Irish Studies Review

(The TQCC of Irish Studies Review is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Contemporary Irish poetry and the climate crisis4
Subjects of tradition: cultural construction and Irish comprador capitalism4
The Edinburgh companion to Irish modernism3
Covid-19, cultural policy and the Irish arts sector: continuum or conjuncture?3
Austin Clarke2
Silence and articulacy in the poetry of Medbh McGuckian2
Building the Irish courthouse and prison: a political history, 1750–18502
“Once it was Ireland, Now it is Kenya”: anti-colonialism and internationalism in the pages of the Connolly Association’s Irish Democrat in the 1950s–60s1
Moral authority in Seamus Heaney and Geoffrey Hill1
Masculinities, the failed Bildungsroman, and the nation in Mary Lavin’sThe House in Clewe Street(1945)1
Foreigners, non-nationals, immigrants”: precarious citizenship, precarious labour(s) in Oona Frawley’s Flight (2014)1
Dis-orienting Orientalism in contemporary Irish writing: Yan Ge’s Irish short stories1
Architectural space and the imagination: houses in literature and art from classical to contemporary1
Walter Macken: critical perspectives1
Form, affect and debt in Post-Celtic Tiger Irish fiction: Ireland in crisis1
“We know nothing except through style”: John Banville’s worldliness1
”Something that I read in a book”: W. B. Yeats’s Annotations at the National Library of Ireland. Vol. II: Yeats Writings1
A woman’s place? Challenging values in 1960s Irish women’s magazines1
The history of physical culture in Ireland1
Irish crime fiction1
Poetry, politics, and the law in modern Ireland1
The Catholic Church and investor capitalism in late-nineteenth century Ireland1
Law and literature: the Irish case Law and literature: the Irish case , edited by Adam Hanna and Eugene McNulty, Liverpool, Liverpool University Press, 2022, 312 pp., £91
Home-made in Belfast: domesticity as creative practice in Northern Irish art and performance1
Art history at the crossroads of Ireland and the United States1
Newspapers and journalism in Cork, 1910–23: press, politics and revolution1
A history of Irish literature and the environment A history of Irish literature and the environment , edited by Malcolm Sen, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2022,1
Capitalism and Irish studies1
Trauma and identity in contemporary Irish culture0
Casement, choreography and commemoration0
“The sick body has its own narrative impulse”: contemporary Irish illness narratives and institutions of care0
“Not with a bang but a whimper”: uncovering pandemic strains in Flann O’Brien’s later works0
“That terrible, coloured little tragedy”?: Oscar Wilde, Salomé, and genre in transition0
“She is finally home”: feminist storytelling, family imaginaries and transnational solidarity in Irish abortion activism0
Douglas Hyde: Irish ideology and international impact0
Irish ex-servicemen, post-war reconstruction and the Empire Settlement Act0
“’Tis yourself is a skeleton”: deathbed scenes and ethnic identity in Irish-American short fiction, 1895–19100
“The age-old struggle”: Irish republicanism from the battle of the Bogside to the Belfast agreement, 1969–19980
James Joyce and absolute music0
Art O’Brien and Irish Nationalism in London, 1900–250
Northern Ireland, the United States and the Second World War0
Reading Rites: books, writing and other things that matter0
The making of Samuel Beckett’s Play/Comédie and Film0
Post-catastrophic Irelands in contemporary fiction0
The Irish Revival: a complex vision0
Female gothics and the traumatic legacy of Ireland’s revolutionary years: Rosamond Jacob’s The Troubled House and Dorothy Macardle’s The Uninvited0
Representing the Great Famine in contemporary historical fiction: narrative and intertextual strategies in Joseph O’Connor’s Irish American trilogy0
Irish English and Irish Studies: exploring language use and identity through fictional constructions of laddism0
Reimagining Irish Studies for the twenty-first century0
Introduction: Critiquing crisis and commemoration0
Parody and performance: Paul Muldoon’s subversive pastoral0
Objet petits pois : peas, domestics, and modernity in “Two Gallants”0
Style over substance? The Blueshirts and transnational fascist culture0
Broken Irelands: literary form in post-crash Irish fiction0
Trad Nation: gender, sexuality, and race in Irish traditional music0
Roscommon: the Irish revolution, 1912–230
Country house collections: their lives and afterlives0
Masculinities in revolutionary and post-revolutionary Ireland0
Gossip, guerrilla intelligence, and women’s war work in Anna Burns’Milkman0
