Journal of Medical Biography

(The TQCC of Journal of Medical Biography is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Dr. Florence Rena Sabin (1871–1953): Remaking the Face of Medicine5
Dr Ayub Khan Ommaya (1930–2008): The eventful life of a revolutionary neurosurgeon4
What does the biography of Duncan Forbes MBE (1873–1941), Medical Officer of Health for Brighton (1908–1938), reveal about managing pandemics?4
Early history of skin preservation and transplantation; the role of Carl August Ljunggren3
Surgeon Henry Tonks and the blur of artistry2
Eugene Hertoghe (1860–1928): Pioneer in endocrinology and the treatment of hypothyroidism2
Nutton V., Renaissance Medicine: A Short History of European Medicine in the Sixteenth Century2
Why is William Sharp's name forgotten when his novel method for treating fractures of the Ankle is still used today?2
Elinor Catherine Hamlin (1924–2020): ‘The beloved daughter of Ethiopia’2
Sir Arnold James Knight (1789–1871): Physician, educationist, and founder of Sheffield Medical School2
John Graunt F.R.S. (1620-74): The founding father of human demography, epidemiology and vital statistics2
Albert Sharman (1903–1970): Gynaecologist, inventor and teacher2
Richard Muir: Edinburgh-based pioneer biomedical scientist and medical artist1
Idris Bitlisi and the prevalence of historiography in the ottoman empire: A Look at his most important work Hasht Bihisht1
The last days of Daniel Webster: A detailed analysis of his cause of death1
Sir Benjamin William Rycroft OBE (1902–1967): British ophthalmologist and pioneer in corneal surgery1
Francis Fontan (1929-2018): Pioneer pediatric cardiac surgeon1
Armond S. Goldman (1930–2023) and the development of the immunobiology of human milk1
The Sloop family: Addressing rural health disparities through service and education1
John Hemsley Pearn, Doctors for the World: A History of the Faculty of Medicine of The University of Queensland and its People1
George Phillip Cammann (1804–1863): A physician's contribution to the modern stethoscope and auscultatory percussion1
Exploring the Enigma of Maristans in Muslim-Ruled Kashmir1
Xavier Bichat and the renovation of the pathological anatomy1
Lest we forget: Johann Alexander Vogelsang—a pioneer in maxillofacial surgery in East Germany1
Zohra Begum Kazi: Pioneering Bengali female doctor and nationalist representation1
Dr. Sait Bilal Golem (1899–1955): Veterinarian and pioneer researcher of public health in Albania and Turkey1
The statue of Nurse Mary Seacole (1805–1881): A trailblazer in 19th-century healthcare1
An ophthalmologist fought against trachoma in Turkey and his books from an archive: Dr Nuri Fehmi Ayberk and The Development of Ophthalmology in Turkey1
Sir Nicholas Gilbourne's (magical) cross-over trial of 16311
Seeking alternatives, asserting choices: Dr Mahendralal Sarkar's life in medicine and science1
A collection of illustrations of the heart by Arthur Keith, and his work with James Mackenzie on the pathophysiology of the heart 1903–19081
The contribution of the Scottish doctor Robert Erskine to the development of Russian medicine in the 18th century1
Illustrations of the heart by Arthur Keith: His work with James Mackenzie on the pathophysiology of the heart 1903–081
Sir William Osler's fatal trip to Scotland: “Mrs M” and the University Grants Committee1
Statue of Henrietta Lacks (1920–1951)1
Microbial culture collections: Stanley Morris Martin, the first international conference (Ottawa 1962), and beyond1
Who named and built the Désormeaux endoscope? The case of unacknowledged opticians Charles and Arthur Chevalier1
Hruban, RH and Linder, W, A scientific revolution: ten men and women who reinvented American medicine1
Dr Catherine Chisholm, ‘children's physician’: Her work for child welfare and feminist networking in Manchester1
Martin Heinrich Corten (1889–1962): Nazi victim or perpetrator?0
Benjamin Gibson 1774–1812: Manchester's first ophthalmologist0
Ephraim McDowell (1771–1830) and Jane Todd Crawford (1763–1842)0
A re-assessment of Dr Robert Knox and his contribution to early evolution science0
B. G. Johns and his “famous blind men” the genesis of heroic blindness in Victorian England0
One Hundred years after the unveiling of the Chattri memorial, what can the monument tell us about remembrance and COVID-19?0
Salomón Hakim, MD (1922–2011): A honeymoon with Neurosurgery0
