
(The median citation count of Intermetallics is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Correlation of magnetocaloric effect through magnetic and electrical resistivity on Si doped Ni–Mn–In Heusler melt spun ribbon89
Effect of texture on mechanical anisotropy of Ti–47Al–2Cr-0.2Mo intermetallics84
Powder metallurgy process enables production of high-strength conductive Cu-based composites reinforced by Cu50Zr43Al7 metallic glass76
Effect of Re addition on microstructure, properties, and performance of AlMo0.5NbTa0.5TiZr refractory high entropy alloy66
Drastic enhancement in hot-workability and microstructural refinement of TiAl alloys via martensitic transformation: A comparative study54
The formation of glasses in Zr–Cu(Co, Ni)–Al systems: Development of a combined thermodynamics and geometrical model54
Enhanced glass forming ability and excellent saturation magnetic flux density by V addition in FeSiBPCCu amorphous/noncrystalline alloys52
Comparative analysis of nanoindentation-induced incipient deformation of zirconium-based bulk metallic glass in various structural states52
Making a coherent L12-nano-precipitates-reinforced Ni-based alloy ultrastrong and ductile by constructing dual heterogeneous structures51
Synthesis and study of TiMn2 intermetallic compound anode materials with different structures for zinc electrowinning48
Thermally induced microstructure evolution and effects on the corrosion behaviors of AlFeSi metallic glass coatings47
Influence of high-temperature annealing on structure of titanium aluminide materials obtained by combustion and high-temperature shear deformation47
Effects of rare-earth element Y content on the microstructure and properties of quinary Al–Ni–Zr–Co–Y high entropy metallic glasses47
Influence of the precipitates on the shape memory effect and superelasticity of the near–eutectoid Ti–Au–Fe alloy towards biomaterial applications46
Observation of outstanding magnetocaloric effect near room temperature in a Fe88Ce5Pr2B5 amorphous alloy45
Joining of β-γ TiAl alloys containing high content of niobium by pulse current diffusion bonding45
Searching for magnetic high entropy alloy treasure in CoCr FeNiQ44
Microstructure and properties of intermetallic compounds of W/Ni/Ta diffusion couple41
Tensile mechanical properties of CoCrFeNiTiAl high entropy alloy via molecular dynamics simulations41
Assessment of the capability of Zr, Y, La, Gd, Dy, C, and Si to enhance the creep strength of gamma titanium aluminide alloys based on their effect on flow stress and thermal activation parameters39
Study on lattice discreteness effect on superdislocation core properties of Ni3Al by improved semi-discrete variational Peierls-Nabarro model38
Enhanced fracture toughness stability of (B,Y)-contained TiAl-based alloy prepared by cold crucible directional solidification38
Preliminary study of the effect of Sn addition on microstructure and creep resistance of a β-solidifying TiAl alloy36
Editorial Board36
Lithium insertion/extraction mechanism in Mg2Sn anode for lithium-ion batteries36
Microstructure and properties of high-strength and high-conductivity Cu-2.5Fe-0.2Si-0.3Mg-0.3Cr-0.1Zr-0.2Y alloy35
Experimental determination and thermodynamic reassessment of the Al–Cr–Ru ternary system34
Gas tungsten arc welding of a multiphase CoCuxFeMnNi (x=20,30) high entropy alloy system: Microstructural differences and their consequences on mechanical performance34
The scandium effect in Gd-rich BMGs: How and why does this ingredient work better than others?34
Understanding the initiation and propagation of shear bands of amorphous Ca65Mg15Zn20 alloy by tracing method33
Improving the strength of Al0.3CoCrFeNi high-entropy alloy via induing dual-heterogeneous microstructure by aging treatment32
Effect of aging temperature on microstructure and mechanical properties of Fe–Ni–Cr–Al high entropy alloy32
Micromechanical study of strengthening mechanisms for Ti65(AlCrNb)35 medium-entropy alloy32