Erica Van Horn’s creative exercises0
Ireland, slavery and the Caribbean: interdisciplinary perspectives0
Irish literature in transition, 1830–18800
Irish Literature in Transition 1780–18300
Theatre and archival memory: Irish drama and marginalised histories 1951–19770
Memory and counter-memory in contemporary Irish historical fictions: Lia Mills’Fallen(2015), Mary Morrissy’sThe Rising of Bella Casey(2016) and Emma Donoghue’sThe Pull of the Stars0
Epistolary McGahern0
Neil Jordan: works for the page0
Belfast punk and the troubles: an oral history0
“The First National Museum”: Dublin’s Natural History Museum in the mid-nineteenth century0
Race, politics, and Irish America: a Gothic history0
Revising the 1975 PIRA ceasefire through the lens of prospect theory0
“Everything / we husband is always shedding”: intimacy, distance, and the politics of migration in Ailbhe Darcy’sInsistence0
Transnational activism, solidarity and Ireland: an introduction0
Northern Ireland a generation after Good Friday: lost futures and new horizons in the “long peace”0
The Irish Buddhist: the forgotten monk who faced down the British Empire0
Bram Stoker’s dialects: nation, race, and speech in the early Irish fictions0
“A gathering of possibilities”: anthologisation and contemporary short fiction0
Irish drama and wars in the twentieth century0
The economics of Empire: genealogies of capital and the colonial encounter0
“Rory played the greens, not the blues”: expressions of Irishness on the Rory Gallagher YouTube channel0
Ireland and the Magdalene Laundries: a campaign for justice0
Finding a language that works for them: Gerald Dawe on young people’s engagement with poetry0
Supporting parents with young children in Ireland: context, policies and research-supported interventions0
Spectrality as ethical gift and the chance for justice: living on and dispossession in James Joyce’s “The Dead” and John Banville’sSnow0
Temporality and finance in Post-crash Ireland: Paul Murray’s The Mark and the Void0
Made in Ireland: studies in popular music0
Somewhere bigger and brighter? Ambivalence and desire in memories of leaving the north of Ireland during the Troubles0
Bernard Shaw, Sean O’Casey, and the Dead James Connolly0
Samuel Beckett and catastrophe0
Nonlinear temporality in Joyce and Walcott: history repeating itself with a difference0
Revisiting Brian Friel’s Translations through the lens of stage director Caitríona McLaughlin0
Memories of the classical underworld in Irish and Caribbean poetry0
Ireland, revolution and the English modernist imagination0
Resting places: on wounds, war and the Irish Revolution0
Two exponents of observational comedy and the stage Irishman in nineteenth-century Irish theatre: Denis Leonard and Patrick Frederick Gallaher0
The Shattered Worlds of Standish O’Grady: an Irish life in writing0
Rabindranath Tagore and James Henry Cousins: a conversation in letters, 1915–19400
Yeats on theatre0
Rereading the Rising: towards an understanding of the influence of “Easter 1916” on contemporary Ireland0
To Ireland in the end times: figuring the future in contemporary Irish fiction0
Dreams of the future in nineteenth century Ireland Dreams of the future in nineteenth century Ireland , edited by Richard J. Butler, Liverpool, Liverpool University Pres0
Transatlantic connections in John McGahern’s The Leavetaking0
Ageing masculinities in Irish literature and visual culture0
The Siege of Londonderry The Siege of Londonderry , by Piers Wauchope, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2022, xvi + 276 pp., €45.00 (hardback), ISBN 97818015106220
Elementary beckett0
Becoming an Irish traditional musician: learning and embodying musical culture0
Wilde in the dream factory0
Learning to live with ghosts: spectres of “the Troubles” in contemporary Northern Irish cinema0
“Love is a tide”: an interview with Anne Enright0
Remembering otherwise: media memory, gender and Margaret Thatcher in Irish hunger strike films0
The Rebels and Other Short Fiction0
The Irish media and the foundation of the Irish State on 6 December 19220
Irish dance and identity politics on TikTok0
Narratives of the unspoken in contemporary Irish fiction: silences that speak0
Masculinities in World War One Ireland: the Saxonia incident0
No foreign game: association football in the making of Irish identities0
“Blurring the main story”: news in the work of Ciaran Carson0
Backroads into buried pasts: Irish border mobilities and narrative film0
Irish literature in transition, 1940–19800
Electioneering and propaganda in Ireland, 1917–1921: votes, violence and victory0