From Man's to Practical Anatomy: The evolution of an anatomical textbook0
The Journal of Medical Biography is 30 years old: Past achievements and future prospects0
Marcello Malpighi (1628–1694): His life, discoveries and struggles with the detractors of microscopic anatomy0
John Goodsir (1814–1867) and his neurological illness0
Saving private W. H.: The surgical experiences of Dugald Blair Brown (1847–1896): Lieutenant-Colonel, FRCS, Edin., AMD0
Norman Dott's dome-shaped neurosurgical operating theatres in Edinburgh (1960–2020) – End of an era0
Contrasting versions of Medical Police, the forerunner of Public Health, in Edinburgh in the early 19th century0
The cataract surgery of Empress Eugenie of France a century ago by the eminent Spanish ophthalmologist Ignacio Barraquer0
Charles Bell's (1774–1842) contribution to our understanding of facial expression0
Francesco Maria Fiorentini (1603–1673): An Italian physician in ‘The Iron Century’0
Wilhelm Keller MD (1818–1877) and the emergence of xenobiochemistry0
William Butler (1535–1618): A biography of a singular physician0
A letter about Jean Fernel by Charles Sherrington and the mind–brain connection0
Homage to Dr med. Božidar Kostić0
Sir William Osler (1849–1919) and neurology in his time0
Ibn Wāfid Andalusi, a medieval physician, pharmacist, and botanist, with a look at his most important work Al-Adwiyah Al-Mufradah0
Trevor Mann (1916–1996): Paediatrician responsible for the development of hospital services for children in Brighton, England0
Journey across the world to study medicine: The Anandi Joshi story0
Marcello Malpighi's failing health, death, and the remarkable story of his mortal remains0
A Midsummer Night’s Gene: The familial Neurological Illness of Felix Mendelssohn0
Chaim Sheba (1908–1971) and the Israeli health system0
Ernest Hart: Editor of the British Medical Journal 1866–18980
Dr Hetty Brenda Ockrim (1919–2007) and her medical legacy0
Alexander Ure MD, FRCS (1808-1866), and the beginning of drug metabolism studies0
Unearthing a provincial medical school and its students – A history of the 1834 ‘School of Practical Medicine and Surgery’ at the Sussex County Hospital, Brighton, England0
Tayādhūq (Theodocus/Théodoros) and his role in the formation of Islamic medicine0
Professor George Archibald Grant Mitchell (1906–1993): his work with penicillin during World War II0
Lancereaux, diabète maigre, and diabète gras revisited0
Physician and diplomat in the Ottoman palace: Solomon Ben Nathan Ashkenazi (1520–1602)0
Story of a Levantine family in late Ottoman Constantinople: Dr Julius van Millingen and Dr Edwin van Millingen0
Consulting in the dark: Robert Hamilton (1749–1830) and the importance of ‘tenderness’ towards patients0
Montagu Lomax: The background and motivation of a ‘remarkable man’ who spearheaded lunacy reform0
Dr. Thomas Earl Starzl (1926–2017): Father of Transplantation0
Suspicious eyes – Elvis's glaucoma battle0
A ‘worthy disciple of Galen’, ‘ardent sportsman’ and ‘expert swordsman’: Henry Kipping (1726–1785) apothecary and surgeon at Brighton, England0
The statue of Matron Alice Cashin (1870–1939)0
Moritz Nagel (1808–1871): A faceless name in the history of the adrenal glands0
Surgery on the battlefield: Mobile surgical units in the Second World War and the memoirs they produced0
Alice Hamilton (1869–1970): Pioneer of industrial medicine0
Epidemic diseases during the World War I and Dr Server Kamil Tokgöz0
Diabète Maigre and Diabète Gras0
The Statue of Joseph Guislain (1797–1860): A visionary and pioneer of psychiatric excellence0
A great inspiration for today's vaccination efforts: Biographical sketch of Francisco Xavier Balmis (1753–1819)0
Statue of Dr Bidhan Chandra Roy (1882–1962): An epitome of healthcare in politics0
Disease versus disease: Paolo Zacchia on syphilis and epilepsy0
Emily Blackwell’s Medical School Betrayal: “Duplicity and Double Dealing Somewhere”0
Robert Henderson: Scottish doctor who was appointed Physician to the Forces (1795) and practised at Brighton, England0
William Warwick James OBE FRCS MCh FDS FLS (1874 to 1965)0
A family at war: The life and times of Frank McLardy, pharmacist0
Dr (Professor) Bishnupada Mukhopadhaya (1916–2003): A visionary surgeon and leader of Indian orthopaedics0
Unraveling the physiology of the autonomic nervous system: An unlikely collaboration between Arturo Rosenblueth and Walter Cannon0