L12-phase nano-structures and their stabilities in dilute Al–Zr–Y alloys: A first-principles study32
Generalized stacking faults energies of face-centered cubic high-entropy alloys: A first-principles study32
Multiple cycles of combined cold rolling and short-time annealing on the microstructure and properties evolution of NiAl bronze32
High uniformity of the mechanical properties of arc-melted WNbMoTaZr refractory high entropy alloy29
Precipitation hardening characterization and stress prediction model in electrically-assisted Ti2AlNb uniaxial tension29
Mechanism of phase structure modulating damping in Fe73Ga27 alloy29
The effects of Ti on the precipitation evolution and age-hardening behavior of Al–7Si–Mg alloy28
Exceptional combinations of tensile properties and corrosion resistance in a single-phase Ti1.6ZrNbMo0.35 refractory high-entropy alloy28
Oxidation of TiAl alloy by oxygen grain boundary diffusion28
Newly synthesized NiCoFeCrW High-Entropy Alloys (HEAs): Multiple impacts of B4C additive on structural, mechanical, and nuclear shielding properties28
Diffusion properties of oxygen in the α2-Ti3Al alloy28
Experimental insights toward understanding how the morphology of Mg2Si particles affects degradation behavior of the biodegradable as-cast Mg–Si alloys27
Mobility of point defects in CoCrFeNi-base high entropy alloys27
Investigation on microstructure characteristics and mechanical properties of twin wire-directed energy deposition-arc fabricated TiAl alloy regulated by the line energy27
On the texture and superstructure formation in Ti–TiAl3–Al MIL composites27
Hybrid reinforced aluminum matrix composites fabricated by selective laser melting27
In-situ studies of primary nucleation and growth of the cubic Al19Fe4MnSi2 phase in an Al–Fe–Mn–Si metallic glass27
A study on two R-phase transformations in intermediate temperature aged Ni-rich TiNiFe-based shape memory alloys27
Structural rejuvenation and relaxation of a metallic glass under the periodically thermal-mechanical loading27
Microstructures and mechanical properties of Ti-55511 alloy subjected to rolling in the α+β dual-phase region26
Distribution of intermetallic compounds in dissimilar joint interface of AA 5083 and HSLA steel welded by FSW technique26
Additive manufacturing of a near-eutectic Mo–Si–B alloy: Processing and resulting properties26
Spark plasma sintering behavior of TaNbHfZrTi high-entropy alloy powder synthesized by hydrogenation-dehydrogenation reaction26
Nanostructuring of an additively manufactured CoCrFeNi multi-principal element alloy using severe plastic deformation: Comparison of two materials processed by different laser scan speeds26
Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of TiAl/GH536 joints vacuum brazed with Ti–Zr–Cu–Ni filler metal26
Microstructure evolution and nano-precipitate of multi-stage heat-treated Ti–45Al–2Nb–2Cr-0.3C alloy25
Effect of electron irradiation defects on the martensitic transformation characteristics and microstructure of Ni45Co5Mn37In13 alloys25
Effect of strain rate and temperature on dynamic compressive behavior of HfBeTiZrCuNi high entropy bulk metallic glass25
Direct observation and characterization of a novel long period stacking ordered phase in GH4169 alloy25
The role of Cu addition in the metallurgical features, mechanical properties, and cytocompatibility of cardiovascular stents biodegradable Zn-based alloy25
Editorial Board24
Investigation of a novel sub-surface work hardening phenomenon in micro-turning of Zr-based bulk metallic glass24
Effect of Tb diffusion anisotropy on mechanical and magnetic properties of Nd-Fe-B magnet24
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Formation and migration behavior of vacancy in multi-component alloys24
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Enhanced strength and crack resistance in CoCrNi-based medium entropy alloy with nano-precipitates, 9R structures and nanotwins produced by hot isostatic pressing23
