Deep-Sea Research Part II-Topical Studies in Oceanography

(The TQCC of Deep-Sea Research Part II-Topical Studies in Oceanography is 7. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Manifestation and consequences of warming and altered heat fluxes over the Bering and Chukchi Sea continental shelves95
Shifts in the physical environment in the Pacific Arctic and implications for ecological timing and conditions34
Environmental impacts on walleye pollock (Gadus chalcogrammus) distribution across the Bering Sea shelf34
Annual cycle of export fluxes of biogenic matter near Hanna Shoal in the northeast Chukchi Sea33
Ecological responses to climate perturbations and minimal sea ice in the northern Bering Sea28
Can mesopelagic mixed layers be used as feed sources for salmon aquaculture?26
Metabarcoding analysis of regional variation in gut contents of the copepod Calanus finmarchicus in the North Atlantic Ocean26
Distributional shifts among seabird communities of the Northern Bering and Chukchi seas in response to ocean warming during 2017–201921
Response of Pink salmon to climate warming in the northern Bering Sea21
Evaluation and projection of global marine heatwaves based on CMIP6 models21
Distribution of blue whale populations in the Southern Indian Ocean based on a decade of acoustic monitoring20
Climate-related changes in the biomass and distribution of small pelagic fishes in the eastern Bering Sea during late summer, 2002–201819
The breeding seabird community reveals that recent sea ice loss in the Pacific Arctic does not benefit piscivores and is detrimental to planktivores18
Die–offs, reproductive failure, and changing at–sea abundance of murres in the Bering and Chukchi Seas in 201818
Integrated ecosystem research in the Pacific Arctic – understanding ecosystem processes, timing and change17
Effect of freshwater advection and winds on the vertical structure of chlorophyll in the northern Bay of Bengal17
Temperature variations in the northern Gulf of Alaska across synoptic to century-long time scales16
Body condition of phocid seals during a period of rapid environmental change in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands, Alaska16
Mesopelagic fish composition and diets of three myctophid species with potential incidence of microplastics, across the southern tropical gyre15
Walleye Pollock breach the Bering Strait: A change of the cods in the arctic15
Humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) distribution and movements in the vicinity of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Marine Protected Area15
Responses of Gulf of Alaska plankton communities to a marine heat wave15
Stratification, plankton layers, and mixing measured by airborne lidar in the Chukchi and Beaufort seas15
Assessing the effect of riverine discharge on planktic foraminifera: A case study from the marginal marine regions of the western Bay of Bengal14
Vertical distribution and migration of mesopelagic scatterers in four north Atlantic basins14
ENSO phase-locking biases from the CMIP5 to CMIP6 models and a possible explanation14
Recent shifts in northern Bering Sea snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) size structure and the potential role of climate-mediated range contraction13
Dynamically downscaled projections of ocean acidification for the Bering Sea13
The effect of oceanographic variability on the distribution of larval fishes of the northern Bering and Chukchi seas13
Climate-driven shifts in pelagic fish distributions in a rapidly changing Pacific Arctic13
Hadal fauna of the South Sandwich Trench, Southern Ocean: Baited camera survey from the Five Deeps Expedition.13
Deep-learning model for sea surface temperature prediction near the Korean Peninsula12
An acoustic method to observe the distribution and behaviour of mesopelagic organisms in front of a trawl12
Vertical structure and temporal variability of currents over the Chukchi Sea continental slope12
Coupled modes of projected regional change in the Bering Sea from a dynamically downscaling model under CMIP6 forcing12
Advection and in situ processes as drivers of change for the abundance of large zooplankton taxa in the Chukchi Sea12
Biological production in the Indian Ocean upwelling zones - Part 2: Data based estimates of variable compensation depth for ocean carbon models via cyclo-stationary Bayesian Inversion.12
Seasonal patterns of near-bottom chlorophyll fluorescence in the eastern Chukchi Sea: 2010–201912
Seasonal and interannual variability of nitrate in the eastern Chukchi Sea: Transport and winter replenishment12
Micronekton biomass distribution, improved estimates across four north Atlantic basins12
Spatial changes in the summer diatom community of the northern Bering Sea in 2017 and 201811
Three decades of ocean warming impacts on marine ecosystems: A review and perspective11
Physical forcing controls spatial variability in primary production in the Indian Ocean11
Sediment trap-derived particulate matter fluxes in the oligotrophic subtropical gyre of the South Indian Ocean11