A missed Nobel: Dr Subhas Mukhopadhyay (1931–1981), the Father of Indian IVF0
Dr. Vladimir Fortunato (1885–1938), once lauded but now obscure Russian-American medical model sculptor0
William chambers: British army surgeon (Toulon, 1793) and his vaccination institution (1803) in Brighton, England0
The enigma of Sir William Robert Wills Wilde (1815–1876)0
Jules Guérin and social medicine in 18480
The life and work of Judson T. Chesterman, pioneering cardiac surgeon0
Anton von Eiselsberg, founder of Austrian neurosurgery0
Statue of Dr. Aletta Henriëtte Jacobs (1854–1929): Physician, Activist, and an Inspiration0
Dr JA Gray (1858–1929)–Surgeon to HH The Amir of Afghanistan0
Mike McKiernan, Art and Occupation. Matador, Market Harborough0
Gladys Mary Wauchope (1889–1966): Brighton physician and second female medical student at the London Hospital Medical College0
Lest we forget: Dr Michael Ellis DeBakey (1908–2008)0
The unknown and misunderstood life of Ruggero Oddi, the pioneer of biliary system physiology0
Vavro Šrobár: Slovak politician and publicist as a medical doctor involved (also) in the history of medicine0
Robert Lawson Tait (1845–1899): The true innovator of aseptic surgery?0
The legacy of Dr Marjory Warren's publications0
Lest we forget: Dr Paul Farmer (1959–2022) ‘A Global Health Leader at Harvard’0
“A monument to suffering and to patience”: The harrowing journey of Nabby Adams through breast cancer0
Dr John Goodsir (1746–1816): The surgeon of Largo0
The relationship between Rose Anna Shedlock (c1850–1878) and Emile Roux (1853–1933)0
The signs and symptoms of Ernest Shackleton0
Franz Tappeiner (1816–1902): The physician who became headhunter. Portrait of a leading figure in 19th Century anthropology0
Pietro Pacifico Gamondi (1914-1993), tropical physician and ethnologist. A protagonist of medical research in the middle of the 20th century0
Two statues of António Caetano de Abreu Freire Egas Moniz GCSE GCIB (c. 1874–1955)0
JEH Roberts (1881–1948): Pioneer thoracic surgeon0
Samuel Fuller (1580–1633). Pilgrim doctor with the Mayflower0
A pioneer Turkish urologist-medical historian (Saim Erkun 1901–1949) and his one-century-old review about prostate0
On saline infusion, clonus, molecules and forgotten scientists: Who was Dr Julius Sander (1840–1909)?0
Victor Abraham Goldman (1903–1993) a pioneer of dental anaesthesia0
Gerald Hubert Leatherman DSc FDS FFD DOdont (1903–1991), the World Dental Federation, dental hygienists and the promotion of oral health0
Thomas A., Invisible Light: The Remarkable Story of Radiology0
Dr Graham Steell and monaural stethoscopes: Cardiology before the ECG0
Dolley and James Madison through the lens of medicine, sickness, and health0
The statue of Susan La Flesche Picotte (1865–1915): A pioneer of Native American public health0
Dr. Allen Oldfather Whipple (1881–1963): Namesake of the pancreaticoduodenectomy0
Insulin centenary – A patient’s gift0
Captain George Blair RAMC: A doctor prisoner of the Japanese in Singapore and Taiwan in the Second World War0
From Baltimore to Italy: The contribution of Grace Baxter (1869–1954) to the development of Italian nursing0
Acta Anatomica: A portrait of an anatomy department, Christmas 19510
Dr James Copland (1791–1870) and his Dictionary of Practical Medicine0
President William Henry Harrison (1773–1841): A Diagnosis Lost to Time0
Louis Farabeuf (1841–1910): Anatomist and inventor of surgical procedures and instruments0
Annie Dodge Wauneka: Legendary Mother of the Navajo people0
Dr Bonté Elgood (1874–1960): First woman doctor in Egypt and pioneer of maternal and child care0
Bernard Hart (1879–1966) and his influence on British psychiatry0
Jean-Nicolas Marjolin (1780–1850): An ulcer, an anthrax, and a rose0
The development of maxillofacial surgery in East Germany: From a municipal hospital to specialised department at the medical academy Dresden0
Ben Weinstein, MD (1913–1974) and his enduring impact on the history of medicine experience in medical school0
Jean Baptiste Lucien Baudens: The father of trauma laparotomy0
Dr. Max Wolf: A New York city physician rescued from the Holocaust by Albert Goring0
Dr. Wu Mengchao (1922–2021), founder and pioneer of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery0
Memorials to Dr WG Grace – general practitioner and cricketing legend0
Edward K. Barsky (1897–1975): Surgery, activism, and the Spanish Civil War0