Strengthening metastable dual-phase Fe60Cr15Ni16Al9 complex concentrated alloy at cryogenic temperature by doping Ti and Mo23
Microstructure and properties of AlCoCrNiFe high-entropy alloy sintered by hot oscillating pressing23
Editorial Board23
Superelastic properties of biomedical Ti–Zr–Nb–Sn highly porous shape memory alloys prepared by fiber metallurgy23
Editorial Board23
Experimental investigation of density, electrical resistivity and DSC of AlNiCoCuZr equiatomic alloy23
Direct observation of the 12R transition structure during the C15→C14 phase transformation in Zr(Fe, Cr)2 Laves structured nanoparticles in Zircaloy-423
Preparation of porous TiNi intermetallic compound and the corrosion behavior in NaCl solution22
Hot deformation behavior of a Fe3Al–Ta alloy in the B2-order regime22
A novel mechanochemical synthesis of ferromagnetic Fe3Al nanoparticles and preparation of its polyaniline nanocomposite22
High-pressure structural behavior and elastic properties of Ce2In and Ce3In: A combined in situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction and density functional theory study22
Electrochemical synthesis of Co–Pr intermetallic compounds by the co-reduction of Co(II) and Pr(III) ions in a molten LiCl–KCl eutectic22
Effects of TiB on the variant selection and spheroidization of secondary α phases at different cooling rates in TiB-TC25G composites22
The electronic structures, elastic and thermodynamic properties of alkali earth metal doped Ni3Ti intermetallics22
Synthesis and magnetic properties of some monotectic composites containing ultra-dispersed particles of YGdTbDyHo high-entropy alloy22
Mechanical properties and deformation mechanisms of C-doped interstitial high-entropy alloy CrMnFeCoNi: Effects of strain rate and C content22
Enhancing tensile properties by dual-precipitates in a CrFeNiVAl complex-concentrated alloy22
A good balance between strength and ductility in Mg–Zn–Mn-Gd alloy21
A criterion of glass-forming ability and stability derived from pseudo-four characteristic temperatures21
Systematic search for new Co2YZ and Rh2YZ Heusler alloys based on theoretical calculations21
Electromigration enhanced growth kinetics of intermetallics at the Cu/Al interface21
Intermetallic eutectics with gigapascal strength and enhanced ductility21
Probing the intrinsic phonon transport properties of the SnTe thermoelectric material20
Effect of type and volume fraction of crystallization products on the variations of electrical resistivity in Cu47Ti34Zr11Ni8 and Ti40Zr25Cu12Ni3Be20 metallic glasses20
Editorial Board20
Mössbauer spectroscopic and XRD studies of two η-Fe2Al5 intermetallics20
Exploring a synergistic-type magnetostructural transformation in Ni-Mn-Ga-X (X = Sn, Sb) Heusler alloys20
Microstructure and nanomechanical behavior of sputtered CuNb thin films20
Formation of Al–Al2O3 core–shell nanosphere chains during electron beam melting of γ-TiAl20
Identifying the optimal amorphous precursor alloy system for dual-phase nanostructure formation according to the impurity tolerance and crystallization mechanism20
Shape memory effect and superelasticity of Ni50Mn30Ga20 porous alloy prepared by imitation casting method20
Multifunctional properties of Cr-substituted ferromagnetic Nd2Fe1719
Influence of initial microstructure on the γ′-coarsening behavior in a corrosion-resistant Ni-based superalloy19
Investigation of microstructure evolution and strength mechanism of the Cu coated BNi-7 core-shell structure filler metal19
Composition and structure of Ti–Al alloy powders formed by electrochemical co-deposition in KCl–LiCl–MgCl2–TiCl3–AlCl3 molten salt19
Phase equilibria of Co-V-Ga ternary system and composition dependence of martensitic transformation characteristics in Co2VGa Heusler alloys19
Effect of Nb content on the mechanical properties of Nbx(MoTaW)(1-x) (x = 0.4, 0.55, and 0.7) refractory multicomponent alloys19