Counter-revolutionary masculinities: gender, social control and revising the chronologies of Irish nationalist politics0
Space and Irish lesbian fiction: towards a queer liminality0
Community nostalgia and transgenerational trauma: reconciling dichotomies from women’s oral history of West Belfast, 1975–1995 *0
Re-staging the 1916 Rising: Eugene McCabe’sPull Down a Horseman(1966)0
Black abolitionists in Ireland0
Haunted Heaney: Spectres and the Poetry0
The disbanded Royal Irish Constabulary and forced migration, 1922–310
“No irregularity or obstruction can resist them”: advertising of abortion pills in the Irish press, 1890–19300
Brave enough to fight? Masculinity, migration and the Irish revolution0
Hardly working: eliding remunerative labour in recent Irish women’s fiction0
“A forgotten generation”: medical care for disabled veterans of the First World War in independent Ireland0
The theatre of Thomas Kilroy: no absolutes0
Beyond the “republican family”: intergenerational memory, biography, and politics in Ireland since 19690
Art and sustenance in the work of Sara Baume0
Introduction: women writing work0
Diasporic subjects: migrant identities and twentieth-century Ireland0
Canadian spy story: Irish revolutionaries and the secret police Canadian spy story: Irish revolutionaries and the secret police , by David A. Wilson, Montreal & King0
Reimagining Joyce’s Dublin: an interview with Freddie Phillipson0
The rise of the phoenix: restoration and renaissance in contemporary Irish writing0
Hardy peasants, passive landlords: translating difference into agrarian capitalism0
Irish women in the First World War era: Irish women’s lives, 1914–19180
Working in Cork: everyday life in Irish Steel, Sunbeam Wolsey and the Ford Marina plant, 1917–20010
The healer in the tower: Biddy Early and discourses of healing in the work of W. B. Yeats and Lady Augusta Gregory0
The growth and development of sport in County Tipperary, 1840–18800
Modern Irish and Scottish literature0
The Irish whales: Olympians of old New York0
Ireland and Ukraine: studies in comparative imperial and national history0
“Acting on apartheid in a way that is consonant with the Irish people’s love of freedom”: anti-apartheid activism in Ireland, 1959–19940
Dancing enriched whiteness: race and gender in commercial Irish dance performance fromRiverdanceto the Trump Inaugural Ball0
“Stories last a long time after you go”: female solidarity in Emma Donoghue’s The Pull of the Stars and Elaine Feeney’s As You Were0
Seamus Heaney and American poetry0
Northern Irish writing after the troubles: intimacies, affects, pleasures0
The Irish expatriate novel in late capitalist globalization0
Classics and Celtic literary modernism: Years, Joyce, MacDiarmid and Jones0
Drama out of a crisis: James Connolly’sUnder Which Flag(1916) and Teresa Deevy’sThe Wild Goose(1936)0
Commemorating Northern Ireland, 1921–20210
Physical education in Irish schools, 1900–2000: a history0
Ireland and partition: Contexts and Consequences0
Making empire: Ireland, imperialism, and the early modern world0
H Blocks: an architecture of the conflict in and about Northern Ireland0
Two censuses: religion and the politics of recognition0
Poppies, Para flags and the NHS: the iterability of commemoration in Northern Ireland0
Defending Trinity College Dublin, Easter 1916: Anzacs and the Rising0
Reading work with Claire-Louise Bennett and Doireann Ní Ghríofa0
On docile bodies: silence, control and surveillance as self-imposed disciplines in Anna Burns’ Milkman0
Between two hells: the Irish Civil War0
Writing patriarchy out of tragedy? Marina Carr’s translocation of the atrides myth in Ariel0
Justice Daniel Cohalan, 1865–1946: American patriot and Irish-American nationalist0
Music and sound in the life and literature of James Joyce: Joyces Noyces0
Avant-Garde Nationalism at the Dublin Gate Theatre, 1928–19400
“We called ourselves the Irish Ladies’ distress committee”: Irish republican women in Britain, 1916–19230
Seamus Heaney, Virgil and the good of poetry0
Lost and found in the archives: Hannah Lynch and Dimitrios Vikélas Dublin, Athens, Paris: literary crossings and collaborations0
Flann O’Brien: Gallows Humour0
A history of Irish women’s poetry0
“It’s a lot of work”: reading domestic labour in Anne Enright’s The Green Road0
The modern Irish sonnet: revision and rebellion0
Sport, migration and national identity in contemporary Irish media0
James Joyce and Samaritan hospitality: postcritical and postsecular reading in Dubliners and Ulysses0
Clough Williams-Ellis: Errant in Northern Ireland0
