Control Engineering Practice

(The median citation count of Control Engineering Practice is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Operation and energy evaluation of diesel and hybrid trains with smart switching controls106
Dynamic multi-objective optimization and multi-units linear active disturbance rejection control for wastewater treatment processes100
A novel combinatorial hybrid SFL–PS algorithm based neural network with perturb and observe for the MPPT controller of a hybrid PV-storage system92
Comparative analysis of control methods for a wind turbine in normal and gusty conditions90
On a hierarchical adaptive and robust inverse dynamic control strategy with experiment for robot manipulators under uncertainties80
Decentralized federated domain generalization with cluster alignment for fault diagnosis77
Passive Fault-Tolerant Augmented Neural Lyapunov Control: A method to synthesise control functions for marine vehicles affected by actuators faults76
Positioning of aircraft relative to unknown runway with delayed image data, airdata and inertial measurement fusion72
Robot peg-in-hole assembly based on contact force estimation compensated by convolutional neural network68
Observer based model predictive current control of distorted grid connected single phase rectifier without AC voltage sensor66
Editorial Board61
Enhanced reduced-order extended state observers-based position tracking error constraint control of a pump-controlled hydraulic system via multiparameter singular perturbation theory58
Design and comparison of two advanced core control systems for flexible operation of pressurized water reactors54
Distributed multi-horizon model predictive control for network of energy hubs54
Hybrid model- and learning-based fault diagnosis in adaptive buildings53
Assessment and validation of wave excitation force estimators in operative conditions50
Linear active disturbance rejection control for large onshore wind turbines in full wind speed range50
Data-driven neural network model for maximum speed profile based on driver risk49
Data-driven modeling approach of heavy-duty gas turbine with physical constraint by MTGNN and Transformer49
Real-time pattern matching and ranking for early prediction of industrial alarm floods48
Uncertainty-aware output feedback model predictive combustion control of RCCI engines45
Design and experimental verification of model-free adaptive sliding controller for air supply system of PEMFCs45
Embedded technique-based formation control of multiple wheeled mobile robots with application to cooperative transportation44
Real-time model predictive control of path-following for autonomous vehicles towards model mismatch and uncertainty42
Adaptive tracking control method for shearer cutting trajectory based on the combined strategy42
Covert attacks for primary loops of PHWR nuclear power unit based on SOS-LSTM41
Finite frequency domain H41
Design of an automated street crossing management module for a delivery robot40
Systematic MPC tuning with direct response shaping: Parameterization and Inverse optimization-based Tuning Approach (PITA)39
A novel parallel multi-harmonic global multi-channel control algorithm for helicopter active vibration control39
Alternating direction method of multipliers in distributed control of a system of systems: Application to a quadruple tank plant37
A hybrid stochastic model predictive design approach for cooperative adaptive cruise control in connected vehicle applications37
Adaptive slip vectoring for speed and yaw-rate control in electric vehicles with four in-wheel motors37
Encrypted distributed model predictive control of nonlinear processes36
Many-objective interactive optimization and decision making for distribution network expansion planning35
Non-linear model predictive control based trajectory tracking of hand and wrist motion using functional electrical stimulation34
A protocol for Decentralized Synchronous Diagnosis with Coordination34
Decentralized control and state estimation of a flying parallel robot interacting with the environment34
Online reinforcement learning for the shape morphing adaptive control of 4D printed shape memory polymer32
A practical robust bounded control for permanent magnet linear motor with inequality constraints32
Federated learning for decentralized fault diagnosis of a sucker-rod pumping system with class imbalance data31
Adaptive gain design for Zero-Order Hold discrete-time implementation of explicit reference governor31
Speed sensorless nonlinear adaptive control of induction motor using combined speed and perturbation observer31
Model predictive control of an active ankle-foot orthosis with non-linear actuation constraints30
A semi-supervised linear-nonlinear prediction system for tumbler strength of iron ore sintering process with imbalanced data in multiple working modes30
Fuzzy sampled-data H sliding-mode control for active hysteretic susp30
On the robust control design of multiple resonant controllers for the parallel operation of UPSs30
Robust trajectory tracking and control allocation of X-rudder AUV with actuator uncertainty29