Investigation of scale formation and degeneration of silicide coating on Nb–Si based alloy in the temperature range from 1250 °C to 1560 °C19
Effect of hypo-stoichiometry on microstructure and hydrogenation behaviors of multiphase ZrTi0.1V2- alloys19
New intermetallics R1+xZr1−xNi (R = Er–Tm, x ~ 0.5) with the TiNiSi type of structure19
Serrated flow stress in the CoCrFeNi multi-principal element alloys with different grain sizes and added Re19
Microstructure and tribological behaviour of FeCoCrNiAlCuMn particles alloyed on Inconel-718 substrate using plasma transferred arc technique19
Characterization of deformation substructure evolution in metastable Fe49Mn30Co10Cr10B1 interstitial high entropy alloy19
Fe-based amorphous alloys with superior soft-magnetic properties prepared via smelting reduction of high-phosphorus oolitic iron ore18
Microstructure, mechanical and frictional properties of CrCoNi-xNb alloys prepared through powder metallurgy18
Study of NiFeCoCr medium entropy alloy as a binder phase on W–Mo heavy tungsten alloy by secondary ball milling18
Cryogenic mechanical behavior of a FeCrNi medium-entropy alloy fabricated by selected laser melting18
Unusual energy–structure–property relation in a metallic glass coupled with temperature-dependent relaxation memories18
Magnetic properties and structure of (Fe100-xGex)0.95Ni0.05 alloys (x = 0, 5, 10, 15, 20)18
Formation of eutectic and hydrogen absorption/ desorption behavior of heat-treated Ti19Hf4V40Mn35Cr2 alloys18
Advanced quantification of the site-occupancy in ordered multi-component intermetallics using atom probe tomography18
Influence of La addition on Fe-rich intermetallic phases formation and mechanical properties of Al-7Si-4Cu-0.35Mg-0.2Fe alloys prepared by squeeze casting18
Synergistic strengthening mechanisms of rhenium in nickel-based single crystal superalloys18
Influence of aging heat treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties of a novel polycrystalline Ni3Al-based intermetallic alloy17
Mechanical behavior of powdered iron aluminide Fe – 28Al manufactured by direct powder forging17
Zr-based amorphous alloys with excellent properties developed by co-doping Ti and Dy17
Effect of static magnetic field on the chemical short-range order of CoCrFeMnNi high-entropy alloy prepared by laser powder bed fusion17
Influence of the Nb–Al ratio on homogenization behavior and hierarchical microstructures in high-entropy superalloys17
Superior high-temperature strength in a dual-BCC-phase NbMoTaWHf refractory high-entropy alloy17
Effect of external stress on the high-temperature corrosion behavior of GH4169 alloy17
Composition dependence of phase transformation and shape memory effect of Ti-Zr-Pd-Pt high temperature shape memory alloys17
Effects of extrusion temperature on the microstructure and mechanical properties of low-alloyed Mg-Bi-Ca-Mn alloy17
Synergetic strengthening from grain refinement and nano-scale precipitates in non-equiatomic CoCrFeNiMo medium-entropy alloy17
Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of NiAlCrFeMo high entropy superalloy after different annealing treatment17
Simulation and experimental investigation of grain structure, residual stress,γ′ phases in single crystal blade17
Research on the microstructure and properties of metastable β type Ti-8V4Mo3Cr3Zr3Al alloy with high strength and toughness17
The effect of Hf addition on the precipitation hardening and dynamic softening behavior of NiTi alloy during hot deformation17
Microstructure and properties of FeCoNiCr and FeCoNiCrW high entropy alloy coatings by electro-deposition17
Interactions of primary intermetallic compound particles and double oxide films in liquid aluminum alloys17
Effects of molybdenum content and heat treatment on hydrogen evolution reaction properties and microstructure of FeCoCrNiMox high entropy alloys16
A first-principles study of the mechanical and physical properties of Ni3Snx intermetallic compounds for high-temperature power device packaging16