The First Eastern General Hospital (1914–1919) of the Royal Army Medical Corps at Cambridge0
Angélique Marguerite Le Boursier du Coudray (1712–1790) – Pioneer of simulation0
Dr Kadambini Bose Ganguly (1861–1923): First Indian woman to practise Western medicine in India0
Carl von Linné: The Development of the Idea of Binomial Nomenclature0
Granville Coggs (1925–2019) – WWII pilot, pioneering radiologist, and inspiration to minorities in medicine0
Biographical review of Ibn Rushd (Averroes) – A physician of 12th CE0
The contributions of James Carmichael Smyth, Archibald Menzies and Robert Jackson to the treatment of typhus in royal naval vessels in the late 18th century0
A forgotten pioneer in Australian psychiatry: Dr Edward Waldegrave Wardley (1813–1872)0
Gösta Jönsson (1909–1978): A pioneer in the hormonal treatment of prostate cancer in Sweden0
Book Review: FDR Unmasked: 73 Years of Medical Cover-ups That Rewrote History by Steven Lomazow0
Mary Merryweather – Nursing pioneer and proto feminist0
‘Disciples of Aesclepius’: Glimpses into lives of the ‘Gentlemen of the Faculty’ of medicine in Brighton, England 1800–18090
Hugh Owen Thomas, and his condemning of bonesetting—“The lady doth protest too much, methinks”: A reexamination0
Peter Richard Barton BDS MBBS MA MDS FDSRCS MRCS LRCP (1921–2010) oral and maxillofacial surgeon and artist0
Medical biography: A symbiotic methodology?0
An immigrant Irish contingent in the crowd at the execution of William Burke in Edinburgh in 18290
Lest we forget: Dr Lewis John Hurwitz (1926–1971)0
A quest of Vera M. Danchakoff, a pioneer of stem cell research0
John Lizars’ (1792–1860). A system of anatomical plates of the human body: Artistry and analysis0
William Taylor, Peninsular War surgeon and deputy inspector of hospitals at Waterloo0
Achille Sclavo (1861–1930): A great 19th and 20th-century pioneer in the history of hygiene and public health0
Edward S Perkins, MD, PhD (1919–2015): In the vanguard of ophthalmic physician–scientists0
‘To unlock the secret places of Man’s Mind’. Thomas Willis (1621–1675)0
Bernard Bornstein (1900–1977): His life and contribution to Polish and Israeli neurology0
Dr Pranjivandas Manekchand Mehta MD, MS, FCPS 1889–1981 and Caraka Samhita (1949)0
Ulysses S. Grant: Chronic Malaria and the myth of his alcoholism0
Britain’s forgotten military medical school at Fort Pitt, Kent (1860–1863)0
Dimitrios Zambakis’ Scientific Hypothesis on the Transmission of Leprosy0
Hideo Fukumi: Medical research in the shadow of biological warfare0
William Attree (died 1846): Royal and army surgeon who underwent amputation of the leg at Brighton, England (1807)0
The statue of Saroj Gupta (1929–2017)0
The principles and practice of death: The Oslerian conflicted conception of dying0
A biography of Dr Carl Bodon: Pioneer of intracardiac injection of adrenaline0
Isabella Barbour ‘Ella’ Pirrie (1857–1929): Pioneering contributions to British nursing0
Doctor, Indian nationalist and humanitarian: Mukhtar Ahmad Ansari (1880–1936)0
Hematologist Bracha Ramot (1927–2006): Between the bedside and the bench0
Liminality analysis: A conceptual framework applicable to medical biography?0
Dr. Russell Davies (1914–1991): Pioneer of theatre recovery and of anaesthetics in Yugoslavia0
Women in the medical profession in 1900 from extended maternity to social equity. The life of Lucia Servadio0
Lest we forget: Dr Wu Lien-Teh (1879–1960)0
Thomas Shapter (1809–1902) of Exeter: Nineteenth century epidemiologist, physician, psychiatrist and author0
Theodor Meynert (1833–1892): Famous brain-anatomist and poet0
Willance's Leap – a memorial to a successful amputation of the leg after trauma in 16060
Dr Agnes Savill: Pioneer, polymath and dermatology's renaissance woman0
Memorials to John Snow – Pioneer in anaesthesia and epidemiology0
A medical trailblazer in the Ottoman Empire: The legacy of Dr Caroline Frances Hamilton (1861–1944)0
Lennart Nilsson (1922-2017) – Pioneer of embryo photography and his work Ett barn blir till0
Voltaire and the politicization of medicine and science0
Ishāq bin Ali al-Ruhawi, a pioneer in medical professionalism in the 9th century AD0
Diabète Maigre and Diabète Gras Revisited0
Belisario Domínguez: A life and death deserving of a medal0
Vittorio Maragliano (1878 −1944) in the history of European medicine: Grand master and pioneer of Italian radiology0
John Rattray (1707–1771), Surgeon and Golfer0