URTSegNet: A real-time segmentation network of unstructured road at night based on thermal infrared images for autonomous robot system29
Phase partition and online monitoring for batch processes based on Harris hawks optimization29
Control performance monitoring and degradation recovery in automatic control systems: A review, some new results, and future perspectives28
Open-circuit faults diagnosis and Fault-Tolerant Control scheme based on Sliding-Mode Observer for DFIG back-to-back converters: Wind turbine applications28
An injected quantity estimation technique based on time–frequency analysis28
Model predictive control and linear control of DC–DC boost converter in low voltage DC microgrid: An experimental comparative study28
Study on the closed-loop combustion control for a diesel engine by using a dynamic-target online prediction model28
Efficient nonlinear model predictive motion controller for autonomous vehicles from standstill to extreme conditions based on split integration method27
Two-layer structure strategy for large-scale systems integrating online adaptive constraints adjustment method and cooperative distributed DMC algorithm27
Linear unknown input-state observer for nonlinear dynamic models27
A fault model extension for a geometric fault isolation methodology to detect leakages and sensor faults on engine test beds27
Aerial teleoperation for quadrotors based on gaze-guidance27
Dynamic multivariate threshold optimization and alarming for nonstationary processes subject to varying conditions27
Positioning control of liquid crystal elastomer actuator based on double closed-loop system structure27
Multi-objective cost function based finite control set-sliding mode control strategy for single-phase split source inverters26
A resilient consensus algorithm with inputs for the distributed monitoringof cyber-physical systems26
Fault-tolerant torque control of a three-phase permanent magnet synchronous motor with inter-turn winding short circuit26
Multiple-model iterative learning control with application to stroke rehabilitation26
Adaptive real-time energy management control strategy based on fuzzy inference system for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles25
Optimization of the energy-comfort trade-off of HVAC systems in electric city buses based on a steady-state model25
Ride-pooling Electric Autonomous Mobility-on-Demand: Joint optimization of operations and fleet and infrastructure design25
Design and experimental validation of eco-driving system for connected and automated electric vehicles25
Design, modeling and optimal control of a novel compliant actuator23
A design framework for nonlinear iterative learning control and repetitive control: Applied to three mechatronic case studies23
Modular modeling and coordination control scheme for an underwater cooperative transportation performed by two I-AUVs23
A novel integrated fuzzy control system toward automated local airflow management in data centers23
Nonlinear model predictive control of flexible ammonia production23
Control of the launch and recovery of small boats to a mothership in high sea states using sliding mode methods22
Variable gain ADRC for delta parallel manipulators with disturbances22
Force tracking control for hydraulically actuated adaptive high-rise buildings22
Multi-vehicle localization by distributed MHE over a sensor network with sporadic measurements: Further developments and experimental results22
A machine learning-based motion training approach applied to multilegged and bipedal robots21
The impact of control research on industrial innovation: What would it take to make it happen?21
Editorial Board21
Editorial Board21
Signed-data reinforced observer-based fault diagnosis for virtually-coupled electric multiple units trains21
Physics-informed data-driven model of dehydration reaction stage in the sintering process of ternary cathode materials21
Exergy based model predictive control of an integrated dual fuel engine and a waste heat recovery system20
Dynamic analysis and trajectory optimization for the nonlinear ski-skier system20
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Editorial Board20
Estimating severe irregularities of road ahead based on preceding vehicle responses20
Parameter estimation and model reduction for model predictive control in retinal laser treatment20
Wind farm dynamic effect mitigation on power sharing and stability of MTDC grid through a supplementary controller19
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Editorial Board19
Editorial Board19
Upgrading a linear controller to a sliding mode one: Theory and experiments19
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Editorial Board19
Robust anti-disturbance control of a high-pressure electro-pneumatic servo valve directly driven by voice coil motor19
Active neck orthosis for musculoskeletal cervical disorders rehabilitation using a parallel mini-robotic device19
An effective approach for fault diagnosis of Discrete-Event Systems modeled as safe labeled Petri nets19
State estimation based on enhanced Bayesian approach: Application in water distribution systems19
Combining model-based and model-free approaches for the control of an electro-hydraulic system19