Influence of molybdenum contents on the microstructure, mechanical properties and oxidation behavior of multi-elemental Nb–Si based ultrahigh temperature alloys16
Effect of aluminum incorporations on the magnetocaloric properties in La1.2(Fe,Co,Si)13 alloys16
Microstructure development and mechanical performance of Al2CrFeMnTi light-weight high entropy alloy16
Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of pulse high current diffusion bonding γ-TiAl alloy to Ti2AlNb alloy16
Investigation of tensile and high cycle fatigue failure behavior on a TIG welded titanium alloy16
The effects of solutes like ruthenium on precipitation of σ phase and σ/γ interface stability in Ni-based superalloys16
Novel nano-lamellar AlCoCrFeMn0.5Mo0.1Nbx eutectic high-entropy alloy coatings by ultrasonic assisted laser cladding: Microstructure and tribological behaviors16
Proper (Nb,Fe) co-alloyed TiAl-based alloy with good hot deformation processing capability15
Microstructure and mechanical properties of AlCoCrFeNi2.1 eutectic high-entropy alloy synthesized by spark plasma sintering of gas-atomized powder15
Effect of Cr content on precipitation behavior of (CoCrNi)94Ti3Al3 medium entropy alloys15
Electron beam welding of the novel L12 nanoparticles-strengthened medium-entropy alloy Ni41.4Co23.3Cr23.3Al3Ti3V6: Microstructures, mechanical properties, and fracture15
Effects of Co on microstructure evolution of a 4th generation nickel-based single crystal superalloys15
Microstructural stability, phase evolution and mechanical properties of a forged W-modified high-Mn β-γ-TiAl alloy15
Effect of titanium on the structural, mechanical and surface properties of CoCrFeMnNiTix high entropy alloy fabricated by selective laser melting15
High-temperature solid particle erosion characteristics and damage mechanism of AlxCoCrFeNiSi high-entropy alloy coatings prepared by laser cladding15
Editorial Board15
Pressure effects on electronic structure and electrical conductivity of TiZrHfNb high-entropy alloy15
Microstructure and mechanical properties of a severely cold-rolled and annealed dual-phase compositionally complex alloy (CCA) with an exceptionally deformable Laves phase15
Effects of particle morphology and magnetocrystalline anisotropy on < 111 > orientation and magnetostriction of sintered Tb-Dy-Fe/DyCu compacts15
Atomic structure of Cu60Ti20Zr20 metallic glass under high pressures15
The creep behaviors of single crystal Ni-based superalloys with slant film cooling holes15
Microstructure and texture of CoCrNi medium entropy alloy (MEA) processed by severe cryo-rolling: A study vis-a-vis cold-rolling15
High-speed impact behavior of cold-sprayed Fe-based amorphous particle on Mg alloy substrate15
Atomic-scale investigation on the interface structure of {2215
Effect of stretching-bending deformation and aging treatment on phase transformation behavior and superelasticity of Ti-50.8 at.% Ni alloy15
Effect of Ho addition on AC soft magnetic property, microstructure and magnetic domain of FeCoNi(CuAl)0.8Hox (x = 0–0.07) high-entropy alloys15
“Tailoring thermal stability and in-plane magnetic anisotropy of CoFeB alloy thin films via growth conditions engineering”15
Investigations on the microstructures and tribological behaviors of as-cast CrFeCoNiCux high entropy alloys15
Comparative irradiation response of an austenitic stainless steel with its high-entropy alloy counterpart14
Rapid preparation of nanocrystalline high-entropy alloy coating with extremely low dilution rate and excellent corrosion resistance via ultra-high-speed laser cladding14
Mo20Nb20Co20Cr20(Ti8Al8Si4) refractory high-entropy alloy coatings fabricated by electron beam cladding: Microstructure and wear resistance14
Microstructure evolution and tensile properties behavior during aging temperature of CoCrFeNi-based high entropy alloys14
Optimizing microstructure, magnetic properties and mechanical properties of sintered NdFeB magnet by double alloy method and grain boundary diffusion14
