last-mile solution31
Influence of transportation network on transmission heterogeneity of COVID-19 in China31
A context-aware pedestrian trajectory prediction framework for automated vehicles31
Proactive safety monitoring: A functional approach to detect safety-related anomalies using unmanned aerial vehicle video data31
A bi-level cooperative operation approach for AGV based automated valet parking31
Make space to change lane: A cooperative adaptive cruise control lane change controller31
Generalized model for mapping bicycle ridership with crowdsourced data30
Trustworthy safety improvement for autonomous driving using reinforcement learning30
Long-term 4D trajectory prediction using generative adversarial networks30
TRANSIT: Fine-grained human mobility trajectory inference at scale with mobile network signaling data30
Reducing ridesourcing empty vehicle travel with future travel demand prediction30
Microsimulation of energy and flow effects from optimal automated driving in mixed traffic30
Two-stage robust facility location problem with drones30
Measurement and prediction of driver trust in automated vehicle technologies: An application of hand position transition probability matrix30
Point-to-point drone-based delivery network design with intermediate charging stations30
Simultaneously re-optimizing timetables and platform schedules under planned track maintenance for a high-speed railway network30
Double-balanced relocation optimization of one-way car-sharing system with real-time requests30
Real-time joint traffic state and model parameter estimation on freeways with fixed sensors and connected vehicles: State-of-the-art overview, methods, and case studies30
Applying machine learning and google street view to explore effects of drivers’ visual environment on traffic safety30
Airline ground operations: Schedule recovery optimization approach with constrained resources30
Predicting cycle-level traffic movements at signalized intersections using machine learning models30
Pattern recognition of daily activity patterns using human mobility motifs and sequence analysis30
Synthesising digital twin travellers: Individual travel demand from aggregated mobile phone data30
Traffic synchronization in terminal airspace to enable continuous descent operations in trombone sequencing and merging procedures: An implementation study for Frankfurt airport29
Markov-game modeling of cyclist-pedestrian interactions in shared spaces: A multi-agent adversarial inverse reinforcement learning approach29
Data efficient reinforcement learning and adaptive optimal perimeter control of network traffic dynamics29
Autonomous navigation at unsignalized intersections: A coupled reinforcement learning and model predictive control approach29
A data-driven method for falsified vehicle trajectory identification by anomaly detection29
Shared-phase-dedicated-lane based intersection control with mixed traffic of human-driven vehicles and connected and automated vehicles29
Planning for modular-vehicle transit service system: Model formulation and solution methods29
Online operations of automated electric taxi fleets: An advisor-student reinforcement learning framework29
An algorithm for integrating peer-to-peer ridesharing and schedule-based transit system for first mile/last mile access29
An improved learning-based LSTM approach for lane change intention prediction subject to imbalanced data29
Ego-efficient lane changes of connected and automated vehicles with impacts on traffic flow29
Multi-agent reinforcement learning for Markov routing games: A new modeling paradigm for dynamic traffic assignment29
Optimal station locations for en-route charging of electric vehicles in congested intercity networks: A new problem formulation and exact and approximate partitioning algorithms29
Formalizing the heterogeneity of the vehicle-driver system to reproduce traffic oscillations29
Optimal parking management of connected autonomous vehicles: A control-theoretic approach29
To own or not to own – That is the question: The value of owning a (fully automated) vehicle29
3D path planning and real-time collision resolution of multirotor drone operations in complex urban low-altitude airspace28
Modelling and solving the airport slot-scheduling problem with multi-objective, multi-level considerations28
An optimization model and traffic light control scheme for heterogeneous traffic systems28
Railway capacity estimation considering vehicle circulation: Integrated timetable and vehicles scheduling on hybrid time-space networks28
Crowdsourced on-demand food delivery: An order batching and assignment algorithm28
Transferable traffic signal control: Reinforcement learning with graph centric state representation28
Decoding pedestrian and automated vehicle interactions using immersive virtual reality and interpretable deep learning28
Data fusion for estimating Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram in large-scale urban networks28
Anticipation in a velocity-based model for pedestrian dynamics28
Multi-models machine learning methods for traffic flow estimation from Floating Car Data28
Empirical observations of multi-modal network-level models: Insights from the pNEUMA experiment28
Optimal internal boundary control of lane-free automated vehicle traffic28
A deep neural network inverse solution to recover pre-crash impact data of car collisions28
Incorporating travel behavior regularity into passenger flow forecasting27
An innovative approach to solve the carsharing demand-supply imbalance problem under demand uncertainty27
Simulation-based optimization of toll pricing in large-scale urban networks using the network fundamental diagram: A cross-comparison of methods27
Cut through traffic to catch green light: Eco approach with overtaking capability27