Reconfiguration motion analysis and motion quality control of an unmanned metamorphic vehicle18
Real-time predictive model for reactivity controlled compression ignition marine engines18
Assessment of Petri nets Regulation Control methodologies for automation systems18
MPMC-frame: Multiplatform migration control framework for manipulator control18
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Editorial Board18
Autoencoder-Enhanced Regularized Prototypical Network for New Energy Vehicle battery fault detection18
Visual predictive control of fire monitor with time delay model of fire extinguishing jet18
Variable partition based parallel dictionary learning for linearity and nonlinearity coexisting dynamic process monitoring18
Iterative learning and feedback control for the curvature and contact force of a metal strip on a roll18
Robust hybrid intelligent control using probabilistic feature for active power filter18
Database-driven model predictive control system for online adaptation of an autonomous excavator to environmental conditions18
Evidence reasoning-based alarm method for silicon content in blast furnace hot metal using unbalanced monitoring samples18
Model predictive control of mixing controlled compression ignition operation for low reactivity fuels17
Disturbance rejection control of shaking table based on adaptive-model-based state estimator17
Interpretable machine learning for battery capacities prediction and coating parameters analysis17
Multiblock dynamic enhanced canonical correlation analysis for industrial MSW combustion state monitoring17
Spacecraft attitude estimation based on temperature measurements in cuboid configuration17
Adaptive optimal output regulation of unknown linear continuous-time systems by dynamic output feedback and value iteration17
Optimal dynamic operation of pumped storage power plants with variable and fixed speed generators17
A new transfer entropy approach based on information granulation and clustering for root cause analysis17
Hysteresis modeling and compensation of a piezoelectric fast steering platform using multiple NARMA-L2 models17
Control of a rigid wing pumping Airborne Wind Energy system in all operational phases16
Multi-gated perimeter flow control for monocentric cities: Efficiency and equity16
Adaptive control of dual-motor autonomous steering system for intelligent vehicles via Bi-LSTM and fuzzy methods16
A quality-related distributed fault detection method for large-scale sequential processes16
High-gain disturbance observer for robust trajectory tracking of quadrotors16
Coarse-to-fine condition identification for wide-range non-stationary processes driven by coupled condition indicators16
Robust formation tracking of multiple autonomous surface vessels with individual objectives: A noncooperative game-based approach16
Gain scheduled task space control of multi DOF machine tools with non-linear parallel kinematics16
Observer-based fast nonlinear MPC for multi-DOF maglev positioning system: Theory and experiment15
Model-free optimal robust tracking control for the joint actuated by pneumatic artificial muscles with saturated air pressure input15
Cascaded ESO based multi-task priority tracking and null-space compliance control for redundant robots15
An adaptive receding horizon-based flexible mode switching control strategy of parallel hybrid electric vehicles15
Optimal coordinated control of active steering and direct yaw moment for distributed-driven electric vehicles15
Low-rank reconstruction-based autoencoder for robust fault detection15
Voltage Control of a Quasi Z-Source Converter Under Constant Power Load Condition Using Reinforcement Learning15
Wet clutch pressure hysteresis compensation control under variable oil temperatures for electro-hydraulic actuators15
Design and experimental validation of three way catalyst age estimator and Fisher information analysis for optimal sensor selection15
Tridimensional vector path abstracting and trajectory tracking control on ramps of full self-driving vehicle15
A robust adaptive formation control methodology for networked multi-UAV systems with applications to cooperative payload transportation14
Nonlinear sparse variational Bayesian learning based model predictive control with application to PEMFC temperature control14
Enhanced frequency-adaptive self-tuning filter-based continuous terminal sliding mode control of single-phase dynamic voltage restorer14
1 bit encoding–decoding-based event-triggered fixed-time adaptive control for unmanned surface vehicle with guaranteed tracking performance14
Thermal comfort-conscious eco-climate control for electric vehicles using model predictive control14
Comparative study of adaptive trajectory tracking controller for four-wheel mobile robot with prescribed-prediction performance14
Model based precise register control method for shaft-driven Roll-to-Roll(R2R) systems14
Adaptive fuzzy controller based early detection and prevention of asymmetrical faults in power systems14
A Multi-Input Single-Output iterative learning control for improved material placement in extrusion-based additive manufacturing14