Bimetal printing of high entropy alloy/metallic glass by laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing14
Electrostatic levitation processing and microscopic hardness property of hyperperitectic Ti60Ni40 alloy14
Influence of thermal exposure on microstructure and stress rupture property of a Re-containing Ni-based single crystal superalloy14
Corrosion behaviors related to the microstructural evolutions of as-cast Al0.3CoCrFeNi high entropy alloy with addition of Si and Ti elements14
Crystallization mechanism of Zr55Cu30Al10Ni5 metallic glass in an extended range of heating rates14
Retainable short-range order effects on the strength and toughness of NbMoTaW refractory high-entropy alloys14
Dependences of magnetic performance and microstructure on the PrGa diffusion time for multi-main-phase Nd-La-Ce-Fe-B magnet14
Cryogenic temperature deformation behavior and shape memory mechanism of NiTiFe alloy14
Improvement of soft magnetic properties of a Nanoperm-type Fe-Hf-B nanocrystalline alloy upon surface crystallization inhibition by Cu addition14
Spark plasma sintering of Fe–Si–B–Cu–Nb / Finemet based alloys14
Cavitation erosion behavior of HVAF-sprayed Cu-based glassy composite coatings in NaCl solution14
Mechanical and electrochemical properties of porous NiTi intermetallics synthesized via rapid thermal explosion14
Tailoring formation and proportion of strengthening phase in non-equiatomic CoCrFeNi high entropy alloy by alloying Si element14
Structural-functional integrated TiB2/Al–Mg-Gd composite with efficient neutron shielding phases and superior mechanical properties14
Probing temperature effects on the stacking fault energy of GH3536 superalloy using first-principles theory14
Influences of Ti additions on the microstructure and tensile properties of AlCoCrFeNi2.1 eutectic high entropy alloy14
Phase, microstructure and mechanical properties evaluation of AlCoCrFeNi high-entropy alloy during mechanical ball milling14
FeCo-based amorphous alloys with high ferromagnetic elements and large annealing processing window14
Effects of printing volumetric energy densities and post-processing treatments on the microstructural properties, phase transformation temperatures and hardness of near-equiatomic NiTinol parts fabric14
Tensile property and hot corrosion behavior of CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloy fabricated via laser melting deposition13
In situ neutron diffraction study of fatigue behavior of CrFeCoNiMo0.2 high entropy alloy13
Increasing the composition range of a novel τ11-Al4Fe1.7Si alloy with additions of Mn13
Oxidation behavior of ytterbium silicide in air and steam13
Enhanced superelasticity and two-way shape memory properties of bamboo-grained Au7Cu5Al4 microwires13
Size effect on the martensitic transformation of Ti–Nb shape memory alloy13
Study on the evolution of interfacial (Cu,Ni)6Sn5 and shear property of (111)Cu/Sn/Ni micro joints under isothermal and TG-bonding13
The impact of disorder on the 4O-martensite of Ni–Mn–Sn Heusler alloy13
Effect of defects on the phase transition of Al0.1CoCrFeNi high-entropy alloy under high pressure13
On intermetallic phases formed during interdiffusion between aluminium alloys and stainless steel13
Effect of carbon addition and cooling rate on lamellar structure of peritectic TiAl-based alloy13
From stacking fault to phase transformation: A quantitative model of plastic deformation of CoCrFeMnNi under different strain rates13
Twinning and orientation relationships of the monoclinic θ-Al45(Mn,Cr)7 phase in an Al–Mg alloy containing Mn13
Rapid screening the mechanical properties of ZrNi-based metallic glasses by high-throughput combinatorial approach13
Understanding roles of Zr and W on hot/warm deformation behavior of FeCrAl alloy: Grain boundary features and dynamic precipitation of Laves phase13
Using characteristic structural motifs in metallic liquids to predict glass forming ability13
