
(The H4-Index of Intermetallics is 32. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Correlation of magnetocaloric effect through magnetic and electrical resistivity on Si doped Ni–Mn–In Heusler melt spun ribbon89
Effect of texture on mechanical anisotropy of Ti–47Al–2Cr-0.2Mo intermetallics84
Powder metallurgy process enables production of high-strength conductive Cu-based composites reinforced by Cu50Zr43Al7 metallic glass76
Effect of Re addition on microstructure, properties, and performance of AlMo0.5NbTa0.5TiZr refractory high entropy alloy66
Drastic enhancement in hot-workability and microstructural refinement of TiAl alloys via martensitic transformation: A comparative study54
The formation of glasses in Zr–Cu(Co, Ni)–Al systems: Development of a combined thermodynamics and geometrical model54
Enhanced glass forming ability and excellent saturation magnetic flux density by V addition in FeSiBPCCu amorphous/noncrystalline alloys52
Comparative analysis of nanoindentation-induced incipient deformation of zirconium-based bulk metallic glass in various structural states52
Making a coherent L12-nano-precipitates-reinforced Ni-based alloy ultrastrong and ductile by constructing dual heterogeneous structures51
Synthesis and study of TiMn2 intermetallic compound anode materials with different structures for zinc electrowinning48
Thermally induced microstructure evolution and effects on the corrosion behaviors of AlFeSi metallic glass coatings47
Influence of high-temperature annealing on structure of titanium aluminide materials obtained by combustion and high-temperature shear deformation47
Effects of rare-earth element Y content on the microstructure and properties of quinary Al–Ni–Zr–Co–Y high entropy metallic glasses47
Influence of the precipitates on the shape memory effect and superelasticity of the near–eutectoid Ti–Au–Fe alloy towards biomaterial applications46
Observation of outstanding magnetocaloric effect near room temperature in a Fe88Ce5Pr2B5 amorphous alloy45
Joining of β-γ TiAl alloys containing high content of niobium by pulse current diffusion bonding45
Searching for magnetic high entropy alloy treasure in CoCr FeNiQ44
Microstructure and properties of intermetallic compounds of W/Ni/Ta diffusion couple41
Tensile mechanical properties of CoCrFeNiTiAl high entropy alloy via molecular dynamics simulations41
Assessment of the capability of Zr, Y, La, Gd, Dy, C, and Si to enhance the creep strength of gamma titanium aluminide alloys based on their effect on flow stress and thermal activation parameters39
Study on lattice discreteness effect on superdislocation core properties of Ni3Al by improved semi-discrete variational Peierls-Nabarro model38
Enhanced fracture toughness stability of (B,Y)-contained TiAl-based alloy prepared by cold crucible directional solidification38
Preliminary study of the effect of Sn addition on microstructure and creep resistance of a β-solidifying TiAl alloy36
Editorial Board36
Lithium insertion/extraction mechanism in Mg2Sn anode for lithium-ion batteries36
Microstructure and properties of high-strength and high-conductivity Cu-2.5Fe-0.2Si-0.3Mg-0.3Cr-0.1Zr-0.2Y alloy35
Experimental determination and thermodynamic reassessment of the Al–Cr–Ru ternary system34
Gas tungsten arc welding of a multiphase CoCuxFeMnNi (x=20,30) high entropy alloy system: Microstructural differences and their consequences on mechanical performance34
The scandium effect in Gd-rich BMGs: How and why does this ingredient work better than others?34
Understanding the initiation and propagation of shear bands of amorphous Ca65Mg15Zn20 alloy by tracing method33
Improving the strength of Al0.3CoCrFeNi high-entropy alloy via induing dual-heterogeneous microstructure by aging treatment32
Effect of aging temperature on microstructure and mechanical properties of Fe–Ni–Cr–Al high entropy alloy32
Micromechanical study of strengthening mechanisms for Ti65(AlCrNb)35 medium-entropy alloy32
L12-phase nano-structures and their stabilities in dilute Al–Zr–Y alloys: A first-principles study32
Generalized stacking faults energies of face-centered cubic high-entropy alloys: A first-principles study32
Multiple cycles of combined cold rolling and short-time annealing on the microstructure and properties evolution of NiAl bronze32