Robust MPC with data-driven demand forecasting for frequency regulation with heat pumps14
Open Process Automation: A standards-based, open, secure, interoperable process control architecture14
Variable sampling period multi-phase predictive controller based on regions14
Coordinated load frequency control of a smart hybrid power system using the DEMA-TD3 algorithm14
A simplified control algorithm for efficient and robust tracking of the maximum power point in PV systems14
Sparsity and manifold regularized convolutional auto-encoders-based feature learning for fault detection of multivariate processes13
Hierarchical motion control strategies for handling interactions of automated vehicles13
Fast warm-start of F-MPC strategy for automotive cruise control with mode switching13
Modeling, control design and experimental automatic calibration of a leveling system for combine harvesters13
Design of a generalized dynamic model and a trajectory control and position strategy for n-link underactuated revolute planar robots13
Design, development and testing a hybrid control model for RCCI engine using double Wiebe function and random forest machine learning13
A feedforward approach to mid-ranging control13
Leakage detection and localization in water distribution systems: A model invalidation approach13
Optimal physical human–robot collaborative controller with user-centric tuning13
TFPred: Learning discriminative representations from unlabeled data for few-label rotating machinery fault diagnosis13
A novel approach for 3PDP and real-time via point path planning of Dubins’ vehicles in marine applications13
Real-time coal classification in thermal power plants13
A meta-learning approach to personalized blood glucose prediction in type 1 diabetes13
Prediction of material removal rate in chemical mechanical polishing via residual convolutional neural network13
Model Predictive Path Following Control without terminal constraints for holonomic mobile robots13
Super-twisting resonant controller-based inverter nonlinearity compensation for permanent magnet synchronous motor drive system13
Alarm correlation analysis with applications to industrial alarm management13
Unknown input observer based neuro-adaptive fault-tolerant control for vehicle platoons with sensor fault and output quantization12
MSWR-LRCN: A new deep learning approach to remaining useful life estimation of bearings12
IMC-based diesel oxidation catalyst outlet temperature control with extended state predictor observer12
Enhancing deep learning for the comprehensive forecast model in flue gas desulfurization systems12
Cooperative control strategy of trajectory tracking and driving stability for distributed-drive vehicles under extreme conditions12
Design of active disturbance rejection control with noise observer for an optical reference unit12
Energy-efficient operation by cooperative control among trains: A multi-agent reinforcement learning approach12
A two-layer control architecture for operational management and hydroelectricity production maximization in inland waterways using model predictive control12
Koopman-based deep iISS bilinear parity approach for data-driven fault diagnosis: Experimental demonstration using three-tank system12
Adaptive model predictive control for PUC grid-connected inverter system with inaccurate parameters12
Corrigendum to “An industrial control loop decoupler for process control applications” [Control Eng. Pract. 123 (2022) 105138]12
Integrated control algorithm for fast and accurate detection of the voltage sag with low voltage ride-through (LVRT) enhancement for doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) based wind turbines12
PID control with PID event triggers: Theoretic analysis and experimental results12
Community inspired edge specific message graph convolution network for predictive monitoring of large-scale polymerization processes11
A switched model predictive control with parametric weights-based mode transition strategy for a novel parallel hybrid electric vehicle11
Gaussian process model based multi-source labeled data transfer learning for reducing cost of modeling target chemical processes with unlabeled data11
Systematic modeling of complex time-variant gear systems using a Power-Oriented approach11
An online hybrid prediction model for mud pit volume in the complex geological drilling process11
Coordination of low-power nonlinear multi-agent systems using cloud computing and a data-driven hybrid predictive control method11
Fuzzy-set theory based optimal robust constraint-following control for permanent magnet synchronous motor with uncertainties11
Corrigendum to “Loop-shaping for reset control systems: A higher-order sinusoidal-input describing functions approach” [Control Engineering Practice 111 (2021) 104808]11
Parameterised function ILC with application to stroke rehabilitation11
Nonlinear model predictive control for improved water recovery and throughput stability for tailings reprocessing11
Editorial Board11
Model Predictive Control framework for slug flow microfluidics processes11
Synchronization tracking control of networked multi-axis motion systems: A cooperative distributed model predictive control approach11