High performance MM–FeCo–B spark plasma sintered magnets with nonmagnetic grain-boundary phase13
Screening for O phase in advanced γ–TiAl alloys13
Plasticity and brittleness of the ordered βo phase in a TNM-TiAl alloy13
Role of Fe substitution for Co on thermal stability and glass-forming ability of soft magnetic Co-based Co-Fe-B-P-C metallic glasses13
Serrated flow stress and nano-precipitation in (CoCrFeNi)94Ti2Al4 high entropy alloy12
Core-shell Mg66Zn30Ca4 bulk metallic glasses composites reinforced by Fe with high strength and controllable degradation12
Editorial Board12
Editorial Board12
Substitution behavior of Cu doped into Fe3Si and its effect on the electronic structure and mechanical properties based on first-principles calculation12
Microstructure and fracture behaviours of Nb–16Si ultra-high temperature alloy fabricated by laser directed energy deposition12
Editorial Board12
Decoupling of the phase transitions and its effect on the magnetocaloric properties of Heusler alloys12
Multiscale-phase-driven strength-ductility synergy in Fe3Cr2CoNiAlx high entropy alloys12
Rapid formation of the magnetocaloric phase in La-Fe-Co-Si magnetocaloric alloys for near room temperature applications12
Editorial Board12
Editorial Board12
Tunable magnetocaloric effect at approximately room temperature by Y-substitution in Ho2Fe1712
Excellent mechanical properties of CoNiCr-based MP159 multicomponent alloys at ambient and cryogenic temperatures12
Core-shell structure and stability of nanocrystalline precipitates in Fe83.3Si4B8P4Cu0.7 soft magnetic amorphous alloy12
Microstructure characteristics and mechanical properties of TiAl alloy joint brazed with CoCuFeNiTi1.2V0.4 high entropy alloy filler12
Microstructure characterization and fracture behaviors of Silicon carbide/metallic glass composites with interpenetrating architecture12
Microstructure and unusually strong recrystallization texture of the FCC phase of a cost-effective high-strength dual-phase AlCrFe2Ni2 high entropy alloy11
Large exchange bias effect and interfacial magnetic structure in FePt3 (partially ordered)/FePt3 (disordered) multilayer film11
Intrinsic defect migration in Be12Ti11
Dynamic mechanical relaxation behavior of binary metallic glasses11
Effect of Cu addition on the physical and mechanical properties of a Ni–Mn–In–Co polycrystalline shape memory alloy11
On the promotion of serrated flows and shear band behaviors in a Zr-based metallic glass during ultrasonic vibration nanoindentation11
Glass formability of the Tb–Ni binary alloys and the magnetic properties of the Tb65Ni35 metallic glass11
Achieving high porosity and large recovery strain in Ni-free high Zr-containing Ti-Zr-based shape memory alloy scaffolds by fiber metallurgy11
Effect of Mn content on microstructure and transformation behavior of TiZrHfNiCoCu multi-component high-entropy shape memory alloys11
A novel Zr-based Zr47Ti29Ni21V3 amorphous brazing filler metal for high toughness and strength joining of Ti6Al4V alloy11
Microstructural evolution of Al–15Fe alloy produced by mechanical milling and centrifugal atomization11
Investigation of the itinerant metamagnetic system Hf0.75Ta0.25Fe2 under extreme conditions of pressure or magnetic field11
Fast increase in ductility and strength of Zr-based bulk amorphous alloys induced by intermittent high-frequency vibration loading11
A new criterion for glass-forming ability based on both devitrification and solidification processes11
Editorial Board11
A comparative study of magnetic behaviours in bulk and ribbon samples of PrMn2Ge2 compound11
Boron-induced microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of in situ Ti-based bulk metallic glass composites11
Optimization of HVOF spraying parameters for enhanced Fe-based amorphous coatings: A taguchi approach11
Synergistic strengthening mechanisms of dual-phase CoCrFeMnNi high-entropy alloys with grain nano-gradient structure11
Thermoelectric properties of iso-valent Bi substituted n-type Ti2NiCoSnSb high entropy alloys11