Wilde Now : performance, celebrity and intermediality in Oscar Wilde0
Irish Modernisms: gaps, conjectures, possibilities0
Domestic traumas in two plays by Jennifer Johnston0
Performance, modernity and the plays of J.M. Synge0
The active lives of the material culture of commemoration: a Chinese braid and the Irish Citizen Army flag0
“A thing breaks beyond naming”: a review article on David Lloyd’s 2022 books, Counterpoetics of Modernity and The Harm Fields Counterpo0
Unfeminine women and angry men: the Irish Post Office in 1902–19180
Guilt rules all: Irish mystery, detective, and crime fiction0
Folklore and nation in Britain and Ireland0
The pasts, presents and futures of transnational and global Irish Studies: “Snapshots”0
Songs in Irish popular politics: Cork election songs 1818–18370
Is ní cheilim, deirim, déarfad: the O’Donovan Rossa funeral, Pearse’s graveside oration and the Irish language context0
“[The] immediate heft of bodily and civic catastrophe”: the body (politic) in crisis in Mike McCormack’s Solar Bones0
Constructions of civil war masculinities in the writings of Dorothy Macardle0
Getting to Good Friday: Literature and the Peace Process in Northern Ireland0
Sally Rooney’s Normal People: the millennial novel of formation in recessionary Ireland0
Performing social change on the island of Ireland: from republic to pandemic0
Disavowing asylum: documenting Ireland’s asylum industrial complex0
Say Nope to the Pope : performance and resistance in the creative interventions during the 2018 papal visit to Ireland0
Even better than the real thing: a conceptual history of the “Celtic Phoenix”0
Myles na gCopaleen and the fate of “devocracy”:Cruiskeen Lawnand Irish electoral politics in the late 1950s0
Using masculinities as a paradigm for the history of the Irish Revolution0
The Black and Tans 1920–1921: a complete alphabetical list, short history and genealogical guide0
The new Joyce studies0
Donegal: the Irish Revolution, 1912–230
Irish artisans and radical politics, 1776–1820: apprenticeship to revolution0
Austerity and Irish women’s writing and culture, 1980–20200
Towards a religious understanding of the Orange Order: Belfast 1910 to 19140
The formation of a writer: an interview with Elaine Feeney0
Music, the moving image and Ireland, 1897–20170
Life after Emmet’s death: Sarah Curran’s literary and friendship circle0
“The business of being a [twenty-first century] Rose”: racial capitalism in the Rose of Tralee pageant0
Rhythmic and distant depths in James Joyce and Colm Tóibín0
Spectres and (Queer) spectrality inWuthering HeightsandPortia Coughlan0
Surreal Beckett: Samuel Beckett, James Joyce, and Surrealism0
Panepiphanal world: James Joyce’s epiphanies0
Stage Irish: performance, identity, cultural circulation0
An Irishman’s life on the Caribbean island of St Vincent, 1787–90: the letter book of attorney general Michael Keane0
The Celtic Phoenix, capitalist realism, and contemporary Irish women’s novels0
Sex and sexualities in Ireland: interdisciplinary perspectives0
“On the edge of foreign”: race and (non-)belonging in contemporary Irish crime fiction0
Look! It’s a woman writer!: Irish literary feminisms 1970–20200
Irish literature in transition: 1980–20200
The poets of Rapallo: how Mussolini’s Italy shaped British, Irish, and US writers0
The work of representation and representations of work: the feminist experimental poetries of Catherine Walsh and Ellen Dillon0
The Northern Ireland peace process: from armed conflict to Brexit0
From toxic industries to green extractivism: rural environmental struggles, multinational corporations and Ireland’s postcolonial ecological regime0
Soccer and society in Dublin: a history of association football in Ireland’s capital0
'People who get up early in the morning': Irish political capital and the resonances ofIarnród Enda(2021)0
Writing work: a conversation with Caitríona Lally0
Decriminalizing abortion in Northern Ireland: volume 2, allies and abortion providers0
Imperial translators: Hiberno-Spaniards, the Bourbon reforms and political economy0
Irish Theatre: Interrogating intersecting inequalities0
Plays by women in Ireland (1926–33): feminist theatres of freedom and resistance0
“The camera got through safely”: photography and women’s memory activism after the Irish Civil War and Spanish Civil War0
Spiritual wounds: trauma, testimony and the Irish Civil War0
Noraid and the Northern Ireland troubles, 1970–1994 Noraid and the Northern Ireland troubles, 1970–1994 , by Robert Collins, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2022, 224 pp., €40