Improved sliding mode disturbance observer-based model-free finite-time terminal sliding mode control for IPMSM speed ripple minimization11
A novel tension-based controller design for the quadrotor–load system11
Fixed-time attitude control of reusable launch vehicles utilizing reliability-based control allocation11
Trajectory tracking control for a cable-driven space manipulator using time-delay estimation and nonsingular terminal sliding mode11
Sum-of-delay models for pressure control in Water Distribution Networks11
A new nonlinear control of an active rectifier for variable speed generating units11
Hierarchical control of manipulator with null-space compliance at the kinematic level10
Real-time process operation evaluation and model reliability assessment for chemi-thermomechanical pulping process10
Discrete-time multi-model preview control: Application to a real semi-active automotive suspension system10
Design and implementation of trajectory planning for a high-order bounded reference10
Practical fixed-time output feedback trajectory tracking control for marine surface vessels with unknown disturbances10
Editorial Board10
Support algorithm for air traffic controllers’ arrival spacing: Improvement of trajectory estimation using Gaussian Process Regression10
Editorial Board10
Robust μ parameterization with low tuning comp10
A Bayesian network method using transfer learning for solving small data problems in abnormal condition diagnosis of fused magnesia smelting process10
A coordinated framework of aerial manipulator for safe and compliant physical interaction10
Autonomous reliable intelligent control design under condition monitoring mechanism: Applied to hypersonic flight vehicles10
Moving-horizon false data injection attack design against cyber–physical systems10
Design of a utility-based lane change decision making algorithm and a motion planning for energy-efficient highway driving10
Event-triggered controller design for active suspension systems: An adaptive backstepping method with error-dependent gain10
A recommender system for human operators in industrial automation10
A feedback linearisation algorithm for single-track models with structural stability properties10
Planning and control of drifting-based collision avoidance strategy under emergency driving conditions10
Editorial Board10
The modeling and identification of walking beam type slab reheating furnace based on immersion and invariance disturbance estimation10
Sensor selection and controller design method with application to turbocharged stoichiometric spark-ignited engine controls with low pressure EGR10
Run-to-Run algorithm for clinical decision support: In silico study for a personalized adaptation of the basal-bolus therapy and of the visit scheduling10
On the parametrization of algebraic differentiators in the light of ‘A survey on the discrete-time differentiators in closed-loop control systems: Experiments on an electro-pneumatic system’10
Signal temporal logic synthesis under Model Predictive Control: A low complexity approach10
Robust decentralized approach to interaction mitigation in VSC-HVDC grids through impedance minimization10
Automatic alignment of underwater snake robots operating in wakes of bluff bodies10
A hybrid deep-Q-network and model predictive control for point stabilization of visual servoing systems10
Similarity and sparsity collaborative embedding and its application to robust process monitoring10
Data-driven LPV model predictive control of a cold atmospheric plasma jet for biomaterials processing9
Improved multistep model predictive control method with reduced finite set for MMC-UPQC9
A reduced LPV polytopic look-ahead steering controller for autonomous vehicles9
Sampled-data robust control of a 2-DoF helicopter modeled using a quasi-LPV framework9
Experimental assessment of combined sliding mode & moment-based control (SM9
Monitoring Statistical Properties of Kalman Filter Residuals in an Artificial Pancreas to Detect Overnight Pump Malfunctions Causing Insulin Suspension9
Reduced-order model based dynamic tracking for soft manipulators: Data-driven LPV modeling, control design and experimental results9
Overlapping internal boundary control of lane-free automated vehicle traffic9
Controlled synchronization of coupled pendulums by Koopman Model Predictive Control9
Fast model-based calibration of multiple injections for a CI engine using nonlinear optimal control9
Optimal force control of a permanent magnet linear synchronous motor based on a magnetic equivalent circuit model9
Application of qualitative trend analysis in fault diagnosis of entrained-flow coal-water slurry gasifier9
Predictive power-split system of hybrid ship propulsion for energy management and emissions reduction9
A new adaptive feature fusion and selection network for intelligent transportation systems9
A unifying framework for transparency optimized controller design in multilateral teleoperation with time delays9
Parameter identification and model prediction path following control of underactuated AUV: Methodology and experimental verification9