Transportation Research Part C-Emerging Technologies

(The H4-Index of Transportation Research Part C-Emerging Technologies is 58. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Drone-aided routing: A literature review267
Urban air mobility: A comprehensive review and comparative analysis with autonomous and electric ground transportation for informing future research177
Risk assessment based collision avoidance decision-making for autonomous vehicles in multi-scenarios135
A survey on autonomous vehicle control in the era of mixed-autonomy: From physics-based to AI-guided driving policy learning134
Decision making of autonomous vehicles in lane change scenarios: Deep reinforcement learning approaches with risk awareness133
OpenACC. An open database of car-following experiments to study the properties of commercial ACC systems132
Mixed platoon control of automated and human-driven vehicles at a signalized intersection: Dynamical analysis and optimal control121
A big-data driven approach to analyzing and modeling human mobility trend under non-pharmaceutical interventions during COVID-19 pandemic120
An automated driving systems data acquisition and analytics platform117
Explaining shared micromobility usage, competition and mode choice by modelling empirical data from Zurich, Switzerland115
Predicting origin-destination ride-sourcing demand with a spatio-temporal encoder-decoder residual multi-graph convolutional network111
Automated vehicle-involved traffic flow studies: A survey of assumptions, models, speculations, and perspectives108
An analytical optimal control approach for virtually coupled high-speed trains with local and string stability107
Multi-vehicle routing problems with soft time windows: A multi-agent reinforcement learning approach102
A literature review of Artificial Intelligence applications in railway systems99
Classifying travelers' driving style using basic safety messages generated by connected vehicles: Application of unsupervised machine learning97
Charging station location problem: A comprehensive review on models and solution approaches96
On the inefficiency of ride-sourcing services towards urban congestion92
Toward human-vehicle collaboration: Review and perspectives on human-centered collaborative automated driving91
Analytical analysis of the effect of maximum platoon size of connected and automated vehicles90
Multi-community passenger demand prediction at region level based on spatio-temporal graph convolutional network90
Macroscopic modeling and dynamic control of on-street cruising-for-parking of autonomous vehicles in a multi-region urban road network87
Hybrid deep reinforcement learning based eco-driving for low-level connected and automated vehicles along signalized corridors82
Assessing traffic disturbance, efficiency, and safety of the mixed traffic flow of connected vehicles and traditional vehicles by considering human factors81
Assessing bikeability with street view imagery and computer vision80
A physics-informed deep learning paradigm for car-following models80
About calibration of car-following dynamics of automated and human-driven vehicles: Methodology, guidelines and codes80
The multiple flying sidekicks traveling salesman problem with variable drone speeds79
The Multi-visit Traveling Salesman Problem with Multi-Drones78
TrajGAIL: Generating urban vehicle trajectories using generative adversarial imitation learning78
Large-scale pavement roughness measurements with vehicle crowdsourced data using semi-supervised learning78
Short-term origin-destination demand prediction in urban rail transit systems: A channel-wise attentive split-convolutional neural network method78
Synthetic population and travel demand for Paris and Île-de-France based on open and publicly available data77
Adaptive Traffic Signal Control for large-scale scenario with Cooperative Group-based Multi-agent reinforcement learning75
Connected automated vehicle cooperative control with a deep reinforcement learning approach in a mixed traffic environment74
Automated eco-driving in urban scenarios using deep reinforcement learning73
Network-wide traffic signal control optimization using a multi-agent deep reinforcement learning72
A sequence to sequence learning based car-following model for multi-step predictions considering reaction delay71
Requiem on the positive effects of commercial adaptive cruise control on motorway traffic and recommendations for future automated driving systems70
Modeling epidemic spreading through public transit using time-varying encounter network67
Cooperative decision-making for mixed traffic: A ramp merging example66
Comfortable and energy-efficient speed control of autonomous vehicles on rough pavements using deep reinforcement learning66
DDP-GCN: Multi-graph convolutional network for spatiotemporal traffic forecasting65
Decentralized control of connected automated vehicle trajectories in mixed traffic at an isolated signalized intersection65
Evaluating resilience in urban transportation systems for sustainability: A systems-based Bayesian network model64
What do we (Not) know about our future with automated vehicles?64
Impacts of commercially available adaptive cruise control vehicles on highway stability and throughput63
Joint predictions of multi-modal ride-hailing demands: A deep multi-task multi-graph learning-based approach63
On-demand ridesharing with optimized pick-up and drop-off walking locations62
A bi-level cooperative driving strategy allowing lane changes62
Transferability improvement in short-term traffic prediction using stacked LSTM network61
A column-and-row generation approach for the flying sidekick travelling salesman problem61
Analysis of the impact of maximum platoon size of CAVs on mixed traffic flow: An analytical and simulation method61
Trajectory planning for connected and automated vehicles at isolated signalized intersections under mixed traffic environment60
Dynamic pricing and fleet management for electric autonomous mobility on demand systems60
A survey on demand-responsive public bus systems59
Sharing the road with autonomous vehicles: Perceived safety and regulatory preferences59
Transit OD matrix estimation using smartcard data: Recent developments and future research challenges58