Investigation of the 2018 thick-billed murre (Uria lomvia) die-off on St. Lawrence Island rules out food shortage as the cause11
Distinctive spring phytoplankton bloom in the Bering Strait in 2018: A year of historically minimum sea ice extent11
Grazing control and iron limitation of primary production in the Arabian Sea: Implications for anticipated shifts in Southwest Monsoon intensity11
Extreme oceanographic conditions in the northwestern Bering Sea in 2017–201811
Nemerteans collected in the Bering Sea during the research cruises aboard the R/V Akademik M.A. Lavrentyev in 2016, 2018, and 2021 with an analysis of deep-sea heteronemertean and hoplonemertean speci11
Integrated research in the Arctic – Ecosystem linkages and shifts in the northern Bering Sea and eastern and western Chukchi Sea10
Biophysical models of persistent connectivity and barriers on the northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge10
Methane seep communities on the Koryak slope in the Bering Sea10
Forecasts of marine heatwaves for marine industries: Reducing risk, building resilience and enhancing management responses9
Annual and spatial variation in the condition and lipid storage of juvenile Chukchi Sea gadids during a recent period of environmental warming (2012 to 2019).9
Deep-sea acorn worms (Enteropneusta) from the Bering Sea with the description of a new genus and a new species of Torquaratoridae dominating soft-bottom communities9
Contrasting life-history traits of two toothfish (Dissostichus spp.) species at their range edge around the South Sandwich Islands9
Of Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation in the CMIP6 Project9
Acoustic detections of beaked whales, narrow-band high-frequency pulses and other odontocete cetaceans in the Southern Ocean using an autonomous towed hydrophone recorder9
Submesoscale processes-induced vertical heat transport modulated by oceanic mesoscale eddies9
Seasonal changes in the zooplankton community and population structure in the northern Bering Sea from June to September, 20178
Influence of the 2014–2016 marine heatwave on seasonal zooplankton community structure and abundance in the lower Cook Inlet, Alaska8
Distribution and long-term change of the sea surface carbonate system in the Mozambique Channel (1963–2019)8
Spatial distribution of arctic sand lance in the Chukchi Sea related to the physical environment8
Maintenance of the southern Bay of Bengal cold pool8
Processes governing the seasonality of vertical chlorophyll-a distribution in the central Arabian Sea: Bio-Argo observations and ecosystem model simulation8
Unravelling links between squid catch variations and biophysical mechanisms in South African waters8
Spatio-temporal variability of chlorophyll in the northern Indian Ocean: A biogeochemical argo data perspective8
Observations of surface water phytoplankton community in the Indian Ocean: A transect from tropics to polar latitudes8
Eastern Bering Sea shelf environmental and lower trophic level responses to climate forcing: Results of dynamical downscaling from CMIP68
Effects of a freshening trend on upper-ocean stratification over the central tropical Pacific and their representation by CMIP6 models8
Structure of the Bay of Bengal oxygen deficient zone7
Seasonal evolution of chlorophyll in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean: Analyses of Bio-Argo measurements7
Decadal changes in diversity and occurrence of microalgal blooms in the NW Arabian/Persian Gulf7
Corrigendum to “Iron from melting glaciers fuels the phytoplankton blooms in Amundsen Sea (Southern Ocean): iron biogeochemistry” (Gerringa et al., 2012)7
Synthesizing integrated ecosystem research to create informed stock-specific indicators for next generation stock assessments7
The role of temperature on overwinter survival, condition metrics and lipid loss in juvenile polar cod (Boreogadus saida): A laboratory experiment7
Interannual changes of austral summer coccolithophore assemblages and southward expanse in the Southern Indian Ocean7
A seasonal transition in biological carbon pump efficiency in the northern Scotia Sea, Southern Ocean7
Timing of spring sea-ice retreat and summer seabird-prey associations in the northern Bering Sea7
Effects of the timing of sea ice retreat on demersal fish assemblages in the northern bering and Chukchi Seas7
Stratification in the northern Bering Sea in early summer of 2017 and 20187
Microbial community biomass, production and grazing along 110°E in the eastern Indian Ocean7
Latitudinal variation in diversity and abundance of mesopelagic fishes associated with change in oceanographic variables along 110°E, south-east Indian Ocean7
Mega- and macrofauna of the hydrothermally active submarine Piip Volcano (the southwestern Bering Sea)7
Effect of Antarctic sea ice on chlorophyll concentration in the Southern Ocean7
Variability in fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) occurrence in the Bering Strait and southern Chukchi Sea in relation to environmental factors7
Physical-chemical characteristics of composite aerosols in the Indian Ocean sector of the Southern Ocean and its associated effect on insolation: A climate perspective7